A Life To Waste (12 page)

Read A Life To Waste Online

Authors: Andrew Lennon

Tags: #thriller, #horror, #murder, #alcoholism, #kidnapping, #goodreads, #lennon, #andrew lennon, #a life to waste, #teddy bears picnic

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He straightened himself up, took
a deep breath.

“There must be something around
here I can use as a weapon.”

















Chapter 21


Dave couldn’t believe his luck.
He had marched to the rear end of the factory in search of
something he could use as a weapon. In search of
could use as a weapon. What he found was a
of weapons!
All lay in heaps on the floor next to each other were knives (lots
of knives), a pick axe, a chainsaw, a wood cutting axe, something
which looked like a spear, chains, metal bars, hammers. If this had
been a computer game Dave would have found a secret room to come
across all these weapons.


He stood staring down at the
pile in amazement. He couldn’t believe that big foot had just left
all this here. Surely anyone of these victims scattered around
could grab one of these weapons to use against him. Dave turned
around to look at the never ending array of bodies on the floor. No
he sighed, none of these people would have been able to get
anywhere near these weapons.


They were all either too badly
mutilated or were bound and gagged. It must have been like a tease
to them. Lying on the floor looking at all these tools and weapons,
just wishing that they were able to get their hands on one of them
to defend themselves. That thought must have undoubtedly been
followed by the horrific thought in which they realised that these
things were going to be used on


“Cruel bastard” Dave said to
himself. “he left all these here to taunt them.”

Dave could see lots of eyes had
fallen upon him. Pupils staring at him from all directions on the
floor. Those eyes were talking to him.

“Help us.” They were saying.


They didn’t need words, he could
see it. They all looked at him in hope. All these helpless people
looking to him to save them. He knew that even if he tried to untie
and free them one by one, the ones that were still alive at least,
they wouldn’t get far. There was definitely no chance that he would
be able to save anywhere near enough of them. Let alone all of


No, he had decided what he
needed to do. The only way to save these people was to kill that
crazy freak that brought them here. And now he had the weapons to
do it. Thanks to the laziness and cocky attitude of this sick
bastard, he had left everything that Dave would need to take him


Dave looked down at the weapons
again. He had images in his head of him being tooled up like some
super soldier, with knives and axes and spears all tucked in
different compartments of some cool outfit. With weapons all hung
in perfectly co-ordinated places so he could grab the exact one he
wanted when he wanted. Back to reality though, he didn’t have some
cool outfit, or the body of a super hero. These things were heavy
and there is no chance he could take them all. He wouldn’t be able
to carry much, and what he did carry would weigh him down.

His weapon of choice was to be
the axe, apart from the fact he decided it was possibly the coolest
weapon there, he also thought that if he could get a good swing it
would probably do the most damage. This guy he was going up against
was huge, he needed a high impact weapon to use against him.


“Axe it is then” he said to
himself, trying to build confidence.


Dave grabbed the axe and began
his march to the stairs, leaving all the other tools and weapons in
the pile he had found them in.

He made his ascent on the
stairs, his legs began to tremble, he felt sick coming up from his
stomach again.


“No, come on Dave” he thought
“you have to do this, for mum. You can’t be scared now.”

But he was scared, he didn’t
think it was possible to be any more scared that he felt right now.
He opened the door to the corridor. It was still lit by the dim
orange light he had seen earlier. With the axe ready in his hand he
approached the next door at the end of the corridor. He held the
axe above his head with his right hand, ready to strike when
needed, and he opened the door with his left hand. It was another
corridor. He entered, he could hear screaming now.


“Bastard must be busy” he

He began to move towards the
sound of the screams, they got louder as he moved closer. He came
to the end of the corridor where he was faced with a door that had
“office” embedded onto it. There was a pane of glass on the door
but it was patterned so Dave couldn’t see through it properly. He
could see something moving inside it but he couldn’t make out what
it was.


“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” he heard a
scream again.

“That scream was really loud,
they must be right on the other side of this door” he thought.

He stood ready with the axe
propped in both his hand, waiting for his moment.

“Ok Dave this is it” he said
“there is no turning back now, you’ve come this far”

Sweat was dripping from his

to do this, you
have to save mum, and those people”


His hands had become clammy, he
had to twist them on the shaft of the axe to improve his grip.

“Come on Dave, this is it, you
can do it.”

His heart was racing, his
stomach felt like it was doing somersaults.

“Just run in there and put this
axe through that bastards head.”

He braced himself.

“ok come on, come on”

He took a deep breath.

“come on”

He leaned back and kicked the
door open.




















Chapter 22


“AAAAHHHHH!!!!” Dave

He rushed into the “office” with
the axe raised above his head swinging it from side to side. The
freak spun around in shock to see Dave running towards him looking
like a maniac.


Dave swung the axe back up ready
to strike, the weight of the axe shifted Dave shoulders to the
right, his feet went left and slipped on a pool of blood that has
leaked onto the floor from bigfoots latest victim. Dave toppled
over onto the floor. Landing hard on his shoulder, letting out a
big grunt when he struck the ground.

The giant began to walk towards
him, Dave looked up at the monster that was towering above and
looking down on him. He managed to lift himself to one knee and
swing the axe across to the left.


He got him! He struck the giant
freak in the thigh with the axe. Dave tried to pull it back so he
could swing again but it was stuck. It was really difficult to pull
it free from the freaks legs. He began yanking back and forth in a
panic trying to free the axe. His eyes wide looking up at the giant
that appeared to be un-phased by his new injury. He just stood
staring at Dave with a confused look on his face. Slowly, he raised
his arm above his head. A giant hand came thundering down smacking
Dave on the head like a sledge hammer. Dave’s head fell flat to the
floor like a rock. He let go of the axe, as if by magic, the axe
just simply fell from his opponents leg when he loosened his grip.
Dave pushed both hands on the floor in an attempt to lift himself
up. He was hit by another huge blow with knocked him back down.


He tried to push himself up
again, he felt a flash of pain to the side of his face. He put his
hand to his cheek, he could feel blooding pouring through his
fingers. Dave looked up to see bigfoot stood over him with a knife
in his hand.

“oh shit!”


He tracked backwards in a
sitting position pushing his feet against the floor to move
himself, trying to give himself a bit of space away from this
giant. He stopped when he reached the wall. With his back pressed
against the wall, Dave rose to his feet. He could see a woman on
the other side of the room, her hands bound above her head. She was
red, completely red. She had literally been bled from head to


There was a lump on the floor
next to her which Dave assumed to be her hair, as she was left with
none on her head. One of her breasts was pumping out blood
continuously like a fountain. It was split clean in two, leaving
two large pieces of skin hanging either side from each other.
Beneath her sliced breast were several wounds and puncture marks
from the point in which bigfoots knife had entered her stomach. Her
body was dangling from the wall. It looks like she was stood up but
she wasn’t. It was the restraints on her arms holding her up.
Luckily for her, she had passed now. Her torture was over. Dave’s
hadn’t begun yet.


He looked around frantically
trying to find something, anything to use to defend himself. There
were tools placed around the feet of the poor victim on the other
side of the room, but the giant stood between him and them.


Dave made a run for them, he was
hit hard, knocking him back down on the floor before he could get
anywhere near them. His head was pounding, his vision was beginning
to blur. He could see bigfoot closing in on him. He tried to get
back to his feet. Before he had chance to stand up again he could
feel himself being lifted.


Now he could feel wind rushing
past his face, his arms and legs dangling beneath him, he was
flying. Then came the impact of the adjacent wall. The giant had
thrown him across the room. Dave managed to muster enough energy to
raise his head enough to see his opponent close in on him again. He
felt the flying sensation again, followed by the impact of the wall
along with incredible pain.


He tried to push his hands on
the floor to lift himself up but they did nothing. They just slid
beneath him in the pool of blood which now contained Dave’s blood
as well as the blood from the unfortunate woman hung on the

“bmmstard” Dave mumbled through
his swollen mouth.


The blood still pouring out from
his cheeks, his face was swelling up to be twice the size it had
been. He opened his eye to see a boot coming fast to his face.

Darkness followed.
















Chapter 23


Dave opened his eyes, he
couldn’t see anything, His vision was blurred, just specks of
lights flashed here and there. He could feel that his arms were
tied up against something, he tried to move them, he couldn’t.

“Help!” he tried to shout.


What came out was a sort of
muffled mumble. Something was covering his mouth. He blinked
repeatedly and shook his head until his vision eventually became
clear. He looked at his arms, they had leather straps tied around
them. The straps were fitted to the walls. He tried to shout again
but nothing followed apart from the muffled sound he’d made
earlier. His eyes shot in every direction, frantically trying to
find some way out or something to help him. He looked down, he was
stood in a pool of blood.

“Oh no!” he thought “that’s my
blood, I’m dying.”


There was something next to his
foot, a lump of some sort. He moved it with his foot, it was hair.
He recognised it from before, it was that womans hair. He had taken
that womans place strapped to the wall. He remembered her wounds,
he remembered what the freak had done to her. Scalped her, cut her
to ribbons.

“Oh god no!” his thoughts racing
“please please please god no!”

“MMMPPPHHH!” his cries for help
were still muffled.

He could hear something. It was



The giant was returning. He
tugged his arms back and forth trying to free them from their
restraints. He couldn’t loosen the grip on the leather straps.
Tears flooded across his cheeks.

“oh god I’m gonna die” he


The door opened. The freak
walked in. Dave tried to shout some form of insult or obscenity at
the giant but nothing apart from mumbles left his covered lips. The
giant bald killer walked at a slow pace towards Dave, you could
almost call it strolling along towards him. He stopped right in
front of Dave. His eyes, giant pools of darkness, staring into
Dave’s eyes. Dave had to blink to clear his vision, it had become
blurred again from his eyes filling with tears.


The freak, still gazing into
Dave’s eyes, tilted his head. The way a dog would when it was
confused by his masters call. That gaze seemed to last forever.
Dave felt as if this freaks huge dark eyes were staring into his


The giant turned around, he was
stood staring down at something. Dave struggled to see past the
frame of the giants body. He was looking down at something on a
table that had been placed in the room. Dave could see just to the
side of the freak. There was a knife on the table, it was long as
and had jagged edges. Like a long thin saw. The freak slid it
across the table, next to it he placed a cleaver. Then next to that
he placed a machete. Then another knife, then another knife, then


“mmmpphhh! Mmmmpphh” Dave
muffled words failed to leave his mouth once more.

“I’m gonna die.” He thought “i’m
gonna die on this spot.”


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