Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist) (33 page)

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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“Well in that case
, you should really tell
to stop playing match maker…I have a boyfriend already!” I say as I look at both of them wiping away any excess tears from my face, they both start laughing.

“Yes honey please don’t, she just found out she’s my daughter and I want to be the only important man in her life for a little while….Hang on. Wait – What? What boyfriend? The one from the other pack, I thought you told the twins that to keep them away? I didn’t realize it was
serious?” my father growls at the last bit and I giggle.

Alex comes to the rescue and pulls me out of the chair, “Hun leave her alone, she’s allowed to have boyfriends
 for heaven’s sake we were already doing the nasty when I was fifteen, don’t be a hypocrite!”

“Hell NO! I don’t want to hear about
doing the nasty…” I shriek as I cover my ears and they both snicker as we head out the office.


We head to the kitchen where the boys are making a feast of a breakfast. My head is still jumbled with the news I’ve just received, there is so much I want to know but I’m enjoying this moment with my parents to much to ask them the questions I need answers to.

I've come to realize that only my parents, the twins and I live in this huge house.
  I know Jacob lives in a small cottage next to our house near the woods because he is in charge of the patrols and he enjoys his space, he’s a very quiet person and tends to keep to himself. I remember Johnny telling me that this place is usually filled when they have packs that visit but most of the time it’s just them.

I walk into the kitchen and the guys immediately stop and look at me.

“Boys, I guess I should formally introduce you to our daughter.” My father chuckles as both of the boys mouths drop open and their eyes widen in surprise.

Yeah…that’s probably about same look I had when I found out

“Luna, your baby survived? How is that possible?” Talon says in awe. “I knew you were the girl we were supposed to find when Alpha sent us to look for you a few years back. Your scent was so familiar that first day you climbed out of your car.”

“I knew you looked like them, you look identical to Luna, just shorter and you also have the Alpha's eyes and facial expressions when you’re angry.” Tyler blurts.

“Yeah about that…why am I so short? You two are pretty tall I mean I should be at least-” I ask my parents but I stop as the entire kitchen starts cackling.

“Angel I have no clue. Maybe once you turn, you will change…I guess only the fates know the answer to that.” my mother says through laughs.

“No sweetie, when you meet your grandmother you will get your answer. My father is a big guy but my mother has always been a small woman.” Johnny says.

I smile to myself thinking of this family i have so much to learn about.

The days have been going by so quickly and it’s already Wednesday. I’ve been working really hard with my school work and I’m already ahead. I stopped getting messages from Jax the same day I arrived here, I didn’t
 bother to read them I just deleted them. I call Ronny and Drake every day, I thought I would miss them more than I do but the twins have been keeping my mind off everything from Point Bright.

The twins and I have been spending every free moment together, I noticed they weren’t attending college and didn’t have any sort of job so I asked them about it on Tuesday and they then proceeded to tell me that I was their “job”, they were supposed to look after me when Johnny wasn’t around and that they didn’t need to go to college in order for them to do that.


It was Wednesday and I completed my school work around lunch time, Johnny works from his office in the pack house and Alex had taken off a couple days so she could make sure I settled in, the twins made us all lunch and we sat around the table eating as one big family.

I still can’t believe Alex and Johnny are my biological parents, of course deep down I knew I always fitted in here and felt at home when I was with them but it never occurred to me that they were more than just my aunt and uncle.

When they told me that I was their daughter I was so hurt because I thought that they didn’t want me and that’s why they had me sent away but when they explained to me the dangers I would be in if people knew I was a half breed I understood why they did what they did.

I also spoke to them about Greg and how he was an outcast with his pack, my father wanted to know more about him and I told him everything I could but he still wanted to meet with him and speak to his beta about accepting him. After my father met Greg and spoke to his beta as well as a few other trusted members of the pack he agreed to accept Greg into our pack as long as there wasn’t any animosity toward us from his previous pack.

The day was rainy so we spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and eating junk food down in the theatre Room.
  The Theatre room in this house was different to that of Frankie’s. This one looked like a cinema with a large projector as well as five rows of comfortable lounge chairs.  The twins and I sat right in the front and my mother and father sat a few seats back.

It was getting late and my parents had a meeting they were attending at another packs house. They were spending the night there so they didn’t have to drive back late at night. It was around seven o’clock in the evening and my tummy started to rumble.

“Let’s go out to eat dinner?” Tyler begs.

“Out for dinner? Where?” I ask as I stretch and let out a yawn.

“How about that pizza place?” Talon mutters.

“Yeah okay, I'm starved. Let me get dressed quickly.” I say as I head to my room.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie because it’s freezing outside, I placed my boots on tucking my jeans in because the ground is all wet and muddy.

There's a knock on the door by the bathroom and in comes the twins. They lounge on my bed and watch me quietly as I finish placing my hair into a braid.

“Don’t stare, its rude.” I tell them feeling self-conscious.

I sit on the side of the bed near to Talon and put on my socks and boots.

“You ready for our date?” Talon asks and I whip my head around and raise my eyebrow.

“Date? Nah uh… this isn’t a date, this is three friends going out for a nice... casual... dinner.” I tell him and that naughty smile of his spreads across his face.

Talon leans close to me and whispers in my ear. “Baby this is whatever I say it is, and I say it IS a date.” I can’t control the shiver that goes through my body as his warm breath hits my ear and neck.

I hear Tyler’s chuckles from behind me as I say. “What happened to:
It’s just sex with us, we don’t date?”
I say as I impersonate Talons deep voice when he told the girls at the pizzeria that they don’t date.

“Babe when it comes to you…anything’s possible. And we don’t date
girls because we’ve been waiting for you.” He says as he smiles at me and I can feel the blush creeping up so I quickly turn my gaze back to my shoes.

We leave soon after and make our way to the pizzeria. We ordered our food and have already started eating when Tyler asks, “So have you enjoyed the date so far?”

We’re seated in a corner booth with me between the twins. “Ty I told you already, this isn’t a date.” I say focusing on my last piece of pizza trying to avoid their gaze.

Talon scoots closer to me and puts his hand on my leg under the table and I instantly get tingles.

How is this even possible? Maybe I’m just missing Drakes touch, I usually only get these sensations when he’s being intimate but with Talon, all he has to do is whisper in his sexy voice and it brings about those butterflies. Yeah I just miss Drake…that’s it…it HAS to be it because I don’t think I can possibly make my love life more complicated by having feelings for the twins too.

“And I told you Angel that THIS... is whatever I say it is, and THIS IS a date.” He says huskily against my ear as he leans closer against me and squeezes my upper thigh gently. I look over to Tyler and his eyes are a darker shade of blue and I notice his lust filled expression. He licks his lips slowly as he looks down at my lips that I am currently biting slightly due to all the thinking that’s going on in my head…
I need to stop doing that.

I look back at him and he’s licking his lips again staring at me, I shiver and feel the heat rising in my face as my cheeks redden. I shake my head trying to get the dirty thoughts I'm having about the twins out of there and get back to what we were talking about.

We eventually arrive home and head straight to bed. I quickly jump in the shower and not even five minutes later I hear the bathroom door open and I hear heavy footsteps, I call out and ask who’s there but I get no reply as I hear the door shut again.
What the f…

I pop my head out from behind the shower curtain and check if anyone is in the bathroom, but no one is there. I look at counter near the sink where my clothes lay. Wrapping a towel around my body I take a closer look at the clothes that are now lying there.

What the hell? These aren’t the clothes I brought here
. I laugh to myself when I realize what just happened. I had one of Drakes big shirts with a pair of my pajama shorts to wear underneath but now sits Talon's large shirt and a pair of boxers which I’m guessing is Tyler’s.

I dress into the clothes and head to bed, only the small bedside lamp is on and with the curtains spread wide, they know I don’t like the room pitch black and that I love having the natural light from the moon filtering in. I send a goodnight message to Drake and Ronny before looking over at the twins.

The boys are already in my bed, both lying on their backs with their hands under their heads, they are so alike yet so different it amazes me and I could most probably sit and watch them all day.

I climb in bed and get comfortable between them, Tyler scoots closer to me and lies on his side as he looks intently at me, I can read everything from just the way he looks at me and his body language. Talon lays the same way except he places his arm over my stomach protectively.

Or possessively …I’m not sure which …

This is so like them, Talon doesn’t really enjoy telling you about his feelings through words so he shows you how he feels by the way he touches you while Tyler lets everything out, he’s an open book and doesn’t mind you seeing him when he’s most vulnerable.

Lately though Talon has been more forthcoming than usual.

I turn to Talon who is staring intently at me, “You guys know I have a boyfriend right. So that definitely wasn’t a date.” I look back and forth between the twins as I see the flash of hurt cross their faces but it quickly disappears
 and they have smirks now.

“Well he’s not here is he? He left you with us…” Tyler says softly as he too scoots closer to me, now I’m surrounded by both of the twin’s warmth and scent.

“Besides you have been leading those two guys at Point Bright on so what is another two huh? Remember what I told you about being in love? If you were in love with those two you wouldn’t be where you are now and we wouldn’t be able to smell how aroused you are at this moment, you know I’m right. We are going to prove to you just how right I am so you can stop wasting your time with those boys and be with us men. So when and while you are here, you are ours. Do you understand that baby?” Talon whispers in my ear. I know he doesn’t mean to be harsh but his words are harsh, he makes me sound like such a whore.

Can they really smell arousal?

“You belong to us and if we see another man near you…” Tyler says but is interrupted by Talon.

“We won’t hesitate to rip them apart. It’s bad enough you brought that Drake boy’s jacket here that smelled up your room.” Talon says with a hint of jealousy and anger in his voice.

“Didn’t you tell the maid to wash it?” Tyler blurts out and Talon’s head snaps up and glares at Tyler for obviously saying something he shouldn’t.

“Wait…What? Why did you ask her to wash it?” I ask Talon.

“I did that because I don’t want you smelling like him when you are with us, it drives me insane. My wolf is already really close to marking you without your consent so when you go back to
tomorrow he will know you belong to us.” Talon says as he glares at me with his now dark eyes. I shiver with fear and scoot closer to Tyler, I turn to look at him and his eyes are just as dark.

“Baby… my wolf wants to mark you too so I suggest you don’t push against me down there.” Tyler says and I quickly realize my ass is pressed against him. I swiftly move away so I’m back in the middle.

“Why are all you damn wolves so possessive, you all think you own me! None of you own me okay?” I say harshly as I huff out a breath and fold my arms over my chest while the twins let out a laugh which only makes me more infuriated.

Talon comes back up to me, this time climbing on top of me between my legs as he growls out loud. Tyler grabs my one hand and brings it to his mouth as he gives me soft kisses on my hand and up my arm, I can’t help the goose bumps that go through my body as his soft lips touch my skin.

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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