Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) (2 page)

Read Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Michelle Iannarelli

Tags: #Underground Affair Series, #Book 1

BOOK: Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1)
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“I think we should raise the stakes and play double or nothing.”

Declan looked up at Charlie. He didn’t think he had enough money on him for double. He didn’t want to quit now that he was on a winning streak.

“You in or out, newbie?”

“I don’t think I have enough cash on me for double, will you take an IOU?”

The guys laughed. Shane took off his Rolex watch and laid it down on the table.

“This should cover it and then some.”

Declan looked up at Shane.

“Shane, no.”

“What’s the big deal, you’re going to win.”

Sure enough Declan did win. He grabbed Shane’s watch and handed it to him and then grabbed the cash from the table and started to stuff it into his pockets.

“One more game.”

“Charlie, are you crazy? You’ve already borrowed from all of us. You have nothing left. Give it up and accept the fact that this new kid beat your ass.”

Declan began to walk away from the table.

“I’ll bet you my club.”

“What? I don’t have that kind of cash, not even with what I’ve won.”

“Kid, this club is in the cellar of a building that is almost at the point of being condemned, I hate to lose and I’ve had too much to drink. Did you drive here?”


“Throw down your keys.”

“My car for your club?”

“I’m feeling lucky right now.”

Declan looked at Shane and shrugged his shoulders.

“So if I lose my car I have enough money here to buy a used one but if I win I’ll have a club.”

Fifteen Years Later…

at himself in the mirror. It was exciting and fun back in college but now he was getting too old for this. Ace never would have imagined that three of his drunk college buddies and himself winning a card game would change their lives like this.

"Ace, you're up in five."

Jeff banging on the door and yelling, pulled Ace from his thoughts. He finished getting dressed, grabbed his helmet and headed out the door.

Lucy sat there with her friends sipping down cocktails while they all talked about how happy they were. Lucy however, was not happy; her boyfriend had just told her he thought they should start seeing other people. If it wasn't her cousin's bachelorette party she would be home in bed eating copious amounts of ice cream.

"Cheer up, Lucy. Look at it this way, you get to keep the guy and you're free to sleep with someone else if you want. It's like the best of both worlds."

"I thought Tom was…the one."

"Well maybe you will find a hottie tonight who will make you forget all about that dickhead."

"Janey, we are sitting here watching men strip! Do you think any of those men are looking for a serious relationship?"

"Hmm, ok, well, after the show we will go into the club or better yet into the casino. Maybe you will meet someone there?"

"I don't think I want to meet anyone. I just want to drink until I forget, at least for tonight."

Janey got up and hugged Lucy.

The music started playing and Ace knew it was time to strut his stuff. He walked out on the stage and began wiggling his ass. He walked over to the guest of honor and escorted her up onto the stage and sat her down in a chair.

The other women were whistling and yelling out to Ace how they wanted to handle his hose. Mary sat there watching Ace and blushed as he stripped down to his micro briefs.

Lucy watched Ace as he gave her cousin a lap dance while she consumed her fifth drink. Her mind started to race about what Janey had said earlier about having the best of both worlds. She stood and proceeded to climb up onto the stage and grabbed Ace's ass.

Ace felt a hand grab his ass. At first he didn't think much about it until that same hand reached around and grabbed his cock. That was a no in his rule book while he was performing. He grabbed her wrist and turned around and when he did, she kissed him. Ace pulled away.

"I think you should return to your seat, Miss."

Lucy stared into his eyes for a moment before she turned and walked back to her seat.

Ace finished his show and then headed back into his dressing room. He couldn't get his mind off that one woman. Why did he have to meet her while he was performing and not at a bar. He headed to the shower. He had an early shift at work and needed to get home to bed.

Lucy's family and friends headed off to the bar. She needed a few minutes to herself so she just stayed in their party room. Tom was such a jerk. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and he wanted to sleep around first before he decided if he could make a commitment. Originally she was heartbroken but now she was becoming more and more angry. She finished her drink and got up and headed towards the bar.

Ace turned the corner and came to a screeching halt when he saw Lucy.

"Hi, again."


"Can I buy you a drink, handsome?"

"I uhh, I need to get home to bed."

"Is that an invitation?"

Ace stood there speechless for a minute. He wanted to say yes but decided he had better say no.

"I find you very attractive b…"

Lucy heard the word attractive and grabbed Ace's face and kissed him. Ace didn't stop her this time. He couldn't help himself. He kissed her back. Finally, Lucy released her hold on him and stepped back.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

Ace grabbed Lucy's hand and walked out the door; to hell with his better judgement.

driveway and was about to get out of the car when Lucy climbed onto his lap and started kissing him. Ace and Lucy kissed for a few minutes while she grinded against him. Finally, Ace opened the car door and got out with Lucy's arm around his neck. Once he straightened himself out she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked towards the house.

Lucy's phone started to ring in her pocket. Ace placed her down so that she could answer the phone.

"I'm going to grab us some drinks."

Ace walked into the kitchen to grab some beers. Lucy answered the phone.


"Lucy, where the hell are you?"

"I left."

"Left? Like went home?"

"Left yes, but not to my home."
Lucy chuckled.

"You hooked up?"

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