Read Alexxxa Online

Authors: D. T. Dyllin

Alexxxa (19 page)

BOOK: Alexxxa
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“I just want to state on the record that Devlin Saint tried to keep me from coming here to testify today.” She rose a shaky hand to push her blonde hair out of her face. “He tried to intimidate me to keep quiet.” Alexa dropped her face into her hands for a moment before lifting it to the crowd. “But I couldn’t let him manipulate me any longer, I couldn’t let David suffer because I was afraid.” Her voice warbled with just the right amount of nerves.

Mr. Brown frowned slightly at her. “Those are pretty strong accusations Miss James, do you care to back them up with any kind of evidence.”

“Yes. Mr. Saint recently purchased the pornography studio that owns my contract. You can verify that. He threatened to take away my livelihood if I didn’t do as he said.” Alexa choked back a sob. “I know most people don’t understand what I do, but—but—he’s always done this to me, since we were kids. He tries to control me.”

“Objection,” Devlin grated from his seat. “She’s lying.”

“No,” she said. “It can all be verified.”

Devlin stood. “Okay yes, I bought the company she’s signed with but it’s not—“

The gavel sounded. “Order in this court. Mr. Saint, no more outbursts from you.” Devlin sat and ground his teeth together in annoyance. I was pretty sure he saw his destruction in Alexa’s eyes. “Please continue, Miss James,” Judge Matterson said softly.

Alexa pretended to gather herself and then obeyed. “David and I, well—“ She bit her lower lip and met my gaze, real uncertainty flashed in her eyes. “We—well—I have feelings for him. And that didn’t sit well with Devlin.” She studied her hands for a moment and then swept her gaze out over the crowd. “Look, I know what most of you must think of my career, but I don’t deserve to be treated that way—I don’t deserve to be raped.” Several gasps were heard from the crowd and Judge Matterson banged her gavel for order again. Alexa continued. “That night in my hotel, Devlin entered my room without permission, I wasn’t expecting him, I was expecting David, and he handcuffed and gagged me. He would have raped me if David hadn’t come to my rescue. And now you people are trying to punish him? Don’t punish him because of me! Because of who I am! If I was anyone else this wouldn’t be happening!” She dropped her face into her hands again and sobbed, her shoulders heaving from the exertion.

“I’m going to take a recess and I would like to see both the plaintiff and defendant’s council in my chambers…now.” Judge Matterson rose and swept out of the room.

I looked up at Carmella who smiled at me. “This is looking very good for you, David. Sit tight.”

Alexa was left where she was and she continued to cry, large tears tracking down her face. She glanced several times at me with uncertainty and I could almost read her thoughts. She was wondering how I felt about
her feelings
, and she was unsure of how I would react to her academy award deserving performance. Surprisingly, I found myself proud of her devious ways. I liked the way her mind worked; she was so much smarter than most people gave her credit for. Plus I liked feeling like I was the only one in on the secret—like it was us against the world. I smiled encouragingly at her and even though she was still playing the victim, her lips twitched up for a moment at me. She’d understood me loud and clear.

“All rise.” The bailiff commanded.

Judge Matterson re-entered the courtroom but didn’t sit. She banged the gavel to get everyone’s attention. “Case dismissed,” she declared. She leaned towards Alexa and I heard her say, “Unless you want to press charges against Mr. Saint.”

I could tell for a millisecond Alexa considered it, but she shook her head and bit her lip. “No, I don’t want to deal with him any more than I have to.”


Everyone in the room was talking excitedly, the media was snapping photos but I just had one thing on my mind. Getting to Alexa. As she stepped down onto the floor I went to her, wrapping my arms around her. She sunk into me; her face pressed into my chest, and began to cry in earnest. “Let’s get out of here,” I murmured against her hair before kissing it.

She sniffled and then pulled away from me to look up into my face. “Okay,” she offered shyly.

I took her hand and led her from the courtroom.



Chapter Thirty-Three





Lights flashed in my face everywhere I looked and I could barely see where I was going. I completely relied on David to lead me through the media circus waiting for us once we left the courtroom. Only a select few had been permitted inside, but outside it seemed like everyone from Pittsburgh to L.A. was in attendance.

“How long have the two of you been seeing each other?”

“Alexa! Are you planning on giving up porn to be with David?”

“Are the two of you interested in doing porn together?”

“David! What do you have to say about the video of the two of you having sex?

“Alexa! Did Devlin Saint hit you?”

“David! Is it true your latest documentary was about the porno industry, if so, did you meet Alexa before or after you began that project?”

“Is it true that this love triangle has been going on since high school?”

There were so many questions being shouted at us that we both ignored them completely. I don’t know why media people always insist on that tactic. Does it actually work with anyone?

David’s lawyer pushed out in front of us, and announced loud enough for most to hear. “David and Alexa aren’t making any comments at this time.” She escorted us to a waiting car and leaned in when we were both inside. “I’ll call you later, David. You may want to think about setting up a press conference or schedule some talk shows or something. Talk to Michael.” She shut the door and hit the car, letting the driver know to push off.

“Where to?” The driver asked.

“The Sheraton in Station Square.” I flung myself at David. “Oh God, I was so scared you were going to go to jail for me.” I pounded against his chest. “Why? Why would you do that?”

He smoothed his large hands down my hair. “I wanted to protect you. I didn’t want you to have to deal with what the media was saying about you. And I didn’t want you to have to face Devlin again.”

I fisted his shirt in both annoyance and want. No one had ever done something so selfless for me before. Sure, men had always been willing to do what I wanted—for a price. David hadn’t expected anything in return; he was merely trying to help me. Even though what he’d actually done was totally asinine. I knew in that moment that I was head over heels in love with my geeky savior. Instead of telling him that I loved him, I drew back and punched him in the arm, of course. “It was stupid. Don’t ever do something so stupid again.” I snuggled into him more and heaved a huge sigh. He smelled good—spicy—warm—like home.

He kissed the top of my head and I melted even more inside. Men always wanted to fuck me, but they rarely showed me any kind of tenderness. “I can’t promise you that I won’t ever do anything stupid again.” He blew out a huge breath. “Do you forgive me?”

“As long as you forgive me,” I mumbled against his chest.

“Alexa,” David pulled me away from him so I could meet his shuttered gaze. “We have a lot to talk about. A lot of things to figure out.”

“Yeah, I know, but for now, please just hold me.” I pressed my face back into him and inhaled. “We’ll talk later, I promise.”



David and I were all over each other as soon as we hit the elevator in the hotel. When he picked me up and pressed me against the wall, pushing my dress above my thighs, my adrenaline pumped with excitement because of the chance we might get caught. The exhibitionist in me reveled in this new carefree side of David.

He groaned when he saw I wasn’t wearing any panties. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He slid down my body and held me in place. Instead of fucking me against the wall like I thought he was going to, he began to lick my pussy right there. I moaned and writhed against his mouth and talented tongue. Just then the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. David didn’t even pause what he was doing. I threaded my hands in his thick hair and met the eyes of a group of twenty something aged guys.

“Holy fuck, is that Alexa James and David Jonez?” One of them blurted out. Another one of them pulled out his phone and began to film. It looked like we were about to have a sequel.

All their eyes being on me while David was sucking on my clit, dropped me right off into the abyss and I screamed as my sudden orgasm ripped through my system. I was still undulating my hips against David’s face when the doors slid shut once more, leaving them all gaping. I was still quivering when he picked me up in his arms and carried me off the elevator and the rest of the way to our room. I felt light as air emotionally. I even giggled.

“Give me your key,” David demanded at my door, his voice breaking an octave lower than normal. Once inside he dropped me on the bed and flipped me over. I turned my face sideways so I could see what he was doing. He unzipped his pants and pulled me to the end of the bed so that my feet were on the ground. He angled himself just right behind me and slammed his engorged cock into me without any further ado. He smacked my ass once before he began moving inside me.

“Oh yes! David! Harder! Fuck me harder!” His pace quickened to an almost painful one, just the way I liked it, and before I knew it I was screaming his name once more as he wrung another orgasm from me. I wriggled underneath him, and pushed so he would stop. “Please, David, let me suck your cock. I want to so desperately.” He’d already made me come twice, and I was overcome with the irresistible desire to pleasure him only. I wanted to watch his face as I performed my best sexual act for him again.

He pulled out of me and stood. I turned around, letting my eyes roam over his lanky cut body, decorated with the most beautiful tattoos, and I dropped to my knees with my mouth watering. First I licked my juices from him, his groans music to my ears. When I was finished I went straight for the big guns, I took him fully into my mouth and deep throated him. I dug my nails into his ass and began to fuck his dick with my face. Swirling my tongue with each pass, and humming softly each time the end of him touched the back of my esophagus, it wasn’t very long before warm liquid was spurting down my throat.

David’s fingers slid into my hair and he met my eyes while I continued to suck him. “You can’t be real.” My lips curled up at the corners as I kept up my ministrations. He softened for a moment and then began to slowly come back to life. “What are you doing to me?” David groaned. I didn’t answer of course, my mouth was a bit busy at the moment, but if I could have, I would have told him that I was worshipping the man I loved.



Chapter Thirty-Four





Alexa James. I was head over fucking heels in love with Alexa James. It didn’t matter to me how many men she’d been with or what kind of past she’d had—I just cared about our future. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with Devlin Saint owning Sinfully Yours Films. I’d have to ask Michael to look over her contract to figure out the best options for her. It wasn’t like Devlin could force her into having sex for the studio. It might mean that Alexa would be forced out of the industry, at least until the contract expired. I didn’t think anyone would take a lawsuit against her for breach of contract with what had been revealed in court about Devlin.

BOOK: Alexxxa
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