Read Alexxxa Online

Authors: D. T. Dyllin

Alexxxa (15 page)

BOOK: Alexxxa
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I glanced at the digital alarm clock on the nightstand and continued to pace. Alexa still wasn’t back at the hotel. At least she hadn’t been five minutes ago when I’d called her room, repeatedly. Josh and Mac were still M.I.A. too. I wasn’t worried about them though, they could take care of themselves. I wasn’t saying Alexa couldn’t—but okay—maybe I was. I wouldn’t be able to rest until I knew where she was.

A knock on my door stopped me in my tracks—could it be? I dashed to the door and flung it open without a second thought. I was rewarded with the sight of Alexa standing in front of me, her big blue eyes glinting with mischief. I didn’t know what to make of her sudden appearance or the odd vibe she was putting off. Before I could say anything she strode right past me into my room. I scrubbed a hand over my face when I noticed what she was wearing—or not wearing. All she had on was a tiny little white dress that barely covered her sweet little ass, and a pair of mile high heels to match. I also noticed she was carrying a black leather bag. She went directly to my bed and looked over her shoulder at me.

“I’ve decided that I may be willing to make some kind of compromise about the ‘whole porn thing’.” She raised her hands up to air quote. “Iiiiif“—she drawled out—“I can fully test out the merchandise first. I mean, I wouldn’t want to make a life altering decision and then find out the cake wasn’t worth the bake.”

I swallowed hard with anticipation—of what I still wasn’t sure, but I felt certain I was going to enjoy it. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying“—Alexa’s tiny dress fluttered to the floor to reveal her bare body—“that I want to fuck you every way imaginable before I sign on the dotted line.”

“But what about—“

“David,” Alexa said as she climbed onto the bed and let her legs fall open in invitation. “How about you just shut up and fuck me. We can talk later…much later.”

I may be the type of guy who over thinks things, who questions everything—but I’m still a guy. A guy who had his wet dream lying in his bed asking him to fuck her. A guy who was in love with that very same girl. I’d never undressed faster in my life.

When I got to the edge of the bed, I paused, first eyeing Alexa’s glistening pussy, and next the leather bag in front of me. “What’s in the bag?” I raised my eyebrows in question.

“Open it and find out,” she cooed playfully. As I unzipped it, an array of sex toys came into view. Everything from different sized dildos, to handcuffs—to things I didn’t even know what they were. My mouth went dry. “Pick something.”

I usually wasn’t the kinky sex kind of guy, but Alexa tempted me to do things I never thought I would. Public car sex came to mind. My eyes alighted on the pair of handcuffs and I pulled them free. “Just so you know, these are going on you, not me.”

Alexa’s eyes widened slightly before she lifted her hands over her head for me. “It looks like I’m your willing servant tonight.”

I walked around the bed and cuffed her hands together and slid her up on the mattress so her hands could reach the headboard. I smiled. I’d never been one to dominate, to buy into the stupid alpha male bullshit, but I was already finding that I liked having Alexa under my control. Maybe I’d just never desired anyone enough to want to dominate them. Maybe I’d never needed to own anyone before her. “Don’t move your hands,” I commanded. I was almost surprised at how deep my voice sounded. It was like I was becoming someone else completely because of her. “You thought you were going to fuck me every way imaginable, think again. I’m going to fuck you.”

Alexa’s nipples puckered in reaction to my words and she squirmed. “I think I like this side of you, David,” she purred.

I crawled between her legs and gripped her thighs, pushing them open wider. I was mesmerized by her slick folds. I’d imagined going down on her so many times while watching someone else do it on film. Now it was my turn. I took her clit between my teeth and pulled slightly. My lips curled up into an evil grin when she screamed. There was no room for gentle exploration with someone like Alexa. I knew what kind of sexual experience she was looking for and I was more than happy to give it to her. I worried her sensitive flesh between my teeth, with just enough force to cause her hips to buck. I then soothed her with the fast rhythm of my tongue flicking against the sensitive bundle of nerves. She came apart right there for me, screaming my name. Male satisfaction bloomed within me. I wanted more of her screams and more of her orgasms, and I would get them.

As she lay trembling beneath me, I let her go and slid back down the bed to take another gander into her bag of toys. This time I pulled out some lube and a large dildo. I was about to show her that she didn’t need more than just me for double penetration. She watched me with a rapt gaze as I approached her. I leaned down to kiss her thoroughly, sharing with her the taste of her juices. When I pulled away, her head lifted in an effort to follow me. Her pupils were dilated and her chest was heaving. I pinched her nipples once before flipping her over. I arranged her so that her ass was up in the air just like I wanted it. She wiggled it at me; obviously anxious for whatever I was going to do to her.

“Wait, wait, wait,” she mumbled against the comforter. “Open the curtains.”

For a millisecond my heart dropped to my stomach. Even though no one would actually be able to see us, she wanted the illusion that people could. She truly was an exhibitionist. But then again, if that’s all it took for her to be with me and only me, I’d play along. I strode over to the window and sharply pulled the curtains back for her. “There. Now everyone will be able to see what I’m about to do to you.”

She gasped and moaned, and I smiled.

Picking up the lube and dildo once more, I coated the hard plastic thoroughly before slipping it into her waiting pussy. I pushed it in and out several times before leaving it in to settle. I coated my dick and her ass in more lube. I shoved myself into her without hesitation; I knew she could take it. I shuddered in pleasure when I was sheathed completely inside her. Her muscles hugged me so perfectly I had to fight the urge to come right then. I leaned forward and whispered roughly, “Now I’m going to show everyone just how good it is to fuck you.”

“Mmmaaagghh!’ she moaned unintelligently into the bed.

I grabbed her hips and pounded into her. She felt so good that I was sure my eyes were rolled back into my head. But I gritted my teeth and held on, promising myself I wouldn’t come until she did again. I reached around and pinched her clit while using my palm to hold the dildo deeply inside her. I could feel her muscles tensing, getting ready. Just before she came she went utterly still, she wasn’t even breathing. And then she shrieked as she pulsed around me, causing me to spill into her. Both of our orgasms seemed to go on forever, and when we were both spent, I pushed her down to the bed and wrapped my arms around her. I was by no means done playing with her for the evening. But I definitely needed a little bit of time to regroup after that. Sex with Alexa James was life altering. I already felt like a changed man, and in that moment I knew that I’d never be able to give her up. When a man’s dick and heart both want the same woman, he has to hold on with everything he has. He really has no choice.



Chapter Twenty-Seven





I really hadn’t expected David to bring all that he had to the table, sexually speaking. And to think, there was a time when I hadn’t thought he was my type. Why? Because he wore glasses and had a penchant for shirts with stupid robots on them? If I had to give advice to any woman out there about picking a man, I’d say this: Don’t rule out the nerdy or geeky guys. They’re attentive, they’re quick studies, and if you find the right one… he can rock your world better than any beefed up gym guy. David Jonez was a friggin’ sex god. No joke. Or maybe we were just meant for each other. Now that was a thought. Waking up after a short nap in his arms, after he’d just given me his personal version of D.P., was absolute bliss. For the first time in my entire life I felt whole. I felt like I was meant to be with him. Who cared about all the rest? I’d worry about the tangled mess of my life later. All that mattered for now was being with David…and getting more of what he had wetted my lips for.

“Hey,” David said gruffly. “Sorry I fell asleep.”

I rolled towards him, noticing that he at some point had taken the handcuffs off of me. “Don’t worry about it, I fell asleep too.” I stared into his sleepy baby blues and melted inside. His expression was full of the kind of devotion I craved, and yet I knew he could also command me sexually. I ran my hand through his tousled dark locks. I wanted to wake up every day next to him and follow it up with him fucking me silly. “Let’s take a shower together,” I murmured against his neck.

Without a word David lifted me in his arms and carried me into the bathroom. He turned the shower on and scooted me in as he came to stand behind me. I felt so tiny next to him without heels on. I leaned back against his chest and sighed happily. But my relaxed state only lasted for a moment when I felt David’s hard length prod my back. “Let me wash you,” he whispered against the shell of my ear just before his tongue snaked out to circle it. I shivered and my skin exploded in goose bumps.

David’s rough hands explored my body while he cleaned me. By the time he was finished I was desperate for him again. “My turn.” His lips turned up into a sensual smile and I went to work. I took my time washing him, making sure I massaged the perfect orbs of his ass and removed all the remaining lube from his gorgeous cock. When I was absolutely sure he was as clean as he could get, my mouth watered in anticipation of getting him dirty again. As if reading my mind, David lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, pushing into me in one solid stroke. I moaned and threw my head back, hitting the wall of the shower. He supported me with his hands under my ass as he ground his pelvis against me, both hitting my g-spot and clit at the same time. I fell over the edge again, faster than I would have thought. David pulled out of me before he came.

“What are you doing?” I asked with confusion.

“I have other plans for us in the bedroom. I just wanted to make you come again first.”

“Oh,” was all I could manage.



Hours later, after even I was too sore to temporarily go on, David and I lay in bed watching episodes of
Doctor Who
on his laptop, while munching on room service food.

“Doctor number nine is sexy. I’d totally do him,” I said around a mouthful of pasta.

“Don’t get too attached to him, he was only the Doctor for a season.”

“What? Oh, but I like him and his accent.” We were only a few episodes into the first season of what David called the
Doctor Who
reboot. He’d explained to me that the first Doctor was made way back in the fifties or something. I’d thought the show a bit campy at first, but after only two episodes I found myself thoroughly enjoying them.

“Shit. My battery’s low.” David paused the episode. “I have to plug this in and it won’t reach the bed.”

“Nooo!” I whined. “I need to know what happens.”

He grinned at me. “I knew you’d like
Doctor Who
if you gave it a chance.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Really?”

“Okay, so I had hoped.” He had been so cute when he’d been explaining everything
to me. I could tell that it was something that even if I hadn’t enjoyed it I was going to have to pretend I did. Lucky for me, I was actually liking it so far.

“So tell me Mr. Jonez, you never explained to me the other night how exactly you managed to take care of Devlin.”

David parked himself back in bed next to me and frowned. “Yes, I did.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “No, you only said that you could take care of yourself. That’s not much of an explanation.”

“There’s really not much to explain. I took a bunch of self-defense and other similar types of classes while in college. I’ve also studied mixed martial arts.”

“You did?” That would explain why he’d only gotten a split lip out of the little altercation with Devlin.

BOOK: Alexxxa
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