American Blue (9 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

Tags: #Adult, #BDSM, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Pornography, #Sex, #Sexuality, #Spanking, #Thriller, #Wine Merchants

BOOK: American Blue
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Becky’s hand moved to my bottom, stroking gently and I gave an encouraging little wiggle. She began to spank and I was truly in heaven, licking one beautiful, silver-haired angel as her twin sister spanked my fat white bottom. I came, unable to hold myself back any longer, and this time my orgasm was far more satisfying. My whole body went tight, then into powerful contractions, my bottom cheeks squeezing and my pussy and bumhole starting to pulse. Becky laughed as she saw what I was doing and called me a slut, which pushed me higher still, wave after wave of ecstasy running through me as I licked her sister’s pussy just as hard as I possibly could.

Bobby had grabbed my hair, holding me firmly in place, and she was coming too, her thighs squeezing my head as it began. For one beautiful moment we were coming together, but my own orgasm broke as I concentrated on her, only to rise again to one final, delicious peak as Becky gave my bottom a sudden volley of unexpectedly hard slaps. I thought I’d faint, so hard was my head squashed between Bobby’s thighs, but her muscles went limp as her orgasm died and I pulled back, gasping.

I was in a thoroughly lewd position, naked on all fours with my bottom lifted and spread towards the door, my cheeks red with spanking, my pussy sodden with my own juice and my face plastered with Bobby’s, so it was just as well that Hudson had the decency to knock on the door before coming in, although there was no hiding what we’d been up to.


days seemed to pass in moments. With Hudson around the girls were a great deal nicer to me, reserving their cruelty for when they could get me alone. I didn’t complain; I was far past the point where I minded being made to practise in nothing but my panties. My own outfit arrived on the morning of the match, after the fresh humiliation of being measured by Tiffany and having her call out the measurements of my bust and hips to Hudson’s ancient Jewish tailor, who kept shaking his head and remarking on the difficulty of cutting shorts to fit a fuller bottom. I’m not really big at all, by average standards, and certainly not by average American standards, but from the way they behaved you’d have thought my bottom was the size of a prize pumpkin.

Dressed up, I looked every bit as ridiculous as I had expected, and was actually grateful that the absurd bunny mask hid my features. Not that the costume was badly made, far from it, but the top was so tight it made me look as if I had a pair of furry pink breasts, while the shorts left more of my bottom cheeks poking out around the sides than they covered, and fitted my form so perfectly that I might as well not have bothered. Watching the way the other girls’ tails bobbed as they moved had already given me a good
of how comic they looked, but the tailor had made mine nearly twice the size of everybody else’s, and explained laughingly that it needed to be in proportion to my bottom.

As I stood in the middle of the team room, feeling impossibly foolish, all seven of the other girls were giggling openly, but Hudson seemed to find the way I looked genuinely appealing.

‘Knock it off, you girls,’ he said with a chuckle, ‘she looks cute, very cute. Turn around, Penny.’

I obeyed, turning slowly to show off my rear view, although he could see perfectly well in the mirror. He gave a pleased nod and carried on.

‘You have no equal, Joseph.’

‘It’s a simple thing,’ the tailor answered, spreading his hands.

‘To you, maybe,’ Hudson answered, and made the briefest hesitation before he continued. ‘I assume you’ll say thank you nicely to Mr Levy, Penny?’

‘Thank you very much, Mr Levy,’ I said, trying to sound sincere, though I had already thanked him when he first gave me the costume.

Hudson coughed and gave me a meaningful look. I glanced back, puzzled, only for my mouth to fall slowly open as I realised what he meant.

‘It’s OK,’ Hudson assured me. ‘He’s one of us.’

I made to speak, meaning to point out that just because Mr Levy was part of his little mafia of sexual perverts didn’t mean that I was obliged to say thank you in the way he meant, let alone like it, but Tiffany got in first.

‘Don’t be a bitch, Penny, how much fun do you think the old guy gets?’

‘Did you do it?’ I demanded, my outrage overcoming my instinctive deference to her.

‘No,’ she answered, ‘but I’m not a little fuck slut like you, am I?’

‘Maybe for girls …,’ I began, now bright red as both Rebecca and Roberta nodded their agreement with Tiffany.

‘Go on, Penny, have a heart,’ Jemima urged, trying to stifle her giggles at the prospect of me pleasuring Mr Levy.

I glanced around, hoping for support from at least one of them. There was none, and if anything their expressions seemed to suggest that I was the one being unreasonable. Sometimes there’s just no getting out of it.

‘Oh, very well!’ I snapped. ‘But honestly!’

Mr Levy himself had remained completely impassive during our exchange, except for the slow movement of his small yellow eyes from speaker to speaker as we argued. His mouth was little more than a larger wrinkle among the many, and now it twitched slowly up at the corners as I took him by the hand.

‘Come on then,’ I said with a sigh.

Hudson and the girls were cheering and clapping as I led Mr Levy into my bedroom. He was at least clean, with just a faint scent about him, the sort you get in an old-fashioned milliner’s, and also polite.

‘This is very kind of you, my dear,’ he said as I shut the door. ‘How would you like me?’

‘I’ll kneel and suck your penis,’ I offered, keen to make the best of the situation by adopting a submissive pose but not willing to be fucked.

‘Very kind,’ he repeated and sat down on the edge of my bed. ‘Oh no, just the way you are, please.’

I’d been about to take off my bunny mask, assuming he’d want me nude or at least topless, but stopped, telling myself that if he wanted a blow-job from a giant pink bunny rabbit then that was his problem.

‘Take it out then,’ I told him.

‘Certainly, certainly,’ he said, tugging at his fly as I got down on my knees.

He pulled his cock out, thick and as wrinkly as his hands and face, but with a big pink helmet sticking up where his foreskin had been removed. I looked at it and, as always when I have to suck cock, found myself wondering how any woman in the entire history of mankind had ever voluntarily allowed a man to put his penis in her mouth. Yet at the same time I could feel a rising desire to suck on the hideous thing until my eyes popped.

That’s just instinct, and I was still feeling very put upon as I took hold of it and popped it into my mouth, but a great deal of my resentment came from knowing perfectly well that I’d enjoy doing it. Hudson and Tiffany had told me to, after all, which meant that I’d been made to do it, made to suck an old man’s cock to say thank you for something I’d never asked for in the first place.

It was a deliciously humiliating situation, and as he began to grow in my mouth the temptation to slip a hand between my thighs was rising, even to let him fuck me in my little bunny costume. I could already imagine how I’d look, on my knees with my bum in the air, my ridiculous ears jumping and my bunny tail bobbing back and forth as he thrust into me from behind, his cock stuck in through the slit in my shorts.

I closed my eyes, imagining how dirty I’d look in my absurd little costume as an old man fucked me from the rear. He had quite a nice cock too, big now that he was hard, and with a particularly fat head, which always feels nice as it pops in and out of the mouth of my pussy. I had to do it, and really it made no difference when I’d already sacrificed so much of my dignity.

‘Would you like to go further?’ I asked, pulling back and taking his cock in my hand.

‘As you please, my dear,’ he offered.

‘Take me from behind,’ I told him. ‘I’ll go on the bed.’

I scrambled on to the bed even as he got up, positioning myself on all fours with my bottom stuck out over the edge. He licked his lips at the sight, holding his cock as he got behind me. I felt the slit of my bunny shorts pulled open, exposing my pussy and bumhole to his gaze and to his cock. Had he tried to bugger me I wouldn’t have resisted, but he was content with the easier hole, popping his fat cock head into the mouth of my cunt and sliding himself deep.

He was slow, as older men usually are, easing himself unhurriedly in and out of my hole as he fondled my furry bottom and admired his view of my body and my costume. It felt every bit as good as I’d anticipated, and to make things better I could see our reflection in the wardrobe mirror, a fat-bottomed little bunny-girl being fucked doggy-style by the dirty old bastard who’d made my costume. I had to come over the sight, and before he did.

‘Let me play with myself,’ I instructed, parting my knees a little more and pushing my bottom back against his body.

The slit in the costume was just right, allowing me to get at my clit and masturbate while I was fucked, no doubt on purpose. I found my button and began to rub, my eyes fixed on the mirror. My tail was wobbling, both to his thrusts and the motion of my fingers, while with each push the meat of my bottom squashed out and my tummy and tits gave a little shiver. It was wonderfully rude, both silly and obscene, the way I like it best, and as I began to rub harder I was hoping he’d fill me with spunk at the exact moment I came, or better still, pull out and do it all over my fat, furry bottom and into my slit so that I could watch.

I was panting, near to orgasm, and yet he was still easing himself slowly in and out, enjoying his fuck and the state he’d got me in. For a moment I stopped, telling myself I should hold back, but I couldn’t do it, and my fingers went straight back on my cunt, to touch the junction between his cock and my hole, then to rub. I came, an explosion that began with the first touch to my clit and sent me into a gasping, shivering orgasm, throughout which he continued to pump slowly into me.

It left me weak, and his cock slipped free as my knees slid apart. Two quick breaths and I turned, to find it sticking up from his fly, glistening with my juice, which I licked up eagerly before taking him back in my mouth. He sat down, his own breathing now heavy, and I crawled around to get to him, kneeling on the bed as I sucked his cock. His hand found my bottom, kneading my cheeks before slipping into the slit of my costume.

A finger slid up my pussy, another began to tickle my bumhole and I took him in hand, masturbating him into my mouth in absolute abandon, all thoughts of my shame forgotten. He gave a single, long groan, his cock jerked and he’d come, filling my mouth with salty, slimy spunk, which I did my best to gulp down in a final act of obedience and submission before I pulled back. He smiled.

‘Thank you, my dear,’ he said. ‘Er … you have a little of my spend on your chin.’

‘Thank you,’ I echoed, wiping off the offending blob of come and eating it, ‘and thank you for fucking me so nicely.’

‘Slow but steady,’ he said with a chuckle, ‘the old ones are always the best.’

It had been nice, but that did nothing to dilute my embarrassment as we left my bedroom. They all knew what I’d done, more or less, clapping and cheering as
had when I’d agreed to do it, but also laughing. Jemima in particular didn’t seem able to hold her giggles in, and I found myself checking to see if there was any more come on my face. There wasn’t, and while I could see that they might find the idea of me surrendering myself to Mr Levy amusing, their reaction seemed a bit over the top.

‘What’s so funny?’ I demanded.

‘Just that you went for it,’ Tiffany answered me. ‘Hudson said you would, but I didn’t believe him. Now we know, eh, girls? What a slut!’

I’d gone beetroot, and couldn’t speak for a moment as the reality of what they’d done to me sank in. They were all laughing at me, even Mr Levy giving a dry chuckle, and although Hudson put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a comforting squeeze I was left feeling as if I’d shrunk to the size of a mouse. Yet in a deeper, still clear part of my mind I understood exactly what was happening. Since being in New York I’d been in an almost permanent state of submission, and it had got to me to the extent that I was susceptible to any order, any suggestion. Hudson at least understood, interrupting when Talana began to clap her hands and chant the word ‘slut’ over and over with the intention of having the others join in.

‘Give the little doll a break,’ he boomed. ‘She’s in sub-space.’

Talana obviously didn’t know what he was talking about, but stopped anyway. Hudson spread his hands for silence, which he got immediately.

‘OK, girls, enough fooling around. Today’s the day, and we need to be ready for those Bitches. Go and get some rest, all of you, and meet up at the back. Seventeen hundred hours, and do not be late.’

The girls began to disperse, in ones and twos, although from what I caught of their conversation
and the Princess at least seemed to think that a shopping trip counted as rest. I didn’t have to worry, as I wasn’t actually playing, and decided to follow suit, only for rather different purposes. Once I’d left New York it seemed unlikely that I’d have a chance to buy a new pussy pump, and despite all the attention I’d been getting I was missing the sensation badly, while what I’d done with the twins and with Mr Levy would have been even more exquisitely humiliating with my sex lips swollen.

Hudson directed me to a shop in Greenwich Village, just a few blocks away, and I walked down. I managed to buy my pussy pump without getting spanked or fucked or being forced to suck the shop assistant off, and their manner was so urbane that the experience wasn’t even particularly embarrassing. It was a good one too, a deluxe model with a flexible rim to ensure it would cup me fully, and an adjustable pressure valve so that I would be able to have much better control.

I was looking forward to using it, but I also wanted to explore, and having come with Mr Levy I chose the second option. There was a lot to see, and long before I got to my objective, which was the Brooklyn Bridge, I realised that if I didn’t turn back I was going to be late. Hudson had hired a minibus as we were playing at somewhere called Greenwood Hall, but I had no idea where it was and as my presence was hardly important I was sure he’d leave without me if I wasn’t there on time.

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