American Blue (18 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

Tags: #Adult, #BDSM, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Pornography, #Sex, #Sexuality, #Spanking, #Thriller, #Wine Merchants

BOOK: American Blue
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‘Hang on,’ I put in, ‘don’t I get a say? Jemima! Jemima, no!’

She’d come close, giggling as she pressed herself against my bottom. I could feel the bulge of her pussy between my cheeks, then sudden wet as she let go. Hot pee began to dribble down my crease, wetting my bumhole and running from my pubic hair to patter on to the dry ground. Tucker had put aside his misgivings and begun to take photos, recording the event as Jemima urinated over my bottom, first between my cheeks and then all over them.

When she’d shaken the last of her pee off on my leg she jumped back, giggling, to leave me glossy and dripping behind, soiled and beaten at the end of my rope. Tucker took a last few pictures, making sure he got every possible angle and detail, including my dripping pussy fur and the little puddle of urine I was now standing in. I’d never imagined Jemima could be so wicked, and it was useless to deny that she’d got to me, through sheer cruelty.

I knew they were going to have me, or something. There was tension in the air. Jemima had gone straight to Hudson and was cuddling him. Tucker spent a moment putting his camera gear inside out of harm’s way, but when he came back he was unzipping his fly even as he climbed down the steps. I’d lost my panties and couldn’t protect myself anyway; I was helpless, near naked and so wet he could have pushed himself up me with ease. He could even have buggered me and I’d have given no more than token resistance. My bum felt hot and ready, my cheeks were red and glistening with Jemima’s pee, my anus itchy and in need of a long stiff cock.

What he did was slip his cock out and into Janey’s mouth. She began to suck him, both of them watching me, while Jemima had Hudson in her hand and was wanking his already impressive erection. I waited, hoping that at least one of the big, stiff cocks I could see was being readied for my body, but Tucker had quickly put Janey on her knees and entered her from behind, while Jemima had gone down on Hudson, licking his cock as if it was a lollipop while she watched me sidelong. Finally I could bear it no more.

‘What about me?’ I asked plaintively.

‘You’re fine just the way you are,’ Jemima told me.

‘Yes, but …’

‘Shut up.’

‘Jemima, please …’

‘Shut up, I told you.’

She got up with an exaggerated sigh and went over to where my panties lay in the mud formed by her pee puddle. I realised what she was going to do, and had begun to babble again even before she’d picked them up.

‘No, Jemima, please, not that, not in my mouth … no Jemima, please … please!’

‘Oh yes, Penny,’ she answered, lifting the panties between finger and thumb and holding them out at arm’s length in mock disgust. ‘Open wide.’

‘No, Jemima, please,’ I begged. ‘Not in my mouth! I just want to play, that’s all! Please, no …’

‘Open wide or I paddle your tits,’ she threatened.

‘You wouldn’t? Jemima, come on, please, that’s not …’

My words turned into a babble as she pressed the panties to my face, filling my senses with the odours of pee and earth and smearing mud around my mouth and over my nose as she rubbed them in my face.

‘Open wide,’ she ordered.

I gave in, opening my mouth to let her wad my filthy panties inside. She laughed at my surrender and used her fingers to push them well in, until I began to gag and there was more panty material inside my mouth than out. With that she left me, skipping back to where Hudson was nursing his erection over the sight of my torture, and once more taking his cock in her mouth.

All four of them were watching me, dangling naked and beaten on a rope, my filthy knickers hanging from my mouth, a trickle of mud-stained pee running down between my breasts. It was too much for Hudson, who came in Jemima’s mouth, but instead of swallowing she jumped up and came back to me, spitting the mess of his come and her saliva out into her hand as she reached me.

I tried to plead with my eyes, but there was no mercy in her face, only a vicious, childlike cruelty. She began to paint spunk on me, giggling to herself as she smeared my nipples, my already dirty nose, my cheeks and the fat of my breasts, my belly and bottom cheeks, rubbing it in and slapping me in ever-increasing delight until she suddenly danced away, clapping her hands in sadistic joy.

‘You gorgeous little bitch!’ Tucker grunted, and came all over his wife’s bottom, milking his cock over her upturned cheeks, with his eyes fixed on Jemima and my filthy body.

‘Now I’m going to make you do me!’ Jemima said happily as she reached up to twist the key in my handcuffs.

She didn’t doubt that she could, and she was right. I collapsed as soon as the tension came off my wrists, falling on my knees in the puddle she’d made on the ground. She stepped close, pressing her pussy to my face and I quickly spat out my soiled panties and
to lick, all dignity, all self-respect gone in my overwhelming urge to be used by her.

The others were watching, Janey now with her fingers between her legs, masturbating over my degradation as I knelt in my niece’s pee puddle and licked her sex. Jemima was laughing at me, and began to slap my cheeks and call me a slut, but that only made it worse. My hands went back to find my pussy and bum, touching my spanked cheeks and tickling my anus, fingering my cunt and rubbing at my clit.

My whole lower body seemed to be on fire, both holes urgent for penetration, and I stuck fingers in myself to get what I could, imagining the two men inside me front and back, Hudson fucking me while Tucker used my anus. With that I was coming, and so was Jemima, grabbing my hair at the last second to pull my face firmly into her sex as she called me a slut for the final time and her voice broke into a long, ecstatic moan.

I’d finished too, and sank down, gasping. My whole body was filthy and my bottom was throbbing with the pain of my beating. It took every gram of strength I had left to focus on what I needed to do, but I succeeded, kneeling up and forcing a smile. Janey had come while I was licking Jemima, and all four of them were looking at me.

‘Let me get cleaned up,’ I offered, ‘then I’ll serve you, if you like?’

‘Sounds good,’ Tucker answered. ‘I could do with a beer.’

‘Yes, sir,’ I answered.

My legs weren’t too steady as I got up, but I forced myself to wiggle as I walked into the house. Hudson gave a knowing chuckle, but otherwise they ignored me. As soon as I was inside I stripped and hurried to the bathroom, twisting the shower tap to maximum
scrubbing myself down as fast as I possibly could. I didn’t even bother to dry properly, and ran out stark naked to bring Tucker his beer, which he accepted without bothering to thank me.

‘Where’s mine?’ Hudson demanded.

‘Sorry, sir,’ I said quickly. ‘I’ll fetch it immediately, sir.’

‘And for me,’ Jemima put in.

‘Bring some chips out while you’re at it,’ Tucker ordered as he settled his head against Janey’s thigh. ‘Ah, isn’t this the life, cold Bud and a hot slut to fetch it.’

I ran indoors, and straight to his study, where camera and camcorder sat side by side on the desk. A moment’s work and I’d slipped both memory cards free, a moment more and I’d replaced them with others from the dozen or so scattered across the desktop. I had nothing on but my shoes, so I slipped the cards down the sides to hide them. It was all I could do, except pray that Tucker was having too much fun to want to do any work.

As I’d hoped, they settled down to eat crisps and drink beer, enjoying using me as maid. Jemima was lying face down, still naked below the waist, her bare bottom flushed pink from the spanking I’d given her not an hour before, although it seemed far longer. She was still due her paddling, but none of them seemed to be in a hurry, or ready for more sex. When Janey told me to help her with the lunch I asked to borrow a pair of clean knickers and put my dress back on. I also made a brief visit to Hudson’s hired car.

They had more beer with lunch, leaving Tucker drunk and garrulous, while Hudson looked as if he was in need of an afternoon nap. I asked Jemima if she’d like to see the Winnebago, and to my vast relief she accepted. She dressed, but as we walked up the
she was joking about how much fun it would be to stroll down a public road with nothing on but her skinny top. I noticed she’d pinched the handcuffs as a souvenir.

She was delighted by the Winnebago, immediately bouncing down on the bed and telling me it was every bit as comfortable as the one in the room she and Hudson had shared the night before, so she suspected nothing until I’d got the engine running, and managed only a squeak of surprise as I took one foot off the brake and slammed the other down on the accelerator.


and south for over a hundred miles without stopping. Jemima kept up a constant stream of complaints, but she could do nothing, and with every roll of the wheels we were getting further away from Hudson Staebler. She had no way of contacting him and no money, while I had her passport. All I needed to do was wait until she’d got over her tantrum sufficiently to see that she had no choice but to do as she was told, then put her on a plane direct to Heathrow.

That meant finding an international airport, and the best chance seemed to be Atlanta, over two hundred miles away. I was already halfway before I was forced to stop for petrol, but I made a point of showing Jemima her passport as I put it into my handbag, and she had the sense to stay with the Winnebago. She had finally shut up by then, and settled down into an armchair to sulk, where she remained as we continued on our way.

I’d long before given up trying to persuade her to see sense, and we drove in silence, slowly eating up the miles. It was impossible not to worry – after all, I’d stolen Tucker’s memory cards and effectively kidnapped Jemima – but that was infinitely better than having both me and her plastered all over the net as the
of intimate and supposedly incestuous spanking sessions. She didn’t see it that way, even though she’d let them call her Jemima, pointing out that without her surname nobody was likely to find her on a search. I hadn’t bothered to argue.

We weren’t going very fast, and by the time we crossed into Georgia the day was beginning to catch up with me. Not long after, Jemima began to whine about being hungry, and I finally decided to stop for the night. We’d been driving down through a string of lakes, and there were plenty of campsites, which allowed me to choose one with a magnificent view and a restaurant.

I tried to cheer Jemima up by telling her she could have whatever she liked, but while she did full justice to the menu, she continued to sulk. Just like the night before, my eyes were threatening to close of their own accord, so I went back to the Winnebago and locked her passport away with my own, also the memory cards. She wanted to play in an arcade next to the restaurant, and complained when I made her come away, but I wasn’t taking any risks.

We weren’t speaking at all when I got her back to the Winnebago, and I was worried she might try and call Hudson, so I forced myself to stay up until I was quite sure that she was asleep.

My first thoughts on waking were to wonder where I was and why I was moving, then I panicked as I remembered that I was in the Winnebago. I jerked upright in bed, realised my wrist was attached to the grip rail and for one truly horrible moment thought I’d been taken by some maniac, before I realised that it was Jemima in the driving seat and we still inside the campsite.

‘What are you doing?’ I demanded. ‘Jemima!’

‘Awake, are you?’ she answered.

‘Yes, I am! What—’

I broke off as I realised that the reason my wrist was attached to the rail was that she’d handcuffed me to it, fixing me securely to the bed.

‘What are you doing?’ I repeated. ‘Stop this instant, Jemima, you can’t even drive!’

‘Yes, I can.’

‘No, you can’t! Anyway, you haven’t got your licence.’

‘So what?’

‘So you’re not allowed to drive, that’s what! Now stop, and unlock these cuffs this instant. This has gone far enough, Jemima!’

‘You sound like my mum.’

‘Never mind that, will you stop!’


I made to speak again, but stopped. She was going to crash the Winnebago, even hit another vehicle, and we’d probably end up in jail.

‘Please, Jemima,’ I tried, ‘this is a really silly thing to do. Now why don’t you just stop, and we can talk things over? Please?’


We’d reached the campsite gates, and I shut up, terrified she’d hit something and not wanting to distract her. She made it, to my amazement, turned on to the road and began to accelerate. To my surprise we were headed towards Atlanta.

‘You’re not trying to get back to Blue Ridge then?’ I asked cautiously.

‘No point,’ she told me. ‘Hudson might not be there, and I bet Tucker’s really pissed off with you, maybe me too.’

‘You’re heading for the airport then? I suppose you just did this to get your own back on me? Fair enough, maybe I deserve it, but please could you let me drive now? This isn’t safe.’

‘We’re not going to the airport. We’re going to Austin.’

‘Austin? That’s in Texas, isn’t it? That must be a thousand miles from here!’

‘About five hundred.’

‘Five hundred then, but you can’t drive five hundred miles across the USA!’

‘Why not? Dad drives down to the South of France from Calais, and that’s seven hundred.’

‘Your Dad has a driving licence! Anyway, he shouldn’t. It’s always best to break a long journey.’

‘You’re such an old mother hen, Penny. I’m going to break the journey. We’ve got three days.’

‘Three days? Why? What are you doing there?’

‘That’s where Hudson will be. It’s our next appointment.’

‘Oh God. What are they going to do to you?’

‘Nothing much. It’s just a few poses and a straight fuck, and some stuff.’

‘A straight fuck! Jemima! And what sort of stuff?’

‘Just stuff.’

‘Oh God, it’s something really appalling, isn’t it, Jemima? Look, I know …’

‘Don’t start on me, Penny, or I’ll give you a panty-gag, and I do mean that.’

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