Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) (6 page)

Read Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Michelle Iannarelli

Tags: #Underground Affair Series, #Book 1

BOOK: Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1)
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Ace didn’t know if he was hurt or angry at this point. Lucy just used him. Yup, she used the loser stripper.

“I really don’t need to hear this about the Chief’s daughter.”

“Please, what I’m trying to say is, that when Lucy came home and I found out she was with someone else, I realized I didn’t want her to be with anyone but me. I need your help.”

“My help?”

“Can you talk to Lucy’s dad and maybe tell him how much I want to marry her. You know that we hit it off last night and you think I’m cool?”

Cool? This guy was an asshole. Ace wanted to throat punch him. He quickly decided the only way to get rid of him was to agree to help.


“Thanks, I really appreciate it. Now I just have to convince Lucy.”

Lucy sat at her desk grading papers. All she could think about was how the one time she did something wild and stupid and it ends up to be with someone she can’t forget who is also a

co-worker of her dad’s.

“Miss Lucy, why do you look sad?”

Lucy looked up and one of her students, six year old Jaime, was standing there staring at her.

“Oh, I’m not sad at all. I was just concentrating very hard while I am grading your spelling tests.”

“Good, because I don’t like when people are sad.”

“I don’t either, Jaime.”

“I’m going back to play with my friends now.”

“Ok, I will see you after lunch.”

Jaime smiled and then ran out the door. Lucy tried to figure out how she was going to fool Tom into believing everything was fine when even a six year old could tell she was upset.

Shane and Robert walked over to Ace.

“Sorry, I’m late but I had a visitor.”

Ace looked up and Robert was smiling and holding Shane’s hand. Ace was annoyed. He liked Robert as much as he liked Tom right now.

“So are we still doing this or what?”

“Yeah, I just need some tape.”

Shane kissed Robert goodbye and then grabbed the tape and began wrapping his hands.

“Ace, what’s up? You still upset about that girl?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fine but if you do…”

“I know and thanks, man.”

“Ready for me to kick your ass?” Shane laughed.

“Not if I kick yours first.” Ace smiled.

Declan was waiting in the parking lot for Robert to come out of the gym. He had a few words for that sleaze. When he saw Robert walk into the parking lot he got out of his car and walked towards him.

“Robert, got a minute?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“If you don’t love Shane, let him go.”

“My feelings for Shane really aren’t your business.”

“They are when I see my best friend miserable.”

“Shane didn’t look miserable to me a few minutes ago.”

Declan grabbed Robert’s arm and leaned in his face.

“Listen up, Shane is my best friend. He deserves someone who loves him. Not someone who just wants to keep him around to use at his convenience.”

Robert shrugged Declan’s hand from his arm and stepped back.

“Stay the fuck out of this or I will tell Shane about our little talk and I’m sure he will side with me when I tell him that you threatened me.”

“You may think you’ve won this battle but trust me, you will not win this war.”

Declan walked over to his car, got in and tore out of the parking lot.

pulled up at the scene of a murder. He walked over to where the body was only to find some blonde woman hanging over the body. For Christ’s sake, there were police all around and nobody noticed this woman. Chace shook his head in disbelief. She could be the murderer or she could be tampering with evidence.

“Police…now get up nice and slow.”

Chace waited but the woman continued to lean over the body and apparently she was choosing to ignore him. He walked over and pulled her up by the arm.

"Get your hands off of me!"

“I asked nicely but you refused to obey my orders.”

“Orders? Listen, I don’t take orders from you, understood!”

“No, you listen, I’m the detective here investigating this crime scene and what I say goes.”

“Chace, I see you’ve met our new medical examiner.”

Chace looked down at the little blonde who was practically growling at him and he quickly released her arm.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're the new M.E.?"

"I would have if you shut up for a damn minute."

Chace gritted his teeth. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his partner Kyle trying to hold in his laughter. Chace exhaled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't…"

"Didn't what? Think?"

"I didn't know that we had a new M.E."

"Well guess what? You do! I'm going to get back to work now, Detective. Might I suggest you do the same?"

Kyle patted Chace on the shoulder.

"Why don't you head inside Chace, I will look around out here."

Chace was more than happy to distance himself from Little Miss Sunshine.

Ace walked into the station and grabbed his gear. It was his day off but the Chief had called him and asked him to come in and help out with fire prevention visits at the local elementary schools.

"Ace, thank you for coming in on your day off."

"Anything for you, Chief."

"Why can't my daughter fall in love with a good man like you, Ace? I hate to see her with that jerk Tom."

"Speaking of Tom, Sir."

"Must we speak of him?" The Chief grumbled.

"Tom approached me at the gym, he asked me to talk to you on his behalf."

"He did what?"

"Seems like he really wants Lucy to accept his proposal and he wants me to put in a good word for him with you."

"Are you serious?"


"Let me ask you something, Ace. What do you think of him?"

"Well, I only met him twice, Chief."

"Ace, I've known you long enough to know that you can read people after only meeting them once, so fess up, Kid."

"I think the only reason he wants Lucy to marry him is because although he doesn't want to be married, he doesn't want anyone else to have her. I also don't think he cares if you like him but figures if you give Lucy your blessing, then she will say yes."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"Maybe Lucy has his number and that's why she hasn't accepted his proposal yet?"

"I can only hope so."

Declan walked out of his bedroom to find Shane sitting in the living room.


"Robert came home drunk again last night and he smelled like cologne."

"I’m sorry."

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

"Nothing, it's not you."

"Well, clearly I'm lacking in looks or performance. I can't seem to keep Robert satisfied."

"Shane you're hot as hell and I never found you to be lacking…"

Shane stood up and kissed Declan.

"I need you."

Declan wrapped his arms around Shane.

"Shane, you need to talk to Robert and figure this out. Being here with me will only complicate things even more."

"You're right, Dec, I'm sorry."

"Hey, you know how much I care about you. No need to apologize, ever."

"Thanks. You’re going to be at my fight Saturday, right?"

"Of course, have I ever missed one?"

"I thank God every day that I have you in my life, Dec."

"Me too, Shane, me too."

"I'm going to go talk to Robert."

"Text me later and let me know how it went. Good luck."

Declan wanted to tell Shane to dump the loser but knew that Shane needed to figure that out for himself. So he remained silent.

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