Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) (5 page)

Read Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Michelle Iannarelli

Tags: #Underground Affair Series, #Book 1

BOOK: Ace of Spades (Underground Affair Series Book 1)
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up, he couldn’t go home to sleep so he decided he would drive by the club and see if any of the guys were there. He wasn’t inside two minutes before he was hit on. After Lucy, he was sure that it wasn’t a good thing to hook up at work.

“Hey, long time no see.”

Ace turned around and Declan was standing there.

“Hey, Dec.”

“What’s up, I haven’t seen you in weeks?”

“I was here a few times for parties but didn’t come upstairs after, I just headed home. I’ve been working a lot of overtime at the firehouse. We’ve been down two guys.”

“You hanging? Want to sit and have a drink?”

“I’m up for a drink.”

“I’ll grab a bottle and meet you at the corner table.”

Ace headed to the table and sat down. Shane walked over and sat down.

“What’s up, Bro?”

“Not much, Shane. You?”

“Training my ass off, next fight is Saturday night.”

“I don’t know how you do it.”

“I love the rush.”

“Rush? You get a rush out of getting your ass beaten?”

“No, I get a rush out of winning.”


“Slide over, Shane.”


“All we need is Chace and then the party would be complete.”

“Someone mention my name?”

“Chace, hey buddy.”

“Move your ass over, Declan.”

“So what’s the occasion?”

“No occasion, just four best friends together, drinking.”

“Well, Ace, that sounds like an occasion to me.” Shane winked.

“I say we take a few bottles, some girls, a guy and head to the back like old times.”

“Chace, what happened to Kim?”

“We broke up. She hates that I’m a cop. I don’t want to talk about it.”

Ace felt bad now that he said something.

“Well, I stripped last night and took this girl home and then tonight I found out she has a boyfriend who proposed to her and her father is my Chief.”


“Yeah, teach me to break the strip and no dip rule.”

“I have good news, our profits have tripled.”

Ace, Shane and Chace all looked over at Declan who was smiling like the cat who ate the canary.


“I think you’ve been hit in the head one too many times, Shane. Yes, you heard me right the first time. Our profits have tripled.”

“Whoa, any idea what we’re doing right?” Ace laughed.

“A few months back I hired a new assistant manager and well, I think the changes she’s made have started to pay off.”

“Dec, you’re actually giving credit to a woman?”

“Shut up, Chace.”

“Chace is right Dec, you sleeping with her?”

Declan didn’t answer at first but then when the three of them stared right at him he finally answered, “No, well…twice.”

Shane’s phone rang. Declan looked up at him.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?”


“Shane, you know you want to.”

“Fuck you, Declan.”

Shane’s phone started to ring again. He powered it off as he glared at Declan.

“Alright, what’s going on?”

“Why don’t you tell Chace what’s going on, Shane.”

“Robert dumped me and now he wants me back.”

“Ok, so what do you want?”

“That’s the problem Chace, I love him, I want to go back with him, but I don’t think I can handle him dumping me again.”

Declan looked completely annoyed.

“He can’t just want you when it is convenient for him. He needs to decide what he wants because if he hurts you again, he will have to deal with me.”

Declan stood up and walked towards the bar.

Ace looked at Chace and then Shane.

“Shane, if I didn’t know better I would swear Declan was…jealous.”

“Nah, he has always been overprotective of me, of all of us. You know he’s like our dad.”

Lucy sat in the living room resting on the couch. Tom knew if Lucy had a headache she wasn’t going to want sex, so he went to bed when they got home. She couldn’t keep her mind off of Ace. She decided she should call him and apologize. She reached for her phone and called her cousin Mary to see if she had a contact number.



“What’s up, Lucy?”

“I’m wondering if you have a number for Ace?”

“Lucy, don’t you think you should back off?”

“Yes, but after I apologize.”

“For what? Sleeping with him?”

“No. Mary you don’t understand, Ace is my dad’s co-worker and I ended up at my parents having dinner with him tonight.”

“Oh lord, girl.”

“Oh, and Tom.”

“Thank goodness I lead a boring life.” Mary laughed.

“My life was boring until a few days ago.”

“Got a pen?”


Declan was finishing his drink when Shane walked up behind him.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

Declan turned around and smiled at Shane.

“Nah, it’s ok, I know the owner and my drinks are free.”

“Look, I know you never liked Robert but…”

“Shane, he’s your business not mine.”

“You know how I feel about you, Dec. You’re the closest thing I have to family. I don’t like that Robert upsets you but I can’t just stop loving him either.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I just want you to be happy, even if it means you go back with that prick.”

“Thanks, man.”

Ace and Chace were talking to two beautiful blondes when one of the wait staff came over and told Ace that he had a phone call. Ace got up to answer his call.

“I will be right back. Chace, take good care of our girls.”

Ace walked over to the bar and picked up the phone.

“Ace Dean.”

“Please don’t hang up.”



“I have nothing to say to you.”

“I called to apologize. I’m so sorry. It’s like when I am around you, I can’t think.”

Ace wanted to be mad but instead he smiled. Lucy really did like him. Then reality hit him, she was with Tom.

“I have to go. Thank you for calling.”

Ace hung up before Lucy could say a word. Then he headed back to the table before Chace left and took both girls home without him.

at the gym while he waited for Ace to arrive.


Shane turned around and Robert was standing there.


“I miss you.”

“I miss you too, Robert, but I…”

“Five minutes.”


Shane followed Robert into the locker room. Once they were inside Robert pushed Shane up against a locker and started kissing him. Shane pushed back at first but then gave in. Robert dropped to his knees and untied Shane’s shorts, pulled out his cock and started sucking on it. Shane let out a moan just as Declan walked in.

“Really, Shane!”

Shane opened his eyes and Declan was standing there staring down at Robert who still had his lips around Shane’s cock. Shane pulled back, Robert released his cock and then stood up.

“Hey, Declan.”


“Dec, Robert came by to talk to me.”

“Well, then I will leave you alone so you can…umm, talk.”

Declan turned and walked out.

Ace taped up his hands and started punching a bag while he waited for Shane. It felt good to release some tension. He was up most of the night thinking about Lucy. Damn that woman. He wanted to hate her so bad but he knew there was little chance of that happening any time soon.

“Hey, want to go a round or two?”

“Tom, hey. I already have a friend meeting me here to do just that. Maybe some other time?”

“Can I ask you something?”

Ace was afraid of what Tom was going ask. Could he suspect something happened between him and Lucy? Well better to just deal with it if he had.


“How can you stand to work with Lucy’s dad, he’s such a dick. If I had him for a boss I’d transfer.”

It was official, now Ace really hated this guy. He took a deep breath before answering.

“Chief Jenkins, Todd, well I actually admire and respect him. He has gone above and beyond to help me further my career and I think of him as a father figure. Did you ever consider the fact that maybe he acts like a dick around you because he doesn’t like you?”

Tom stood there and just blinked a few times. Then he finally answered.

“Did he tell you he didn’t like me? Was he talking shit about me?”

“No…so calm down.”

“I don’t get it, I tolerate her brothers, and I spend holidays there to make Lucy happy and…”

“Stop, I don’t know why you’re telling me all of this and honestly, I don’t want to be pulled into it either.”

“So, you’re just going to take their side?”

“Tom, I’ve know you for less than a day. I don’t even know why you’re telling me any of this.”

“I’m desperate, is why.”


“I don’t want to lose Lucy. I was a jerk the other night and poor Lucy, she thought I was going to ask her to marry me…”

“But you did.”

“Yes, the next morning. But the night before I told her that we should see other people, Lucy was so torn up about it. She stayed out all night drinking and then she fucked some loser she met at a bar.”

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