American Language (138 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

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For the statistics of publications throughout this Appendix I am indebted to N. W. Ayer & Sons Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals; Philadelphia, annually. The population figures are from Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930: Population, Vol. II; Washington, 1933.

The First Book in Hawaiian; Honolulu, 1930.

November, 1903.

In The Hawaiian Language: Its Modern History as a Means of Communication, kindly placed at my disposal by the author.

For the loan-words and the sentences I am indebted to the Rev. Henry P. Judd, associate secretary of the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. I also owe thanks to Professor N. B. Beck, of the University of Hawaii, and to Mr. Carl S. Carlsmith, of Hilo.

The best account of it is to be found in The Dialect of the English Gypsies, by B. C. Smart and H. T. Crofton, 2nd ed.; London, 1875.

I take this from The English Gypsies and Their Language, by Charles G. Leland, 4th ed.; London, 1893, p. 208.

The Language of the Pennsylvania German Gypsies, by Henry W.


Because they are so seldom encountered in publications in English, the non-English terms listed in the Appendix are here omitted. But non-English proper names are included. Verbs are indicated by the preposition of the infinitive. In virtually every other case the character of the word is obvious.

a, 320, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343, 344, 346, 348, 351, 359, 366, 367, 368, 369, 371, 377, 381, 383, 389, 390, 391, 402, 404, 405, 441, 446, 468, 471, 613; -a, 347, 549; a-, 161; ä, 490; à, 382; å, 490

A 1, 208

A.A.A., 209

Aaron, 535

Abalina, 512

Abarbanel, 501

Abbott, 496

Abbud, 496

Abe, 519

Abednego, 515

aber nit, 157, 566

Abolena, 524

abolitionist, 148

about, 468

about to go, 201

above, 399

Abraham, 496, 507, 508, 535

absorbable, 118

absquatulate, to, 145

abuv, 399

acceptress, 75

accession, to, 196

acclimated, 325

accommodation-train, 146

accompaniment, 118

accouchement, 304

accumulator, 236

ace, 182, 573; -high, 191

achiev, 401

acromatic, 118

achtel, 250

acidulous, 118

acre, 383, 384, 386

activ, 401, 403

actorine, 180

actual, 352

Ad, 519

ad, 170, 183, 401, 403

Ada, 529

Adam, 515, 519, 535

Adam-and-Eve, to, 561

adamic, 75

Adamoviĉ, 490

Adams, 490, 498

ad-club, 170; -man, 170;

-rate, 170; -writer, 170

addition, 120

address, 325

addrest, 402, 403

adelantado, 153

Adelloyd, 521

Adgurtha, 522

adhesiveness, 118

adioyne, 379

adjoin, 379

adjunct professor, 242

adjutancy, 118

adjutant, 283

administration, 245

Admire, 505

admire, to, 25

admissibility, 118

admit, to, 199

admitted to the bar, to be, 246

Adnelle, 521

adobe, 152

adopted, 245

Adrielle, 521 699

adult, 325, 329

adultery, 310

adumbrate, 325

advance, 335

advanst, 403

advertisement, 324, 406

advertising-engineer, 290; -engineer, 289

advertize, 402

advice, 394

adviser, to women students, 242

advisory, 118

advize, 402

advocate, to, 7, 117, 118, 120

adze, 128, 393

ae, 405; -ae, 347; æ, 401

A.E.F., 209

aerocade, 179

æsthete, 390

æsthetic, 390

aetaernall, 379

æther, 390

ætiology, 390, 411

affetuoso, 75

affiliate, to, 141

Affinity, 537

Aframerican, 171

after, 335

aftr, 404

again, 339

against, 339

Agamemnon, 523

agast, 402, 406

agathokakological, 117

agenda, 220, 239

Agenora, 524

agent, 278

aggravate, to, 141, 165, 168

aghast, 406

agile, 341

ag’in, 161

Agiochook, 532

Agnes, 509

a-going, 443

agree with, to, 215

ah, 328, 335, 337, 343, 344, 349, 404

ahead, 352

ahem, 352

a-holt, 438

ahoy, 352

Ah there, my size, I’ll steal you, 566

ai, 341

aid, 182, 199

aigle, 214

aile, 406

Aileen, 510

Aili, 510

Ails, 524

Ainse, 482

ain’t, 51, 160, 202, 360, 377, 425, 445, 470

ain’t got, 420

ain’t-supposed-to-itis, 179

air, to, 199, 586

air, 181; -conditioned, 181; conscious, 181; -cooled, 181; -hostess, 181; -line, 146; -liner, 181; -minded, 181; -monkey, 583; -rodeo, 181

aisle, 236, 406; -manager, 284

aislick, 110

aker, 383, 384, 386

Åkerberg, 490

Aklus, 522

Akron, 542; -ian, 549; -ite, 549

Al, 183

al, 468

Alabama, 337, 339

Alabamian, 548

alabastine, 173

Alamagordo, 534

Alan, 507

alarm, 415

alarmist, 101

alarum, 415

alas, 614

Alaska, 339

Albanian, 548

Albert, 482, 511, 515

Albrecht, 482

Albright, 482

Albuquerque, 541; -an, 549

alcalde, 152

alcohol-lamp, 233

alderman, 116

ale, 600

Alexander, 515

Alexandria, 530

Alf, 519

alfabet, 402, 403

alfalfa, 152, 263

alfalfy, 360

Alferita, 524

Alfred, 513

Algeier, 483

Algernon, 518

Algire, 483

Alhambra, 534

alibi, 210

Alice, 506

Alimenta, 524

all, 159, 401

all aboard, 239

Allard, 516

allay-foozee, 160

Allegany, 539

Alleghany, 539

Allegheny, 528, 539

allemande, 296

Allen, 506, 524

all-fired, 316

Allgeier, 483

Allgeiger, 483

Allgeyer, 483

Allgire, 483

Alligator, 536

alligator, 112, 372

all of, 252

allons, 75

allot upon, to, 99

allow, to, 100

alloy, 325

all right, 253

allrightest, 463

allrightsky, 222

all set, 262

allus, 359

ally, 325

Allyn, 507

Alma, 529

alma mater, 338, 347

almond, 337

almoner, 248

almost, 468

alms, 292, 328, 337, 349

aloha, 373

aloof, 344

alphabetical soup, 209

alright, 96, 396, 407

Alt, 482

Altamont, 534

altar, 577

alter, to, 302

altho, 400, 402, 403

aluminium, 396, 415

aluminum, 396, 415

alumnae, 347, 401

alumnas, 413

alumni, 243

alumnis, 413

alumnuses, 413

Alves, 495

Alvez, 495

always, 468

Alžběta, 511

Am, 519

am, 427

Ama, 524

Åman, 490

amass, 334

amateur, 294, 352

ambassador, 395

ambish, 169, 222

ambition, to, 7, 119

Ambolena, 522

Ambrose, 519

ambulance, 288; -chaser, 246

ameed, to, 16

Amelia, 507, 519

Amélia, 509

amen, 268, 337, 338; -corner, 150

amendable, 118

American-bar, 292

Americanism, 6

Americanitis, 179

Americanize, to, 141

Americano, 75

Amerind, 171

Ames, 483

amigo, 153, 376

am not, 445

amœbas, 413

ampere, 559

ampico, 172

amusement-engineer, 290

an, 351; -an, 548, 549

Ana, 509

Anaca, 524

anæsthesia, 390, 393

analisis, 402

analysis, 210

analyzation-engineer, 290

Ananias-club, 174; -fest, 218

Anasagunticook, 531

Ånberg, 490

ancestor, 395

anchor her, to, 583

-ander, 491

Anders, 510

Andersohn, 477

Anderson, 477, 493, 494

Andersson, 477, 492

and how, 219, 222, 572

andiron, 128

Andrea, 509

Andreen, 491

Andrén, 491

Andresen, 477

Andrew, 510, 511, 515

Andrey, 510, 511

Andriessen, 477

Andy, 510

anecdote, to, 168

anesthetic, 394

aneurismal, 118

angel, 24; -food, 582

Angeleño, 550

Anglais, 110

angle, 210

angry, 143

Anheuser, 484

aniline, 155

animalize, 118

anlage, 220

Annabel, 507

Annamoriah, 537

Annapolitan, 549

Anne Arundel, 540

Annette, 507

Annie, 509

Annika, 524

announce, to, 220

announst, 403

A No. 1, 208, 570

anser, 403

anserd, 403

ant, 335, 336, 360

antagonize, to, 31, 118, 230

antennas, 413

anteriour, 380

ante up, to, 191

Anthracite, 536

anti-, 180; -bounce-clip, 237; Episcopalian, 181; -Federalist, 181; -fogmatic, 149; -suffragist, 181

Antiskid, 173

antithetical, 118

antmire, 302

Antone, 509

Antonietta, 509

Antonin, 511

Antonio, 508, 509

Antti, 493, 510

Anvil, 523

anxious-bench, 148, 150; -seat, 148, 150

any, 471

anything, 352

anyways, 204, 468

Anzonetta, 522

apartment, 233, 247

apartment-hotel, 233; -house, 233

Apathy, 505

Aphnah, 524

Apokeepsian, 550

apothem, 402

apparatus, 338

apparatuses, 413

appearance-engineer, 289

appellor, 118

appendic, 461

appendices, 412

appendictis, 341

appendixes, 412

apple, 336; -butter, 115; -fest, 218; -jack, 149; -knocker, 577; -pie, 85; -sauce, 263, 561

application-engineer, 291

appreciate, to, 7, 118

appreciation, 118

approach, 576

approbate, to, 128

ar, 399, 401, 403

Arab, 295, 560

aracoune, 104

arboreal, 395

arborescent, 118

arborization, 118

arbour, 395

arch, 614

Archambault, 495

Archie, 506

architect, 401

architecture, 382

Ardis, 522

ardor, 386

ardour, 395

are, 328, 349, 401, 427

a’ready, 352

are not, 428

aren’t, 202, 349, 428, 445

argify, to, 129

Arginta, 524

argon, 559

Arillah, 522

Arkansas, 541

Arkansawyer, 552

arkitecture, 382

Armand, 508

Armella, 522

Armina, 521

Armistead, 479

armoir, 214

armonica, 120

armory, 395

armour, 395

arms, 328, 349

Armstädt, 479

Arnold, 507

arnswer, 351

arrange, to, 302

Arrazeta, 521

arriv’d, 438

arroyo, 152

arse, 302, 308

art, 349

arterial road, 546

Arthur, 506, 515, 524

Artice, 524

ary, 129; -ary, 325

as, 458, 472

Asbury, 535

ascended, 604

ascertainable, 118

as cross as a b’ar with two cubs and a sore tail, 137

as drunk as a Pole, 296

ash-can, 115, 233; -cart, 233; -man, 233; -truck, 233

Ashshi, 496

as if, 203, 458

ask, 334, 335, 336, 352

Askew, 503

askt, 403

Åslund, 490

asp, 336

asphalt, 339, 389, 390

asphalte, 389, 390

ass, 302, 309

as scarce as hen’s teeth, 563

assistant-instructor, 242; -master, 241; -profes- 242; -treasurer, 289

associate-editor, 289; -professor, 242

associational, 98

ast, 352

as though, 203

at, 404

a tall, 471

at all, 471

ate, 431, 442, 614

athaletic, 353

Athan, 512

Athanasios, 512

Athenian, 551

Ather, 523

-ative, 325

Atlantans, 548

atomiser, 233

atta-boy, 263, 471, 564

attaché, 409; -case, 246

attack, to, 199

attackt, 428

attackted, 420, 428, 438

attend, to, 435

au, 335 336 360

Aubert, 516

Aubrey, 518

Audrivalus, 524

August, 505, 519

Augusta, 529

Ault, 482

aunt, 334, 335, 336, 338, 344, 349, 371

au revoir, 348

authentic, 343

author, to, 93, 192, 195

auto, 169, 170

auto, to, 191, 192

autocade, 179

autocar, 173

autocracy, 343

autogenius, 353

automobile, 233

automotive-engineer, 290

autsch, 158

autumn, 33, 42, 62, 128

Avaline, 521

avenue, 546, 547

average up, to, 198

Averill, 521

avigator, 179

aw, 335, 339, 343, 344

away, 256

a-wee, 378

awe-strickened, 193

awful, 466, 614

awfully, 210, 264

a.w.o.l. 209, 573

ax, 352, 386, 389, 394

axe, 389, 393

Axel, 510

axle-grease, 582

-ay, 347

Ayscough, 503

ayuntamiento, 153

az-nu, 407

b, 353, 368, 401, 402

baa, 349

babbling brook, 578

Babe, 523

babies’ class, 241

Baby, 519

baby-bound, 561

baby-carriage, 233, 256

baby-lifter, 583

bacardi, 173

bacaze, 339

baccaliaos, 373

bach, 482

bach, to, 192

Bache, 500

bachelor, 395

Bachmann, 479

bacillis, 413

bacillus, 155, 559

back, 115, 343; -country, 115; -field, 115; -garden, 250, 256; -land, 115; -lane, 115; -line, 115; -log, 115; -lots, 115; -number, 144, 187; settler, 115; -street, 115; -talk, 62, 144; -taxes, 144; -woods, 57, 115, 231; -yard, 250, 256

back, to, 199

back and fill, to, 142, 609

back and forth, 98

Back Bay Fens, 115

backbone, 145

Backhaus, 487

backside, 302

backslider, 74

backwardize, to, 193

back water, to, 142

bacterium, 155

bad, 25, 465

baddest, 463

Badeau, 495

bad-lands, 108, 263

bag, 308, 377

bagatel, 403, 406

bagatelle, 406

baggage, 85, 99, 102, 233, 254; -check, 146; -master, 146; -room, 146; -smasher, 146

bagoong, 373

bah, 349

bahay, 110

bah Jove, 269

bailee, 118

Bailey, 481

Bailey’s Switch, 529

bailif, 406

bailiff, 386, 406

bailment, 118

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