American Blue (11 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

Tags: #Adult, #BDSM, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Pornography, #Sex, #Sexuality, #Spanking, #Thriller, #Wine Merchants

BOOK: American Blue
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‘Off, both of you. Go and sit on your benches and cool your tails.’

Shana made to protest, but Bobby gave in straight-away, red-faced with anger and embarrassment as she hastily gathered up her torn costume and ran to us, whereupon Hudson put his coat around her shoulders. I gave her a kiss and would have cuddled up to her but for Hudson jerking a thumb towards the court.

‘Come on, Penny, you’re up!’

It was less than a minute since Bobby had been knocked over, and the implications hadn’t sunk in. Now they did, and I found myself staring numbly at the court, where Maria had already joined the Brooklyn Bitches and they were getting ready to restart. I had no choice but to step forward, to the position Bobby had been in, only for Tiffany to tell me sharply to move back as she motioned Jemima forward. Other than the vague outlines I’d picked up in training, and I hadn’t bothered to listen most of the time, all I knew was that the ball was supposed to go through the net at the far end of the court.

That was not enough. Within seconds I’d managed to commit a foul I didn’t even understand, and while the referee didn’t seem to care about girls ripping each other’s clothes off on the floor he definitely wasn’t inclined to go easy on me. I was also the shortest girl on the court, by at least five inches, and undoubtedly the least sporty. By the time the buzzer went for the third quarter our lead had fallen to just four points, but the referee declined Tiffany’s furious demands for Bobby to be allowed back on, threatening to send her off as well if she didn’t shut up.

All of them were glaring at me, even Jemima, and Hudson had his head in his hands, bringing me to the verge of tears as the game began once more. The others tried to avoid passing to me, but we were in a
, while the Bitches constantly got the better of us, until the scores were only two points apart, and Tiffany was yelling at us to put everything into defence.

Abi May was right next to me, about to throw the ball, but I couldn’t even have reached it as she poised herself, and in it went, unerringly aimed from half the length of the court. The scoreboard chimed and they were ahead, at fifty-eight to fifty-seven, and I was sure there could be only moments left before the end of the game.

The game started up one more time, there was a frantic scrabble in the middle of the court and the ball bounced loose, slowly and right into my hands, so that even I couldn’t drop it. Time seemed to slow, the screams of the girls hanging in the air as I lifted the ball, threw it high, and watched it sail clean over the net and the board behind, to land in the lap of a man dressed in a lime-green suit over a black shirt, just as the buzzer went to signal the end of the game.

We’d lost, by a single point, and I could only stare aghast at the scoreboard. It wasn’t my fault, not really. It was Talana’s for throwing a tantrum and not showing up. It was Melody’s for playing dirty. It was Bobby’s for getting into a fight. Somehow I knew that the others weren’t going to see it that way.


in turmoil, every man and woman on their feet, whooping with glee and yelling for the fucking to begin. I barely heard, standing dumbstruck where I had thrown the final shot and not knowing if I was going to burst into tears or hysterical laughter. Even as Buttman Bailey stepped out on to the court brandishing the six huge strap-ons in his fist it hardly seemed real, but my senses were slowly returning and I found myself trying to avoid the other girls’ eyes as we were ordered to get into a line on the floor.

‘Down you go!’ Buttman Bailey was calling. ‘Butts high, facing turn and turn about so everybody gets a good view. Come on, don’t be shy, you all know the rules!’

I’d never heard so much glee in a human voice, but his girls were no better. Shana had come back off the bench and was helping Melody buckle a strap-on into place, while Felicita already had hers on, poking up obscenely from beneath the front of her tiny skirt as she made rude gestures to the crowd, tugging on the shaft in imitation of a man masturbating.

Bobby tried to hold back, but they weren’t having it and two officials pushed her out on to the court, though they at least had the decency to leave her injured sister alone. Unfortunately that meant there
six of us and six of them, although I suspected that after my performance I would have been the first one put up for fucking and the last to be let off.

It was going to happen, that was all there was to it, and I got down on my knees next to Jemima. She gave me a dirty look, which I answered with a shrug, and stuck her bum up as she had been ordered to, a little exhibitionist even in defeat. I did the same, feeling immensely self-conscious as I felt my cheeks round and spread, with only the split crotch of my furry shorts to protect my rear view from the lecherous gaze of the audience.

The others had assumed the position too, all except Tiffany, who was still arguing with the referee, only to break off with a squeak as Shana took her by one ear and twisted. For a moment I thought there would be another fight, but Tiffany suddenly went limp, hanging her head as Shana let go.

‘On your knees, bitch,’ the black girl ordered. ‘You can suck my dick before I fuck you, and maybe it’ll go in up that tight cunt of yours a bit more easy.’

Tiffany’s face was working in fury as she got down on her knees, but she did as she was told, taking the thick black dildo which was poking up from under Shana’s skirt in her mouth and sucking on it exactly as if it had been a real cock. The cameraman zoomed in for a close-up, to leave no doubt whatsoever of what Tiffany was being made to do, then out again, to catch the expression on Shana’s face as she looked down at her defeated rival.

The crowd were quieter now, and I could imagine the sound of the drool running from their mouths as the girls of the Brooklyn Bitches closed in on us. Jessica was next to Tiffany and got taken by Mel, who seemed to have gained the position of Shana’s number two. I watched Jessica biting her lip in shame and
as the slit of her shorts was opened and the tip of the dildo put to her cunt, then her mouth spreading wide in sudden, helpless ecstasy as she was filled with eight inches of thick black shaft.

Next came the Princess, looking thoroughly sorry for herself as Bambi Bailey got behind her, then gasping in shock as the slit of her shorts was pulled wide to show off her cunt and anus to the jeering crowd.

‘That’s my girl!’ Buttman remarked, and stepped a little closer, looking on with an approving paternal grin as his daughter inserted her dildo deep into the Princess’s body.

Tiffany was still sucking, but was quickly put on her knees and entered, leaving four girls in a line with the dildoes working in their cunts. Abi May was already behind Bobby, our best player and theirs, but she was teasing her, with lubricant smeared between her victim’s cheeks as she rubbed the dildo up and down, so that when it finally went in there was a thick squelch. That left Jemima and me, kneeling for Felicita and Maria, who seemed in no great hurry, discussing the rival merits of our bottoms as they looked down on us.

‘The short one is fatter,’ Maria was saying, ‘and it will be nice to push against those big cheeks, but I don’t know, the other is perky, and so very young.’

‘Choose either,’ Felicita replied generously. ‘I will fuck the other, and perhaps after a while we will change places?’

Maria responded with a shrug and a smile, gave a last glance between me and Jemima and got down, right behind me. I braced myself, but couldn’t keep back a sob as the slit of my shorts was pulled wide to show me off. She held me like that, my bumhole and pussy on show to one entire side of the hall, inspecting me.

Jemima had simply been entered. Felicita got down on her knees, applied a dab of lubricant to both strap-on and cunt and pushed one up the other without ceremony. A little humiliation had shown in the set of Jemima’s mouth as she was prepared for entry, but as with Jessica it quickly gave way to pleasure, and she was already moaning and tossing her head when Maria put her strap-on to my pussy.

A fresh sob broke from my mouth as I felt myself stretch, which became a moan as I filled up, my pussy agape on the thick shaft as she began to pump into me, and I’d lost any chance of retaining a scrap of pride or dignity. It was too much, far too much. I was side by side with my niece, both of us being fucked by golden-skinned Hispanic girls, our cunts working to the motion of the dildoes as they pushed in and out, unable to restrain our gasps and pants for all the filthy display we were making of ourselves.

Nor were we the only ones. There were six of us, our bottoms lifted, our furry pink shorts open, the dildoes inside us as our conquerors amused themselves with our bodies, the crowd howling their approval and calling out obscene suggestions to the victorious Bitches. Then there were the cameramen, four of them, moving round us to record our shame from every possible angle, well back to take in the whole debauched panorama, close up to record our cunt mouths pulling in and out on the shafts of the dildoes, from behind and up the Bitches’ skirts, so that even they weren’t spared the worldwide display of their bottoms.

I could take it, abandoned to the pleasure of my fucking, but not quite enough to make me disgrace myself completely and put a hand back to my pussy. All I had to do was mark time, or so I thought, until Shana called out from the far end of the line.

‘OK, girls, up with their tops, let the boys see those titties!’

It had been rehearsed. As one they reached down to grab our bra tops. Shana called out ‘One! Two! Three!’ in a loud, clear voice full of sadistic glee, and my top was up, my titties swinging bare under my chest to the motion of my fucking, which had never so much as slowed.

The others were no better off than me, Jemima’s tiny boobs shivering to the thrusts, Bobby’s the same, the Princess’s bigger, heavier pair bouncing and slapping to the motion as Bambi Bailey pushed into her. Jessica and Tiffany I could barely see, but I knew they’d been bared too, and with the thought of the same humiliation being inflicted on all six of us simultaneously I gave in.

My hand went back to find the slit of my shorts, and my eager, greedy cunt within. I began to rub, circling my clit. Maria saw what I was doing and started to laugh. Felicita noticed, and others among the crowd as well, causing a ripple of amusement and excitement to run through them.

‘Look, the little fat one’s rubbing her cunt!’ somebody yelled, and a cameraman ducked down, filming me as I masturbated in front of five hundred people.

I was whimpering with shame even as I did myself, but I couldn’t stop. It was all too much for me, to be kneeling there in my absurd bunny costume, the last in a line of well-fucked girls, my own niece next to me, my bare titties swinging beneath me, my bottom squashing to Maria’s thrusts, my ridiculous rabbit ears waving to and fro, my stupid little tail bobbing above my spread cheeks, the juice from my cunt running down over my fingers. I hadn’t needed lubricating, not me, I’d been ready, like the filthy, grovelling little fuck slut I am …

My scream rang out around the hall as I came, louder even than the calls of my jeering audience. A second peak hit me and I screamed again, and a third time, before every last drop of energy in my body left me at the same instant and I slumped down, Maria’s dildo slipping from my body. As I collapsed to the floor my gaping hole closed with a loud fanny fart.

The next few moments passed in a haze. People were shouting and somebody had turned on some ear-splitting music. Hands gripped me and for one awful moment I thought we’d been thrown to the crowd, with five hundred or more men expecting to take turns with us, no doubt in every hole and in every way imaginable. The reality was almost as bad, with somebody twisting my arms up behind my back as another gripped me around the waist. I was protesting weakly and began to struggle as I realised it was Shana and Melody.

‘Hold her, Maria,’ Shana ordered, and my ankles were taken as well.

‘What are you doing!’ I gasped. ‘Get off! You’ve had me, haven’t you?’

‘Tiffany says we can have you for tonight,’ Shana answered me.

‘Maybe she does, but—’

My protest ended in a muffled grunt as something moist and faintly sour was thrust into my mouth, some girl’s panties. A piece of rope was looped around my head, holding whoever’s underwear it was firmly in my mouth, more circled my wrists and ankles, my thighs and midriff, and in double-quick time I’d been trussed up like a chicken ready for roasting, with my tits still out and the slit of my shorts open to show me off behind.

They picked me up bodily, ignoring my frantic wriggling, and began to carry me towards the door. I
desperately to signal to somebody, but it was no use. The other Tribeca Tails were standing up now, and watching, not just Tiffany, but all five in full approval of my kidnap, even Jemima. Nor was there the slightest hope of rescue from the crowd, who were clapping the Bitches and cheering them on as I was taken away. At the door I caught a last glimpse of Hudson, who appeared to be sharing a joke with Buttman Bailey, and then a bag was pulled over my head, blotting out the scene and most of the light.

I was still wriggling, but only succeeded in making them drop me, which hurt, and then I was bundled into the back of a van. We started almost immediately, the girls all around me laughing and joking, fondling my breasts and feeling the outline of my bottom through my shorts, slapping my thighs and cheeks, even fingering my pussy. I lay squirming on the floor, unable to stop it, not sure if I wanted it, full of arousal and panic and a dozen other emotions, my body sweaty and aching, my mouth full of the taste of one of my captors’ panties. She seemed to have wet herself before taking them off.

The ride wasn’t long, but I had no idea whatsoever where I was as they hoisted me out of the van. I heard one of them urge the others to silence, then a giggle and a thump as a door was pushed quickly open. There were stairs, another door, and I was thrown on a mattress, where I was left to writhe helplessly in my bonds while they popped the caps of beer bottles and lit up marijuana cigarettes, the sound and smells penetrating the bag over my head.

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