American Blue (16 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

Tags: #Adult, #BDSM, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Pornography, #Sex, #Sexuality, #Spanking, #Thriller, #Wine Merchants

BOOK: American Blue
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I did it willingly enough, and he was soon stroking my hair and calling me ‘babe’ and ‘angel’ as I worked on his erection. My nipples were stiff as he groped my dangling boobs, and I was just beginning to enjoy myself properly when he came, full in my mouth and holding my head down to force me to swallow. I did it without fuss, enjoying the sensation of having my control taken away, which left him well pleased with me, and with himself.

We drove on and I was soon asleep, only to wake again as he lifted me bodily out of the pick-up. I was carried indoors and laid down on a bed, my clothes removed and my naked body explored, first with his fingers and then with his tongue, until he’d got his cock hard again. He fucked me on my back, with my legs rolled high as he loomed over me, then turned me over to take me from behind, rubbing his cock between the
of my bottom before putting himself up me, and finally inserted himself in my mouth once more to come, and for a second time forced me to swallow.

There was no thought for my pleasure. I was used like a little fleshy doll, or perhaps he just assumed that the motion of his cock in my pussy was all the stimulation I would ever need. He didn’t spank me or sodomise me, and when, after my third fucking, he finally rolled off me and went to sleep I was left to masturbate myself to a badly needed orgasm, which faded to sleep almost before I’d extracted my fingers from my sticky hole.


up, bright sunlight was streaming in through a crack in the curtains and there was no sign of Matt. I was in a single-storey, prefabricated bungalow, one of a line between the river and the road, with just three rooms. A note suggested that I make myself breakfast, which I did, eating a bowl of some circular cereal a bit like dog biscuit and drinking coffee as I stared out of the window and wondered what to do with myself.

There were really only two choices. I could leave Jemima to her fate, drop the Winnebago off at the nearest airport and go on to Phoenix, or I could go back to Blue Ridge and try and finish what I’d been meaning to do in the first place. The second choice was the right one, but both alarming and embarrassing. Nevertheless, it had to be done. I would simply walk back to where the track for Blue Ridge joined the road, wait for Hudson and Jemima, tell her that her behaviour was unacceptable, and drive her to the nearest international airport.

It was easy to plan, but I knew it would be far from easy to do. I could see Split Peak, a fair way down the valley, so at least I wasn’t lost. Matt obviously expected me to be there when he got back, so I left an apologetic note and started off. It took longer than I
, and the sun was close to the zenith when I finally reached the Winnebago. My feet hurt and I was desperately thirsty, also in need of a change of clothes, so I stopped for a while, washing and changing before drinking nearly a litre of water at one go.

More likely than not they had already arrived, so I forced myself to find out, moving cautiously down the Blue Ridge track until I could see the house. There was a hired car parked next to the outbuildings, and even as I paused to pluck up the courage to go on I caught the unmistakable sound of a hand being applied to a bottom, female squeals and a voice raised in mock anger. I was too late.

They’d have already done her mugshots, and now she was having a spanking recorded, a spanking ostensibly given by her own mother. Recorded, yes, but it wouldn’t be online, which left me with one last, slender hope. I walked forward, my cheeks burning with embarrassment, but forcing myself to go on. The noises were coming from down in the basement, where the stone support to the main house obviously contained rooms.

I descended the stairs, to find the door open at the bottom and a clear view into a set made up as a girl’s bedroom, with posters of pop bands and film stars on the wall, various beauty products and an alarm clock clustered on top of a bedside table, and a cuddly toy panda abandoned on the floor – in pathetic contrast to what was happening on the bed. A blowsy middle-aged woman who could only be Janey was sitting with her back to the wall and her legs extended, her hand raised ready to continue spanking Jemima, who lay prone across her ‘mother’s’ knees, a pair of drop-seat pyjamas patterned with cartoon animals open at the back to show her trim little bottom, the cheeks already red with spanking, her hairless pussy lips pouting from
her long, coltish thighs. Tucker had his back to me, recording the scene from an angle that left poor Jemima no modesty whatsoever.

‘And again,’ he instructed, ‘and Jemmie, kick your legs a bit more, try and look like you hate it, yeah?’

‘OK,’ Jemima agreed, even as Janey’s hand came down across her bottom with a meaty slap.

Jemima squealed and kicked her legs out at the knees, then began to drum her feet on the bed and buck her hips up and down, showing off the tiny pink dimple of her anus as she was spanked. It did look sexy, and there was no doubt in my mind that she deserved it, and more, but I wasn’t there to watch her getting her just deserts.

‘Excuse me,’ I said as soon as Tucker lifted his hand for another pause.

He turned, and so did the others, Hudson’s head appearing from where he’d been invisible deeper into the room. They all started to talk at once, even Janey, but I carried on.

‘Sorry about yesterday, Tucker. I lost my nerve, but … but I’m here now. Sorry.’

‘That’s cool, you’re not the first,’ he answered.

Jemima had twisted around on the bed and was looking at me suspiciously, while Hudson also looked doubtful, but the others seemed pleased.

‘I understand,’ Janey was saying. ‘It ain’t easy, not the first time. Come on in, honey.’

I hadn’t said it was my first time, but it seemed as good an excuse for my behaviour as any and I gave her a grateful smile as I entered the room. There were lights and various bits of equipment to one side, just out of shot, with a chair among them, on which I sat down.

‘Same deal?’ Tucker queried and I nodded.

‘Cool,’ he answered. ‘So this is how it goes down. Jemmie’s in bed, pretending to be ill, when her mom
in. Jemmie says she’s got a temperature but Mom wants to make sure, and of course the thermometer goes up her butt. No temperature, so Jemmie gets a spanking. Give her a few more, Janey, maybe a second position, and we can have Penny come in, just like she did, only she’s Jemmie’s teacher and she joins in the spanking. Take about twenty, Jemmie, then call Janey a bitch and she’ll put you in diaper-changing position. Got that, everyone?

‘Do I have to be spanked by Penny?’ Jemima asked sulkily.

‘Yes, you do,’ I answered, and I was surprised by the vehemence in my voice. ‘Sorry, we had a little, um … disagreement in New York.’

‘No hard feelings, huh?’ Hudson asked.

‘No,’ I lied, ‘but I definitely owe Jemima a spanking.’

‘Cool,’ Tucker put in. ‘Real emotion, that’s what I like to see. OK? Then … action!’

Jemima was still looking sulky as Janey began to spank her once more, but stayed as she was. Janey began to scold Jemima as she spanked, harder now, making her kick her legs and thump the pillow in what looked like a full-blown spanking tantrum, although she was presumably counting the smacks.

‘You bitch!,’ she yelled suddenly. ‘You horrible old bitch!’

‘Bitch, am I?’ Janey spat back. ‘OK, my girl, if you think I’m such a bitch, try this!’

Even as she spoke she had lifted Jemima’s hips, and quickly turned her before she could react. Jemima’s bottom was now on Janey’s lap, her torso still on the bed, and in an instant her legs had been rolled up into what Tucker had so charmingly described as diaper-changing position. Her bottom stuck out of the hole in her drop seat pyjamas, her cheeks spread with her anus on blatant show, her pussy too. Janey began to spank
, smacking not just Jemima’s bum cheeks but her thighs, which had her wriggling and gasping for real.

Tucker let it happen, watching the pink flush spread up Jemima’s thighs, filming first wide so that he could catch the shame-filled expressions on her face, then close up, to get Janey’s hand as it hit flesh. Jemima’s bumhole had begun to wink in her rising pain, and Tucker made sure to record that as well, then cut off.

‘Keep spanking, Janey, we need the sound,’ he instructed. ‘In you come, Penny, and Jemmie, when you see her, kick up one hell of a fuss. Remember, this is your teacher seeing you like this. Penny, act surprised and ask Janey what she’s doing, then play it by ear. OK?’

I left the room, waiting as Janey once again began to spank Jemima. Tucker called for action and I stepped in, only for him to decide I didn’t look surprised enough. I did it again, and a third time, all the while with Jemima rolled up with her naked bottom sticking out of the hole in her drop-seat pyjamas and every single rude detail on show as she was spanked. Finally she got fed up with me.

‘You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?’ she demanded. ‘Just to get me spanked!’

‘Not at all,’ I assured her, ‘but only because I want to do the spanking myself.’

She muttered something under her breath, but Tucker was beginning to look impatient and I quickly got back into position. This time he was content and I managed to get my line out.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Spanking my brat,’ Janey answered, ‘for pretending she was sick. Here, hold her legs.’

I hesitated, but took hold of Jemima’s ankles, keeping her in position as Janey spanked her, now with a hand on each cheek. Jemima was getting very red, and a note of self-pity had begun to creep into her
and protests, but I thought of what the Brooklyn Bitches had done to me and began to slap her thighs. Janey made room for me, and the two of us were slapping hard at Jemima’s bottom and legs, one side each. There was nothing fake about her cries any more, and she was juicing heavily, with a trickle of white running down to pool in her anus.

‘Why, you little slut!’ Janey gasped, and immediately began to slap Jemima across the pouted lips of her sex. ‘I’ll teach you to get horny over a punishment, you filthy little whore, you.’

It was obvious what was going to happen, because Jemima’s bumhole had already begun to twitch and her cries had changed to ecstatic gasps, although goodness knows what the customers were going to make of it. She came as we spanked her, wriggling her bottom and begging us to do it harder as spasms ran through her muscles, with Janey still scolding her for the very behaviour she’d provoked.

Tucker continued to film as Jemima came, capturing every deeply intimate detail of the moment and not stopping until long after her shudders had died away and both Janey and I had stopped spanking.

‘Cool!’ he breathed as I finally let go of Jemima’s legs. ‘Really cool. OK, let’s wrap it up. Jemmie, curl up on the bed like you’re crying, and that’s it. Out of shot, you two.’

I went back to my chair, leaving Jemima to do as she’d been told, pulling up her knees and burying her face in her hands, with her bare red bottom still sticking out of her pyjama seat. Her snivelling was so realistic it made me feel guilty, but when she was finally allowed up from the bed she was smiling.

‘Hey, that was good!’ she exclaimed. ‘I didn’t think I could get right off like that, and I’m still all lovely and warm! So what’s next?’

‘You need a while to lose that butt-blush, before we can do your paddling,’ Tucker told her, ‘but meanwhile, how about we get Penny spanked? If you’re up for it?’

‘I suppose so,’ I admitted. ‘How do you want me?’

‘Mugshots first,’ he said, ‘then maybe something a little different. How about you’re Jemmie’s mom, or maybe her stepmom, and she manages to fix you on to your bed or something for a punishment?’

‘That sounds good to me,’ Jemima said instantly.

‘I thought you wanted to take me down to the woodshed?’ I asked, alarmed.

‘We’ve done the woodshed bit a hundred times,’ Tucker responded. ‘This is different.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ Hudson put in.

‘Me too,’ Janey agreed, ‘only we need to set it up so Jemmie’s got something to take her revenge for. How about a straight mom-and-daughter spanking, then cut to later when the girl catches her mom napping, cuffs her to the bed and takes her revenge?’

‘Great,’ Tucker agreed. ‘Penny?’

I nodded a reluctant assent, telling myself I’d have to play along.

‘Let’s get those mugshots then,’ he said. ‘Outside, yeah?’

‘Yes,’ I agreed.

This time there was no way out. We trooped upstairs and out on to the lawn, where I stood feeling immensely self-conscious as I posed in the same position as the day before, only now in the cotton summer dress I’d put on instead of my jeans and blouse. The others made themselves comfortable as Tucker set up his camera, and I went into the little humiliating routine that was required of me. First came the shot of my face, innocuous in itself, but intended to identify me as a girl willing to have her
and anus photographed in close-up and posted on the net.

Next came the show of my bum, with my dress lifted and the big white panties I’d put on held down around my thighs. I was blushing as I did it, and couldn’t help but look at the others: Hudson frankly admiring, Jemima with a cruel glitter in her eyes, Janey indifferent to what was probably the hundredth such display she’d seen. Tucker was behind the camera, but he voiced his opinion.

‘Cool, although I prefer to see a nice pair of tight blue jeans come down, myself. Stick it out, honey, we need to see some cunt, and spread ’em, yeah?’

I obeyed, pushing out my bottom until I was sure my pussy was showing from behind. Twisting around to look into the camera, I took hold of my bottom cheeks and hauled them wide, my sense of shame bringing me close to tears as the camera clicked to record my pose.

‘Now bend right down,’ Tucker instructed, and unhitched the camera from the tripod. ‘Make that pussy pout.’

He was already just a couple of feet behind me as I bent down fully, with my bottom thrust right out and the camera lens pointed directly at my naked sex. I heard the faint click of the shutter and my pussy was on record.

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