Read Alpha Bloodlines Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Alpha Bloodlines (16 page)

BOOK: Alpha Bloodlines
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"I'm sorry" I said honestly, he nodded and let me go as I reluctantly unwrapped my body from his, damn stupid Trey! I hated him so much! I swam to the stairs and pulled myself out, I didn't look back at Jayden again, I couldn't see that heartbroken face again. I didn't ever want to hurt him, but I had no choice, I needed to keep him and my Mom safe from Trey and this was the only way I could do that.

I ran to Mel and took the phone grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself, "Hey hon" I said quickly.

"Where the fuck are you?" he growled angrily, my whole body stiffened.

"I'm at Mel's" I said closing my eyes.

"Don't fucking lie to me Brook, she just told me you were at some asshole's pool party" he said his voice shaking slightly where he was so angry.

"Um yeah, it's one of Scott's friends" I said knowing I needed to tell the truth.

"Scott, Mel's brother? That fucking prick that wants to screw you?" he spat angrily, shit even he knew Scott liked me and he's only met him once!

"Trey hon" I started but he cut me off.

"Give me the address, I'm coming to get you" he shouted, I flinched slightly. Fuck me if he's this angry something's gonna get broken this time, I felt sick, I could barely breathe.

"I don't know the address, I'll come home, I'll get Mel to give me a lift back to hers and pick up my car and then I'll drive to yours" I said trying to calm him down.

"Give me the fucking address now" he roared making me jump.

I turned to Mel quickly, "What's the address here?" I asked desperately.

"1021 Riverside" she said looking at me apologetically.

I repeated the address to Trey, "I'll be there within half an hour, be ready when I get there, if I have to come in and get you I swear to god Brook I'm going fucking to kill someone" he shouted making me cringe again.

I nodded "Ok, I'll be out front" I said snapping my phone shut and throwing it in my bag so I could dry off quickly.

"You leaving?" Mel asked shocked.

I nodded "Yeah, Trey needs me" I said towelling off my hair, I noticed my hands were shaking.

"Is everything ok?" I heard Jay ask from behind me, I couldn't look at him, knowing that after what just happened I was leaving to be with my boyfriend.

"Everything's fine, Trey needs help with something" I said pulling on my jeans over the top of my wet bikini bottoms. The t-shirt I had on was still plastered to me, it wasn't going to get dry even though I continued to wipe the towel over it.

"Here shortie" Jay said handing me his t-shirt, god he is so damn sweet! But I couldn't wear that, Trey would want to know who's it was and it would just end up causing me more trouble.

"Um no thanks, it's fine it'll dry don't worry" I said quickly still not able to look at him. Trey ruined a perfect fucking moment, that was everything I had been thinking about for the last week and Trey has to choose that exact moment to ring, fucking asshole!

I slipped my shoes on, "I can't stay at yours Mel, I'll call you tomorrow" I said hugging her quickly.

I turned to walk off but Jayden caught my hand making me stop sending another wave of desire through my body. God every time his skin touched mine I wanted him more and more!

"Will you call me later?" he asked pleadingly. I closed my eyes, shit this was getting so hard, it wasn't just the lust that I felt for him now, there was definitely something there, and I didn't want to leave his side, I wanted to stay here with him so bad.

I nodded "If I can" I said as I pulled my hand from his and practically ran to the front of the house, I sat on the curb and put my head in my hands unable to stop the tears from flowing down my face. I don't know what I was crying for the most, the pain I was soon to feel or that heartbreaking sadness that was stretched across Jayden's face.


I watched her walk away taking my heart with her, she was killing me, this whole situation was killing me. And that kiss! Fucking hell that was so damn hot, I would give anything to hold her again, I didn't care if I never had sex again in my life, but I needed to feel her delicate skin on mine, hold her hand and kiss her goodnight.

She had practically ran away from me to go to that asshole, I moved to go and wait out the front with her but Mel caught my arm making me stop. "Don't get her in trouble with Trey, just stay away" she said pleadingly, she looked a little scared. Why the hell were the two of them so jumpy for? Brook looked like she was almost shaking when she was talking to him on the phone.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the sun lounger, "What did he say he needed her for?" I asked Mel knowing that she spoke to him too.

She shrugged "I don't know Jay he didn't say" she said plopping down next to me.

"What did he say then?" I asked curiously.

"He asked to speak to her, I said she was swimming, he said he didn't know we had a pool, so I told him we were at a pool party, then he just demanded I call her and get her to speak to him, sounded pretty pissed actually" she said, she bit her lip as she looked at me like she shouldn't have said anything.

"He sounded pissed, what do you mean? Do you think he would have shouted at her?" I asked jumping up as anger took over.

She grabbed my hand "Jay chill, she won't thank you for getting involved, she wants to be with Trey" she said ripping my heart open further. I knew she did, it just hurt even more when someone actually said it out loud, I sat back down and nodded still unable to get rid of my anger completely.

If I find out he shouted at her I swear I'll rip him limb from limb.

Scott put another burger in my hand, "Chill, eat, she'll call you later, you need to start relaxing Jay"

he said patting my shoulder sympathetically. I sighed and nodded, I know I needed to relax, she wasn't mine, as much as I wanted her to be, it was her choice. I sat back eating my burger trying to think of anything other than her, "So that kiss was fucking hot Jay, seriously, if her phone hadn't rang I think you would have banged her in front of everyone" Scott said laughing.

I smiled, actually I probably would have done, my wolf had almost taken over, the only reason I stopped is because I could hear Mel shouting for Brook that Trey was on the phone, it was like I snapped out of some sort of passion fuelled trance or something. I shook my head "No man I had it under control" I lied, he smirked at me knowingly making me chuckle.

"She was the same though, it was so funny one minute we were mucking around then she just stopped, looked like she even stopped breathing, when I looked round you were taking your top off, she goes 'Shit Scott I need to get out of the pool right now' and she couldn't take her eyes off of you, she wanted you bad" Scott said laughing. I grinned, I knew how much she wanted me, her hormones were going crazy, I smelt them as soon as my head broke the surface of the water. I closed my eyes willing myself not to remember I didn't need another hard on, she did that to me enough already, I didn't need one when she wasn't even near me!

I couldn't stop thinking about her, what if this Trey guy was angry with her for coming out to a party or something? After an hour I asked Mel to call her, she sighed unhappily but rang her anyway, I think just to stop me whining, but Brook didn't answer her phone. After another half an hour she tried again but still no answer, "I can't do this anymore, I need to go and see if she's ok" I said standing up quickly.

"Jay you can't! You said you've already knocked once and he saw you, you can't pass yourself off as a stranger this time" Mel said disapprovingly.

"You said he sounded pissed, I can't get it out of my head, I need to hear she's ok, if she won't answer her phone then I'll have to think of something else, maybe get one of the neighbours to knock or something" I said not knowing what the hell I was talking about.

"Want me to come? I could knock" Scott suggested.

I shook my head "No it's fine, keep calling her Mel, and if you get through to her call me" I said. I grabbed my t-shirt and keys and ran for my car. Something was wrong I just knew it, she always answered the phone to Mel, always.

Chapter 14

I sped to her house and parked a couple of houses away, his car was in the driveway so I knew they were here. I called Mel quickly, "Have you spoken to her?" I asked desperately.

She sighed "No Jay, still no answer, honestly I think you should just leave it, she won't thank you if you start causing trouble between her and her boyfriend" she said pleadingly. I squeezed my eyes shut at the word boyfriend, maybe she wasn't answering the phone because they were having sex! I groaned as pain ripped through my heart, I knew she had sex with him, I could smell him on her occasionally when we met for lunch, but I tried my hardest not to ever think about it, it was just too painful.

"Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on ok" I said snapping the phone shut unable to hear anymore of her protests.

I opened my phone again and called Brook, after about ten rings I was just about to give up and go and knock when Trey answered. I gripped the edge of the seat hard enough to tear the leather refusing to shift as jealousy ripped through my body. "Yeah?" he said lazily.

"Hi can I speak to Brook please?" I asked trying not to sound too aggressive.

He sniffed loudly, "Who the fuck's this?" he asked angrily, my wolf fought to get free, he wouldn't be disrespected.

"A friend of hers from school" I answered squeezing my eyes shut tight. Come on Jayden keep it together, you need to get used to this asshole if you want to be in her life!

"Baby, someone on the phone for you" he called away from the phone.

"Who is it hon?" she asked, I heard her gasp.

"Some guy from your school, hurry the fuck up and get rid, tell him not to call you again" he growled angrily.

"Ok" she said quietly. There was a rustling with the phone, "Hello?" she said curiously, obviously my number not appearing on her caller id, she had memorised it so she wouldn't have too many calls and texts from me on her phone, she said that he used her phone a lot.

"Brook, it's Jayden, you ok?" I asked gripping the seat harder and tearing the leather even more.

"Um yeah, I'm fine thanks, listen I can't speak to you now" she said clearly uncomfortable.

"Hurry the fuck up!" I heard him shout angrily. If he shouts at her again I swear I'm going in there and ripping his head off!

"Brook, is everything ok? I could come over" I suggested looking longingly at her house, please say yes, please!

"No! No, I'll see you in school ok?" she said quickly.

"Tell him not to fucking call you again Brook, NOW!" he ordered sounding really pissed. I heard her make a little yelping noise and I burst out of the car nearly taking the door off.

"I have to go, don't call me again ok?" she said breathlessly, she hung up and I ran towards her door.

As I ran up the drive I heard a bang, she whimpered again, if he's hurting her I'm gonna fucking kill him! I tried the door to see it was unlocked so I let myself in, ok wow if I'm wrong about this, I am gonna in so much trouble with her!

"Why the fuck is a guy calling you?" he asked angrily.

"He's just a guy from school, that's all, he needed help with something! A project, we're doing a project together" she said breathlessly. My hands were shaking my wolf wanting out so bad I could barely hold him back.

I listened, they were upstairs at the front of the house, "A project? Why can't you do it with a girl?

You sleeping with him? Huh? You fucking him you little tramp?" he shouted.

I took the steps three at a time, "No!" she cried. I heard another bang and she cried out in pain.

"He wouldn't fucking want you anyway, who the fuck would want you? Look at you! Get up!

You're fucking lucky I still want you, if I didn't love you I wouldn't even be able to stand looking at your fat ass" he said.

I burst into the room, she was pinned against the wall, he had his hand round her throat, her cheek was bright red, her lip was split, she was crying and clutching at his wrist desperately. I grabbed his shoulder and jerked him backwards away from her as I punched him hard in the face, his head snapped back his eyes rolling back into his head. I punched him again snapping his nose, he was a little limp so I threw him away from me, he slammed against the other wall hard leaving a huge dent in it as he slumped to the floor like a rag doll. I was so fucking angry I wanted to kill him, shit, could I stop myself from killing him? I stepped towards him my hands shaking, my wolf wanting revenge on him for hurting my mate, I couldn't think of anything else but how I was gonna kill him, how much of his blood I would spill before I finally let him die.

I heard Brook move behind me, she gasped for breath, the sound seemed to snap me out of my rage, I took a deep breath and turned back to her, she was rubbing her neck as she looked at me shocked.

"Shit! Are you ok?" I asked moving quickly back to her side and putting my arm around her waist, she winced as my arm went around her, obviously he'd hurt her ribs or back. I gritted my teeth as the rage started to take over again, I raised my hand and stroked her bruised cheek with my fingertips. She nodded and gripped my arm, her eyes were wide and scared.

"What are you doing here?" she asked her voice breaking slightly as she continued to cry.

She clung to me tightly, "I thought you were in trouble" I said frowning and looking back at the piece of shit who was slumped on the other side on the room.

His arm twitched and then he started to push himself up off of the floor, what the hell? He should be in a coma right now how hard he hit that wall! When he was standing he wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand and took a step forward glaring at me looking murderously angry.

The rage was building inside me and I knew I was gonna kill him, if he wanted to live he needed to get the hell away from me right now. I felt a growl trying to rip it's way out of my throat, my wolf trying to force me to shift. Brook whimpered so I shoved her behind me quickly, there was no way he was getting anywhere near her, she cringed into my back.

BOOK: Alpha Bloodlines
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