Alaskan Exposure (16 page)

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Authors: A.S. Fenichel

BOOK: Alaskan Exposure
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She looked as if she wanted to say something, but then her
eyes drifted to the epaulettes on his shoulder. “This is a very sexy uniform,”
she said.

“Do you think so?”


The mood changed in a flash. He couldn’t decide if he was
glad she didn’t want to talk about their future together or disappointed, but
the subtle curve of her ass under his hands and the ache in his cock, could not
be ignored. “Shall I leave it on?”

Her eyes widened and her words came out breathless. “Oh,

His cock jerked as if it were trying to break free of his
trousers. “The wool and buttons aren’t irritating you?”

She wrapped one long, perfect leg around his hip and rubbed
her entire body along his. “I like it,” she purred.

He grabbed her ass and ground against her. A low growl
escaped his lips. “Charley, when will you stop surprising me?”

Pushing his hips forward again, he pressed her against the
mirrored wall. She gasped and covered his mouth with her full lips. She felt
desperate in his arms, as if she couldn’t get close enough to him and might
climb right inside his skin.

He grabbed her ass with both hands, and she wrapped her
other leg around him. His fingers slid under her until he could touch her wet
pussy. “Jesus, Charley, you’re so wet.”

“Fuck me, Kyle. I want you inside me now.”

Where was the sweet woman the rest of the world saw when
they looked at Charlene Ballantine? Every time he got her alone, that other
woman disappeared and this exciting minx was left behind. He was in love with
both of them. The only question was how did he convince her that they had a
future, especially after the incident at dinner?

In order to release his straining shaft, he had to hold her
up with one hand. Her hand slid between them and as he popped the button, she
unzipped his fly, shoved her hand inside his boxers and gripped his cock
pulling it free. A second later, she slid his head along her wet slit and
perched it at her opening.

Kyle pressed forward as she relaxed down onto him, taking all
of him deep in her pussy. They both froze and moaned loudly. “You feel so good,
baby,” he said against her neck.

He pulled his hips back and slammed into her again. She
cried out.

“Am I hurting you?”

“God, no. Don’t stop.” She clutched at his jacket.

He pounded her against the wall, over and over. Her pussy
pulsed around his thick cock and she clung to him crying his name before
sagging against him.

It took every bit of his control to stop himself from coming
with her. He didn’t want this to be over too soon. She so perfectly fit around
him. Carefully, he turned with her in his arms and maneuvered them onto the

She was on her back and he was still tightly held inside her
pussy. He shrugged out of his jacket. Charley smiled up at him. He kicked off
his shoes and held himself up on straight arms. He picked up one arm and
maneuvered her leg so her foot was on his shoulder. Putting that arm back on
the bed next to her, he did the same with her other foot. He kissed her ankle,
the shiny straps and spiked heels were dangerously close to his face.

She used the back of her leg and ankle to leverage against
his shoulders and lift herself. His cock slid out nearly to the tip before she
lowered back onto him. Each time she did this he pressed forward, meeting her
thrust for thrust. She was so wet there was a squishing sound with every
plunge. His body stiffened as he felt his orgasm building.

“Not yet,” he said and pulled completely out.

“What?” she asked.

She was so stunning, laid out on his bed. The gentle rocking
of the boat and the dim light coming from the one sconce added to her
perfection. He moved down her body and lapped at her sweet nectar. Her ass
bucked off the bed. He lifted her legs so that her thighs rested on his
shoulders and she carefully lowered her heeled feet to his back as he devoured
her pussy.

Circling her clit produced a high-pitched panting sound that
he had not heard from her before. He took the tiny bud in his mouth and suckled
it gently. Her hands gripped his hair and she stifled a scream.

She grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and when he
sucked her clit harder, she let loose the scream into the soft down. One thumb
pressed into her wetness, sliding in as far as it would go and pulling out
again as he licked and sucked. She was coming apart. He could feel her canal
pulsing. He pulled the digit out and pushed in deeper while suckling her clit.
She bucked against his face and pressed his head deeper as wave after wave of
orgasm racked her body. Her pussy clenched around his thumb soaking his hand
with fresh juices.

Her head was thrown back and she had the corner of his
pillow stuffed in her mouth to muffle her cries. He moved away slowly. Her
response had only made him harder, if that was possible. His body craved hers.
It was unfortunate, but he knew he would not last long after seeing her come so

“We really have to be more careful,” he said, pulling a
condom from the bedside table and rolling it on.

She blushed. “Sorry, I couldn’t wait.”

“Never be sorry for that, baby.”

She smiled wickedly and rolled over and onto her knees. She
leaned her head near the bed and lifted her ass toward him. Her pink, wet pussy
peeked out from between her thighs. An instant later, he was on his knees
behind her, holding her hips and pressing deep inside her tight pussy.

He was right about one thing. This was not going to take
long. She fit him like a glove and each time he slammed inside her, a small
scream of pleasure pushed from her lips. The feel of her silky passage
clutching at his cock combined with that delectable noise was pushing him
quickly to his release.

He saw one of her hands disappear beneath her and then felt
the tickle of her nails on his balls. That was it. The orgasm shook him. His
body jerked and pounded into her in several quick thrusts. His legs barely held
him as they shook with the discharge.

Her pussy clutched at him and she came again milking his
seed and crying his name. She collapsed onto her stomach.

Kyle reluctantly got off the bed and went to the bathroom to
dispose of the condom. When he returned, Charley was reclined across the bed in
the wrong direction. He picked her up and moved them to the pillow end, pulled
up the covers and tightened his embrace.

“Mmm, that feels wonderful.”

“What does?” He loved the sleepy sound of her voice.

“You wrapped around me.”

He gave her a squeeze. “I’m sorry about dinner.”

She shrugged. “It’s all right.”

It really was not all right. He could hear it in her tone.
He hated that she had been uncomfortable and he would not be around in the
morning to make it up to her. “I have to be to work at seven in the morning.”

She rolled toward him and kissed his collarbone. “You had
better get some sleep then.”

She pushed up and away from him.

“You’re not staying?” His gut tightened and he sat up ready
to grab her and pull her back into the bed.

Charley was already out of the bed but she turned toward him
with her hands on her hips. Her hair was a mass of red fames sticking out in
every direction. Her skin was rosy and she was still gloriously naked. Her head
cocked to one side. “I’m turning off the light.”

His entire body relaxed with relief. How had he gotten to
this point? She had him tied up in knots.

She flipped the switch on the sconce and a moment later she
was back under the covers with him. Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. A sense of
calm settle over him as her body melted against him, all of her soft curves
fitting into his hard angles as if they had been made for each other.

Chapter Twelve


Captain Cristou had arranged for a formal tea service in his
quarters. Charley managed to print out half a dozen shots that she thought the
captain would like to have.

As he looked at the pictures, she couldn’t help thinking
about dinner at the captain’s table.

She knew none of it was Kyle’s fault. He was a single guy,
living a lifestyle that was conducive to getting laid a lot. There was nothing
wrong with that. Since she’d first met him, he’d been a perfect gentleman. He’d
made her feel as if she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She’d done
things in bed with him that she’d never have believed she was capable of. He
stripped away all of her inhibitions without even trying.

Something about the two of them together was magical.

So why did the monologue from the food and beverage director
keep replaying in her mind over and over again. All those women were famous,
young or beautiful and available for a quick affair. Those types of women would
continue to take cruises and continue to pass Kyle their keys.

She would be on the other side of the world and know nothing
about it. Her chest ached with the knowledge that their time was almost up.

He’d said he loved her. He’d even claimed to not have said
those words since saying them to a woman he was planning to marry. Her mind was
a jumble of a thousand different scenarios and none of them ended well.

She sipped her tea.

The photo studio aboard the ship had agreed to let her use
some of their equipment early in the morning. The man in charge of the studio
had given her one hour. He had been very firm on that one-hour part. Charley
had rushed but she still thought she’d come up with some pieces that would
please the captain.

From the look on his face, she was sure she had succeeded.

She had also put together a short slide show for him on her

“These are incredible,” he said.

“Thank you, sir. I’m glad you like them.”

“You are very talented.” He held up an eight by ten so that
the sun streaming in the window didn’t glare as he examined the photograph of
his ship from the air.

Charley didn’t think the cruise line would choose that one
for their catalog. It was a bit too artsy, the way the turrets created shadows
on the deck and the reflection of the ship in the water. But she loved the way
it had come out and was happy that the captain did as well. The only people in
the shot were two deck hands who diligently polished the brass railings. She
was already planning a spot on the wall of her gallery for the piece. She even
entertained the idea that they might be good enough to have a show. She would put
together a new portfolio and talk to some people when she returned home.

“I thought the marketing department might like some of
these.” She clicked on a folder on her laptop’s desktop and started a slide
show of beautiful but more mundane pictures of the sights and the ship.

“Oh yes. These are perfect for the catalogs. I’m sure they
will be well pleased with them. You will likely be offered more work, Miss
Charley. Would you enjoy cruising the world and taking pictures?”

She couldn’t help thinking about exiting the ship in less
than twenty-four hours. She would never see Kyle again. She shrugged with what
she hoped was an attitude of nonchalance. Inside, her heart was breaking. Why
wasn’t she more like Jules? Why couldn’t she have a wonderful affair and walk
away feeling good?

She had to admit that the time she’d spent with Kyle was the
best time of her life. It should be enough. She should be happy that she had
the experience. Didn’t they say, it was better to have loved and lost than
never to have loved at all? Bullshit!

She had to snap out of her reflections. The captain had
continued to speak on the subject of working aboard a ship.

“You will be able to make a living and still take these
types of pictures.” He held up the art shots in his hand. “It’s an ideal
situation for an artist. You put up with a bit of the ordinary for the chance
to shoot the most fantastic places in the world and create fabulous art.” He
held up a shot of the whale they’d seen outside of Ketchikan. She had been able
to zoom in on the animal’s eye. She loved the solemn look the creature seemed
to convey in the shot.

“Yes, you’re right of course. Look at this.” She tapped the
keys of her computer and showed him the picture she’d taken of the arch of the
whale’s back with a snowcapped mountain in the background. It was beautiful and
perfect for a sales catalogue.

The captain smiled and clapped his hands. “You see.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You don’t sound convinced. Is it Kyle that is the problem?”

“Sir, I… Kyle and I… It’s…” Evidently she had lost the
ability to speak.

Always the gentleman, Captain Cristou waved a hand
dismissing whatever excuses she was attempting to make. “He is a good man. You
should not listen to what other people say about his past with other women. He
is obviously in love with you. None of what happened in the past matters any

“Sir, I don’t think—”

“Of course I see you’re point, he lives on a ship for six
months at a time.” He shrugged. “Then he finds another ship while you are
living in Florida waiting. It won’t be easy for either of you. Once he’s a
captain and has his own ship, it would be better. You could travel with him in

Charley didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t tell the
captain that she and Kyle would likely never see each other again after tomorrow.
The good-natured Greek would never understand. Even if he did, she didn’t want
to see sympathy in his eyes. She hated the way people had felt sorry for her
when her marriage ended. She cringed at the memory of all those sympathetic
glances and people telling her how sorry they were. Failure rang in her ears
over and over again. She couldn’t make Pete happy. She couldn’t keep her
marriage together. Those well-meaning people only compounded her sense of
defeat. Even though she’d spent countless hours in therapy trying to learn that
the break had not been her fault alone, she never wanted to feel that from
others again.

Captain Cristou must have realized he was the only one
talking. “I apologize, my dear. It is none of my business. I think of Kyle as
if he was my own son and I want to see him happy. I think you make him happy,
but perhaps I am mistaken. Perhaps it is not what it seems.”

She smiled. “Thank you for the tea, Captain. I hope you like
the pictures.”

He stood when she did, put the photographs on the coffee
table and smiled. “It is a wonderful gift you have given me. I love them and
shall have them framed when we make port for our maintenance next week.”

“I’m happy you like them.” She gathered her laptop and
walked toward the door.

Cristou took her hand and kissed her on both cheeks. “You
should always remember that love is a very rare and special thing, my dear. If
you find it and throw it away, you may never find it again.”

He didn’t give her a chance to respond as he opened the door
to the corridor. “Enjoy the rest of the cruise, Charley.”

“Thank you, Captain.” What more could she say?

He escorted her into the corridor and that is where he left

* * * * *

Kyle wasn’t able to go into Victoria, British Colombia when
they docked around five o’clock that night. He had taken an extra shift for a
crewman who’d gotten sick. Charley and Jules made their way through town on
foot. They had arranged to have the famous Empress Tea at the ivy-covered
Fairmont Empress Hotel. The hotel was a small, red-brick castle sitting along
the Inner Harbor of Victoria.

Tea was served in an elaborate “tea” lobby and came with a
tower of finger sandwiches. It was lovely but all Charley could think about was
that at eight o’clock the following morning she would start her journey back to
Florida and Kyle would become a memory. Her heart ached with the idea that
after all the time that had passed since her divorce, she had finally met
someone. It was just her luck that he lived on a ship that traveled around to
ports halfway around the world from her home.

“Stop moping,” Jules said.

“I’m not moping. I’m just a little sad, that’s all.”

“Then do something about it.”

“What, beg him to ask me to stay? And then what, live in a
twelve by twelve room for six months at a time? How long can a relationship
survive that? He didn’t ask anyway.”

“He did tell you that he loves you. Maybe he’s working out
the details. You’re being very negative, which really isn’t like you. You have
to give the guy some bit of encouragement. Tell him how you feel.”

“It’s more likely he’s working out a smooth escape in the
morning.” She hated the bitterness she heard in her voice.

Jules sighed. “I think you’re wrong, sweetie. I also think
you are pushing him away to protect yourself and it’s going to haunt you. Maybe
this romance with Kyle doesn’t have a happily ever after, but it doesn’t have
to end tragically either.”

She knew her friend was right about the guilt she would take
home with her. She didn’t want to hurt Kyle but she knew dragging an unworkable
relationship out could only lead to worse pain later. Her marriage had at least
taught her that. “I’m just being realistic. He has his life and I have mine.”

Jules gave her a look that said she knew she was full of
shit. “If you say so. Come on, let’s get out of here. Drew and the others are
meeting us at an Irish pub a few blocks from here. Maybe if I get you drunk,
you’ll start listening to me and stop whining.”

“I do not whine.”

It was undoubtedly a whine. Jules just raised her eyebrows
and smiled. They collected their purses, left money on the table and walked
toward the door.

The Canadian town was clean and had a very European feel as
they made their way to the busy shopping street with pubs and restaurants.
Directly across from the Irish pub was a Scottish pub. Charley watched as Jules
debated with herself for a moment over which one Drew had said they were going
to. In the end, she decided it had been Irish and they entered the traditional

Nearly everything was covered with wood and the floors creaked
from age. It was noisy and filled with life. Even Charley smiled when she saw
Drew, Bob and the others chugging tall mugs of beer at a back table.

The long wooden table was laden with half-eaten hamburgers,
steaks and fries. Three empty pitchers told her that, the men had been at this
for a while. They all cheered when the two ladies arrived.

Charley noticed that the next table was full of girls who
she’d seen on the ship. One of them was Varinka, the cocktail waitress who had
made cow eyes at Kyle the evening they’d danced in the nightclub. Charley
smiled at the table and they all waved except for Varinka, who turned her head
and downed a shot of dark-brown liquid.

She sat down next to Bob. “No sailor tonight?”

“He had to work.”

“Too bad.” Bob seemed genuinely sorry.

Bob was a good-natured guy who lived on the same side of the
country as her. He had a stable job. He was good-looking and probably looked
great in uniform. Why couldn’t she have fallen for him?

She waved off talk about Kyle’s absence. “Did you have a
good time on the cruise, Bob?”

“Great! I’m going to need two days to sleep it off.” He
smiled and downed half of his beer.

Two more mugs arrived along with several pitchers. Drew
poured her a mug.

“I think we need some shots of Jameson,” Jules said.

All the men agreed and before Charley could stop them they
had ordered a round for her as well. Now she had a shot and a beer in front of
her, and she didn’t really want to drink either.

Jules started nagging at her to drink up, but soon got
distracted by two men fighting across the crowded room.

Bob took pity on her. He took her shot and downed it
himself. “You owe me one.”

“Thanks,” she said.

He put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.
It was kind of brotherly and actually made her feel a bit better. “It will all
work out, Charley. You worry too much.”

“So I’ve been told.” She took a long pull on her beer and
stole a french fry from Bob’s plate.

Before she knew it, she was laughing and having a good time.
When she really thought about it, she had nothing to be sad about. She’d had a
great week with Kyle and had seen things she might never see again. She’d taken
the photographs of a lifetime and if Captain Cristou was right, she might have
more opportunities in the future. It might have been the beer, but she started
to feel better.

It was stupid to ruin the last night of the trip with
sorrow. She had nothing to regret.

“Time to go,” Bob announced, at eleven o’clock. They had to
be back aboard by half past.

As they got up to leave, so did the table with the girls who
worked aboard the ship. Two of them were on either side of Varinka, holding the
wobbly girl upright.

“Is she okay?” Charley asked.

A short blonde smiled. “Just had a few too many. We’ll take
care of her.”

Varinka turned and shook off her friends help. Her mouth was
twisted in an ugly smirk. She was wearing a low-cut sweater that showed most of
her ample bosom and her skirt showed the rounded bottom of her ass. Luckily,
she was wearing thick, black tights or she would freeze when she left the bar.
Her skin was slick with sweat and her breath could start the room on fire if
there had been the smallest spark.

When she spun around, she nearly knocked Charley over. Bob
put a hand out to steady her and the girl’s friends stopped her from tumbling
over. Charley tried to back away but the pub was so crowded there was no place
to go.

Varinka was less than an inch from Charley’s face when she
spoke. Her thick Russian accent and too much alcohol left her words slurred and
elongated. “Just so you know, as soon as you get off the ship tomorrow, he will
come back to me. He always comes back to me. Someone like you could never hold
a man like him.”

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