Alpha Hunter (20 page)

Read Alpha Hunter Online

Authors: Cyndi Friberg

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Space Opera

BOOK: Alpha Hunter
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“What does the mark look like?”
she asked Porffer.

“A massive feline predator with a striped coat.”

“Tiger,” Sevrin supplied. “And his name is Alex. I’ll make sure he stays away from you.”

Porffer’s brows drew together as if she’d object, then she shrugged and turned back to the report she’d been writing when Sevrin arrived.

“I’ll allow the hunt to resume under strict limitations. And as soon as a conversion has been confirmed, I’ll send the couple to you.”

Porffer glanced up and nodded.

“I was really hoping it wouldn’t be necessary, but I think it’s time to call for reinforcements.”

That got the good doctor’s attention. She powered down her datapad and pivoted toward Sevrin. “I’m doing everything I can to—”

“This isn’t a reflection on you. I suspect that the men’s nanites are part of the problem. I need someone who can analyze and adjust their programing. You’re a geneticist.”

“I understand.”

“It will take several weeks for the new team to arrive, so continue on until they do.”

“May I ask a question?” Porffer averted her gaze again.

“Of course.”

“Didn’t your uncle require a communication blackout as a condition of his approval?”

evrin chuckled. “I’m not afraid of Uncle Quentin.”

“He is also Crown Stirate Keire and their actions don’t always correspond.”

“What’s he going to do? Ground me?” Sevrin shrugged. ”He wants this almost as much as I do. He just doesn’t want to be bothered with the details.”

A ghost of a smile parted Porffer’s lips. “Well, I’ll pray that your message reaches Uncle Quentin rather than Crown Stirate Keire.”

“Either way, I’ll get what I want. I always do.” Sevrin grinned and headed for the door.

She spotted Alex in the shade near the far corner of the building. He was attempting to look
busy and, as Porffer had predicted, he was shirtless. She motioned him over and enjoyed his loose-limbed swagger as he approached.


He was blond, which was unusual for the Shadow Assassins. His lean build, predatory grace and sharp-eyed stare, however, easily identified his place of origin. “I have a problem I need you to solve.”

“I’m always at your disposal.” He leaned his forearm against the wall and stared down at her with shimmering
blue-ringed eyes. “Just name it and it’s yours.”

“Dr. Porffer is having trouble concentrating and I believe I’ve discovered the cause.”

“Dr. Porffer.” His eagerness evaporated and he lowered his arm. “If you mean what I think you mean, I’d be afraid of breaking her. She’s nothing but skin and bones—and bad attitude. Does she even like men?”

“She mentioned that you hadn’t been wearing your shirt because of your new tattoo. Does that sound like someone who’s oblivious to men?
You in particular?”

He glanced off into the distance then heaved a frustrated sigh. “Is she expecting me?”

“No. In fact, she’ll likely pretend to be outraged by your interruption. If you play this right, it could be fun.”

“Until I snap her like a twig or dislocate her hip.”

Sevrin laughed at the mental image his grumbling words produced. Porffer was painfully thin, but these men knew how to temper their strength, when it suited their purpose. “Don’t break her. I still need her, but I suspect her enthusiasm will surprise you.”

He looked down the row of identical doors
, his scowl unchanged. “I’d much rather entertain you.”

brash comment pleased her enough that she didn’t reprimand his insolence. “Do your best. That’s all I can ask.”

She watched the roll of his tight ass as he sauntered toward Porffer’s door. The tiger tattoo was centered between his shoulder blades, brightly colored and intricately detailed. She couldn’t imagine putting herself through the pain, but she had to admit the result was striking.

“What was that about?” Zach Westbrook moved up beside her. “Alex is supposed to be on perimeter patrol.”

She glanced at her lover and a shiver darted down her spine. He’d been particularly aggressive last night
. He’d commanded and controlled her in ways she’d never dreamed she’d enjoy. She couldn’t allow herself to become accustomed to his forceful touch, unless he intended to claim her as his mate. And so far that wasn’t the case.

“I needed him for something else
,” she said with a dismissive wave of one hand.

“If one of my men needs to be reassigned, tell me.”

“This was more along the lines of a personal errand than a reassignment.” She looked at him and arched her brow. “Why so testy?”

“I know we all ultimately answer to you, but they need to respect the chain of command.”

“Porffer has been particularly disagreeable. I thought a few orgasms might lighten her mood. Was that really something I needed to clear through you?” And why the hell was she explaining herself to anyone? She was a royal princess of Rodymia!

“I’m their alpha. Everything needs to be cleared through me.”

“If you say so.”

“I do.”

Didn’t he realize how quickly she could make him disappear? If Alex proved more obedient than Zach, Team West could easily have a new alpha. “I need to go back to the ship.”


She’d put up with his attitude long enough. “It’s none of your business. Our private arrangement has nothing to do with how this project is run. You might be team alpha, but I’m queen bee. Don’t forget it again.”

His posture remained tense, his gaze mutinous, but he whispered, “Yes, mistress.”

* * * * *

walked into the Fireside Room, tense and obviously distressed.

“What’s the matter, sir?” Blayne moved to Angie’s side so they both faced their host.

“One of my agents intercepted a message from Sevrin Keire to her uncle on Rodymia. They weren’t able to verify her exact location, but they did decipher enough of the message to piece together the meaning.”

“Then she’s definitely on Earth?”

“Most definitely.”

“Why do you have spies on Earth?”

Blayne couldn’t help but smile. Angie frequently latched on to unusual details. It was part of what made her so unique.

Drakkin smiled as well. “Information is my primary business, young lady. I have spies everywhere.”

“And Sevrin Keire is the Rodyte you think is helping the Shadow Assassins?” She looked from Drakkin to Blayne and back, making it hard to tell whom she wanted to respond to her question.

“We don’t think she’s helping them. We think she’s controlling them,” Blayne told her.

“And financing them,” Drakkin added.

Sensing a surge in Angie’s anxiety, Blayne placed his hand at the small of her back.
“What did the message say?” He tried to sound calm and casual, hoping to minimize the crisis.

“That she’d hit a dead end and needed the rest of her team readily available.”

Blayne shook his head. Even vague as the message was, it couldn’t be good. “Lor needs to know about this.”

“I agree
.” Drakkin moved closer.

“Who is Sevrin’s uncle?” Again Angie had focused on an odd detail.

“His name is Quentin. He’s Crown Stirate, which is the Rodymian term for high king,” Blayne explained. “Quentin came to power when Sevrin’s father died.”

“So what did she mean about her team?”

“Technology on Rodymia far exceeds technology on Earth.” Drakkin turned toward the hearth and extended his hands toward the fire. “It stands to reason that she left part of her team on Rodymia and brought part to Earth with her. It’s never wise to keep all your assets in one place.”

“So why do you think she wants the others with her now?”

“Because the team on Earth hasn’t been able to accomplish what they set out to do,” Blayne supposed. “That’s the only good news for us.”

“The newcomers cannot be allowed to join her team
.” Drakkin’s tone was suddenly sharp. “I’ve never interacted with Sevrin, but I knew her father. If she’s anything like him, this is a calamity. We must find a way of intercepting her people.”

Blayne nodded, wholeheartedly agreeing with Drakkin’s conclusion. “Was your spy able to contact Lor?”

Drakkin shook his head and the tension mounted. “I can’t risk blowing his cover. It took years to build his alter ego. I hate to rush you two, but I think it’s time for you to go home.”

“I’ll return. Will you protect Angie until I get back?”

“Not a chance,” Angie snapped. “No way you’re leaving me here.”

“Actually, I agree with her,” Drakkin
said. “Her training has gone incredibly well. I think she’s ready for some real-world experience.”

It wasn’t wise to
argue with the Director of the Symposium, but Blayne strongly disagreed. “She hasn’t even attempted to access the tracer strand yet. It’s too dangerous.”

It makes more sense for her to be on Earth when she follows the strand. If she manages to locate Nazerel, he will need to be immediately apprehended. That will be much harder to accomplish if she’s still on Bilarri.”

Blayne crossed his arms over his chest. It didn’t matter that Drakkin’s logic was sound. Blayne didn’t want Angie in danger. “I don’t like it.”

“You’re connection is strong. Surely you can protect her.” Drakkin delivered the line with just enough challenge to bring out the warrior in Blayne.

“Of course I can protect her. I just wanted her to have more time to adjust to all the changes.”

“She’ll feel more secure on her home world. And the Mystic Militia will be there to support you.”

“Don’t go away mad; just go away?”
Angie seemed far less upset by the idea than Blayne.

Drakkin turned to her with a charming smile and brought her hand to his lips. “It was a pleasure to meet you. Our paths will cross again.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

A simple statement of fact.” He turned and clasped arms with Blayne. “You’ve many storms yet to weather, but this enemy will be vanquished.”

“I never doubted it for a m

Drakkin s
witched to Bilarrian as he said, “You were right, she is your mate. Why haven’t you claimed her yet?”

Blayne chuckled
and responded in the same language. “I’m not the one who needs convincing.”

“Human females fight harder than most, but they eventually accept the inevitable.”

Angie was glaring at them both, so Blayne switched back to English and concluded, “Thank you for everything.”

* * * * *

Joy constricted Angie’s throat as she hugged her sister tightly. Their earlier reunion had been so brief it only made their separation harder. Now Angie was back on Earth and they could finally catch up.

Lor and a man named Odintar had been waiting for Angie and Blayne as they emerged from the transport conduit. Angie wasn’t sure how it all worked, but Lor and Odintar
had created a sort of shielded bubble not far from the ship and Blayne guided their arrival into the protected space. Once Blayne closed the vortex, they all flashed into one of the spaceship’s cargo bays and Tori had been waiting with open arms.

“I’ve only been gone a couple of weeks
. How can I miss you this much?” Angie wiped away happy tears and then hugged Tori again.

“A lot happened in those two weeks.”
Tori laughed and returned the embrace, her eyes as tear bright as Angie’s. “You’re here now and you’re safe. That’s all that matters.” She spread out her arms and smiled. “Welcome to the

Angie looked around the cargo bay
and shook her head. “Two weeks ago this would have floored me, but a spaceship seems commonplace when you’ve been to another planet.” Angie hesitated, suddenly confused by their surroundings. “Why do Ontarians need a spaceship if they can teleport?”

“Only half of the men are Mystics. The other half are highly trained soldiers. That’s why the
y’re called the Mystic Militia, half magic, half firepower.”

“I see.
” A shiver dove down her spine, reminding her that the danger was far from over. “And how many are there of each?”

Mystics and three soldiers. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but you’ll have to see them in action. They’ve also networked with a group from Earth.”

“FBI, NSA or Men in Black?”

Tori laughed. “People in Black would be more accurate. The human team is led by Morgan Hoyt, who is a woman.” Tori looped her arm through Angie’s and led her out of the cargo bay.

Despite Angie’s easy dismissal, the ship was impressive. The corridor walls were contoured and smooth, yet the floors were roughly textured.
They passed regularly spaced doors which hinted at similarly sized rooms. Crew quarters? As if someone had heard her thought, one of the doors slid open and a uniformed soldier hesitated in the doorway.

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