Agent finds a Warrior (8 page)

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Authors: Guy Stanton III

Tags: #crime, #suspense, #speculative fiction, #supernatural, #action adventure, #contemporary romance, #inspirational romance, #romance thriller, #christian fiction, #secret agent, #dystopian thriller

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Good. She was as ready as she could be. I
stood up and opened the door and walked out as she followed.

It was an eerie feeling that pervade the
atmosphere like the calm before a storm. However there was an awful
feeling of foreboding, as if something was about to go terribly
wrong in a way far worse than any storm of nature.

I held my hand behind my back and Maria
latched on to it and I squeezed her fingers reassuringly. There was
nothing to like about what we were feeling. Yes I had more
experience with this sort of thing, but being tried in the fire is
not something that I ever liked to experience, even though it made
me better in a spiritual sense.

“Get the children Maria and bring them to
the master bedroom. Go quickly, as we don’t have much time.”

She let go of my hand and stepped into the
first child’s room as I continued on.

I passed into the master bedroom

How did one go about waking a former agent
of Flint’s skill safely?

I knew of no safe way.

I approached the bed and tapped the touch
lamp that sat on the nearby table. A fist with a knife gleaming in
its grasp came up at me and I barely caught his wrist to deflect
his thrust at me. Flint’s eyes met mine and he abruptly relaxed in
his attack.

My eyes left his to drift over to Lisa. She
was panting heavily, as she held a 9mm trained on my head at
point-blank range. Her grip on the pistol faltered slightly, as she
recognized me and the gun lowered.

“What’s going on? We’re in danger aren’t we?
That’s why you came isn’t it?” Lisa asked breathlessly.

There was no point in keeping anything from
them now. “Darkness desires to torment and destroy what you both
hold most dear in your life this night.”

Flint started to lunge up out of the bed,
even as Lisa rolled to sit on her side of the bed. She was panting
for breath completely panicked in the need to get to her

“Lisa I have them! Don’t get up!” Maria said
quickly moving past the end of the bed carrying Brian and tugging
the oldest girl along behind her.

Both children looked sleepy and completely
puzzled as to what was going on. Maria set Brian down on the bed
and Lisa pulled both of her children against her sides still
breathing hard her face now creased in pain.

I dodged around the bed and knelt before her
my hands going to rub on her belly, as I tried my best to calm both
mother and the two frightened individuals in her womb. The two
babies responded to my comforting thoughts before their mother

Lisa’s breathing came under control, as
Flint whispered into her ear from behind, as I did my best to
soothe her with the touch of my hands and thoughts.

Lisa was crying and in a breathless mumble
of emotion she asked, “What’s going to happen to my babies?” Her
eyes were fear itself, as she pulled her two older children against
her sides tightly.

My hands left her belly and moved up to
embrace her face as my eyes drilled into hers, “Nothing is going to
happen to your children Lisa. Nothing!”

“Promise?” She whimpered.

“As the Lord lives why do you think we were
sent to help you? Does the Lord fail in keeping those who are
promised to Him?”

Lisa shook her head no as tears continued to

“Then rest assured that the safety of your
children is already an accomplished thing. God does not forsake
those who’ve put their trust in Him, when they need Him most.”

Lisa’s lips firmed and she nodded

I got back up to my feet and leaning over I
kissed her on the forehead, which was damp with sweat.

“Be at peace Lisa and rest here with your
children, while we handle the fight.”

I stepped away and Maria quickly hugged Lisa
and whispered something into her ear before breaking off to follow
quickly after me.

Flint slid around from behind and got to his
feet. He quickly kissed the top of each of his two kid’s heads
before meeting Lisa’s eyes and asking, “Are you going to be all

She nodded bravely and he kissed her
passionately for a moment. Pulling back he straightened up, as Lisa
gazed up at him lovingly and said, “Go take them out Tiger!”

Flint left the room quickly and Lisa held
her two children perhaps harder than she would normally have as
another hard contraction coursed through her.

“Oh God please not now!” She moaned out
gutturally, as she tried to get a hold of her fractured

A little hand touched her face and Lisa’s
eyes opened to see her oldest daughter staring up at her tenderly,
“I’m praying for you mommy.”

“Me too!” Brian piped up, as they both laid
their hands on their mother’s tightly contracting belly.

More tears spilled down Lisa’s cheeks, even
as the contractions eased off a little. Lisa leaned to either side
and kissed their heads as she said, “Thank you! Mama needs your

“Is daddy going to be all right?” Brian

“Daddy will be fine. We’ll all be fine. You
know why?”


“Because God loves us.”

Contented both children lay their heads
against her, but Lisa stared at the darkness beyond the window
before her praying fervently for her husband’s safety. Everyone’s
safety this dark night.


I walked across the large foyer headed for
the big double doors, as a chill descended in the air. I threw both
doors wide and stepped outside. It was freezing, but it wasn’t a
change in temperature so much as a spiritual loss.

Flint stepped up beside me and I heard Maria
close the doors. I turned to her. Maria was shivering and very
decidedly looked like she wanted no part of what was about to
unfold, but she was here and she wasn’t complaining. She was a good

I walked up to her, “I want you to stay here
at the doors and not let anything get past you. Understand?”

She nodded and gripped on to both door
handles behind her back, as if her life depended on it. She was a
brave woman.

My hands settled on her shoulders and I felt
the trembling of her frame. There was a howling all around us and
then sudden explosive gusts of wind. I watched her look to the left
and then the right frantically and I snapped my fingers beside her
ear and just as quickly her eyes came back to mine and I said,
“Ignore all the theater and drama going on and focus on the Spirit
of God residing inside of you.”

Her lips moved, but no words came as tears
began to fall.

Reading her mind I said, “No words to
express what you feel you need to express through prayer in this

She nodded miserably.

My hands framed her cold cheeks, “In the New
Testament there are nine gifts that are given. One of them is the
gift of speaking in tongues. It’s a gift by which the Holy Spirit
enables your spirit to directly converse with the Father in
groanings that cannot be expressed by any language known to man. Do
you want this gift of the Holy Spirit Maria, because it’s been made
freely available to all who ask for it?”

“Yes! I need help!”

I pulled her lower lip down with my thumb,
“Then let that bubbling spring of life flow forth in Jesus

No sooner had I said the words than her lips
began to form words of inexpressible meaning.

Her eyes were panicked and I quickly said,
“It’s okay! You’re not going to understand what is being said. It’s
your spirit conversing with God what you can’t express with your
given language that you can comprehend. The Holy Spirit is not
going to overwhelm you or control you, rather just flow through you
and communicate to the Father what needs to be said. You are
completely in control and it’s your choice for it to happen or not
happen. No demon or fallen angel is speaking through you or can
interject into your private conversation with God so be
strengthened and have faith.”

I stepped away from her as sweet words
continued to pour forth from her lips. It was odd given the
situation, but this new act of spiritual maturity on Maria’s part
had me wanting to stay by her side, as something beautiful was born
from within.

I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I had
darkness to deal with so I left her to empower the air to be sweet
with the sound of the Holy Spirit triumphing in the heart of this
dark storm that had befallen a righteous man’s family.

I took Flint’s hands and I led him to one of
the large portico pillars. I placed both of his hands on the
pillar. He looked to me for direction as the howling grew louder
all around us.

“Whose house and lands are these?” I

“Mine.” He responded with looking

“Wrong answer. The Earth is the Lord’s and
the cattle on a thousand hills.”

Flint looked shaken, but I wasn’t done.

“Your wife and children, whose are

He swallowed reflexively before saying,

“Is there anything you possess, even your
own life which is not God’s?” I asked.


“Then as you are fully given over to the God
of creation make your case known to Him, even as Job did in the
midst of his trial, but do not make his mistake. As all that you
possess is the Lord’s, even the breath that holds you together know
also that He has the authority to bless or destroy you at His good
pleasure. Whether He blesses or curses He is forever righteous. He
is not a man that He might be questioned as to His actions. Are you
prepared to praise God in whatever state you are given?”

Tears flowed down Flint’s face as he nodded
in bitter acceptance of the truth that God’s will does not always
line up with what we want it to be.

“His will be done.” Flint said.

I didn’t think I’d ever seen Flint more
afraid before than he was right now. I put an arm around him and
gripped him tightly.

It wasn’t the swirling horde of invading
demons that gave him fear, but rather the thought of what might be
required of him. I knew full well how the story of Job and the loss
of his children was even now emblazoning its way across his
consciousness. Actually I didn’t. I’d never been a father so I
didn’t truly know what a father might be feeling right now.

“Ask for your heart’s desires according to
God’s will and it shall be done. But it has to be God’s will.”

Flint nodded, as his forehead pressed
against the pillar even as he gripped it as Sampson would’ve had
with all his strength.

I turned away praying inside that Flint
walked away from this night with not only what he had entered it
with, but far more as well. It was in God’s hands either to bless
or curse. To build up or tear down.

I stepped out into the middle of the
courtyard, as I was surrounded by the jabbering horde of darkness
that flowed in from every side. I wanted to let anger reign in me
and scream at them, but that was not how it was done.

“What is your authority in assailing a
righteous man’s house this night? Who among you will give voice to
the answer that I seek?”

“We are many! So many! We hunger!!!” Came
the response of a horde.

Anger did come out of me then, “So get a
group discount and go feed on a herd of pigs somewhere! I command
by the power of the living Savior that you state your reason for
being here now or forever hold your peace and be gone!”

The jabbering silenced and in another
section of the courtyard not far from me a dark cloud coalesced
into the shape of a woman. Laughter split the night air in a
hedonistically ribald fashion that only left me chilled.

“Elon, Elon calm down! One would begin to
think you had begun to lose your nerve. Are you Elon? Are you
losing it after all these many years?” The voice was feminine in
its form of liquid seductive influence and I searched my memory for
where I’d heard it before.

“Has it come to you yet honey?” Soothed the
voice as the form of a woman stepped forward toward me sashaying in
an erotic fashion that only repulsed me for I knew what it was and
I was not deceived by my eyes into believing it was one of the most
beautiful women the world had ever known. Beauty can ever be

“I believe your host’s name was Ishtar.”

She laughed coyly all seductive in her
response, “Not was honey. Here I am in the flesh.”

It was my turn to laugh, only there was no
humor in it or the warmth that Maria loved, “It does you no good to
lie to me familiar spirit, as it would seem you have forgotten that
it was I that lopped your earthly host’s head off.”

She pressed up against me with a sibilant
hiss, “Tsk tsk tsk you had to go remember that didn’t you, but you
and I can still have fun can’t we?” She said temptingly her full
lips close to mine.

I met the flatness of her soulless eyes and
said, “Take a breath mint your breath still reeks of hell.”

With a smile that showed teeth she flounced
away from me and then indicating Maria in the distance she turned
back to me her full lips pursed erotically, as she cupped and
lifted her full breasts, “Now what does she have that I don’t?”

I wasn’t impressed with her vulgar display
of herself, “A soul for starters. How about an everlasting love
relationship with the Heavenly Father, while you rot in hell fire.
Sexy enough for you?”

All pretense was dropped by her, as her skin
split apart to reveal red and black visions of hell, even as her
facial features twisted into something grotesque instead of the
alluring vision they had been before. She roared at me with a sound
of fury that no non-possessed person or beast of nature would ever
have manifested.

“Glad to see we’re getting somewhere
finally. Now what is your purpose in being here?”

The being from hell came at me, but I held
my ground as it roared into my face, “To feed! There are fresh
souls to plunder as we make their bodies over into our own. Now
stand aside Elon before we destroy you once and for good!”

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