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Authors: D. T. Dyllin

Alexxxa (22 page)

BOOK: Alexxxa
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I kissed the top of her head. “Stop letting doubts get to you. If I was going to leave you I would have already.”

“Thanks a lot.” She nipped playfully at my nipple.

“It’s the truth.”

“So…have you heard anything from Carmella about the whole Devlin situation?”

“She’s supposed to call me tomorrow. She said she should have some news then.”

“Alexa—“ I’d been wanting to ask her to marry me. Of course I was hoping it would be more romantic, or a better situation than with me laid up with injuries, but the day I’d been jumped I’d set out with a purpose. A purpose I’d yet to fulfill. Carmella had brought me the ring the other day, stashing it in the nightstand for me. It’d been retrieved and documented. Her cop friend bent the rules a bit and let me have it back earlier than what was customary. “Alexa—there’s something in the nightstand I need you to get for me.”

“Oh, of course.” She jumped up and slid the drawer open, peering inside. “What did you need, baby?”

“Can you get that small box that’s in there?”

She reached in and produced a white ring-sized box. “This?” she asked while eyeing it speculatively, and yet still completely clueless about it.

“Yep. Now will you open it for me please?”

She gasped as soon as she saw what was inside. “What—what is this David?”

“Alexandra James, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?”

“Oh my God!” she shrieked, her feminine glee nearly rupturing my eardrums. “Oh my God!” she shrieked again. She looked at me with tears shining in her eyes. “Of course I’ll marry you!”



Chapter Thirty-Nine





A few minutes ago I’d been doubting the longevity of my and David’s relationship, and then he proposed. I couldn’t have been more surprised. I continued to stare at the ginormous pink diamond set in platinum and my body started to shake. “I can’t believe—I just can’t believe it!”

“Put it on and see if it fits.”

“Oh, yes, of course!” I removed the ring from the box and slipped it on my finger. “Fits like a glove.” I whispered, in awe of the pink perfection sparkling at me.

“Come here,” David commanded for the second time that evening.

I slid into bed next to him and leaned up to gently press my lips to his. His face was healing nicely but I was still afraid to kiss him too hard. “I love you,” I murmured into his mouth.

“I really wished I could have done that in a more romantic way, but I don’t have a ton of options at the moment. I was going to wait but I thought it was the best way to show you how I felt with you questioning my feelings.”

I gazed up at him with my head on his chest. “How did you get this in here and how long have you had it?”

“I bought it the day I was jumped. Carmella brought it to me when she was able to get it back from the guys who took it.”

I couldn’t believe he’d been jumped on his way back from buying a ring to propose to me. I hated Devlin just a little bit more after hearing that information. “I was honestly worried you’d say no. Or at least tell me I was moving too fast.”

“Are you serious?” I asked incredulously. “I gave up porn for you and you thought I might say no?”

David chuckled. “Well I was more hopeful after you gave up porn, but when I bought the ring that wasn’t the case.”

“And you were going to ask me to marry you anyways?” My heart swelled. He really did love me for me.

“Yeah, although I’m not going to lie to you and say I don’t like it better this way…with you only being with me.”

“Knowing that you accept it so completely—this may sound weird but—if I hadn’t already, knowing that would have made me give it up all over again.” I pulled away from him and slid down his body.

“What are you doing?”

I skimmed my hand over his dick and it immediately hardened. “It’s time for Marie to check on your ailment again. She’s—I mean—
a dedicated nurse and I will not let you suffer on my watch.” I dipped down to free David’s pulsing length and then I took it fully into my mouth. I smiled around him as he groaned. Now that I was going to be his wife, I needed to start practicing my wifely duties.



I gave David some of his pain meds and left him to sleep a little while later. I wanted to get changed out of my little outfit before Aunt Suzy got home from her date. I’m sure she was aware that David and I had sex, but there also was no need to rub it in her face.

I decided I’d watch a little TV to unwind. I settled myself in the living room and started scrolling through the guide to find something to watch. The local news was showing up in the tiny viewing box and I hadn’t bothered to mute it. That’s when I heard something that immediately caught my attention. “Devlin Saint was voluntarily committed to a rehab facility for drug addiction. There’s no news on how this will affect the pending legal suit against him, although some theorize it will only aid him in his cause. It’s thought that with him being set on the course of rehabilitation, leniency could…”

“That no good son of a bitch!” I growled. “He’s clearly trying to manipulate public opinion.” The house phone rang and because I was so focused on the TV, I was startled and I jumped. “Hello?” I answered breathily.

“Alexa, this is Carmella. I’ve been trying to call David for the past few hours but it goes straight to voicemail. Your phone as well.” I could hear the agitation in her voice.

“Oh yeah, sorry. We were…busy.” I bit my thumbnail nervously. “I guess you’re calling about Devlin and his little vacation to rehab?”

“You’ve seen the news?”

“I was just watching it now. I gave David his meds and he’s sleeping. What will it mean for the case?”

“It means they’re offering a settlement. A very substantial amount of money, ownership of
Sinfully Yours Films
, and a promise to not pursue anything legally against either of you in the future. Devlin isn’t going to be allowed within a five hundred foot radius of the two of you. But that also means the two of you will need to sign a promise of your own to not pursue anything else with Devlin in regards to all the recent incidents in Pittsburgh.”

I blew out a huge breath. “I’ll talk to David. Maybe you should come by tomorrow. I have a feeling he’s going to want the deal. It’s a good idea, right?”

“It’s the best we’re going to get. If we pursue it further it looks bad and if we end up with a jury then we’re screwed for that reason. I know neither of you may like it, but it looks like Devlin is going to get off without jail time either way.”

I thought of Devlin as he was when we were kids, and then when we’d been in a relationship. He’d been pretty good to me, and I had loved him for a long time. Maybe he really was twisted up in the head because of drug use. We would be in a position where he couldn’t hurt us and we could move on with our lives. I never wanted anything to do with Devlin again, but I could ultimately forgive since I would be protected. Maybe he just needed a second chance, and for old time’s sake, I was willing to give him one. “I’m down with accepting, and, yeah… come over tomorrow and bring what needs to be signed.”

“Done,” Carmella said. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Bye.” I hung up.

It felt good in some way that things were going to turn out the way that they were. It was final, and it made me feel like I was finally moving on from my old life. I wouldn’t have to think about Devlin anymore. I used to wonder if I had blown my one chance at true love when I’d left him. Now I knew that David was who I was meant to spend my life with, as sappy as it sounded. I believed everything good and bad happens for a reason. Maybe I wouldn’t appreciate David as much as I did if not for all the shitty relationships I’d had. I probably never would have run into him again if I hadn’t been doing porn. I probably would have married Devlin and never gotten out of Pittsburgh. But, there was no point in playing the ‘what if’ game any longer. The future was looking bright and I was very, very hopeful.



Chapter Forty



Six months later…



L.A. was a completely different world to me since I’d given up porn. I won’t lie, I kind of missed it. Not the having sex with other people part, but the adoration from millions of fans. I felt completely invisible sometimes. I guess I still needed to find my way, and it was unrealistic to expect for things to magically be settled. After all, I lived in the real world, not a fairy tale where happily ever after meant the end of the story.

“Honey, I’m home,” David called from the front door as it banged open. He liked saying that, as corny as it was, since I’d moved in with him. I was only renting my house, and David owned, so it was kind of a no brainer for me to give up my place. After all, we were getting married soon. I scurried from my lounging position on the couch, wedding magazines strewn around me, and ran to meet him. I’d missed him so much. Sure he’d only been gone a week, but we were still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship. As soon as I saw him I jumped into his arms and shoved my tongue into his mouth.

David pulled away from me and grinned. “Someone’s happy to see me. Give me a minute to get my stuff upstairs and—“

I stole his words as I jammed my tongue back in his mouth. I was so horny that if he hadn’t come home when he did, I may have gone through a whole box of batteries. “Can’t wait,” I said against his lips. “You need to fuck me right here, right now.”

Sensing my urgency, or really because I’d just told him… David dropped me to my feet, spun me around, lifted my skirt, and before I knew it, was balls deep inside me. One hand pushed my face against the wall while the other gripped my hip, biting into my flesh. He fucked me hard and fast and I was screaming his name and coming on his hard length in no time. I pushed him away from me and dropped to me knees, wanting to taste his cum on my tongue. I opened my mouth and was rewarded a moment later with exactly what I was craving. I stared up the line of his body and my heart clenched. He was so beautiful. My skinnier, inked up version of Clark Kent. I swear, he got hotter and hotter every time I saw him. I could study him for hours, kiss him for hours… fuck him until I was too sore to manage anymore. I just loved him so much.

“I missed you too,” David rasped.

I straightened my skirt and stood, meeting his shockingly blue gaze. “That was just to take the edge off. I’ll be needing more special attention as soon as you’re unpacked.”

“My life is so rough.” He picked up his small black suitcase and trailed after me to our shared bedroom. “So what have you been up to today?”

“It’s been a boring day. Lots of masturbation and wedding magazines, that’s about it.” David smirked and shook his head.

“We got another offer to make more sex tapes,” he added non-chalantly.

It was something that was really starting to get to me. You see, after our car sex tape had gone viral, the short snippet of two of us in the elevator had as well. Being that I’d given up porn… well, we’d starting getting some very lucrative offers to make our own porn almost right off the bat. There was a part of me that wanted to do it. After all, I wouldn’t be having sex with anyone but David. He wasn’t game though. I flopped on the bed and pretended to study my nails. “Still haven’t changed your mind?”

BOOK: Alexxxa
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