American Blue (7 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

Tags: #Adult, #BDSM, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Pornography, #Sex, #Sexuality, #Spanking, #Thriller, #Wine Merchants

BOOK: American Blue
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‘Buttman Bailey,’ Hudson explained, ‘and unless I’m very much mistaken that’s our very own Melody Rathwell over his lap. Let’s see.’

Jemima giggled as the video started to play, first showing Melody facing the camera and looking far from happy as she made an apology for her poor performance, apparently having netted only eight shots out of twenty. She was in her Bitches outfit, and as she turned she stuck out her bottom, causing her tiny skirt to lift and show off her full, black bottom cheeks, which she exposed completely as she tucked her skirt into its waistband. Buttman Bailey appeared and sat down on a chair, his knees extended to form a lap. Melody went surprisingly meekly, draping herself across his lap with her bottom lifted and holding her peace even when he pulled her cheeks apart to show off the jet black star of her anus and rich pink interior of her pussy to the camera.

‘She’s taking it very well,’ I said.

‘Buttman’s been spanking her since she was a teen,’ Hudson replied casually. ‘He and Morris go way back.’

I nodded, still surprised at Mel’s acquiescence to such a humiliating punishment, let alone on camera. He’d begun to spank her, his face split into a huge grin as he slapped her cheeks turn and turn about, all the while leaning out a little so that he could admire her bumhole and pussy while he punished her. She took it well, barely flinching even when he slipped a finger between her cheeks to tickle the black knot of her anal ring, but I could see the humiliation in her upside-down face, which was visible through her open legs.

The spanking wasn’t very long, or very hard, just enough to leave it firmly impressed on her mind that it had happened, which I know from long experience is often more than enough. When a man or a woman has spanked you, they have spanked you, and it can’t be undone even if you only submitted to a few swats on your clothing. It was rude too, and intimate exposure and touching during punishment can count for a lot.

‘That was great!’ Hudson declared, when he’d played the video clip a second time. ‘Let’s see who else got it.’

There were three other girls, two with honey-coloured skin and dark hair, presumably Hispanic, the third a leggy blonde, but in all three cases they went over the lap of a tall, powerfully built black girl who might very well have been the model for the cartoon on the front page. She spanked hard, and had picked up some habits from her coach, deliberately spreading the girls’ bottom cheeks to increase their humiliation before they were punished.

‘Shana Dodson,’ Hudson remarked. ‘Their captain.’

I nodded, imagining myself in the same humiliating position as the three girls, perhaps with my ridiculous
-tail shorts pulled open before a large strap-on was inserted up my pussy. The thought made me shiver.

‘I wish I could be spanked,’ Jemima said wistfully.

‘I’d be more than happy to oblige,’ I assured her.

‘Oh, no, you don’t,’ Hudson said immediately. ‘Not until she’s done her bit. On the other hand, Penny, there’s no reason you shouldn’t get your own tail reddened.’

‘That doesn’t seem very fair,’ I answered, my voice sulky despite my rising excitement.

‘How about a bit of practice then?’ he suggested. ‘Same way the Bitches do, twenty shots and if you get less than ten, over you go.’

‘What about Jemima?’ I protested.

‘Never mind Jemima,’ he answered me. ‘She’s sacred, for the moment.’

‘A little spanking won’t bruise her,’ I pointed out.

‘I want her fresh, and that’s that,’ he answered me, suddenly stern. ‘You, on the other hand, deserve it.’

‘What for?’

‘Luring her into a game of forfeits with Pippa and that crazy bitch AJ, for a start. Do you think I don’t know? And I had told you to keep your hands off her, so come on, and if you can do those shots, you get let off.’

What he was saying was outrageous, on the face of it, because he had no right whatsoever to punish me, but I was incapable of resistance and followed him meekly into the team room. He pulled down a basketball net where it was attached to the wall and gave me a ball. There was a spot marked on the floor, which he pointed to as he spoke.

‘Shoot from there, and watch out for the ceiling.’

I was completely and utterly useless, as I’d known I would be. Even without Jemima giggling and making
remarks I’d have been useless. Even without the prospect of a spanking if I failed I’d have been useless. As it was I hit the ceiling, the wall, and even managed to throw so far short that the ball hit the floor first, but I connected with the basket just six times out of twenty and got it through only once.

By the eleventh shot I was already due my spanking, but they made me carry on to the bitter end, when I hung my head in defeat as I turned to Hudson. Jemima was giggling and jumping and down in delight at the prospect of my punishment. She spoke up before the ball had even come to rest.

‘Let me do her, Hudson, please! I’ve always wanted to spank her, and she never lets me.’

‘I’m your aunt, Jemima!’ I pointed out.

‘Who cares?’ she answered. ‘Pippa spanks you, and anyway, you’re not my aunt, you’re my mum’s cousin.’

‘Yes, but—’

‘Yeah, I think it might be fun,’ Hudson interrupted me, ‘but I don’t want to miss out, so let’s see.’

He took two of the chairs from the dressing tables, setting them out on the carpeted end of the room, face to face. I knew the formula, and waited, trying not to sulk as they sat down with their knees interlocked, making a broad lap for me. It looked odd, with Hudson and me so much older and fully dressed, while Jemima was stark naked, but that just made the fact that I was the one about to be spanked all the more humiliating.

‘Come on, over we go, Auntie Penny!’ Jemima taunted.

I went, tight-lipped and blushing with embarrassment as I laid myself in position across their legs, but unable to deny my soaring arousal. If I live to be a hundred I’ll never get over the embarrassment of a bare bottom spanking, but that has never stopped it turning me on, just the opposite.

‘Dress up!’ Jemima said happily, suiting action to words as she flipped my summer dress up on to my back.

‘Titties out, I think,’ Hudson added, tugging my dress higher still.

‘Oh yes!’ Jemima agreed. ‘I know she’s got no bra, the little slut.’

I was forced to lift my body to have my dress adjusted, but as my breasts were exposed I found it impossible not to respond to Jemima’s remark.

‘That’s rich coming from you when you’re running around stark naked, Jemima.’

‘Don’t be cheeky,’ she answered, and slapped me across the seat of my panties. ‘There, how does that feel, with your titties hanging out?’

‘Humiliating,’ I admitted.

‘But not as humiliating as this, I bet,’ she answered, and she began to pull my knickers down.

I didn’t answer, because I couldn’t. The lump in my throat was too big. That is always the strongest moment for me, when my knickers are pulled down and my bottom laid bare for punishment, no matter how hard I’m spanked or what humiliating details are added, and now it was being done by my own niece. To make it worse I could see myself in the mirror, my bottom looking huge and round in the tight white cotton panties, and then coming slowly bare as she took them down, exposing my full, pale cheeks with my hairy pussy showing between my thighs and the pink spot of my bumhole just visible between.

Jemima giggled to see me bare and made a final adjustment to my panties. Then they began to spank me, taking turns. From Jemima it stung, but every slap of Hudson’s enormous hand jammed me forward and made me gasp for air. It was at least slow, until they changed tactics and began to smack a cheek each,
soon had me wriggling across their legs and kicking in my panties.

Inevitably that made Jemima laugh, and she spanked all the harder in order to get more reaction out of me, until I was tossing my head and sobbing with the ever rising shame of my predicament and the pain of the slaps. They were merciless, spanking harder still, Hudson now with his arm around my waist to hold me in place, and I was on the edge of tears when it suddenly stopped.

I heard a footstep and twisted around. There was a girl standing behind me, tall, with platinum-blonde hair and the sort of cultivated perfection made possible only by a lot of money and spare time. A set of keys dangled negligently from one hand. She was smiling down at my bare bottom with a look of mingled amusement and contempt. I felt the blood rush to my face and tried to get up, but Hudson kept his arm where it was, trapping me in my exposed position.

‘Had to spank one, did you, Hudson?’ she asked, then looked into my face. ‘Been a naughty little girl, have we? Or did he just decide to tan you because you have such a big, fat butt?’

‘Just a maintenance spanking,’ Hudson chuckled. ‘Jemima, Penny, let me introduce you to our team Captain, Tiffany White.’


flat-sitting for Hudson while he was in the UK. I suppose any relationship that begins with one person being introduced to the other bottom first is likely to be a bit unequal, and that was definitely the case between me and Tiffany. She even applied a few smacks herself before I was allowed up, and obviously assumed that my submissive nature gave her the right to treat me as her servant.

At the time I was too turned on to protest, which was a mistake, but I really do hate confrontation. The next day, as I was making breakfast for all three of them, I was telling myself it wouldn’t be for long and that I should treat the situation as a fantasy. It might be irksome at the time, but afterwards I would be able to look back on a period of fairly genuine servitude, while there was always the chance that she might be the one to spank Jemima.

Unfortunately Jemima did not get the same treatment. They got on like a house on fire, principally because they were a pair of spoiled brats, and despite being brought up in different countries had far more in common with each other than either did with me. The same was true of the remaining Tribeca Tails, all five of whom were privileged white girls from the district, and also taller than me, slimmer than me and younger than me.

There was Tiffany’s sister Talana, a younger version with an extra dose of spite; the twins, Rebecca and Roberta, both so pale that I first thought they were albino; Jessica Allerton, whose father was a fairly senior politician and seemed to be taking an appalling risk with his career; and Courtney Reifsneider, the daughter of an industrialist and always known as the Princess. They assembled at Hudson’s flat on that first morning. He had gone out early to deal with various business matters, leaving Tiffany in charge, and again I failed to protest as she detailed me to make the coffee.

I brought it on a tray to the living room, where the seven girls were gathered, swapping gossip and discussing their tactics. Only Jemima even bothered to thank me as I passed around the cups, which set Talana giggling.

‘Oh, I love you English, you’re so polite! You don’t have to thank the maid, sweetie, this is Manhattan.’

‘I’m not the maid,’ I pointed out, but Talana merely looked at me as if astonished to find I could speak.

‘She’s not,’ Tiffany confirmed, laughing. ‘Hudson’s signed her up as third reserve, although God alone knows why, unless she’s sucking him off. She got one in a practice twenty.’

‘One?’ Jessica echoed in disbelief as I went pink.

‘One,’ Tiffany confirmed. ‘Hudson and Jemmie gave her a spanking, Brooklyn Bitches style. You should have seen her, what a hoot!’

A ripple of laughter passed around the room as my face went from warm to boiling. Talana was sitting next to Jemima, and raised her hand to have the palm smacked in congratulation for my punishment. I opened my mouth to protest, but the situation spoke so deeply to my fantasies of humiliation that I was powerless to speak. There
was, the object of contempt for seven girls, girls cruel enough to enjoy fucking others with strap-ons, girls who thought an older woman being spanked was funny.

‘Maybe we should adopt the same system?’ the Princess suggested.

‘No way!’ Roberta and Rebecca responded, more or less as one.

‘I’m not being spanked!’ Jessica agreed. ‘And I’m sure as hell not having my spanking posted on the net. Imagine all those creepy perves getting off on you, yuck!’

‘Enough of them got off on you when we beat the Belles,’ Tiffany pointed out.

Jessica merely shrugged, unwilling to argue the point, and Tiffany went on.

‘We can’t imitate the Bitches, no way. We’ll stick to the system Hudson gave us.’

‘What’s that?’ Jemima asked.

‘Tops off if you don’t make the grade,’ Tiffany explained, ‘bottoms off if you don’t make it twice, and you get to do practice in the nude.’

This was a detail Hudson had kept from us, but Jemima simply giggled. I’d given all the coffees out and sat down to drink my own, a little apart from the others. They began to talk tactics, now serious, and I did my best to listen and understand, but like Hudson they used so much jargon it was hard to keep up, let alone work out how I was supposed to fit in if I ended up playing. Fortunately that was highly unlikely, as all seven of them were full of enthusiasm and were presumably good, or at least better than me.

I’ve never been good at sport, and sitting on the edge of that group listening to them talk took me right back to my schooldays. On the rare occasions when I didn’t manage to get off games completely, and
during gym, there had been a nasty little ritual. The teacher would appoint two captains, invariably fit, athletic types, and the captains would then take turns choosing the girls for their teams. I was always among the last few chosen, sometimes the last of all, which had meant standing there with my humiliation rising in little jumps as girl after girl was picked before me. Now I felt the same, but then I had at least had the satisfaction of being able to wipe the floor with them academically. That was now irrelevant.

Finally Tiffany clapped her hands together.

‘OK, practice. Let’s go!’

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