Damaged: Jovian’s Revenge

BOOK: Damaged: Jovian’s Revenge
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Damaged: Jovian’s Revenge

By: Tanya Cole

















                 Written by: Tanya Cole


Copyright © 2016 by Marvelous Leaders Publications

Published by Marvelous Leaders Publications, LLC

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Facebook:  Tanya Cole



This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organizations, establishments or locales are products of the author’s imagination.  Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.


Cover Design: Dottie D’zigns



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Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication, and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

I like to give my honor to God for blessing me with the gift of writing. To my mom, who is always there to make me laugh.  You will never know how much you put in me. Thank you for the late night calls, the smiles when I wanted to give up, and for teaching me from birth to know my worth. To my four children , Kiuna, Ken, Kiera, and Keyvion- thank you for teaching me exactly what love is.  To all my siblings, thank you for being there during all my crazy scenes in life. To my crazy aunts, Tasha Cole and Clara Raspberry , thank you for showing me that it’s not just me. We make crazy look so dope. To all my cousins, I love you. To my #MLP team – this is our year. To my Publisher , Marques Lewis , no amount of words can explain how grateful I am to you. On the worse day, you still believe and support your team. You’ll never know what that means to us. To all of my readers, thank you for supporting my dream. To my mentor Tangie Hicks Elam, thank you for everything that you do. All the fruits of your labor shall be rewarded in his priceless name. Last but not least, to anyone that has a dream- never give up. When I was homeless living in a shelter, I never thought that I would live to fulfill my dreams. I did it with a smile and with the faith of a mustard seed. No matter how hard it has been, something inside me just wouldn’t let go. It’s called Hope, Strength, Courage, and Motivation. And this is only the beginning.







This book is dedicated to Yolanda Bowen. Best friends for life.











Chapter 1


It’s been a week since Liz took my son, and I can’t wait until I get that bitch. Out of all the dumb shit I’ve done , nothing compares to this. Ki won’t take my calls and Mama Jo won’t even look at me. Jaylin is all I have left, and to be honest I’m surprised he is still around. Kaylah been sneaking around me scared that I’m going to flip out on her. Like every night, I’m sitting in her guest room in the dark. She walks in the room with a suitcase in her hand

“Wassup , Kaylah?” I ask.

“ I got to go to Boston.” she says .

“Now? For What? I need you.”

“I have to go and get my son Jovian.”

“Son? What son? What the fuck Kaylah!”

“I’m so sorry Jovian. I should’ve told you about him, but I just couldn’t.”

“How old is he?”

“Six.” she says.

“So you’re been hiding a fucking kid! Kaylah who the fuck are you?”

“I never thought we would make it this far, and I was only here to get away from my abusive ex-husband.”

“What? Whoa! You’re married ! When were you going to tell me all of this!” I yell as I pace the floor.

I know I do a lot of bullshit , but at least I keep it real.

“ My husband found out about us, and he wants me to come and get  Morgan.”

“I’ll be back next week. Jo, I‘m really sorry. I pray that you find Khalil. I’ll call you when my flight lands.”

“Whatever Kaylah . This is the last thing I need right now. Lock the damn door.”

As Kaylah walks out of the door, I watch her get into her best friend car. I can’t believe I actually thought about marrying that lying bitch. I mean who lies about having a kid. I should’ve stayed my ass with my family.


I’m lying in bed looking up at the ceiling wondering what I did wrong. My babies refuse to sleep in their room. They’re scared that Liz is going to come back for them. I can’t eat, sleep, or work. Both of my babies are gone. It’s been a week and I can’t find Khalil. Mi still hasn’t showed up either. My cellphone rings and I just took at it. It’s Jaylin, but I refuse to answer. As usual, he leaves a voicemail. I got to get  up and get out of this house. I’m going to find my baby. Fuck Jovian and Memphis Police Department. God better be with that Liz bitch when I find her. I hear the doorbell , and wonder who stupid enough to actual show up to my crib. Of course, Jaylin . I walk down the steps and slowly open the door.

“What’s up Jay?”

“Sis, why you didn’t answer the phone?”

“Did you find Khalil?”

“So, what the fuck you calling for?”

“Aight, bet. I just wanted to check on ya’ll.”

“Check the streets and find my seed! Until then I don’t want to see NO

“Aight Ki. Call me if you need me.”

He walks out the door with his head hanging down. I know I’m wrong , but I miss and need my son.


I’m sitting in this dingy, wet warehouse thinking about my life. Now, that I know that my ex-girlfriend Nia is behind this shit, she gonna feel me. The door slowly creeps open and Nia walks in.

“So you ready?” she asks.

“To die. Yeah, but you going with me.”

“Miguel. I could never kill you, but you’re going to give me what I came to Memphis for.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Your seed.”

“Bitch , get the fuck outta here!”

“You left me without a reason.”


“Yeah, after ya’ll made that stupid bet. Nigga! So , that’s all I was game to you.”

“Bet! What bet?”

“Jovian said that he you $5 that you could sleep with me.”

“Fuck I look like! Why would I bet on you? I loved your dumb ass! Before you, did I sell dope? No, I was into sports. I slang dope to get you out of the hood. Damn! You couldn’t tell that I love you. You told me to jump and I said, How High?”

“What? I saw Jovian walk up to you and give you dap. He told me to watch him walk up to you and that ya’ll sealed the deal.” Nia said.

“So, you fucked him cause you thought I made a bet!” I shook my head. “You dumb trick! Thank you though cause
I really dodged that shit.”

“What? Shit? Mi!”

“Turning a hoe into a housewife. If that nigga can get you off your square that easy- he did me a favor. Remind me to thank him next time you see him.”

“This changes everything. Look Mi, it’s a lot of shit going on behind the scenes that you don’t know nothing about. I’m going to let you go but not before you listen to me.”

She pulls up a chair and starts to tell me everything.


I’m riding down Poplar  on my way to Dixie Homes . Now that Mac Greg dead, I can walk through that bitch with my head up. Since Mac Greg out, my nigga Mac Yo took his spot. Soon as I step out of my whip , a crowd walks up.

“Yo, Mac Jay . What’s up?” Mac Yo shows me some love.

“Mane , slow rolling . Aye, let’s take a walk. I need to holler at you for a lil minute.”
We walk to the hangout spot called “Up Top.” It’s where all the top G’s hang out. We sit on the green box. Mac Yo starts rolling a blunt.

“Aye nigga. You know I couldn’t get in the middle. You know how that in-house shit is,” he says as he passes the blunt to me.

“It’s all good Mac Yo. I fucked up when I did that shit with Tiny.”

‘Yeah, but that nigga stay fucking with everybody bitch. That’s why none of these niggas stepped up to help him with is beef with you . As a matter of fact, Tee Mane was fucking his lil porn star.”

When he mentioned Liz, he grabs my attention.

“So, Tee Mane was fucking her too. He still talks to her ?” I ask .

“Yeah, he just met up with her in Mississippi at some hotel.”

“Fo real. You got a number on him. I wanna get at him bout some work.”

“You must wanna get robbed , lil nigga. I see you shining and you don’t fuck with him. On my set, Jay, what’s up?”

Let’s ride. Shit’s fucked up.” Khalil being missing is really getting to me.

We walk down the street , hop in my whip, and pull  to Church’s chicken parking lot.

“On the real, Mac Yo. Liz took my nephew. We been trying to find that bitch.”

“Damn G. You should’ve been said sumthin! Fuck you think this is! We gangstas ! We fucks with the kids!”

For the first time in years, I cried. Not just little tears , but I cried a river. Mac Yo just started to pray for me until I stopped. Now, don’t get me wrong I’m straight gangsta and ain’t no hoe in me. My babies are my world, and not being able to find Khalil was fucking with me.

“Mac Yo , don’t tell anyone that I cried like a bitch. Imma have  to fuck you up.”

“Nah Jay , You cool. I’m finna handle up though. And shit like this we don’t keep a secret. Call Jovian. Let’s go get your nephew G.”

I pick up my cell and call Jovian.

“Aye bro. Let’s meet up. Davis Park.”


Teddy Bear been blowing me up since he put me out of his house naked. If I don’t answer the phone, he will pop up at the house. Luckily, Jay has  been gone all day and night looking for Khalil . Ki won’t get out of  the bed. Mama Jo keeps going to  Kmart looking for Khalil. Who knows where Jovian is? It seems like no matter what the drama just will not end. The doorbell rings and I walk to the window before I answer it. It’s FedEx. Relieved it’s not Teddy Bear , I open the door.

“Hello ma’am. I got a package for Jaylin Winters. Sigh right here for me.”
I sign for the envelope . I usually don’t go through Jaylin’s shit, but I’m curious to see what this is. Nah, I’m not going to open it. I place the envelope on the living room table. I stare at it for an hour . Once again, Teddy Bear calling my cellphone . Then , my house phone starts to ring. I put my phone on vibrate and my doorbell starts to ring. When I didn’t answer the door , my burner phone starts to ring too. This lasts for about an hour. I just sit in the corner rocking back and forth crying waiting on it to stop. Mane, I miss Ki. She always knew what to do. Maybe I should go to be with her. I wake Darrin up , put on his clothes , and head to my momma’s house to drop him off. When I pull up, my heart drops to the bottom of my  feet. Teddy Bear is standing outside with my mom and dad.

I reverse out of the driveway and ball out of Ki’s crib. I use my emergency key. The house is quiet and I know that everyone is in her room. I walk in the room with Darrin in my arms. She jumps up , but relaxes soon as she see us. I place Darrin down gently on the bed next to Korea and I lay in the bed too. We didn’t speak a single word. She just knew that something was wrong and I knew that her heart was broken too. Knowing that we were together no matter what gave us enough comfort for us to fall asleep.


I know I said Tee Mane was just a sex toy , but after a week I had to have him. We are in a hotel in Mississippi doing our thang. I always leave Khalil in the room down the hall. I told him if he said a word- I would kill his little brother and his sisters. I would go to the room early in the morning and feed him. I’m cool with being a mom , but he really beginning to be too muthafuckin much. I got to get rid of him ASAP, but killing kids ain’t style . His phone buzzing letting him know he got a text message.

“Liz , I’m finna go to the store real quick . I’ll be back,” he said as he puts on his black jogging pants. “You want something back?”

“Nah, I’m good. But hurry back.
I need sum more of that big sausage.”

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