Alpha Hunter (17 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Space Opera

BOOK: Alpha Hunter
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As Blayne predicted, distance was no barrier to her gift. Angie easily located her sister and eased into her mind. Tori looked around a small eating area. Was she in some sort of RV? Tori blinked and shook her head as if she sensed something was wrong, but couldn’t pinpoint the disruption.

It’s me, Tori. I’m just playing with my new toys

Happiness and welcome wrapped around her as Tori
reinforced the connection.
Things are going well, I take it? I’m so sorry about all of this.

Technically, I dragged you into it, not the other way around. Where are you? Everything looks sort of strange.
Suspicion pulsed across their link and she chuckled.
Never mind. I don’t want to ignite your paranoia.

Telepathic connections can be tapped just like wireless signals.
Angie could easily picture Tori’s grim expression.
Until we’ve mastered shielding,
we need to be careful.

Got it.
No specific information.

After a pause, Tori asked,
Are you playing nicely with the other children?

It was a familiar question, one that made Angie smile. Playing well with others was definitely not
her strong suit.
Our host is sort of intense, but I really like my teacher.

I thought you might. He’s easygoing enough not to be rattled by your temper yet feisty enough not to let you push him around.

The description was amazingly accurate. Blayne was the right balance of patience and steel to complement her volatility.
We’re getting along really well.
Their relationship was still developing, so she smoothly changed the subject.
I ran into one of our friends. Shocked the hell out of me.


She played Juliet in
. Did you know she’s married to our host?

Tori paused, clearly shocked by the revelation.
That’s going to require a full explanation as soon as you return. Do you know when that will be by the way?

My teacher hasn’t said.
How are things going there?

No breakthroughs to speak of, but lots of clues. My lover sent—

I know you’re more than lovers. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter.

A surge of complex emotions threaded through Tori’s next thought.
I know it was really sudden, but I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.

I get that and I’m anxious to know him better. He must be something pretty special if he swept you off your feet.

He’s amazing.

Angie sighed, hoping Tori couldn’t sense her anxiety. Blayne was pretty amazing too. She had never felt so comfortable with or connected to any other man. Still, her entire life was in upheaval. It was insane to even consider a serious relationship.
Mind-blowing sex? Absolutely. But any form of commitment would have to wait until her life made sense again.
I should probably go. My teacher is getting restless.

Well, I’m really glad you…stopped by. I’ve been worried about you.
Another pulse of affection accompanied the claim.

Angie smiled. She’d needed this even more than she’d realized.
I’ll see you soon. Be good.

She pinched off the connection and her consciousness was unceremoniously sucked back into her body. She gasped and shook her head. “I’ll never get used to that.”

Blayne smiled down at her, his gaze warm and caressing. “With a little more practice, you can slow it down.”

Heat cascaded through her body, igniting each erogenous zone along the way.
Anticipation had been tightening inside her ever since Blayne first kissed her back on Earth. If they didn’t do this soon, she’d spontaneously combust. “And if I don’t want to slow it down?”

“Then unzip that dress.”

She started to obey then changed her mind. “If you want it, come and get it.” She wiggled out of his light hold and darted across the room.

Rather than chasing her, he flashed in front of her, a predatory smile parting his lips. He bent and lifted her, facedown over his shoulder. She laughed and kicked,
knowing he could easily hold her. His hand slipped under her skirt and encountered her bare behind.

His steps faltered and his voice sounded choked. “Have you been
bare-assed all day?”

She laughed again. “Things get complicated when you borrow cloths. Unlike you, I can’t conjure them out of thin air.”

He squeezed one cheek and then the other, his long fingers boldly exploring between as he rushed into the bedroom. “It’s a damn good thing I didn’t know or your training would have been rudely interrupted.”

Sliding her along his body, he set her down beside the bed. “Do you intend to do rude things to me?” For some reason the idea made her shiver.

“Absolutely. My ideas are rude, maybe even obscene, definitely decadent.”

“Well, I have a few ideas of my own.”
She grabbed a handful of his T-shirt and tugged. “First and foremost, I want you naked.” He caught her wrist and moved her hand away from his chest. Her pang of disappointment didn’t have time to spread. With a wave of his other hand, he dissolved his clothing and stood before her naked.

She stepped back, fully intending to enjoy the sight from every angle. The lean symmetry of his torso was echoed in
narrow hips and muscular thighs. The bed prevented her from circling him, so she motioned for him to turn around.

His gaze narrowed as he warned,
“I’m going to return the favor, so keep that in mind.”

“You had me naked for hours yesterday.”

“I haven’t forgotten; I assure you.” He turned in a slow circle.

She pressed her hand over her pounding heart. He was magnificent. The breadth of his shoulders was even more apparent from the back. Ropy muscles gave way to a narrow waist and incredibly tight behind. Unable to resist the urge to return his rude caress, she reached over and squeezed one of his ass cheeks and then the other. He chuckled and completed the circle
and faced her again.

Dragging her gaze back to his face, she smiled before continuing her visual
inventory. “You should never wear clothes.” His chest was chiseled, abs utterly ripped. As her gaze descended, he tried to pull her back into his arms. She planted her hand in the middle of his chest and took her time. His cock was long and thick, arching away from his body. She’d never paid much attention to a man’s balls, had always found other parts of his anatomy far more interesting, but everything about Blayne appealed to her, made her eager to explore. He’d watched her come more than once. Now she intended to return the favor. “Sit or stand. It’s the only choice I’ll give you.”

His brows arched and rebellion ignited in his eyes. “Do you really want to
start a battle of wills?”

She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, stroking him from base to tip. “
Call it what you like. It’s my turn to play.” Then more softly, “I need this.”

After a tense pause, he said, “Get naked first.” Then he sat on the side of the bed and spread his legs
, an obvious invitation.

tugged off her boots and tucked the socks inside them, then slowly unzipped the dress. It was her only garment, so undressing didn’t take long. She lowered the straps, revealing her breasts as the front panel bunched at her waist. After giving him a moment to stare, she turned around and let the dress fall. Then she stepped to one side, her back still to him, and bent from the waist to pick up the dress. His low groan assured her that he enjoyed her display, so she took her time folding the dress and setting it on a chair.

Get over here.” The command sounded hoarse and needful. Apparently, she’d exhausted his patience.

Enjoying her power over him, she sauntered back to the bed and sank to her knees between his legs. Before she could begin, he pulled her up for a long, deep kiss. As their mouths fused and their tongues tangled
, their mental connection buzzed to life. She felt the urgency of his desire and his relief that she had finally agreed to join with him. His need for her was deep and textured, far more than physical hunger. Fear rushed to the surface before she could stifle the reaction.

He released her mouth and looked deep into her eyes. “I will never hurt you
or expect more than you’re ready to give. If you need more time—”

She silenced him with her mouth.
I’m not afraid of you. I’ve just lived with fear for so long I can’t always control it.
It was unnerving to know she was as transparent to him as he was to her. There was no artifice, no pretending. She didn’t have to analyze his expressions or gauge the sincerity of his words. She could feel what he was feeling and hear what he was thinking, but in exchange she had to accept the same openness.

His hand stroked up and down her back as the kiss went on and on. He eased his other hand between their bodies and cupped
one of her breasts.

Determined to maintain control of the situation for as long as possible
, she kissed her way down his neck and onto one shoulder. She guided his hands to the bed, slightly back from his hips, surprised that he let her position him. He watched her silently, gaze gleaming with silent warning. He’d only allow this for so long. She better make the most of every moment.

His chest fascinated her, so she explored every dip and contour. Similarly sculpted, his abdomen was just as arousing. She knelt between his legs as her attention shifted lower. His cock bucked with the first brush of her fingertips. He was hot and incredibly hard. She wrapped one hand around the thickness and stroked as she bent and touched the tip with her tongue.

He groaned. “Payback will be hell.”

Understanding his warning, she closed her lips around the flared head of his cock. He felt wide and imposing within the circle of her lips, so she continued to lazily pump him. She took him as deeply into her mouth as she could manage and there was still plenty of room for her hand. The realization contracted her inner muscles and lust spiraled through her core.
. She wanted him deep inside her, filling her again and again.

“Sorry, angel. I can’t wait.” He scooped her up and turned, placing her in the middle of the bed. “We’ll tease each other into oblivion next time.
I need inside you now.”

Next time.
He hadn’t even entered her yet and already they were planning a next time.

She opened her legs, making room for him between her thighs. He knelt and positioned himself at her entrance then he paused and looked into her eyes. “This will never be just sex for me. You need to understand that.”

Rather than reassure him with words, she opened her mind and showed him how badly she wanted him. She couldn’t define her emotions, had never experienced anything like them before. Still, she wanted this desperately, ached for a completeness she suspected he could give her.

His lips covered hers and he slowly
pushed his cock inside her. She held perfectly still, savoring the blissful stretch as he filled more and more of her. She drew her legs up along his sides and tilted her hips, wanting more, wanting all he had to give.

When his pelvis
met hers, he lifted his head. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes had become swirling pools of silver blue. She gasped, shocked yet unafraid. Now he really looked like an alien.

“Why… Are you okay?” She touched his temple, mesmerized by the shimmering beauty of his gaze.

“I can’t control it right now,” he whispered. “You feel too damn good.”

“Is this how they look

“The rotation isn
’t usually so noticeable.” He groaned and his cock bucked deep inside her. “I really need to move.”

lowered her arm and undulated her hips, creating a hint of motion. “So move.”

Bracing his weight on one hand, he grasped her waist and drew back his hips. His first real thrust
launched sensation all through her abdomen. By the time he settled into a smooth rhythm, she was gasping and arching into each firm stroke. The forceful slide had never been so apparent before, but even more staggering were the emotions flowing between them. He shared every sensation and feeling without hesitation or reserve. She responded just as freely, fueling his pleasure with hers.

They moved together, bodies perfectly aligned. His hips caressed her inner thighs as his cock pushed deeper and deeper. She clasped his back
, nails digging into his flesh. His movements sped and the intensity was nearly overwhelming. Sensations sparked through her, a hint of greater pleasures soon to follow.

He growled and nipped the side of her neck.

As if it was ever that easy. It always took her forever to come. More often than not she’d
climax during foreplay then hope her partner didn’t take too long.

Much to her surprise, her body obeyed.
She came in rhythmic pulses, accenting the thickness still embedded in her flesh. Her thoughts scattered and waves of pleasure washed over her trembling body.

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