Adjournment (The Fate Series) (43 page)

BOOK: Adjournment (The Fate Series)
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“So take it back,” I breathe into the dim lit room.

His fingers dip under the edge to grasp it, and I gasp.

“What do you have on under this?” I feel his thumb drag down my hip.

He already knows.

He’s just waiting for the confirmation.

Tipping my head back toward him I put my forehead on his shoulder, release a deep evil laugh.

“What is so funny?” he chokes out.

I continue to laugh and rock my hips against him. Teasing him.

“Nothing,” I whisper, pinching my lips between my teeth.

Removing his hands from my waist he slides them around my neck, forcing us face to face.

“Nothing is funny?” His voice cracks with tension. His eyes are darker and heated with desire.

“No. Nothing is what I have on under this… The look on your face as I tell you that is what’s so funny.” I giggle before taking his bottom lip between my teeth, slowly releasing it as he moans against me.

Without warning he pulls the shirt up over my head, his fingers splayed across my naked back. I gasp as he twists us around, laying me down under him. His hand slides up my body until it finds mine, and our fingers entwine, clinging tightly to each other. I turn my head, admiring the way our hands say things our mouths can’t. 

Is it wrong that I love knowing he is just as excited for this as I am?

My body feels as though it’s being electrocuted every time our skin touches. A constant hum builds deep inside me. I pant when his mouth covers my sensitized nipple. His tongue lazily swirls around it sending addictive sparks of pleasure through me. I jerk from the sensation, my head swimming with sexual intoxication. His hand gently cups my breast holding me in place. When he moves it the cool night air sweeps over the heated area. His hand travels down my stomach until his fingers reach their new favorite spot.

Struggling to catch my breath, I lay here feeling breathless and slightly delirious.

He’s barely touched me, and I’m ready to fall apart under him.

I roll my hips up to encourage him because I don’t know how much more of the tease I can take.

“So eager… there’s no rush.” His pleased breath covers my hardened skin, driving me almost over the edge of insanity.

Trailing small bites down my scorching stomach his fingers coax themselves in, a rush of delight shoots through me. I grip his hand in mine with exhilaration as what feels like an anxiety attack begins to surface.

What am I doing?

Nothing… I’m not doing anything. This means nothing, and tomorrow it will go back to normal.

When his tongue finally lands on the sensitive flesh between my thighs, I forget about what will happen after. I don’t care about tomorrow, I just want to be here right now. A low moan escapes my lips as his tongue swirls around my most delicate part. An involuntary spasm rushes through me pulling my back away from the sheets, and I buck under him.

“Please don’t stop,” I gasp, as he continues his slow assault on my clit. “Oh God, don’t ever stop,” I beg him.

The tension building inside of me is stronger than it was earlier. This time it’s gathering momentum from the furthest parts of my body and organizing it together right at my core.

“Just let it go,” he whispers against me, then continues driving me closer and closer to the edge.

“It’s just you and me, Pet. I have you.” His words coax me even closer. “I want to know what it feels like for you to lose control in my hands.” He rocks his fingers against me, and that’s all it takes to bring everything crashing down around me and sending me over the cliff.

Knowing there are other people not that far away, I cover my mouth with my free hand to muffle my cries as the tension explodes and pure pleasure shoots through me. I sink my teeth into the soft skin of my palm to muffle all the things that want to come out of my mouth, words that I’m sure can never be taken back after they are said.

He slowly drags his fingers out leaving me wanting more of him. I lay here balancing somewhere between sedated and stable.

Simon’s hand grips my wrist pulling it away from my mouth. “Don’t do that again.” He gives a serious look as he examines my hand.

I uncontrollably begin to nod.

I’ll do whatever he says as long as he does that again.

His lips find mine, pulling me back into the lust-filled state I’m growing appreciative of. I pull away trying to catch my breath. “I’m umm… we don’t need anything,” I say before sealing our lips together again. Our breath is heavy and filled with desire; our kiss deepens.

Yeah, that doesn’t sound at all like I’ve been waiting forever for this.

I feel his smile form against my lips. “Then this really is my fantasy.” His brow furrows for a second as he adjusts his hips. “Well, almost.” He sits back, lifting me up with him. My head turns to both sides looking around, my legs are once again on either side of his.

What is happening?

Just as I’m about to ask our eyes lock and I’m left speechless. Fantasies never come close to what it feels like to look in to your soul mate’s eyes. He has me completely captivated as I wait with bated breath for whatever he is about to say.

“You, Sidney, my love, are my equal in every way, we are perfectly matched for each other.” He hesitates, looking lost in thought of how to say what he means, but I understand what he’s saying without his need for words. Our position leaves neither one of us on top of the other, this is his gesture… his way of saying no one is in control so it’s okay to just lose control together.

“I trust you,” I whisper.

Suspended over him, we watch each other, waiting for the other to make a move like nervous adolescents.

So, it’s up to me then.

This is going to suck.

Okay… I can do this… like Band-Aid… like a Band-Aid…

Just do it.

It’s only going to hurt for a second.

With a deep breath my fingers stroll around his shoulders, and I exhale slowly so he doesn’t hear my nerves. I wrap my arms around him, pulling his smooth hot chest against mine. Our skin pressing together is all I can focus on, then his lips are on mine and before I can talk myself out of this I lower myself, taking him inch by inch. His body jerks, plunging himself deeper and deeper, and the pain gets worse and worse.

This is NOT like a Band-Aid! This is a slow torturous hell. Sweet lord, let this pain stop soon.

As my body tenses against him from the pain, his hands grasp my arms, pushing me back.

His face fills with shock he asks, “How is that possible?” He stares at me, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

A cold sweat engulfs my skin.

I know I’m caught.

Feeling like an idiot I drop my head. I can’t look him in the eyes when I admit this. “Like you said… I’m yours,” I choke on the words as they leave my lips. My shoulders drop in defeat.

This is not the way I saw this going. It was supposed to be quick in, out, done, over. Not filled with words and feelings. 

His hands cup my jaw, pulling my face up to his, he kisses me once hard before covering every inch of my face with his lips.

“I didn’t—I didn’t know,” he says between kisses.

I finally gather the strength to look him in the eyes.

“I guess I never really moved on.” I give a small shrug.

His thumb runs over my cheek, and I grin as he pulls me closer. And that’s when I know it will be okay. I waited this long because he is the only person I ever wanted to experience this with. He is the only man who ever made me feel like this. I part my lips to taste him and we stay here, our bodies motionless for a moment while they adjust to the feeling of each other. He pulls away.

“Tell me when it’s too much,” he whispers.

But I don’t think it could ever be too much, though. The thought of that scares the hell out of me. 

Moving in perfect sync with each other, our eyes stay locked on one another’s, and it’s in his eyes I see it all. Our past, our present, and our future playing through them like a movie. A knot rises in my throat that somehow I manage to swallow.

I just want to feel right now. I don’t want to think about anything else but how it feels to have him here. This is our moment… it’s not late, it was just waiting for the perfect time.

I grind my hips against him, the pain turning into a slow build of pleasure as he slides against me. The closer our bodies get the more I lose of myself. A deep flutter starts to form in my chest and slowly spreads through me, shrouding my body in this feeling of sexual euphoria.

I now grasp how this could become addictive. Simon knows my body like he’s had years to study it, years to understand what it likes and what will send me over the edge.

“Simon, I…” The words fail me as I climb closer.

With a hard jerk of his hips I gasp in shock, my nails digging into his skin as my mind begins to spiral out of control.

“Stay with me.” His voice keeps me grounded, as his hands smooth over my ass. He clutches it pulling himself back before slamming his body into mine again.

My fingers dig into his shoulders so I can match his thrusts as we deliver each other to our breaking point.

“I’m with you.” The words rush out of my mouth before I crush my lips against him.

A rush of pleasure overtakes my body as my orgasm rips through, and I fall apart around him. His fingers gripping tighter into my flesh, he falls with me. The two of us lost in a sea of understanding looks and widened satisfied smiles.

His eyes flicker to my hair, and he’s lost as he watches his thumb move it back hooking it around my ear.

“Such a small thing to some people,” he mutters, as his fingers slowly drag down the strands. “But I have waited my entire life to have you here, like this. To feel your skin against mine. This is my dream come true.” His eyes move from my hair to my eyes before his hands slide up my back to pull me into him.

I collapse against his warm chest, my head facing away from his, and I catch the image of the couple I watched the other day in the vanity mirror as they pant against each other. I take in the way their bodies fit together so perfectly. Like puzzle pieces that finally got snapped into place.

My attention snaps to his fingers that lazily trace up and down her spine. She looks at peace. With her slow steady breathing she relaxes into a blissful state of contentment. I can’t look away because I can’t believe that the couple I’m looking at is us. It feels like I’m spying on someone else’s moment. I watch in the mirror, envious of how content they look. How in love they could be if life was different.

“Are you okay?” His voice vibrates through me.

I don’t answer right away, I’m lost in the eyes of a woman who is so obviously in love with a man she knows can’t have.

A tear slowly runs down her—my cheek and my heart breaks for her—me because we both know the same thing. We sit here fixated on each other. Visions of a different life, a happy life play through my mind. The thought of this ending crushes me and I tighten my grip on him as I try to make us into one, make us into something that can’t be torn apart by the light of a new day.

“Hey, Pet?” His words soothe me.

“I’m… perfect,” I partially lie.

I am perfect. He doesn’t need to know that this is as far as it goes. That after we leave, we leave all this behind. 

We lay back, our bodies intertwining with each other.

“I should probably shower.” I try to pull away from him.

His hand catching my wrist stops me.

“You should probably sleep,” he mumbles, his eyes closed.

How the hell did he even know where my hand was?

I wave my free hand in front of his face to see if his eyes are closed all the way.

“Are you going to do that all night?” A hint of a smile dances across his lips.

How the hell does he see this?

“I—no…” I groan, laying back down.

“Simon?” I bite my lip.

Just tell him.

“Whatever you’re thinking in your crazy mind, just stop.” He opens one eye to look at me.

I agree and wrap myself around him.

I won’t tell him that no matter what happens tomorrow never let me go.

Because that won’t be fair to him… he has to let me go.



All’s fair in love and paintball…


The next morning I wake up alone with a note on the pillow.

“If I were you, I would get up before you’re late and your team has to forfeit. All is fair in love and war, Pet.”

“BASTARD!” I scream.

Jumping out of bed I’m in and out of the shower as fast as I can. I wrap my hair up twisting it so the towel soaks up as much water as it can while I slide into my camouflage pants. I grab my shirt, tossing it over my head, just as I hear my sisters outside my door.

“All I’m saying is maybe it’s best if we take it easy on her,” Molly says opening the door.

I just finish clipping the buckles on my vest into place and start to load all the compartments up.

“Could your clothes get any tighter?” Molly gasps, she comes over to pull the material away from me.

“I went with skinny pants so it doesn’t make noise when I walk.” I pull away from her.

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