Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist) (26 page)

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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My friends all look at me with sad looks.
Why are they sad? I can’t help but think that they know more than what I suspected.

“Is she a wolf too?” I ask them remembering what Alex and Johnny told me about her being human.

They all look at Jax for a reply. “Yeah Lexi…she is.” He says. 

That doesn't add up...

“And my father?” I ask.

“From what your mother has told us he was turned. You see your father was human before but bitten by a rogue when he was younger and he survived the shift. He then met your mother and they were mates. What we found weird was that it is impossible for a human and a werewolf to reproduce children but I guess since your father was turned when he was really young he probably had more wolf in him than human and so they were able to have you. You don’t smell like a wolf though but that could be because you haven’t turned yet. Usually male wolves turn into their wolf form when they are sixteen and females only turn into theirs on their eighteenth birthday even though they can feel their wolf inside them. You’ll probably turn on your eighteenth birthday and the reason you smell human to us is because your father was born human. My father has been looking into it ever since your mother asked to join our pack.”

 “Okay.” I let out a deep breath. “Now you guys are all part of this pack? And Jax your dad is the Alpha, meaning you will be the next Alpha? Chloe, why don’t you stay at the house too?”  I ask them.

“Yeah Lexi, I’m the soon to be Alpha and Drake will be my Beta as soon as we turn eighteen and finish school, we will take over while our parents travel. We’re called the Black Valley Wolf Pack, ninety percent of town is in our pack, there are only few humans in town but we still have to make sure they never find out about us.” Jax says looking down at Drake’s hands which are holding mine.

“I’m not a wolf Lex, that’s why I don’t live there.” Chloe says as she looks at Ron sadly.

“Chlo that doesn’t matter, when we are done with school you are going to move in with us, I love you Chloe and just because you aren’t my mate doesn’t mean that we can’t be together. We’re going to complete the shifting process because I know you are strong enough for it.” Ronny says as she hugs Chloe tightly.

“Mate? Do you already have a mate Ron?” I ask her, she looks at Jax and then back at Chloe.

“Yeah I do, Jax is my mate Lex but we don’t feel like that about each other, neither do our wolves, we are as close as brother and sister. The male will only find his mate or he will realize who is mate is when the female turns eighteen, but with Alphas it’s different.
  They can find their mate at any age even if they haven’t turned yet, it all really depends on the female wolf and how strong she is.  Jax and I still have the bond that mates have but it’s weaker than usual because we don’t want to complete the mating process and neither do our wolves but once either of us bond to someone else, the mate link that connects Jax and I will break.” she explains.

“Are you going to complete the mating process with Chloe then? What happens to Jax when it happens?” I ask her.

“Yeah we are planning to, it’s not really safe to turn a human but I know Chloe will be able to turn, my wolf and I will help her through the process. Jax will be fine and even if we don’t break the bond, its weak enough for him to find his second chance mate. However, if he doesn’t find her then he could still mate with another whom his wolf and he chooses.” She says, I look over to Jax and see he’s smiling at me, obviously Drake see’s it and lets out a growl.

“Okay guys I think it’s time I get MY girl to bed, she’s had a long day.” Drake says and I notice he says “
” with much eagerness obviously to get a kick from Jax but Jax only winks at me , gives me a hug goodbye and thanks me for the delicious meal.

We say our goodbyes and everyone leaves except for Drake, he says he’s staying over and right now I don’t mind, I missed him so much.


Drake helps me put off the
 lights and lock the doors, I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk into my room, put the small lamp that is next to my bed on so I can find my way to my drawers. As I pull a large tee out to wear and pull off my dress I suddenly feel two large warm hands around my bare stomach. Drake moves the hair off one of my shoulders and nuzzles my neck with his face, kissing my neck and breathing me in. 

He growls out loud.
 "Damn babe, you can’t expect me not to touch you when you undress like that in front of me. You look so good Lex.”

“Sorry Drake…I didn’t even hear you come in.” I whisper afraid my voice shows how much I’m trembling with want right now.

I turn around and face him, his hands pull me into him and he places his hands over my lace underwear as he lets out a moan.

I pull my face up to his and I let my hands travel under his shirt and lift it off him, I throw it to the floor and let my hands travel its way over to his neck again, but gently touch his rippled abs – I move my hands over his pecks and I feel him shiver underneath my gentle touch.

He doesn’t say a word but I hear his breath hitch and the soft purrs coming from him, obviously his wolf enjoys my hands exploring his body. I lift my toes up and pull my face into his neck, my one hand in his hair and the other around his waist feeling the muscles in his lower back.

I give him soft kisses against the side of his neck, I place a soft kiss underneath his ear, letting my lips linger there and I can’t resist a taste, my tongue darts out tasting his soapy fresh skin.

Damn…He smells and tastes so good.

He squeezes me and pushes his body closer as I feel my body touch his now naked chest and stomach.


I press gentle kisses along his neck and then I kiss under his jaw then his cheek. I make my way to the spot where his dimple usually is and then I kiss the corner of his mouth as he gives me a naughty grin.

“Baby…you’re killing me.” he says as he gives me a husky chuckle and I giggle as I teasingly kiss everywhere on his face except his lips. As I go in to kiss the other corner of his lips he lifts his one hand up into the back of my neck and in my hair. He pulls my lips to his as he gives me a throaty moan and I squirm as he surprises me. He lifts me up against him with his hands back on my behind, his one hand unclasps my bra as he lets out another moan as my chest touches his, he move us over to the bed and I feel him shift, using his feet to pull his shoes off.

I’m still latched around his waist as he climbs on my bed and moves to the middle of the bed still carrying me. He gently puts me down in the middle of the bed, he moves away from me looking down at my face then my breasts with lust filled eyes.

I raise my hands to cover them but he grabs them and lifts them above my head holding my hands in place as he looks down at my body, his eyes darkening with hunger.

“Lex don’t ever hide your body from me. It’s mine and I am going to look at you... you
 are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”  He whispers as he releases my arms and his hands travel down my body, I blush at his announcement but since its dark and he’s fixated on my body rather than my face he doesn’t seem to notice.

He shifts slightly above me as he goes to take his pants and socks off but hesitates, “Baby I….I’m not wearing underwear, I’m going to take my pants off but we don’t have to do anything just because we are naked okay?” he whispers in my ear causing me to shiver and nod.

I’m not sure I will be able to control myself if we don’t have our clothes as a barrier between us. He pulls the blanket over us as he throws his pants to the floor beside the bed. He’s still hovering above me, looking down at me as his messy hair falls slightly over his eyes. I raise my hand and move the hair from his face as he looks down at me with those loving hazel eyes. He grabs my hand and kisses it tenderly.

He lowers his face to mine, as he lowers his body I can clearly feel his arousal. I lift my legs around his waist and pull him harder against me. I let out a soft moan, he roughly takes hold of my mouth with his, his tongue taking control and pushing in and out of mine as he moves his body to a rhythm, our only barrier being the small piece of blue lace I’m wearing at the moment.

Apart from the rain that is beating down on the trailer, the only sounds that can be heard are our moans and our the deep breathing.  His lips make his way over to my ear lobe as he sucks it; I let out a sigh and raise my chest against his, my head falling back deeper into the pillow as he says in throaty husky voice.

“I want to touch you so bad…can I touch you?”

“T…touch me?” I ask nervously.

“Yeah babe,” his one hand travels down between my legs and he squeezes me , I let out a grasp and my eyes widen. “Right here baby, I will be gentle Lex…” he trails off mumbling as he starts planting kisses down my breasts. I hear material tearing and a slight sting on my right hip where the material of my underwear lay moments before.

“Did you just tear my underwear?” I ask him as he looks up from my breast and gives me a naughty smile.

“Yeah, it was... in the way…” he growls as I feel him pull the only barrier we had between us away from me and throw it on the floor.

I give him a hard wet kiss and for once I’m in control as my tongue intrudes his mouth without invitation and I can feel him as he roughly pushes against me.

We lay there exploring each other’s bodies before he speaks again.

“Oh God Lex, my wolf is begging me to mark you right now, I want to… so bad.” He growls as I feel his teeth against my neck, my body stiffens and I’m pretty sure he can feel the fear radiating from me from his statement but its quickly dissolved because he doesn’t bite down instead he kisses and sucks.

“Shhh baby, it’s okay …I’m going to take care of you now.” He says in a rough voice against my lips before his tongue is at it again in my mouth. I let his hands touch and explore where no one else has been.

I start feeling the tingles spread through my body and my heart starts beating faster as I tremble underneath him. He removes his hand and kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around him and snuggle into his neck.

I ask Drake to show me how to “take care of him”, he takes my hand and shows me exactly what he wants and I too explore his body. He roughly pulls my hair so my neck is exposed as he growls and gently bites down on my shoulder, not hard enough to mark me, the pain is a good type of pain.

After a few minutes his body goes rigid above mine and after a minute or two his body relaxes, I wrap my arms around him as he lowers himself onto me and breathes deep into my neck nuzzling me. He sighs and wraps his arms tighter around me.

“How about we take a quick shower?” I ask him as he lifts his head. I smile at him and he gives me a toothy grin back. He throws the blankets off and picks me up, rushing over to the bathroom in our naked glory with me giggling all the way there.

We stand in the tub and I make sure the water coming from the shower is the perfect temperature as he gives me soft kisses along my shoulders. I move so we both are under the shower water and he gently starts to rub soap all over my body with the sponge, once he’s done I do the same to him. It’s an intimate act and I feel so comfortable being naked with him, he pulls me to his chest as he looks into my eyes with his loving ones.

“I love you so much Lex, I can’t ever lose you again. I don’t want to live if you’re not with me…I wana be with you forever baby. I love you so much…I’m so sorry for that night. Lexi I will NEVER hurt you, I never want to make you so scared of me that you run away, I don’t think I can live through that again.” he starts to whisper and I watch carefully as a tear falls down his cheek, I reach up and give him a kiss and wipe away the stray tear.

“Drake I love you more than you can imagine and I trust you more than you think. I love you and I wana be with you forever-ever.” I say and smile at him. He brings me in for a hug then puts the water off after we're done and wraps me in a towel. We go into my room and he dry’s me off then puts his shirt on me. I walk to my drawer to get underwear and pick out a pair of boy shorts. Heading back to my bed I find Drake already under the covers waiting for me with his arms open. I climb inside and as I lift the blanket I notice he’s naked underneath.

“Why weren’t you wearing boxers today?” I ask him and he tenses next to me then stutters. “I heard you were back while I was in a shower and I rushed to come here.” He says and I can’t help but feel that’s he’s
 not being honest with me.

“Drake? You haven’t found your mate yet have you?” I ask him looking up. His jaw tenses and he blinks a couple of times, my question obviously taking him off guard.

“No Lex I haven’t.” he says as he looks down sadly at me.

“What will happen to us….when you do?” I whisper afraid my voice might break because the tears I’m holding in might fall if I have to think about losing him.

“Nothing babe, I have you, I don’t need a mate Lex… my wolf and I love YOU we only want YOU and we need YOU.” he says as he gives me a hard kiss.

“Promise me Drake, I know how strong the mate bond is….I’ve seen it and I’m not stupid. Please promise me you will at least try to make us work when you find her? I…I don’t want to get a…attached to you and then have you leave me….you can’t leave me too Drake…I need you.” I whisper against his chest and I can feel his eyes staring down at me. He kisses my head and says in his deep sexy voice.

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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