Alien's Bride 1-3 (39 page)

Read Alien's Bride 1-3 Online

Authors: Yamila Abraham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Alien's Bride 1-3
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The thing became still inside me.
My muscles slackened and I tried to catch my breath.
Pleasure throbs still wracked my tender backside.

Elentinus pulled it out.
He shoved his hand into the hood of my cooch to feel how wet I’d gotten.


I was so worked up I could have spontaneously orgasmed right on his hand.
Fortunately, he pulled it away.
Elentinus lifted me to sit with my back against him as before.
His hard cock was stretching out on the bed between my legs.
He started rubbing my breasts with both hands.

“Give me something for her front.
Something that doesn’t penetrate.”

“Certainly, master.”

The first tube slide off the bed while simultaneously being replaced by a second one.
This time the metal tentacle had a shiny black ball the size of a baseball on the end.

“Ready to come?”

That thing is going to be vibrating against my…?
I couldn’t even handle the thought of it.

I snatched it before Elentinus could.
“Turn it on, Kang.”

It almost jerked itself out of my hand once it kicked on.
I held onto it with both hands and put it against Elentinus’ cock.
He gasped hard enough for his chest to push out against my back.
His hands moved from my breasts to grip my shoulders.

I slowly rubbed the vibrator up and down the length of his shaft, taking care not to bump my cooch with it.
Elentinus started squirming and grunting behind me.
After a minute of the careful torture I could hear his teeth chattering.


He bent up his cock so that it was nestled against the lips of my cooch again.
I could feel it tensing and shuddering against my clit.
I managed to keep my focus and rub the ball up the underside of his shaft.
I could feel the intense vibrations through his cock.
My clit and hole got a prickly buzz of pleasure.
I squeezed my eyes closed.
It was hard not to get as crazy as Elentinus was right now.

My arms kept stalling with loss of focus.
I set it on the bed against Elentinus’ groin bulge.
This sent a constant buzz up inside me.

“Keep it…keep it pressed against here, Kang,” I said.


Elentinus squeezed me around my stomach.
His cock started gesticulating in the snake whip pattern.
He kissed my neck desperately, then craned his chin back.

I let out short staggered breaths.
I was feeling that tickle that came before orgasm.
It was lingering, giving me wave after wave of pleasure.
I tried to keep as still so I could to sustain it.

“I’m going to—“ Elentinus said.

“Yeah,” I said.

He knocked Kang’s arm off the bed and lifted me up onto his cock.
My hole started to spasm before he’d finished penetrating.
He clung to me tight and thrust upwards with fast violent strokes.
My orgasm got more powerful.
I whimpered in helpless ecstasy.
Elentinus growled through his own climax.
He kissed my shoulder and groped at me through the animalistic cries.
Semen dripped down onto the bed.

I went slack against him afterwards, but he remained lodged inside me.

“May I offer you something more?” Kang said.

I winced.
I leaned back to look into Elentinus eyes.
“All I want is you.
Just keep fucking me.”

He cupped my face with his hand and gave me a passionate kiss.
Then he steered me to lie down on the middle of the bed and climbed above me.

“You’re dismissed, Kang,” Elentinus said.

I heard him whir away and smiled.
I wrapped my arms around Elentinus shoulders and joined our lips.
When I broke away I looked into his eyes with my moist lips parted.

“You’re all I need,” I said.

He caressed my hair several moments while staring deep into my eyes.
The loving gaze made me feel fluttery inside.
He leaned down to respond to my words with gentle kisses.


Thank you for purchasing my work.
I beg you once again not to hurt me by sharing this online.
I really appreciate how readers are kind enough to respect my wishes.
Thank you all for your support!

Make sure you grab the sequel to Alien’s Bride – Bride Games!

Bride Games (Alien’s Bride)


Ex-soldier Lenora is determined to escape an alien slave colony no matter what the cost.
Her disobedience angers her male alien overseers, who are trying to breed humans so they can intermarry with them.
Lenora, and willful women like her, are sent to the Bride Games.
If they win they will be granted their freedom.
If they lose they must accept marriage to an alien nobleman.


Alien Viceroy Lysanter wants no part of these hideous games.
Their lack of females caused them to wage a brutal war with Earth that ended horribly for both races.
He knows the humans despise his kind, and that females are particularly fearful.
When the games organizer offers him a slave named Lenora as a bride he’s initially repulsed by the idea.
Then he realizes that her military programming has left her with an irrational fear of his kind that causes her to take dangerous risks.
Lenora has suffered in her desperation to escape them.


Perhaps, if he can convince her to accept him, he can give her a better life?


Lysanter becomes determined to court Lenora throughout the games with the goal of persuading her to forfeit.


A riveting erotic one-shot novella by the author of Alien’s Bride!
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Vanquished Goddess Preview




Yamila Abraham


Cover by Archie the Redcat, Edited by Michelle Henson


Copyright © 2014 Yamila Abraham.
All rights reserved.




I was seated on a glorious alter covered in mink fur.
I was nude—no, I was covered in jewels.
Jewels sewn together to make sexy clothes.
A lot of my flesh was showing.
Just the important parts were covered, and I sparkled.


Around me were slaves.
All muscly men, oiled and glistening.
They were nude.
No, not nude.
They didn’t wear jewels though.
Let’s see.
They wore silk sheaths on their cocks that were tight and articulated every little detail.
One of them fed me grapes.
Great big white ones, dangled in a bunch over my head.
Another fanned me with a giant leaf.


A page trumpeted the arrival of my mortal mother.
She was so shocked to see how glorious I was she bowed down to me in reverence.


“Oh, Sarina.
What have you become?”


I smiled gently to her, because I did love her.
“Mother, this is what I was meant to be.
I’m a goddess of love.”


She began to weep.
I see that now.
I was so wrong to try and restrain you.
You’re not some mortal who should be tilling fields.
Will you ever forgive me?”


“Of course, mother.
I will always—“




I blinked hazily as reality reformed around me.
I was in my dusty loft in our single room shack far outside the village.
I climbed to the edge and looked down at my mother.




“Get my chest in the caravan.”


“I…I thought I already put it in last night.”


“Not the big one.”
She smiled.
“The little one.
I want to take that, too.”




I climbed down and loaded the small box for her.
The man she’d married yesterday was sitting atop the caravan holding the reins for two horses.
Mother was already dressed to travel also.
I was surprised she’d let me sleep so late.


“This was really light, mother.
I think you could have done it yourself.”


“Easy for you to say!
You have the strength of two men.”
She looked around the shack a final time while fretting.
“I suppose that’s everything.”
Now she set her gaze on me somewhat forlornly.
“All that’s left is to say goodbye.”


“That’s not all.”
My voice held some rancor.
“Take it off me.” I pointed to the bane of my existence:
the hideous talisman that had been chained around my neck since I was six years old.


My mother was a fetching tall blonde who’d aged well enough for this merchant to fall in love with her.
She still could form quite ugly wrinkles on her forehead when distressed.
“That talisman is for your own good, Sarina.”


I kept my stance firm and defiant before her, despite the tears that built up behind my eyes.
“You’re going off to explore the whole country with your beloved.
I should be free also.”


She turned away, but thankfully didn’t mount the single step into the caravan.
“I just can’t trust you.”


“You’re leaving me!”
The tears spilled, despite my best effort to hold them back.
“I’m not your concern anymore.
Let me be free!”


“You could come with us,” she said.
“Alinas would be glad to have you along.”


I choked out more sobs while she waited.
We’d already had this argument—last year actually.
I refused to leave with her and she chose to turn down the merchant Alinas’ proposal rather than leave me.
She was spiteful towards me the whole season because of it, making me knock down five acres of forest and drag our heavy plow over the new earth day and night.
We’d made good earnings on the harvest.
I was ready to spend it now—preferably far away from this gods forsaken hovel I’d been bound to.


We’d gone back and forth on the issue for an eternity.
She’d promised to take the talisman off me once I was a woman, which I now was, and then she went back on her word and said I had to wear it until I found a husband.
She wavered on this last night when I’d railed against her in tears, saying she had to take it off before she left tomorrow.
She acquiesced, but likely only because I wouldn’t be silent otherwise.
Alinas slumbered in his caravan close to our window.


As I wept I thought up a new tactic.
I sucked up my tears with a deep breath and said, “How can I get married with this horrible thing on me?”


She was unimpressed.
“Who do you intend to marry?”




“He’s too old for you.”


“That doesn’t matter.
I’m immortal.
Any man I choose will grow old while I stay young.
Besides that, he’ll care for me and support me, and isn’t that what you want?
You’re getting to marry and be happy—why do you deprive me of the same thing?”


She remained stonefaced.
“Let’s go see if Edgar will have you right now.
Once the Townsman has sealed your union I’ll take off the talisman.”


My stomach felt as if it dropped from me.
Fortunately Alinas piped up from his perch at the reigns.


“Ruth, darling, I need to be in Aquiel by dusk.
We’ve a schedule to keep, my dear.
I did tell you this.”


She shot a fretful glance up towards him.
“Oh, but, dearest, what am I to do?
The heat her godly father puts in her blood is too much for her to bear.
That talisman is the only thing that protects her virtue.”


He pouted at her.
“Darling, you said she’s powerful enough to protect herself and grown enough to look after herself.
You can’t keep her bound, now can you?
She’s not your little baby anymore.”


I love you, Alinas!


My mother began to weep and my heart soared.
I knew I’d won.
She reached up with a shaky hand and plucked the chained talisman off my neck as easily as if it were attached by a spider web.
I was stunned by this—after all those years of trying to tear it off, making my fingers and neck bleed, and not dislodging it even a hair’s breadth.
I snatched it from her hand at once, threw it into the dirt, and crushed it with my bare heel.
I didn’t just shatter it.
I pulverized it, stomping and macerating it into the dirt until it bore no resemblance to its former seeming.


My mother gasped as though I’d destroyed an heirloom.
How could you!
That cost more than a fortune.
I went through so much to get it for you.”


I spat on it for good measure.




“Ruth, dearest,” Alinas said, “we must go.”


I yanked her into a hug.
“Goodbye, mother.
You go off, and be happy.
Don’t ever think another thought about me.”


“So ungrateful.
You control yourself.
Go to Edgar at once.
Don’t go to the village.
Promise me!”


“I promise,” I said with great sincerity.


She boarded the caravan and was knocked into her seat when Alinas cracked the reins and set off.
She yelled some more wisdom out the window, but I didn’t hear and no longer cared.
I’m sure I’d miss her some maudlin rainy afternoon.


I waved until the caravan disappeared, and then I cheered, I twirled, I sang!
Happy tears rolled down my face.
I was laughing.
I couldn’t stop myself.


I spat on the horrible talisman one more time and then ran in the direction of Edgar’s house.


There were thickets past a shallow groove by my home.
I headed into them and took off my dress, despite the fact nothing hid me from the road.
No one ever drove this near the gate of the underworld, anyway.


I tied my dress to a stately old oak.
Half a mile later there was a thin white pine.
I took off my shift and tied it to one of the prickly limbs.
Now I was completely naked.
I didn’t wear shoes and the grass was crispy below my feet.
I leapt over a shallow puddle with my legs extended high.
When I landed I did a pirouette.
I giggled and continued onward.


Before the woodcutter Edgar’s cabin came into view I heard chopping.
I knew each echoing thud represented a section of log that had been hacked in two.


He’s outside.


In just a few steps I’d crest a gully and come into his view.
He’d see my familiar face:
large blue eyes and full dark lips below a mane of wild blonde curls.
I had skin that always stayed porcelain white no matter how many times I skinny-dipped.
There was a rosy, youthful hue to my cheeks, which still didn’t have the defining hollows that were supposed to come with age.
You might have been able to mistake me for fifteen, except I was taller than any of the village men and had a fleshy body that had filled out in all the ways that bespoke woman.
My bosom was more ample than a milkmaid’s and I had broad hips above shapely long legs.
The former I’d caught this same woodcutter taking more than a cursory glance at.
Now he’d be treated with the sight of plump pink nipples as well as a sex that had never grown hair. That godly attribute was a pity, because my fat clitoris didn’t fit within the folds of flesh guarding my womanhood.
The lurid pink knot poked out like a glistening semi-phallus.
It was the first time I’d shown this to anyone by choice.
(Peeping Toms watching me skinny dip got an illegal first showing.)


The woodcutter dropped his axe at the sight of me.
He was shirtless and his big muscles were sweaty.
Edgar was probably twenty years my senior with thin graying hair.
I walked toward him with enough determination to drive away my tendril of fear.
He wanted me.
I knew for certain he did.


“Gaw, Sarina, where are ye clothes?”


I kept walking toward him.
My lips were parted and I thought of pressing my breasts against his huge muscled chest.


“Are ye in trouble?”


I shook my head while remaining fixed on him, as though I were in a trance.
His expression remained concerned, but I reassured him enough for his eyes to dance over my body.
When he saw my clitoris he drew his lips into his mouth to wet them.

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