Addicted (26 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

BOOK: Addicted
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"I'm going up for a bath," I smiled, rising to my feet.
To wash the spunk from my cunt - your

"Yes, OK," he
murmured, obviously deep in thought. It was time to give him
something else to think about, something to sweat about.

"By the way,
Gary offered to do little jobs around the house while you're away.
I thought that very nice of him."


"Yes, you
know, dripping taps, mending a fuse, or whatever."

"Call someone
in, Helen. I don't want Gary round here."

"You are
funny, Tony!" I laughed. "Gary's being so kind, considerate, and

"Gary's a
red-blooded male, Helen. He lives alone, he hasn't got a

"Now you're
being silly! I'm going to have a bath."

Gary might
mention my pierced nipples, I thought as I ran a bath. But there
was no way he'd tell Tony that he'd seen my tits! As I submerged my
abused body in the soapy water, I looked at the gold rings. They
were removable, but I wasn't sure how easy it would be to insert
them again. Just to be on the safe side, I slipped them out of my
sensitive teats. The small holes were visible, but only on close
examination - Tony would never notice. I managed to put them back
and then remove them again, it was far easier than I'd imagined.
Suzie would wear them, not Helen.

After my bath,
I slipped my dressing gown on and returned to the lounge. Tony was
sitting in the armchair, pensive, worried. He was taking the
morning flight, he had little time to convince me not to have
anything to do with Gary.

"Helen," he
murmured as I sat opposite him. "Helen, what did you do before we
met?" He'd obviously spoken to Gary again!

"What do you

"What work did
you do?"

"I was at art
college, you know that," I replied.

"Part time
jobs, you must have done something to earn some cash."

"I sold the
odd painting to bring some money in, nothing else. Why do you

"I just
wondered. You've never told me about your previous

"I didn't have
any, Tony. You were the first, the one and only - you still are.
What's brought this up?"

"Nothing. By
the way, Gary's sending David round tomorrow to start on the

"Ah, that
reminds me," I smiled, having just thought of an idea. "You know I
said that a girl went into Gary's house?"

"Yes, what
about it?"

"Well, I'm not
sure whether Lydia knows or not... I saw David go into Gary's
house, with the same girl."


"Yes. I don't
know what's going on, perhaps they're having orgies!" I

"What makes
you say that?"

"I was only
joking, Tony! I wonder who the girl is? I suppose it's none of my
business. So, David's starting tomorrow, that's good. You're right,
we do need a gardener. I'll be nice having David around, and


"Oh, I'm
tired!" I yawned. "I'm going up to bed, coming?"

"Er... in a

"OK, see you

Beneath the
quilt, I pondered on the day's events. Things were going my way;
Tony wouldn't trust David now, or Gary. I was innocent, getting on
with my work, happy to have David as our gardener, Gary as a friend
and neighbour. And Tony? He was riddled with guilt, frantically
worried. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's
good for the cock is good for the cunt!





The reality of
Tony's wicked adultery didn't hit me until he'd left for the
airport the following morning. I couldn't get the image of my
buttocks jutting through the hole in the box out of my mind, his
solid cock driving deep into my defenceless bottom-hole. We were as
guilty as each other in our adulterous ways, but I had an excuse -
hadn't I?

Looking on the
funny side, Tony didn't know that he'd screwed his wife's bum. The
thought that his adultery wasn't adultery at all made me feel good,
wicked. In a way, it was a shame that he was off to Tokyo. I could
have had some more fun with him, play my mind games, my dangerous
games, and find excitement - wicked fulfilment.

Before he'd
left, Tony had phoned David to tell him not to bother with the
garden, but there'd been no reply. He'd also phoned Gary, leaving
him a contact number. Why would Gary want to ring Tony? I'd
wondered. To tell him about my adulterous cunt? Hardly!

Poor Tony was
obviously kicking himself for arranging for David to do the garden.
Tony would have no control when he was thousands of miles away, I'd
be free, free to play my games. What really excited me was that, in
Tony's eyes, I was innocent, the devoted, loving wife.

breakfast, I donned my nipple rings and slipped into my smock. I
was ready for work, ready to complete the painting of the girl,
crude in her double fucking. I'd only just taken my pallet from the
table and grabbed a brush when the phone rang. I knew it would be
Tony ringing from the airport, and I wasn't going to answer - I'd
leave him to sweat. But the ringing persisted, annoying me,
distracting me, and I finally grabbed the receiver.

"I'm at the
airport," Tony announced. What could I say? Did he want praise for
successfully completing the first stage of his journey? "Helen, are
you there?" he whined.

"Yes, I'm
here. David's in the garden," I lied, my lips furling into an evil


"Yes, he's
stripped down to his cut-off jeans and he's got stuck in. I've just
put my bikini on, I'm going to have a coffee with him on the

"Your bikini?"
I detected jealousy in his voice. "Why aren't you working?"

"I thought I'd
start a little later. The sun's really hot; it would be a shame to
spend all my time in the studio."

"I wouldn't
disturb David, if I were you. We're paying him to work, not to
drink coffee and sunbathe."

"It's only ten
minutes, Tony! Besides, he's been so good to me."

"Good to you?"
Now I detected anger. "How do you mean?"

"He helped me
to tidy my studio; it was becoming such a mess. It'll be great
having David around while you're working abroad; it was a good idea
of yours."

"He's supposed
to be the gardener, not your personal bloody manservant!"

"Don't be
silly, Tony. Look, I'd better go, Gary's coming round in a


"To join us
for coffee in the garden. God, my bikini's tight, far too small.
I'm almost bursting out of it!" I giggled.

"Helen, I
don't want you to... Damn, they're calling my bloody flight. Er...
look, I'll ring you when I arrive in Tokyo."

"Yes, you do

I replaced the
receiver before he could tell me of his undying love for me.
Undying love? He was an adulterous bastard! But I was winning, I
had the upper hand. Gary would say that he hadn't joined me for
coffee and Tony would think he was lying. The plot thickens! I
mused as the front doorbell rang. Would I ever be free of

"Oh, Lydia," I
smiled, opening the door. "I haven't seen you for a while, how are

"I've been
round several times but you're always out," she replied, her full
red lips smiling, her fresh face framed by her long blonde hair,
her breasts swelling her tight blouse. I wanted to suck her

"Come in and
we'll have a coffee. Why isn't David with you? He's supposed to be
starting on my garden today."

"He'll be
round later. About the money..." she began, stepping into the

"Ah yes, the
money. I'll get it for you in a minute. How is David?"

"He's fine,"
she replied, following me into the kitchen. Was her vagina brimming
with sperm? "He's accepted that I was... that I am..."


"Well, yes. Do
you need..."

"No, not at
the moment. Why?"

"We made love
this morning, I thought you might want to..."

"I'm fixed up,
but thanks, anyway," I smiled, filling the kettle.

I knew she'd
been hoping that I was desperate for sperm as she sat at the table
and fiddled with her long golden locks. This was my chance to turn
the tables, have her begging for lesbian sex. She was probably
desperate for money too, but I'd not pay her a penny more than the
one hundred pounds I owed her. If she wanted sex, she'd have to pay

"So, what have
you been up to?" she asked as I poured the coffee.

mainly," I replied, joining her at the table. "And you?"


"Are you all

"Yes, I
suppose so."

"You don't
sound very convincing."

"I... I think
I've fallen in love with you, Helen."

"Oh," I
sighed, somewhat astonished.

"I can't stop
thinking about you, the things we did."

Fiddling with my teaspoon, I wondered what to say, how to
react. In love with me? Good God, that was the last thing I'd
expected! I'd been used by Gary and David, used and abused for cold
perverted sex - now it was
turn to use someone. Wicked though it was, I
decided to play along with her, tell her that I felt the same way
about her - and use her for perverted lesbian sex.

"Take your
clothes off," I smiled.

"But I..."

"Don't you
want me to love you?"

"Love, yes,
but not just sex, Helen."

She'd changed
her tune! "Love and sex go hand in hand, as you'll discover. Come
on, it's a very hot day. Stand in front of me and take your clothes

She stood up,
her slender fingers unbuttoning her blouse as she moved around the
table. After my first lesbian encounter, I'd been confused, torn
between male and female, but now I knew that I could derive immense
sexual pleasure from both men and women. I felt power, power over
the girl as she slipped her blouse over her shoulders and unclipped
her tight bra. She was weak in love, I was strong in lust.

"You have nice
breasts, Lydia," I praised her as she peeled the bra cups away from
her mammary globes, her elongated milk teats. "Only a woman knows
how to sexually pleasure another woman."

"How to love
another woman," she whispered, correcting me.

"Yes, how to
love another woman. Here, let me help you," I smiled, tugging her
short skirt down and revealing her tight, bulging panties - damp
with her heady sex juices.

She stepped out of her skirt, kicking her shoes off as I
gently pulled her panties down her shapely thighs, exposing her
full, pouting sex lips, her sweet vaginal crack. Gasping as I ran
my fingertip up and down her moistening sex valley, I knew she was
putty in my hands. I'd abuse her in the name of lust, pretend that
I was showing my love for her - and sexually abuse her. Cane her?
Yes, when she was ready, I'd tie her down and whip her taut
buttocks until her cunt juices flowed and she begged for the
release of orgasm. Lucifer
possess my soul!

"Go to the
bathroom," I smiled, kissing her smooth stomach as I looked up into
her sea-blue eyes. "There's a razor and shaving foam on the

"No, I don't
want you to..."

"Lydia, you do
want my love, don't you?"

"Yes, but...
David will..."

"Don't worry
about David. Tell him that you shaved for his sake, for his
pleasure. Go on, off you go. And bring a damp flannel with


"Just do it,

I sensed my
vagina tighten as she left the room, my clitoris swell. I'd really
show her what sex was about after I'd shaved her cunt. I'd use my
candle, candle-fuck her tight vagina. Her bottom-hole? Yes, when
she was ripe, I'd finger her bottom-hole, candle-fuck her tight
arsehole. Where was the old Helen? Slipping out of my smock as she
returned, I jutted my firm breasts out, proudly displaying my gold
nipple rings.

"Oh!" she
gasped, focusing on my firm breasts, the gold rings piercing my
swollen milk teats. "When did you have that done?"

"Not long ago,
do you like them?"

"Yes, you look

"OK, lie on
the table, and I'll shave you."

Sitting on a
chair as Lydia clambered onto the table, her thighs wide, her
buttocks over the edge of the table, I gazed longingly at her open
cunt crack, her protruding inner sex folds. She was smooth, firm,
curvaceous - sexy in her femininity. Pulling the chair nearer,
positioning myself between her long legs, I shook the can and
smothered her blonde pubes with foam.

"Oh, it's
cold!" she shrieked as I gently massaged the lather into her
swelling outer lips. Grinning, I dragged the razor over her mound,
shaving her young growth, revealing smooth white skin. Her eyes
closed, she let out little gasps of pleasure as I pulled her cunny
lips up and apart, removing every last golden curl from her sweet

"There!" I
finally cried triumphantly, wiping the foam away with the damp
flannel. "You look beautiful, Lydia - beautiful!"

"Oh!" she
gasped, propping herself up on her elbows, her wide eyes gazing at
her hairless vaginal lips, her pink sex crack. "I don't know what
David will say!"

"He'll love
it, believe me."

"Helen, he'll
be here soon, I don't want him to..."

"Relax," I
smiled, forcing her outer sex hillocks wide apart and massaging her
erect clitoris. "We have plenty of time, just relax and allow me to
love you."

Her firm
stomach gently rising and falling as I slipped my finger deep into
her hot wet vagina, her gasps of pleasure grew progressively
louder. Her juices flowing, lubricating my pistoning finger,
mingling with David's spunk, I slipped my finger out and pressed my
mouth against her open hole.

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