Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist) (25 page)

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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While I place my bags in my room I notice my room is the cleanest of the house, the evidence from where I broke the table next to my bed can’t be seen. Moving closer to the table I see that it has in fact been repaired but still has a few scratches and dents in it. Creeping from beneath the small table where I was lying I spot the blood stained floorboards and I cringe.

After I place my new phone on charge and send Alex a text to forward my new number to the others I start cleaning up the rest of the house and doing whatever washing Georgina has lying around as well as all the dishes. I spend the rest of the day cleaning, it’s about six in the afternoon and the house is spotless. I just started packing away and drying the dishes when I hear footsteps and voices on the patio out front.

I hear the door open but I don’t turn around to see who it is, by the sound of the heels on the floor I already know who it is.

“Lexi! My baby! I’m so sorry! I missed you so much! I’m so sorry for hurting you!” she runs over to where I’m standing with the dish cloth in my hand and pulls me in for a tight hug as she cries against the top of my head. “You know about your friends being wolves, I know I have a lot to explain and I should of told you sooner.” I notice Amber standing behind her with wide eyes as she quickly gets her phone out calling someone.

My guess?

“No. I’m sorry … I shouldn’t have said those things to you, I was so mean. Yeah we definitely need to talk later.” I tell her as I look her over. She looks too skinny and she has dark bags under her eyes making her look rather old.

“You look so good my baby!” she smiles at me.

“You look too skinny! I’m going to make us a
 big roast with the whole shebang for dinner, you need to eat.” I reprimand her.

“I’ve got a roast in my freezer, I’ll go get it!” Amber says excitedly as she gives me a hug.
Not sure who invited her but more the merrier I guess...

I hear a car pull up outside and heavy footsteps running up the patio stairs, my mom kisses my cheek then disappears down the passage.

The door slams open and Jax comes barreling in, without saying a word he runs up to me. He wraps his large frame around me and hugs me tight. His head is in the crook of my neck and I can feel him breathing in my scent.

Must be a wolf thing…

“I'm so sorry baby, we wanted to tell you what we were but we shouldn’t have lost control like we did in front of you. I'm so sorry Lexi, you probably have a ton of questions! I’m just so happy I have you back, you have no idea how worried I was. I love you so much Lexi!” Jax whispers into my shoulder.

“It’s okay. I was a coward by running, you guys looked so scary fighting and I had to get away. I shouldn’t have run like I did. I missed you so much Jax, I love you too.” He looks up at me as I say this and he releases me.

I can see that it has taken a toll on Jax, me being away. His hair has grown long almost touching his collar bone, he looks really good. He has slight stubble on his face from not shaving regularly and his eyes also have dark patches underneath from not sleeping.

“Baby, you don’t have to apologize about anything! This is our fault! We should of handled it differently and we shouldn’t have scared you like that.” Jax says sadly.

“Jax, it okay, I promise I’m okay now, are you going to stay for dinner?” I ask him trying to change this subject.

“Of course Lexi, but ….don’t you have questions? Aren’t you scared? You seem... fine with this whole thing?” Jax asks me suspiciously.

“That’s coz I am fine with this whole thing, I knew about werewolves before you guys decided to turn in front of me, I wasn’t scared at the fact that you were wolves I was scared because YOU GUYS were werewolves and you were fighting! I was scared you might eat me or something but I’m not scared anymore.” I tell him truthfully as I wipe the hair that’s falling from his face behind his ear.

He smiles at me, “I take it you like my hair?” he smiles at me then immediately frowns. “Wait….” He holds up his hand, “You knew about werewolves?”

“Yeah I LOVE your hair like this, please don’t cut it and yes I knew wolves existed but I’ll tell you about that some other time.” I say as I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.

I hear the front door fly open and from where I’m standing with Jax
  I see Ronny run inside, as soon as she sees me her eyes fill with tears and she gives me a bone crushing hug.

“I’m so sorry Lex!” she cries into my hair, I pull her away from me and look into her eyes.

“Ronny. Look, I’m fine, please don’t cry like this. I’m safe and I’m home.” I tell her convincingly.

“You look…different…” she says as she looks me over. “You’ve lost weight and you look like you have more muscle, you’re still small though but you look….different. You look really good Lex.” she says as she examines me squeezing my biceps.

“Thanks Ron I wish I could say the same for you but….you guys look like shit!” I say. Jax and her laugh.

“You both have lost a lot of weight. Tonight I’m cooking up a feast for mom and you guys will be staying, I need to fatten you up.” I say as I start cutting veggies and give each of them orders to help me prepare the meal.

There are a few things I need from the store, Jax volunteers and I give him a list of what to get.

I tell Ronny to pick up Chloe, just to get her off my back since she won’t stop asking me questions. I’m not ready to tell them where I’ve been and who exactly Alex is to me.

My mom went with Amber to the pub because they were supposed to work tonight so they’re trying to find girls to cover their shift. I decide to shower while everyone was out. 

I climb under the shower spray and close my eyes under the scorching water, thinking about the past month and all that has happened. Noelle still hasn’t given me the answers I need about how I could heal Alex the way I did and I have a feeling she knows more than she letting on. Drake hasn’t shown up yet and I think that’s because Jax and Ronny had a say in it. I miss him so much but I don’t know if I can trust myself to be around him, he nearly hit me that night and the way he spoke to me? I know if he came with arms open I’ll forget about all he’s done to me and run into his arms as if nothing happened.

I don’t think I can tell them what I am because honestly I don’t even know what I am. Johnny says it would be dangerous if people knew and I’m guessing if people find out that Jax and this pack knew about me that would probably put them in danger too.

I won’t let that happen.

After showering and drying my hair. I put on a yellow sundress with a black cardigan. After putting makeup on I hear the front door slam open again and loud speedy footsteps coming my way, I turn from my mirror just as Drake walks in my room.

Like Ronny, Jax and my mother, Drake too shows what me being gone this past month has done to him. His hair is messy and no longer clean shaven and it falls into his eyes and covers his ears. His face shows signs that he hasn’t had much sleep and his eyes show the lust and love he still holds for me.

“Babe…” he says as he takes a step toward me, I take a step back, “Please….Lex…” he motions for me to come to him but all the fear of that night and how angry he was comes rushing back and before I know it I’m shaking with fear.

He comes closer to me with a pleading look in his eyes as he open his arms for me, I walk backwards before I feel my back touching the wall behind me.

“I’m so sorry Lex, please don’t be afraid of me. I love you so so much, I thought someone took you. It’s been hell. I’m so sorry you found out like that, please forgive me Lexi…Please.” he pleads with me as he stands in front of me. I look to his chest not wanting to see his beautiful chocolate eyes but he uses his hand to gently lift my chin. I look up into his beautiful eyes and notice the sadness in his face and it breaks my heart to see him this way.

I raise my hands slowly and wipe the tears away. “Don’t cry Drake... I’m back now.” I whisper afraid my voice might break. He gives me a hug, holding me close to him with my ear against his chest, the beating of his heart and being surrounded by his smell quickly eases my fear for him.

“I’m so sorry I scared you Lex, I love you so much, from the first time I saw you down at the waterfall I knew you had to be mine and it was so hard because you didn’t know that the wolf you used to meet at the waterfall was me. I love you Lex, never leave me, I don’t think I can live without you…” he whispers.

I look up to his sparkly eyes and smile in disbelief, “You’re the brown wolf?”

“Yeah babe, it’s been me all along.” he smiles as he looks down at me.

“I love you Drake, more than you know…” I say as his lips touch mine. I missed these lips just as much as I missed being in his warm arms. I kiss him gently but when his hand comes up to my hair and he pulls my face closer to him, the kiss gets heated and soon his tongue finds mine.

The sweet taste of his velvet tongue drives me crazy as he devours me. He lifts me against the wall and gently pushes me against it, his hands travel toward my ass. As soon as his hands find what they’re looking for, he growls against my mouth and squeezes me causing me to squeal while he chuckles.

“Babe, I need to stop now before I take you against this wall.” He says out of breath.

“Yeah, I agree. There’s enough time for that later. Right now I’ve got people to feed.” I say as I find my feet on the floor, fix my dress. “You included.” I say as I look him over.

“Damn straight babe, not going to be leaving your side for a while and that means you’ll be sleeping in my arms tonight.” He says as he pulls me in for another hug.

After the food is cooked and everyone is back, we set up the table and dish out food.

Jax raises his hand for a toast as he stands up towering everyone, “Here's to having our girl back safe, where she belongs and ALSO here's to her accepting who we are! Welcome to our pack Lexi!”

Everyone toasts and cheers including my mother, she still doesn't know that I know what I am, I need to speak to her about it all soon. My glass is still in the air thinking about what he just said.

Welcome to the pack? I will be part of another pack as soon as I leave school. Will that make us enemies? God, I can’t be in his pack! How am I going to tell them this?

I slowly sip my drink as I watch everyone hungrily dive into their food; they look like they haven't eaten in days. I look down at my plate and find that I'm not hungry after all. I feel someone’s hand on my leg and it brings me back to reality.

Drake asks, “You okay?” I smile at him and take a bite of food so I don’t need to give him an answer.

Amber and Mom decided to clear the dishes when everyone’s done.

“Where have you been this past month Lex?” Chloe asks me out of the blue, she takes me off guard as I stumble for an answer.

“I stayed with my friend.” I tell her and they have weird looks on their faces.

“Who were the guys that took you? We smelt their scents.” Drake says in a serious tone next to me.

“I’m not sure, I just called Alex to fetch me and all I remember was waking up at her place. I was out for about two and a half weeks, my body was exhausted but when I woke up everything was fine.” I tell them trying to convince them it’s the truth.

“Oh my God…” I hear Chloe gasp.

“Have you been working out? You look more toned and you’re not so scrawny?” Jax asks.

“Jeesh, thanks Jax.” I tease him.

“You know I didn’t mean it like that, you’ve always been beautiful baby.” He replies earning him a growl from Drake, Jax chuckles at this.

“I’ve been running a lot, not much working out.” I lie not wanting them to know why and who I’ve been working out with because I know it will  only raise more questions.

“Whose sweet ride is that outside?” Ronny asks as Chloe, Jax, Drake and I head to the lounge. With Drake and Jax on either side of me and Chloe on the other side of the corner couch leaving a space for Ronny to sit beside her.

“Mine…I mean...Alex’s …she lent it to me. They’re quite wealthy.” I tell them noticing their suspicious looks.

“Is Alex a wolf?” Jax asks me.

“Yeah…she is, that’s how I discovered the whole werewolf thing.” I tell them

.“Have you been to their pack house?” Drake asks me nervously.

“Yeah I’ve been staying with Alex there.” I tell them as my mom bursts in the lounge with a shocked look on her face.

“You’ve been staying at the Fort Hills Pack house? Have you met the Alpha and Luna?” she asks in a worried tone. “Do they know about me and where we stay?” she continues.

“I’ve been staying there but haven’t really met anyone besides Alex’s family, yes Alex knows about us and where I stay, is that a problem? Mom we really need to talk… I have so many questions about you…dad and…me...” I trail off looking at Drakes hands which are now entwined with mine.

“Yes of course sweetie, but right now…um…I got to go. Amber we got that thing we need to do.” Georgina says and I can see she’s making it up because Amber has a confused look on her face.

“Glad you’re back hun, don’t wait up for me, I will just stay over at Amb’z house tonight.” She says as she basically runs out the house dragging Amber behind her.

BOOK: Alexia Eden (FairyTales Don't Exist)
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