Agent finds a Warrior (9 page)

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Authors: Guy Stanton III

Tags: #crime, #suspense, #speculative fiction, #supernatural, #action adventure, #contemporary romance, #inspirational romance, #romance thriller, #christian fiction, #secret agent, #dystopian thriller

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The demon made as if to pass by, but I
reached out and gripped a hold of what really wasn’t even flesh,
but a manifestation of a dark spirit that had enthralled a long
dead person into giving up herself as a habitation.

“You will not transgress a righteous man’s
dwelling without the authority that binds us both in our existences
being given to you. Your kind is always hungry and looking for a
fresh soul to inhabit, but it does not give you the authority to
consume what has been consecrated to God. You will fail and your
punishment will be severe for this offense this night against those
loved and cared for by the Lord God Almighty!”

The arm I gripped twisted into the sinuous
cord of a snake, which wrapped around my hand and arm binding me
fast, even as its fangs sank deeply into my neck. Eye to eye with
the demon I saw how it gazed at me hungrily.

“Even if my brethren fail to attain the new
life yet unborn within the house we will still have you. Behold you
are a man of many faults, sins, and mistakes and I will use them
all to show you the pathetic worm that you are and what it is to be
broken. I will break you and inhabit you an invite all my brethren
into you as well and our victory will be all the sweeter tonight,
as a highly favored servant of the Lord falls into darkness.”

“Your vain words deceive you to believe that
you have any power over my eternal fate, but so that my God might
be glorified and your punishment performed let your trial of me
begin, as I trust in no might of man for my defense for I am wholly
kept and preserved of the Lord God Almighty and He will deliver me
from the very pits of hell itself if need be. His love for me does
not fade and His strength to save never diminishes so child of hell
spawn do your worst, for my future is secure and my path is set
down for me by the I AM and I will not fear for I trust God to
perform even that which His Holy Word has promised to all who put
their faith in Him and His son Jesus Christ.”

Fire licked all around me and my torment


Maria sobbed at the sight of Elon ensnared
in a fiery matrix, as he gripped a hold of the dark creature of
hell that she hated to even look upon as it was a nightmare to
behold and yet Elon stood gripping it by the shoulder. She marveled
at the man she had been paired with to walk life’s journey

She found herself terrified for him.

“Oh God help him!”

The words weren’t but said for a moment
before her own torment began. A dark cloud of twisting hate pressed
against her so thick that it was hard to breathe and she feared
that her heart would stop from terror alone.

Voices assailed her. There were too many to
count and their dark whispers overwhelmed her as she pressed back
against the double doors.

“She is weak!” “I want her for mine!” “No
she’s mine!” “Oh can you sense the new life beyond!” “There is more
within!” “Step aside puny weak human and let us to our

Maria thought of the children within the
house both born and unborn and something firmed within her soul, “I
am weak, but my God is strong and by His strength I declare that
you shall not pass!” Maria said, as she was prepared to die for the
sake of the children.

The pitch of the sibilant whispers rose to a
fever pitch of intensity as they prepared to assault her, but
before they could two swords of living fire crossed over before her
and drove the sudden shrieking horde backward, as the bearers of
the two swords drove forward pressing the foul herd of darkness

Maria gazed at the two individuals before
her with more terror than she had felt at the exposure to the dark
menace of the horde. There was something far more powerful in the
governing influence of the two individuals than any other force of
power within the arena of spiritual conflict.

Suddenly Maria recognized them. They had
been at the metro station!

They had been the ones who had given her
provisions for the journey!

Swallowing she glanced to the left and the
right and saw more of them stationed along the walls of the villa
and elsewhere. God had been here all along with deliverance, she
just hadn’t seen it until now.

They were angels and she was sure of it now,
even as she was more sure of her faith in God than ever before in
her life. Her faith felt as if it had bloomed inside of her
overnight into an all-consuming fire that had left no part of her
untouched in its quest to burn away the old and give birth to new

One of the two angels stepped forward and
laid a hand on Flint’s back as he still prayed against the pillar
and seemed to begin strengthening him in some way. The other angel
came to stand beside her at the door as the crowd of moaning
spirits ping-ponged around the courtyard as if caught within an
invisible trap.

Maria’s eyes left the angelic being beside
her to find out what had become of Elon. He was still there gripped
by fire, but the fire was less intense and the countenance of the
demonic manifestation was panicked as if it was losing control.

The demon’s plight was not what she cared
for. All her eyes took in was how Elon looked. He was in great
pain, which caused her heart to bleed, as if she had suffered from
a mortal blow herself.

She glanced away from the struggle to the
angel beside her. His presence of power and majesty of bearing made
her feel small and insignificant, but surely that was a lie she
told herself. For while made of lower stature in honor than the
angels had not her God showed her that she was far from
insignificant, as He had saved her in the moment of her dire

“It is even so. The Father’s eyes are always
upon the righteous and His hand is quick to save them from sudden
calamity. Tell me what is it you would ask?” The Angel said.

“Can you please help Elon?” She begged in
agony with every moment Elon remained in the fire.

“It has not been given to me to intercede on
behalf of him or I would. Do not fear for his faith is strong and
the promises of God are sure. He will be delivered as he has placed
his faith in the only One who can deliver. You should go to Elon as
your place is by his side.”

Oh how Maria wanted to! All she wanted was
to be near Elon experiencing life with him, but he had tasked her
with the responsibility of keeping the door and obediently her
hands remained on the handles behind her back.

“I will keep the way.” The Angel said and
Maria let go of the handles as she did not doubt him.


I was on a battlefield. I remembered it
well. The battle had been lost.

“All these brave men and women died because
of you. Why did they die? Because you inspired them to believe in
what could only lead to their deaths. You are at fault!”

I turned in the vision to see once more the
form of Ishtar.

“You are mistaken. I helped lead them into
the path of righteousness and their blood that was spilled
consecrated the ground of this place, even as the lives lost have
an eternal resting place in glory with their Creator. How am I at

The scene changed and I was in the midst of
a harem full of beautiful women, who rose to press closer to me
moaning and yearning for my touch. I looked past them to Ishtar,
who leaned against a post of the tent to await the words that I
knew were coming.

“All these women were given to you as a gift
and yet you refused them. You denied them their right to lay with
you and as a result they were sold off as slaves, when they could
have had the security of being your wives. Are you so righteous to
hold to poorly thought out vows of celibacy to not consider the
misery you caused by denying yourself the pleasures they so
willingly offered you, which led to their demise?”

“Your logic is as twisted as your master and
full of his lies. My vow of celibacy was well thought out and like
Moses I departed from the pleasures of Egypt that last only a
season, before they are gone forever. If these women were sold into
slavery it was by no fault of mine for I have kept my vow before
God and remained faithful to it. What is my fault?”

Another scene this time of a tavern came to
life around me as the women faded from view. I jerked as the newly
revisited memory assailed me.

“I see you remember this place well. You
should. See the boy lying at your feet? He died because you were
too drunk to save him oh self-righteous and faultless one.”

I stared down at the boy on the floor as
tears ran down my cheeks. I wiped at them as I replied, “I never
said I was faultless. I have many faults, but I have been forgiven
and I’ve moved on ever seeking to be a better man than I was the
day before.”

“How can anyone be forgiven of such a missed
opportunity as this boy’s needless loss of life?”

“Well do you know the One by which
forgiveness for wrong deeds came. How dare you suggest Jesus’s
redemptive sacrifice is not inclusive over all sin!” I hotly

Scene after scene played on of my long life
and I grew weary of living, but not of my righteousness of


Maria walked out toward Elon in the center
of the courtyard, but the panicked storm of darkness driven into a
frenzy was between her and him. She was beaten down to the ground
as every past wrong and guilty thought that she had ever had was
railed and accused against her. This was wrong.

“Enough! I am redeemed! I am forgiven and
through my Savior’s strength I am more than a conqueror!”

The dark waves peeled back away from her and
she started to get up to continue to go to Elon, but the sound of a
voice of majesty stopped her as all creation seemed to stand still,
“Well spoken daughter of my Father and heir of My redemption of
all mankind.”

Maria’s head turned to see the truth of the
presence she felt, even as her spirit leaped for joy as the rest of
her trembled in awesome fear of Holiness personified in living
form. She would’ve fallen back to the ground, but a scarred hand
steadied her and pulled her up into an embrace that was peace

The years have been hard Zora, but now
is the beginning of a time of peace within the storm that has been
your life.”

At the sounding out of her real name Maria
could do nothing but cry at the completeness of how much God knew
of her. Nothing was secret from Him and she was both glad and
humbled by it.

Jesus said, as He took her by
the wrist and brought her along as He came up beside Elon, who was
no longer caught in fire or captured by the bonds of the serpent
nor poisoned by its bite. Instead the dark spirit choked and
pleaded within the grasp of Elon’s hand.

The demon’s pleading eyes turned to the
Master’s Son and begged to be let free.

Jesus spoke,
“Speak no more and be gone
from this place to what has been prepared of old for you.”

The dark spirits on a moaning wail beyond
comprehension in terms of despair were gone within the blink of an
eye, as the sun rose up over the far horizon.

All of creation’s Master turned to Elon,
“Well done thou good and faithful servant. To you is given
blessings and honor for all eternity, but for now, while time still
remains for but a little while have peace and contentment within
your heart and enjoy all My Father’s good pleasure that has been
stored up for both of you to experience together as one.”

Zora’s hand was pulled forward and fitted
into Elon’s in symbolism that was beyond words as their Master
pressed their palms together with these words,
“Let no man or
power that be put asunder what God has joined together.”

Chapter Eight
Hot Date

My fingers intertwined with hers and hers
with mine and it was as if I’d never been without her for she
seemed to be a part of me and I read the same thought as mine in
her eyes.

My Master moved past us and walked towards
the man who stood by the pillar of the house. As Jesus walked by
the withered flowers regained their form and bloomed radiantly,
even as the birds sang and greeted in the new day eager to see what
the Lord had made.

The Master drew up before Flint and grasped
his shoulders,
“Blessings strong watchman of your house. These
lands that have been given to you are secure. Your possessions
sanctified and blessed. Your family safe and secure and your
eternity with Me is assured. You are an overcomer and I thank you
for being faithful to Me even at the prospect of losing all that
you hold dear for even so that is how I loved you when I gave
myself on the cross and turned My back on everything that I am in
order to die an earthly death so that one day a man such as you
could have life by My triumph over death, hell, and the

The two locked together in an embrace that
was broken after a moment by a small voice, “Daddy?”

Flint looked back to see his two children
standing there.

“Mommy needs you!”

Flint looked back to his Savior who smiled
“A new day has come and with it there shall be new life
and blessings pressed down from above as children are a gift from
the Lord. All will be well. Now go to her and comfort her in her
time of travail.”

Flint took off for the house, as the two
children stared spellbound at Jesus. Smiling He leaned forward and
took their hands,
“Do you have a garden that we might walk in
for a while?”

Taleah bubbled out, “Oh yes! Would you like
to see it?”

“We have puppies too!” Brian piped in.

I would very much like to see your
puppies Brian and your garden Taleah. Shall we go?”

Both children led Him away laughing with

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