Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (82 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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I asked standing up to face him.

“He is an Angel of death! His name means 'Venom of God'.” He said all this through gritted teeth and had to crick his neck to one side before continuing, giving him the look of a gladiator getting ready for the deadly arena.  

“He joined forces some centuries ago with a Demon named Belphegor!” He said as he walked over to the intercom at the door.

“Have my brother brought here immediately!”  He ordered to a timid voice on the other end. I didn't fully understand what was going on but I was too scared to ask as Draven looked almost savage at this new information. I had a head full of questions, but the only one I needed the answer too was if this demon was coming for me.

Vincent was striding through the door within only minutes of his brother’s request. He was dressed casually as though he had just been woken up, which was likely as the clock in the corner told me it was four in the morning! He wore black trousers and an open shirt that revealed a washboard stomach like his brother’s. He wasn't as large as Draven, more of a slim build but still powerful with rippling muscles that tensed when Draven spoke the name of my terrorising demon.

“I believe he is going to try and get to me through Keira and he's using this Morgan to do his will.”

“You think he will try and seek revenge for our part in Belphegor's plan?” Vincent asked, not looking as worried as his brother.

“Oh I have no doubt brother! He was the one after all to help the human escape.” Draven was pacing back and forth, but his brother put one arm on his shoulder to stop him.

“Dom....calm yourself, he cannot get to her. She is safe as long as she remains here.” He walked over to the desk where he found me leaning against it listening to this conversation which I didn't fully understand.

“Keira, you do not need to be frightened, we will keep you safe but is there anything else you remember?” He asked in a calmer voice than his brother and like this it was easy to see the Angel in him.

“Like what?”

“Did he do anything to you?” As soon as he said this Draven let out a heart stopping growl that ran more fear into me than the dream had.

“Dom will scare her!” He said looking over his shoulder at him with a scowl.

“Keira, you need to tell us, did he hurt you in the dream or touch you in anyway?” His eyes were soft and trusting, but I didn't know where t
hese questions were leading to.

“Umm...well,” I said looking over at Draven whose eyes were burning full with hate and hell fire!

“Go on...Don't worry about him...he will behave,” he said smiling at me filling me with ease. Draven looked ready to explode with a venomous rage but Vincent purposely moved to block the sight.  

“He spat blood from his mouth at me and when I tried to rub it off, it released loads of little spiders that started biting me,” I said in a low voice as this part I had left out to save Draven any more pain than was necessary. I heard a sharp intake of breath behind Vincent.

“Where did they bite you?” I was already holding my exposed scars behind my back as I was used to Draven seeing them but not his brother.

“On my arm” I said shamefully.

“LET ME DO IT!” Draven shouted at Vincent but he turned to face him, placing
his hands on his chest stopping him from coming any closer to me. I couldn't help but flinch back at the sound. Draven's voice had taken on a rougher, deeper edge as though it was coming from another part of him. It made me wonder...was this his demon voice? It could definitely be classed as demonic.

“Dom....Dominic! Listen to will not see straight and will only frighten the poor girl! She has been through enough to experience your temper as well! GO, go and calm down brother, I won't be long with her.” At this Draven’s eyes softened slightly when they met mine. The purple haze lifted slightly as he leaned down to kiss my forehead before walking over to the glass doors and exiting on to the balcony.

“Forgive him but he is finding this difficult. He doesn't like things to be out of his control. He is not used to the feeling.” Vincent actually shrugged at this, which made him look so human it was hard to see him in any other light.  

“What happened, I mean why is he coming for me?” I asked trying to find any answer that I could comprehend.

“We played a part in his undoing long ago and looks like the years have not been of the forgiving kind. You must understand when something of this world tips the balance one way more than the other… we intervene. And let’s just say that Sammael tipped the scales in a big way!”

“So now he's using me to get to Draven?” He looked amused at me calling his brother still by his last name but he remained quiet on the subject and just nodded his head.

“What do you need me to do?”

“I would like you to trust me if you think you can do that?” He held out an outstretched palm and I knew exactly what he wanted me to put there. I closed my eyes and tried to remember how to breathe. How could I do this?  

“I won't hurt you and I understand your reluctance, but it is the only way for me to see the dream for myself.” So I bit down on my lip and found the deep breath I needed, knowing there was no other way round it. I placed the arm that had been bitten in my dream in his hand, scars facing upwards. His eyes looked down at the lines of my past and with his other hand he held it over them but stopped, meeting my eyes with his.

“I must warn you, I might see more than is needed. Your scars are deep as are your memories from how they came to be, it might take me back further than I need to see and for this I am truly sorry.” And before I could back away from the thought of him seeing more than he should, his hand went down on my skin making the connection.

It felt like my arm was being held under an icy river making it go numb. His grip refused to let go as I tried to pull away, but he wasn't going to do that until he had seen all he needed to see. I watched his eyes flicker as though he was in a trance and his mouth moved speaking unspoken words so fast I couldn't make out what they meant. It was only a faint whisper but I was sure I saw my first name escape his lips. Then the visions started to hit me like a flicker book of uncensored pain. I saw years of fear from my childhood in nanoseconds. Me hiding under the bed armed with nothing more than a Care Bear flash light saying “It's not real” over and over. I saw myself hiding in the supply cupboard in high school shaking back and forth. I saw
myself hiding under the staircase in a dark basement biting trembling lips, praying not to be heard crying to the calling of my name.
Always hiding...years and years.
Hell a lifetime of hiding! 

Then the last vision.
The tragedy in this Gothic play.
Only there was a difference...this time I had nowhere to hide.      

The Angel in front of me saw all that was needed and his eyes closed. The feeling started to flow back through my veins, with the rushing of blood warming my skin back to its usual temperature. He still held my arm but not in the same way. He was now stroking my scars, full of emotion in his crystal eyes.

“You are very brave Keira and have an incredible will to do good by others, you truly have been made with the purest of hearts and you were born to walk amongst us...some day you will agree and believe this also...” He said before he lent down and raised my arms to his lips, kissing my wrists like his brother had done. His eyes looked up into mine making my own water with the emotion that mirrored his.

His brother was witness to this but he remained silent until Vincent let go of my arms. Taking a step back he nodded to me in what looked like great respect and I was stunned into numb silence. Only the escape of a single tear displayed my true emotions on what had just passed. It didn't go unnoticed....... just unspoken. 

“Dom, it seems that our past is also going to pay us a visit along with Keira's. You are right, he is using the human's connection to her to find her whereabouts, but she is strong and has blocked him out. He has already tried to conquer her mind again but has been denied access.” At this Vincent affectionately smoothed the back of one finger down my cheek, as if I had done well. Draven walked closer looking as if he might explode with even more rage than what already consumed him. So I decided to be braver than ever before...

I moved away from the desk, accepting that all my body wanted was to feel safe in the arms of my dark prince. So with a beating heart and a silent prayer that I wouldn't get rejected, I marched right up to him and put my arms around his neck pulling his face closer to mine until I could feel his breath on my face. I could feel his muscles soften their indestructible stance and he weakened to my control.

“Please don't be mad,” I said trying to use my own take on his very effective smouldering voice. His arms wrapped around my waist picking me up, so he could kiss me more freely.

“I am sorry if I frightened you,” He said with eyes burning with passion once more.

“She certain
ly has an effect on you brother.
I haven't seen you come down from one of your trademark rages since the same blood ran through both our veins!” Vincent said full of humour and it took me a while to decipher what he meant. He had never seen anyone affect his brother like this in all the time they had been brothers.

“I will make the arrangements and she needs you..... She has been through enough, to cope alone any longer.” He said before leaving us to continue where we left off. Draven lifted me up into his arms and carried me back to the bed, making the room dark once more with only the light of the night sky.

“My brother was gentle with you?” He asked keeping his voice to a low whisper.

“Yes, but I think he was taken back with what else he saw,” I said shamefully.

“My brother and I have seen much brutality over the years but
is a rarity that our kind doesn't come in contact with often. It is one of the most powerful and intense acts a soul can possess. Your soul is pure and therefore when my brother became a part of that for a short while, it no doubt affected him greatly.” He seemed to say this with such pride, but I couldn't help feeling embarrassed with the way they had both looked at me. They made it sound as if I was some kind
of saint
, when I knew full well I wasn't. Especially not after all the unclean fantasies I had had about Draven since I first laid eyes on him. And well since then, acting them out was more explicit than I could ever have imagined.

“Keira, will you do something for me?” He asked pulling me closer towards his soft skin and I knew I could never refuse him.

“Anything,” I whispered, resting my head on his chest and nestled under his shoulder.

“Will you allow me access inside your mind?” This made me look up at him in surprise.


“Please trust me and let your mind give in to what I ask it to do.” I nodded knowing that he was learning quickly how my mind worked and this was the proof. I nodded and he kissed me, filling my mind with his control and there was only one thing he was telling me to do...

“Sleep peacefully...”



























Chapter 44




I woke to Draven's touch as his fingers ran up and down my arm making them tingle. I opened my eyes to find him propped up on his elbow staring down at me. I was wondering how long he had been looking at me and I just prayed to God that I hadn't been drooling!

“Good morning do you feel?”  He asked kissing my shoulder softly.

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