American Language (146 page)

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Authors: H.L. Mencken

BOOK: American Language
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hari-kari, 149

harken, 406

Harland, 481

Harlem, 532

harlot, 305, 309

harm, 334

harmonica, 120

harmonicon, 120

harmonika, 120

Harold, 506, 507, 515

harp, 295

Harper, 498

Harris, 496, 499

Harrison, 498

Harry, 507, 510, 511, 512, 513, 515, 519

Hart, 490

hart, 401, 600

Harte, 499

Hartford City, 529

harth, 401

Hartikainen, 492

Hartman, 492

Harvey, 507, 515

Harwick, 499

has, 375

has-been, 92

hash, 260

hashery, 176

hash-slinger, 187

has not, 469

hass, 375

Hassie, 521

Hastings, 508

hatateria, 177

hatatorium, 179

Hatch, 497

Hatetoleaveit, 546

hat-shop, 266

hatta, 443

hattery, 176

Hattie, 519

Hatton, 516

Hatzakordzian, 497

haul, to, 122, 124

haunch, 236

haunt, 344

hausfrau, 155

hav, 399, 401, 403

have, 251, 425, 441, 471

have, to, 432, 442, 443

have an ax to grind, to, 143

have got, 257, 443

have gotten, 257

have money in the stocks, to, 244

have not, 445

haven’t, 377, 445

have the brokers (or bailiffs) in, to, 244

have the floor, to, 142

have the goods, to, 565

Havre de Grace, 542

haw, 349

hawker, 234

Hawthorne, 503

hay-barrack, 108

haycock, 301

Hayseed Center, 554

haystack, 301

H-bone, 236

he, 448, 451, 458, 461

head, 183, 243, 383, 384; -cheese, 86; -electrician, 289; -guy, 254; -master, 241, 268; -mistress, 241

headache, 560

head-guy, 254

headlights, 582

headlineitis, 179

headliner, 236

healthatorium, 179

healtheteria, 177

healthful, 203

health-mobile, 180

healthy, 203

he am, 363

he-and-she, 460

heap big chief, 150

here to, 432

hear, hear!, 252

hearing, 350

hearken, 406

hearse, 287, 406, 583

heat, 580

heat, to, 432

heaten, 432

heaten, to, 432

heath, 115

heave, to, 432

Heber, 516

he-biddy, 302

Hebrew, 249, 297, 298, 525; -comedian, 297; -holidays, 297; -rabbi, 297

Hector, 523

hed, 381, 383, 384, 401, 403

Hedison, 497

Heditzian, 497

Hedvig, 510

heeler, 167

heer, 460

heerd, 432

hefer, 406

heft, to, 122, 124, 129

hefty, 124, 464

heheheh, 561

Heid, 483

heifer, 406

height, 353

heighth, 161

heights, 546

-heim, 500

-heimer, 219, 500

heinie, 110, 295

heinous, 383, 384

Heinrich, 505, 511

Heintz, 483

Heinz, 511

heir, 351

hekka, 373

held, 433

Helen, 507, 509, 511

Helena, 511

Helentzi, 522

Helga, 506

hell, 205, 305, 313, 318, 377

hell and high water, 314

hell and red niggers, 314

hell and scissors, 314

hell around, to, 314

hell-bender, 314

hell-bent, 314

hell-bent for election, 314

hell-box, 144

hellcat, 305

hellenium, 171

hell-fired, 316

hell-for-leather, 314

Hell-For-Sartain, 536

Hell-Gate, 532

helliferocious, 568

hellion, 140, 314

hellishing, 314

hell-raiser, 314

hell-roaring, 140, 314

hell-robber, 150

hell to pay, 314

helluva, 316

Helm, 490

Helma, 510

help, 69, 98, 101, 228, 292

help, to, 433

helped, 433

help make, to, 229

helpt, 402

Help Wanted, 228

helt, 360, 433, 438

helter-skelter, 126

helth, 403

hem, 411, 452, 460

he-man, 96

hemidemisemiquaver, 250

hemlock, 124

Hen, 519

Hence, 519

hence, 467, 468

Henderson, 519

Hendricksen, 481

hendy, 365

hen-party, 86

Henrik, 510

Henriola, 522

Henry, 505, 507, 510, 515, 519

heo, 448

heom, 445

heora, 448

he-or-she, 460

her, 448, 451, 454, 455, 456

Herald, 516

heraus mit ihm, 157

herb, 351, 375

Herbert, 507

Herchheimer, 479

here, 448, 467, 600

her ear, 350

here’bouts, 468

heren, 448

Her Excellency, 277

Herkimer, 479

Herman, 513

Hermosa Beach, 534

hern, 432, 448, 456

hernia, 307

heroic, 351

herring choker, 296

Herrmann, 505

herse, 406

herun, 448

hes, 460

he’s, 461

hesh, 175, 460

hesped, 217

het, 432

het up, 432

heurack, 159

hev, 360, 365

hex, 159

hex-doctor, 159

hez, 460

hi, 406

hiccup, 402

hick, 263, 566, 576

hickory, 104

hid, 433

hidden, 428, 433

hide, to, 433

hide-out, 580

hie, 448

high-ball, 149, 236, 583

high-binder, 162, 263

high-boot, 233

high-brow, 186, 227, 230, 232

high-brown, 296

highfalutin, 143, 231

Highfield, 491

high-hat, 560

Highland, 536

Highlandtown, 553

high-liner, 583

high-school, 241

high-steppingest, 463

high steward, 242

Highstone, 485

High street, 547

high-tone, 464

high-toned, 464

Highwater, 524

high-yellow, 296

hi-jack, to, 578

hike, 151, 656

Hill, 492

hill, to, 16

hill-side, 99

him, 448, 451, 454, 455, 456, 459

him-and-her, 460

himer, 460; -himer, 500

Himself, 525

himself, 459

Hines, 483

hir, 460

Hiram, 515

hired-girl, 116, 266

hired-man, 116

hire-purchase system, 235

hire system, 235

his, 383, 448, 461

His Eminence, 282

hiser, 460

His Excellency, 275, 277, 282

His Grace, 282

His Highness, 275

His Honor, 277

His Lordship, 279, 282

hisn, 22, 359,448,451

his-or-her, 460

hisself, 459

hist, to, 161, 346, 433, 578

histed, 433

historic, 351

hist’ry, 353

His Worship, 279

hit, 360

hit, to, 199, 433, 440

hit-and-run, 585

Hitchcock, 308

hitched, 38, 609

Hite, 483

hither, 467, 468

hit the bricks, to, 581

hit the ceiling, to, 198

hit the grit, to, 583

hit the pipe, to, 564

hiz, 383

hj, 490

Hjalmar, 510

Hjelm, 490

Hjort, 490

ho, 401

hoacky, 206

hoar, 349

hoarding, 86, 95, 235, 266

Hobbes, 488

Hobbs, 488

hobo, 37, 188, 191, 565, 581

Hoboken, 553

Hobson, 489

Hobza, 488

Hoch, 482

hoch, 157

hock, 240, 402

hockey, 406

hocky, 406

Hodge, 252

Hoeber, 480

hoe-cake, 102, 114, 115

hoed, 401

hoek, 532

hofbräu, 347, 409

Hoffman, 487

hog, 582, 583

hog, to, 93, 95

Hogan, 514

hogan, 151

hog-expert, 291

Hog-Eye, 554

Högfelt, 491

hoggish, 466

hoghead, 582, 583

Hog Heaven, 554

hog-wallow, 102, 114

Hohokus, 553

hoist, 346

hoist, to, 433

hoisting-engineer, 346

Hoke, 482, 522

hokum, 188, 189, 191

hola, 376

hold, 352

hold, to, 433, 438

hold on, 158

hold on, to, 99

hold out, to, 191

hold-up, 37, 167, 227, 232

hold up, to, 557

hold with, to, 215

hole, 119, 580

Holger, 510

Holič, 486

holiday, 237

holiday, to, 195

holla, to, 142

hölle, 602

holler, 353

holler, to, 142, 433

hollered, 433

holloa, to, 142

holloe, to, 142

hollow, 115

hollow, to, 142

hollow ware, 27

Holm, 510

holmendods, 577

Holmgrain, 491

holo, to, 142

holow, to, 142

holsum, 406

holt, 352

holy catfish, 514

holy gee, 316

holy Jesus, 316

Holy Joe, 573

holy jumping Jesus, 316

holy orders, 249

holy-roller, 250

ho-made, 406

hombre, 152, 153

homely, 86, 128, 251

Homer, 515, 517

homer, 191

Homera, 522

home-run, 191

homesickness, 155

home-spun, 128, 231

home-stretch, 144

homicidious, 16

hominy, 100, 105

Homo boobiens, 560

Homo boobus, 560

homologize, to, 119

homosexuality, 311

hon, 170

Hon., the, 266, 275, 277, 278, 279

hon. agent, 278

hon. and gallant member, 294

hon. and learned member, 294

honest, 351

honeyfogle, to, 142

honeyteria, 177

hon. gentleman, 275

honky-tonk, 263, 564

hon. lady, 294

hon. member, 276, 294

honneur, 384

Honolulu, 541

honor, 351, 383, 384, 386, 390, 402

honorarium, 396

honorary, 278, 395, 396

honoree, 180

honorific, 396

honors, 268

honour, 383, 395, 396

honourable, 396

honours, 242

Hoober, 480

hooch, 149, 221, 263

hoochfest, 218

hood, 236, 237

hoodlum, 37, 167

hoodoo, 113

hoof, 344

hoof, to, 585

Hoofer, 480

hoofer, 586

Hoogsteen, 485

hooiberg, 108

hook, 108, 109, 115, 532

Hook Mountain, 532

hoop, 344

hoopla, 584

hoosegow, 221, 557, 558

Hoosier, 101, 552, 553, 570

hoosier, 580

hootch, 263

hoov, 461

Hoover, 480

hooverize, to, 193

hooves, 344

hop, 162, 183, 343

Hope, 511, 516

hop-head, 186

hop-pillow, 162

Hopson, 489

Hořčička, 488

Horicon, 532

hornswoggle, to, 142, 145, 568

horror, 389, 395

horse-engineer, 290

horse of another color, 101

horse-opera, 587

horse’s caboose, 301

horse-sense, 144, 227

horse’s neck, 149

Horsethief, 536

Horton, 503

Horvath, 496, 507

hose, 302

hospice, 301

hospital, 351

hospitalization-engineer, 290

hospitalize, to, 193

hospital nurse, 240

hoss, 129, 350, 523

host, to, 195

hostil, 401, 403

hostile, 341

hostler, 351, 393

hot, 252; -air, 227; -box, 147; -cake, 231; -dog, 186; -dog-engineer, 290; -mamma, 305; -seat, 581; -spot, 186; -squat, 581; -stuff, 582; -tamale, 152

Hot Coffee, 536

hotel, 351

hotelette, 292

Hot moon, 106

hot patootie, 259

hotter’n, 464

hour, 351

house, 247, 414

house, to, 194

house and lot, 121

household-engineer, 290

housekeep, to, 192

house-lot, 121

Houseman, 485

house-master, 268

house of detention, 293

house of ill repute, 304

house of questionable repute, 304

house of refuge, 292

housing-expert, 291

Houston, 540

Hovanesian, 497

hove, 432

Hover, 480

how, 25

Howard, 516

Howarth, 496

How did you get that way?, 566

How’d you like to be the ice-man?, 566

Howland, 499

Hoyt, 492

Hrdlička, 488

Hřebec, 486

Hryhory, 511

Hub, 553

hub, 98

hubbub, 564

Huber, 480

Hubsy, 488

huckleberry, 114

huckster, 234

Hudson-pup, 579

Huerlin, 490

huero, 153

hug, 447

Huisman, 485

Hulda, 506

human-engineer, 290

humble, 351

humbug, 99, 126, 373

humgig, 118

humility, 351

humor, 351

humorous, 395

humour, 395

hump, 585

hun, 183, 295

hunderd, 353

hunderder, 398

hundred and twenty-eighth note, 250

hung, 432

Hungarian cuisine, 299

hunger, 374

hungry, 374

hunker, 99

hunkie, 295

hunkydory, 145

Hunter, 513

hunting, 236, 252

Hunting moon, 106

hupmobile, 173

Hurayz, 496

Hurbick, 486

hurl, 184

hurrah, 360

hurricane, 231

hurry up, 198

hurry up, to, 198

-hurst, 546

hurt, 320

hurt, to, 433, 440

hurtle, 184

hurtleberry, 114

hush-money, 566

hussy, 309

hustle, to, 128, 227

hustler, 231

hut, 583

huzzy, 305

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