Alaskan Exposure (12 page)

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Authors: A.S. Fenichel

BOOK: Alaskan Exposure
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She smiled and raised her eyebrows, pushed away from him and
crossed the distance to the table.

As she picked up the metal cover on each remaining dish, she
looked over her shoulder. “Are you going to take your clothes off or not?”

His cock struggled painfully against the fly of his jeans.
That part of him agreed with her wholeheartedly. His brain began to tell him to
proceed with caution. He had no doubt he was falling for this photographer from
Florida. He did have trepidations about how anything good could come of it.
However, with her bare ass facing him while she leaned over the table and just
the hint of pussy peeking out below, he was helpless. Within seconds, he’d
stripped down to skin and tossed his clothes in a heap in the corner.

Approaching her from behind, he pressed his shaft along the
crease between her cheeks. She ground back into him and moaned. His hands came
around and slid up her soft thighs to her abdomen, ribs and finally cupped her
tits kneading them with his palms. He had to control himself from taking her
right there standing over the food. He wondered what she would have done if he
had slid inside her tight pussy.

She squealed with delight, distracting him from his carnal
thoughts. He looked over her shoulder and saw she had uncovered the dessert
platter. It was an assortment of berries, mango and melon cleverly arranged
around a dark chocolate mousse.

Without warning, she turned in his arms, trapping his cock
between them. She rubbed her pelvis against him. Her eyes were lit up with the
smile plastered to her lips. “Can we start with dessert?”

“Baby, you keep rubbing me that way, and we can start
anywhere you want.” His hands gripped her ass cheeks and pulled her in even

Charley giggled. “Why don’t you sit on the couch and I’ll
show you where I want to start.”

“Are you teasing me?”

She just smiled and pointed toward the couch.

Reluctantly, he released her and made his way to the small,
cushioned loveseat. He sat down and watched as she slid the table back and knelt
down on the floor in front of him. His cock jumped and his heartbeat sped up.

He felt a sting of disappointment when she turned toward the
table and dipped her finger in the mousse. Realizing she was going for the food
and not his cock had him nearly screaming with frustration. His eyes were
riveted on her as she licked the confection from her index finger. Her full
lips closed around the digit, teasing his imagination.


Again, her finger dipped into the chocolate and came up with
a dollop of the creamy dessert. He expected her to slip the finger inside that
gorgeous mouth again but instead she turned to him smiling wickedly.

An instant later, the pudding-laden finger slid along his
engorged cock. It was cool against his skin making him jerk and suck in a gasp
of breath. “Charley.”

Her eyes never wavered from his rod as her lips slid over
the tip, pulling him in one torturous inch at a time. He moaned.

“Mmm.” Her sounds of delight vibrated against his sensitive

She sucked him deep into her mouth stopping at her throat
for an instant before taking him deeper. She allowed him to slide out slowly
then licked the side of his cock to gather up a bit of chocolate that she’d

She looked up at him. “That’s delicious.”

“You are killing me.”

She just smiled and spread more chocolate along his shaft,
then licked him as if he were an ice-cream cone until every drop of the sweet
was consumed.

Watching her mouth was so erotic, he had to take special
care not to come too soon. He didn’t know what else she had in mind, but he
didn’t want to miss a thing, plus he was getting some notions of his own.

“Do you like mango?”

“Love it.” His voice sounded tight.

She bit into a wedge of the deep orange fruit. Juice dripped
from her fingers and chin. At the point where she’d taken her bite, she pressed
the fruit along the vein of his cock and slid it up and down. The silky feeling
was cold and unexpectedly pleasurable. Popping the remainder in her mouth, she
licked the sweet juice as it dripped down to his balls. Her mouth devoured
every drop of mango, licking and sucking until his hips rose and fell with each
of her ministrations.

“Charley, I’m not going to be able to take much more of

She sat back on her heels and grinned up at him. The tray
held two napkins. She wiped her hands, took a bottle of water from the vanity
desk, wet the napkin and cleaned them of the sticky juice.

“There’s a lot more food to try,” she said.

“And here I was trying to be so good and prove to you that I
want more than sex from you.”

She bit her bottom lip. It was innocent and sexy as hell.
The wall behind her was mirrored. He could see her shapely back and hips. He
wanted to turn her around and fuck her from behind while watching in that
mirror. All his good intentions had flown out into the Alaskan night.

Kyle leaned forward and sucked that worried lip into his
mouth. He tasted mango and chocolate along with the sweetness that was
Charley’s own flavor. Lifting her off her knees, he pulled her so that she
straddled his lap. With one hand, he reached toward the mousse, scooped a
dollop onto his finger and painted it on her nipple.

She gasped and then moaned as his mouth followed the
chocolate, sucking every last sweet drop from her taut peak. He sucked harder,
tugging with his teeth until she cried out and threw her head back. Reaching
forward to the table, he plucked a strawberry from the plate. The juicy red
berry was cut in half. He rubbed the red nectar around her other nipple. Her
breath was coming in short gasps as he sucked the sweet away and offered the
fruit up to her lips. She devoured the berry, moaning and gasping as he sucked
and pulled on her hard bud.

“I can’t wait, Kyle.”

He loved to hear her say that. “What do you want, baby. Tell

“I want you to fuck me.”

His cock actually flinched at her words. He could think of a
dozen other things he wanted to do with the food and Charley’s body, but they
would have to wait. He lifted her off of his lap and stood her on wobbly legs.
“Put your hands on the mirror, Charley.”

Her eyes were wide with either surprise or excitement.
Either way, she did as he told her. He reached for his jeans and the condoms
he’d tucked in his pocket just in case. When he was ready, he grabbed her hips
and sank his cock into her tight pussy in one long drive.

All of his senses opened up. Her body clung to him. The room
was scented with food, sex and the sea air. Her soft skin beneath his fingers
felt as if it were made of satin. He loosened his grip as he pulled out and
pressed back inside.

She cried his name, and their eyes met in the mirror. The
green of her irises was so vibrant with desire. Her pussy clutched at his hard
cock practically sucking him in with each thrust. Cries tumbled from her full
lips, which he knew would taste of strawberries. Again and again he drove deep
inside her. He tried to slow his pace, but he was too far gone. Her mouth and
sensual seduction had nearly had him coming on the couch.

He reached around her hip and slipped his fingers between
her folds. God, she was so wet. He rubbed her clit and she screamed. He had a
fleeting prayer that the people in the next stateroom were still at dinner or
out for the night. He couldn’t hold the thought. His rapture was fast
approaching. Rubbing faster, he held on until he felt her pussy clench around
him. She gasped and cried his name against the mirrored glass. His legs nearly
failed him as he pounded out his last bit of seed. Driving one last time, he
pressed his finger against her pussy, holding her tightly. His other hand
thrust against the glass to keep himself upright.

“Are you all right,” he whispered against her neck and ear.

“That was amazing.”

Finding his feet again, he pushed up and pulled her with
him, clutching her around the waist and breasts. He kissed her neck. “I’m glad
you thought so. I was afraid I was too rough.”

She tilted her head giving him better access. “It was
wonderful. You were just right,” she said. Her voice was breathy.

With her eyes closed, he could watch her reflection. She
felt so right in his arms. To the world, she was this sweet, perfectly pure
woman, but in private with him she was sexy and wanton. Dammit, he was falling
for her. He knew it and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He wasn’t
even sure he wanted to stop the flow of emotions he felt whenever he was with
Charley. She had him so twisted up in knots.

He ran his hand along her flat abdomen and down the side of
her hip to her thigh. When he looked up she was watching in the mirror.

He smiled, and she grinned back at him. “I’m starved.”

He laughed and kissed her cheek before excusing himself to
the bathroom.

He felt a touch of regret when he exited the bathroom, and
she was wrapped in one of the robes provided by the cruise line. Though, he had
to admit he would have had a hard time getting through a meal with her
beautiful body exposed.

Grabbing his jeans from the floor, he pulled them on.
Charley dipped a bite of lobster into melted butter and closed her eyes as she
placed the morsel on her tongue.

“I guess it’s good,” he said.

She opened her eyes and watched him as if he were the next
morsel she was going to devour. “Delicious. Have some.”

He sat down next to her and picked at the fruit and cheese
while watching her devour the lobster tail. “We can still go down and have
dinner in one of the restaurants if you want.”

She shook her head. “I’d rather stay here.”

“Okay. Do you want some wine?” He wanted to please her. For
years, all he’d wanted was mutual satisfaction from his lovers. It was
different with Charley. He wanted to satisfy her beyond the bedroom. He
hungered to see her eyes light up in delight, to make her smile, to make her
happy. A trickle of fear pushed to the surface, but he battled it back down.

“Love some.” She watched him carefully and offered him a bit
of lobster from her fork.

He opened his mouth, taking in the sweet delicious meat.
“Thank you.”

Reaching over, he grabbed the bottle of wine, removed the
already pulled cork and poured two glasses.

She sat back against the cushion and took one glass from
him, sipped it and looked down into the dark red liquid. “What does more than
sex mean?” she asked. Her eyes remained focused on the wine.


“You said a few times now that you wanted more than sex from
me.” A droplet of wine remained on her lower lip. Her tongue darted out and
swiped it away.

His groin tightened at the sight, at the same time his
stomach tightened thinking about how to respond. “I like you, Charley.”

She nodded but didn’t look up at him.

It was the easy answer; he knew it and she did too. It
didn’t mean anything. He was a coward. In four days, she would get off the
ship, and he could leave it at that. He could relegate Charley Ballantine to a
pleasant memory. Everything they’d shared was damn pleasant. They would never
see each other again and his statement about wanting to prove that he was after
more than sex could be relegated to a “good line” he’d once used.

He watched her take another sip of wine. She would let the
subject die. He was off the hook, so why did he feel as if he was a horrible
shit? Worse, why did his chest feel tight to the point of pain? He was losing
her. A few moments ago she looked at him as if he were her entire world and now
her eyes would not meet his. She was separating herself from him, protecting
herself. Did she need protection from him?

“Charley, I…”

She looked up with those green eyes, and the pain in his
chest worsened. He had a fleeting thought that he might be having a heart
Don’t be an ass, Kyle.

One side of her pretty mouth lifted in a half smile. She
shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve had a good time. I needed a good time. I
didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

She was letting him off the hook again. So why did
everything she said to make him feel better only succeed in making him feel

He took the wineglass out of her hand and put both of them
on the table. Then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I’m
crazy about you. I hate that you will be leaving this ship in a few days. You
are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m still trying to figure
out why in the world you are bothering with me.”

“You don’t have to say that.”

An unpleasant sounding laugh pushed up from his chest. “Tell
me how we make this work beyond Friday?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice sounded small.

He kissed her temple. “I’m not giving up hope, Charley. I
really do want more from you. I want more than a week and I haven’t wanted that
in a very long time.”

He felt a drop of moisture on his hand where it was wrapped
around her shoulders and chest. Looking around to her cheek, he saw she was
crying. He couldn’t blame her, he wanted to cry himself. “Let’s go dancing.”


He pulled her around to look at him and gave her his biggest
smile. “I don’t want you to be sad. It would be a crime to waste whatever time
we have together on remorse. Let’s go and have some fun. They are dancing down
on deck five. Let’s get dressed and join them. Then we’ll go to my cabin and
make love until we have to go to work tomorrow.”

“It’s not a bad plan,” she said.

He kissed the top of her head as he rose from the couch.
“I’m going back to my room. I’ll meet you at the forward entrance to the
nightclub in a half an hour.”


He took her hands and pulled her to her feet. With one tug,
her robe fell opened and he slid his hands around her naked body. She stepped
into his embrace.

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