Addicted (21 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic fiction, #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

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painting," Stephen said as he straightened his tie.

"Yes, I'll get
it," I replied, leaping up from the sofa. Returning with the Blue
Lady, I smiled as he wrote me a cheque. "Double, Stephen," I
reminded him.

"Yes, that's
what I'm doing. There you are, and thanks."

I'll expect Tony to ring me tomorrow with news of his pay

"Yes, I'm sure
he will. I'll... I'll call again."


Taking the
cheque, I passed Stephen the painting and saw him out. Another
problem solved, Stephen and I were equal in our debauchery - he had
something on me and I had something on him. In reflection, I
suppose I had nothing on him, seeing as there was no proof of his
adultery, but I sensed satisfaction. My cunt had power over

As I climbed
the stairs to go to bed, I realized that, for the first time in
weeks, I felt good about myself. I was tired, my inflamed sex ducts
brimming with sperm, my neck and face sticky with the starchy,
dried liquid - but I felt elation. I'd sleep well and wake
refreshed, have a bath and look forward to a day of painting
erotica - a day of erotic painting.

How many men
had I had now? I wondered as I lay beneath the quilt, caressing my
appreciative clitoris, my spunk-dripping vaginal entrance. How many
different men had mouth-fucked me, cunt-fucked me, arse-fucked me?
Now, I'd been cleavage-fucked, tit-fucked. Closing my eyes, I
continued to stroke my ripening clitoris, revelling in the
beautiful sensations until I finally drifted off to sleep and
dreamed my dreams of perverted sex.

The morning
sun woke me, bathed me as I lay with the quilt pushed back, warmed
my naked breasts. What would the day bring? I wondered.
Masturbation, orgasm - more sperm? I fondled my sticky cunt crack
as I lay there thinking - spunk-sticky. I'd have some fun with
Suzie, I decided. Visit the postman's wife again and hurt her. I
felt that I wanted to hurt Tony, too, although I didn't know why.
Tony didn't deserve hurt, but I did.

After a
shower, I donned Suzie's outfit and went down for breakfast.
Ten-thirty, it was getting late. Time passing, days, months,
years... where was time taking me? My life was passing me by. It
occurred to me as I ate my scrambled eggs on toast that I wasn't
having any fun, there was no laughter. Suzie would bring me fun and
laughter. Suzie was my best friend.

As I was about
to leave the house, the doorbell rang. I couldn't answer it as the
new Suzie, I'd give the game away. Keeping quiet, I waited in the
hall, praying that my visitor would leave, but the bell rang and
rang. Checking myself in the full-length mirror, I decided that my
sun glasses, my ginger wig and heavy makeup, were disguise enough.
I'd say that I was a friend of Helen's, that she'd gone out and
wouldn't be back for some time. I didn't know what I was going to

"Hi," I
smiled, opening the door to Gary, disguising my voice as best I

"Oh, er... is
Helen in?" he asked, scrutinising my long legs, my yellow

"Sorry, she's

"Will she be

Suzie was
bringing me fun. "I don't know, do you want to come in and


"I'm Jackie,"
I smiled.

"Oh, right.
I'm Gary."

Entering the
hall, Gary couldn't take his eyes off me, my tarty clothes, my deep
cleavage, my nipples pressing through my flimsy blouse. For some
inexplicable reason I blurted out that Helen was my sister. He sat
on the sofa, probably wondering at his chances of fucking me,
forcing his solid cock deep into my wet cunt. I was surprised that
he didn't recognise me. There again, my disguise was good, very

"Are you a
mate of hers?" I asked, standing before him.

"Yes, I am. I
live just down the lane, the house next door. I didn't know she had
a sister."

"Yeah, that's
me. She's a bitch," I began, wondering how to have some real

"A bitch?" he

Jackie was a
prostitute, common. Her voice had to reflect that. "I'd better not
say nothing, I don't want to drop her in the shit."

"Please, go

"Well, she's
living here in this bloody big house, doing well, supposedly
happily married, and yet... you won't say nothing, will you?"

"No, of course

"She used to
be on the game."

"What?" he
gasped, gazing up at me as I stood with my feet apart, my naked
cunt veiled only by my short skirt.

"I shouldn't
have said nothing, it's just that... we worked together, until she
met that prat Tony."

"Are you

"A prostitute?
Yeah, I am. Helen don't want me here. I'm from her sordid past,
see, and she don't want me hanging around. Just look at this place,
she's done bloody well for herself, ain't she?"

"Yes, she
has," he replied. "But I can't believe that she..."

"She puts on a
posh voice to fool everyone. She reckons she's the lady of the
bloody manor. She ain't nothing like what she used to be, I can
tell you!"

"This is
incredible!" he breathed, his eyes transfixed on my inner

"Her husband's
posh enough, but he never thought nothing of giving me one behind
her back."


"Yeah. The
last time I come here, Helen was out. He thought me worth a try and
ended up giving me one over the kitchen table. He don't know I'm
her sister, he thinks we met at college."

"When did
he... when did he give you one, Jackie?"

"About two
months back, I suppose. I charged him top wack, of course."

"Has she told
you that she's addicted to..."

"Yeah, the
daft bitch!" I giggled.

Sitting in the
armchair opposite Gary, my stomach somersaulting, I wondered what
other stories to make up. I didn't know why I was playing such a
dangerous game, but I found it incredibly exciting. Perhaps Gary
would blackmail Helen, threaten to tell Tony of her sordid past.
The fun was only just beginning!

"She's got a
kid, you know," I said, parting my thighs.

"A kid? Bloody

"You don't
know the half of it! We used to make dirty videos. I'll never
forget the one we done with six blokes. God, it was a bloody

"Tell me
more," he grinned, gazing between my thighs, desperately trying to
eye my cunt.

I felt wicked,
elated, as I wondered what other incredible stories to relate to
Gary. I'd tell him dreadful things about Helen and he'd blackmail
her, and end up making a fool of himself when he was proved wrong.
Watching him through my dark glasses, I decided to go a little

"We done six
months in the slammer for bleeding shop lifting. Jesus, I could
tell you a few things about our Helen."

"Such as?"

"We used to
stay in hotels for nothing. We'd fuck the managers, get free meals
and everything. Got a fag?"

"No, I don't
smoke. Look, I have things to do. I'll come back later," he said,
rising to his feet, obviously planning his threats, his

"Yeah, right.
I might see you again, you never know."

"I'd love to
see you again!"

"Yeah, I'll
bet you would, you dirty bugger!"

Watching him
leave the room, I was about to suggest that he fuck me, but I
didn't want him yanking my wig or glasses off in the process. As
the front door closed, I leaped to my feet, wondering at my
stupidity. I must have been mad! What was there to gain from all
I'd said to Gary? Trouble, that's what!

It seemed as
though I was lurching between Helen and Suzie - and Jackie - not
sure what I was doing or why. Telling Gary that Jackie was Helen's
sister was a mistake, I knew, but what was done was done. It had
been fun, though.

Hearing a car
pull into the drive, I wandered over to the window to see Tony
climbing out of a taxi. "God!" I breathed, looking down at my
clothes. Panicking, I dashed through the hall into the kitchen and
leaped out of the back door. I should have gone upstairs and
changed, but it was too late - I'd had no time to think. In the
garden, I hid behind the bushes, praying that Tony would take a
bath, give me time to change into Helen, the devoted, loving

"Helen!" he
called. "Helen, where are you?" After searching the house, he
wandered out into the garden. Crouching behind the bushes, frozen
to the spot, I waited until he went back inside - my heart racing,
my hands trembling. Praying that I'd chosen the right moment, I
crept through the hedge at the bottom of the garden and out into
the field behind the house. But what to do now? Where to go? Gary's





After sitting
beneath the hot sun for a couple of hours, I crept back to the
house, praying that Tony had gone out. What was he doing coming
home unannounced like that? I sensed anger rising, annoyance. He
was disrupting my life, spoiling my plans.

I heard Tony
in the lounge, rabbiting on his mobile phone as I crept upstairs to
the bedroom. I was safe, he hadn't heard me. Hurriedly changing,
wiping the thick makeup off my face and concealing Suzie's clothes
beneath the bed, I emerged as Helen, the faithful, loving wife.
Tony frowned as I entered the lounge and smiled at him. Was he
suspicious? He was always suspicious! I suppose I was a highly
suspicious person.

"Where have
you been?" he asked, almost accusingly.

No welcome kiss
? "I went to post some
letters and got talking to... What are you doing back? I

"I've finished
in Paris, for a while, anyway. I have some good news, Helen," he
smiled, crossing the room and putting his arms around me. I felt
nothing. "I don't know why, but old man Giles has given me a pretty
impressive pay rise."

"Really? He
must thing you're doing well."

"Yes, I
suppose so."

"You don't
seem very pleased."

"I am pleased;
it's just that I don't understand it. The other day he was
indicating that I'm not ready for promotion, and then he not only
puts my salary up, but says that I'm head of the queue for

"I wouldn't
question it, Tony. If he thinks you're worth more money and the
company will benefit by your promotion, accept it and be happy."
Stephen obviously thought that I was worth the money, that my cunt
was worth the money.

"Yes, you're
right. How are you, been working hard?"

"Yes, I have."
On Stephen's cock,
Gary's cock

"It's good to
be home. I've been worried out of my mind about you, Helen."

"I don't know
why," I said nonchalantly, pulling away and moving to the sofa.
"All I've been doing is going for walks and working."

"You don't
seem very pleased to see me. You've lost your sparkle, why don't
you tell me what's wrong?"

"Please, Tony!
We've only been together for two minutes, and you've started going
on already!"

"I'm sorry,
it's just that you're not your old self, you've changed."

"God, not the
you've changed
line again. I'm tired, that's all. If anyone's
changed, it's you, not me."

"I haven't

"Why don't you
go and make us some coffee? And stop worrying."

"I worry
because I love you."

Gary loves my cunt, my mouth

Gazing around
the lounge as Tony mooched off, I noticed his bureau, his chair -
the cunny-stained wooden knob. They somehow symbolised Tony, his
methodical ways, his fastidiousness, and I realized that I didn't
want him. I should have told Stephen Giles to send him abroad more
often, not base him in London. I'd made another mistake.

Obviously it
wasn't Tony's fault, but I blamed him for spoiling my fun and
games, my dangerous games of perverted sex, lies and deceit. My
dual identity idea didn't seem feasible now. With Tony around, it
would be difficult to keep Suzie under wraps. Again, I wondered
whether Tony would succumb to Suzie's charms, her hot cunt.

"How did David
get on with the garden?" he asked as he walked across the room with
two cups of coffee, his white shirt crisp, his tie perfectly
straight. Tony was a bore.

"He... he
didn't turn up. I saw him the other day, he said he's been pretty

"Oh, that's a
shame. So, what are you working on at the moment?"

. "Er... I've been experimenting.
Nudes, I've decided to paint nudes."


"There's money in... in nudes."
. "Have you ever thought about anal
intercourse?" I asked, immediately wishing I hadn't!

He frowned,
probably wondering whether he'd heard me correctly. "Thought about
it, what do you mean?"

"Thought about
doing it, having anal sex."

"That's an odd
question, Helen."

"Is it? Lots
of people have anal sex, I just wondered whether you'd ever wanted
to try it."

"No, certainly
not! Good grief, you really have changed!"

As Tony
answered his mobile phone, I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to
test his fidelity, to discover whether or not he'd succumb to Suzie
the tart. The danger excited me, the excitement wetted my vagina,
stiffened my clitoris. But no, it was too risky; I'd never get away
with it.

Tony was
beginning to annoy me as he rabbited on the phone to a client. I
didn't want him there, in my way, under my feet. He'd spoil my
plans; interfere with my new way of life. But he had a supply of
sperm, I concluded - and a pay rise. I had to stay with him, for at
while, at least. I'd contact Stephen and have him send Tony abroad
again. Stephen would do anything for me, for my cunt.

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