A Life To Waste (14 page)

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Authors: Andrew Lennon

Tags: #thriller, #horror, #murder, #alcoholism, #kidnapping, #goodreads, #lennon, #andrew lennon, #a life to waste, #teddy bears picnic

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Dave didn’t wait for any reply,
he dropped the received and sprinted back to the factory.

“got to find mum!”


Dave remembered his thought
about the “production line” in the factory earlier. How the people
who were more like fresh meat where closer to the rear end of the
factory. The long dead bodies were closer to the stairs. Surely his
mum had to be closer to the “fresh” end.


He marched straight down the
factory, ignoring all the chopped up and mangled bodies that had
been sewn back together. He tried to ignore the helpless gazes of
the victims who were still conscious. He had every intention of
helping them, but he
to find his mum. He searched for a
while. He decided to start untying people as he moved. Some of them
were so far beyond recognition that it was the only way he could
keep and check on the ones he had already seen.


The police stormed through the
door just as Dave tore the tape from another victims mouth. Dave
turned around to see the rush of police officers rushing through
the corridor and down the stairs.

“Dave” he heard.


He turned around to see that he
had his mum in his arm. He pulled her into his chest and hugged
her. He held her close and cried.

“I’ve found you mum, it’ll be ok

“Dave?” he received a confused

“Don’t worry mum. It’s all






















Chapter 28


Police officers went in and out
of the building. Some of them running out to throw up on the
pavement outside. Some came out slowly, shaking their heads.


Dave sat on the pavement outside
with his arm held around his mum while waiting for the ambulance
that was going to take them to the hospital. Several had been and
gone, several more needed to come before all casualties were dealt
with. Dave watched curiously as the officers entered the building
then exited it so fast. Why did they go in there if they can’t
handle it? They were told what it was like, he saw their colleagues
telling them. Was it a job they didn’t want to do but had to anyway
so put on a brave face and walked in? Was it morbid curiosity? They
wanted to see just how bad it was, the patchwork of bodies.
Eventually Dave’s ambulance arrived, he and his mum shared their
escort as they were taken to the hospital. He left the police
officers to deal with the hell he had just come from.


According to the police, the
news reporters, the gossipers, the nurses with loose tones, the
doctors with loud voices. This was one of the worst things that had
ever been witnessed in this country. Dave heard the conversations
go, there had been over 260 bodies, over 100 of them dead. All the
dead had been sewn together, all containing different body parts
that belonged to different people. This freak had made his own
patchwork quilt, he had taken off bits and pieces from people and
added bits and pieces from other people. He had created his own
sick and twisted work of it. A vison of hell itself.


Dave spent a very long time in
hospital, he had to get numerous treatments and injections for his
arm. He had other injuries he either hadn’t noticed or had
forgotten about that needed treating, like the gaping wound in his
cheek from the first round of his fight with bigfoot.


His mum, although not in quite
as bad shape as Dave, had been effected mentally a lot more. She
seemed to have left the vessel that was holding her, her mind had
drifted somewhere else. Maybe somewhere that she would be able to
cope with the sites she had seen. It was going to be a long arduous
ordeal Dave was told, psychologically, his mums brain had been


It would take years before he
got her back,
he ever did get her back. This had made
Dave cry, all the years he had abused his mum and taken her for
granted rushed into his mind. He had flashing images on the times
he insulted her, the times he had smashed the place up and she
would cower in fear. Now that he realised how horrible and selfish
he had been all these years, it might be too late. Now that he
wanted to give back to his mum all the love and care that she
deserved. She might be gone. He would be alone.

























Chapter 29


One question continued to enter
Dave’s mind. No matter how many times he tried, he just couldn’t
answer it.



Why had that horrible man done
all those things? Was he abused when he was younger? Was he
mentally ill? Dave had no doubt that the giant had some form of
mental problem, he could see that every time he pictured those big
black eyes. Behind those eyes was nothing but an empty space. There
were no thoughts, no hopes, no dreams. Just darkness.


Perhaps there didn’t need to be
a reason for it all. Maybe that guy was just evil. Simple as that,
he was just evil and wanted people to suffer. He certainly made
sure they suffered as much as possible before putting them out of
their misery.

It didn’t matter, no one could
ask him why? That chance had passed, he was gone now. Dave had made
sure of that.


Dave was shocked at the amount
of thank you cards he received. He also received boxes of
chocolate, flowers. People would come to visit him in hospital
showering him with hugs and tears of joy and gratitude. These were
the family and friends of the survivors. The people that Dave had
saved. In total he was told that 78 people got out of that factory
alive. Although some died shortly after, and some had injuries that
were beyond help. He had been assured that 56 of these people were
going to be ok.


They were going to live! And
hopefully after this, get their lives back. Out of the two hundred
and odd that had been held in the factory, 56 didn’t seem like a
huge amount. But everyone kept reminding Dave that without him
of them would have survived. And the body count was
likely to be a lot more than it was.


It made Dave happy to think
about the survivors, to think that they would hopefully get their
lives back again, they were given a second chance. So was he, he
had to take this chance and use it. It was time to start
appreciating life.













Chapter 30


A year had passed since that
horrendous ordeal at the factory. Dave’s mum had still not returned
home, she was ongoing psychiatric help in the hospital. Still, Dave
made sure he had the house spotless, every day he cleaned from top
to bottom and put fresh flowers on the table. Just in case that was
the day mum returned home.


He visited her every day at the
hospital, some days he wasn’t sure that she knew he was there but
he went anyway. He would take her a nice bunch of flowers and they
would sit together. She would sit silent, Dave didn’t know whether
she was listening or not, but regardless, he would talk to her for
hours. He would tell her about the job he had now, it wasn’t much.
He struggled to do certain things as he was still getting used to
only using one hand. But he had a job at the local shop. Just
helping out here and there, helping stack shelves one day or work
the till the next day. He didn’t get much pay but it was enough and
he was happy to be helping the elderly couple that ran the little


He told her about the volunteer
work he had been doing, he had been going to the local track and
giving tips to new upcoming runners. The coach said that there
would be a new assistants position coming up soon and that Dave was
more than welcome to it.

“Hey I saw Claire as well!
Remember Claire?” he said.


Claire had been at the local
track while Dave was volunteering. She had a little boy now. She
had been weary when she first saw Dave but that faded fast when she
saw how he had changed. He was genuinely happy for her.
Congratulated her on the wedding and then asked what her sons name
was. His name was Phil, he was trying out for the team.


“Wow he’s fast” Dave said “I’m
telling you, with the right training and enough dedication, that
kids gonna be running in the Olympics.





The End









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