A Different Shade of Violet? (18 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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“Open your eyes,” he demands and I open them immediately. I see nothing but devotion staring right back at me. He moans loudly as my pussy tightens around his cock and he kisses me strongly as I slowly come down from the high I’ve just reached. Right as he thrusts again, I clench my pussy tighter and he groans, looking me right in the eyes he then blows his load inside me. He grips onto my arse cheeks so tightly I’m sure it will bruise, but I don’t care. He finally closes his eyes resting his forehead on mine. I feel like my world has taken a turning point and my life is finally back on its right axis. Even though I know this changes nothing between us, I still feel like I’m where I belong.

We’re both panting as we fall back to earth from our tremendous high.

“Fuck me,” he whispers against my lips as I lower my legs down from around his arse. He pulls out of me and I grin at him.

“I think I just did there, Rock,” I joke and he opens his eyes and smiles.

“Why the fuck did I wait so long to do that again?” he says breathlessly.

“Because you’re a Neanderthal remember?”

He nods. “Correct. Now let this Neanderthal wash you, and then we better get to bed. It’s so late and we have another delivery tomorrow,” he says and I nod as he spins me under the water and his hands are all over my body while he washes every inch of me.

“You warm yet?” he asks with a smirk.

“Smoking hot.”

“Yes, you are,” he says leaning in to kiss me gently.

After our extra-long shower, we make our way back out to the main room and get dressed in some not so wet pajamas.

“C’mon in you get,” Hudson says after I’m dressed and he helps me into bed. He goes to walk off and I crease my brows in confusion.

“Seriously? You’re not going to sleep in the same bed as me after that?” I ask looking at him as he walks to the lounge room. He chuckles and shakes his head.

I can’t believe him!

“Calm down, Vee. I’m just turning off the light,” he says flicking the switch and walking back toward the bed. I exhale and swallow a lump that seems ever present in my throat. I can’t believe how I reacted just then.

I need to reign myself in a little.

He pulls back the sheet and slides into bed and lays on his back with his arm out so I can nuzzle into his side. Which I do happily. I rest my head on his chest and lean in and kiss it softly. He strokes my hair and cuddles into me.

“I can’t believe it took me thinking the Dogs had you for me to make love to you. I thought they would kill you and I’d never see you again. I was so terrified, Vee. All my thoughts regarding why I couldn’t be with you vanished and I just wanted you to be okay so badly that I couldn’t stand it. When I was faced with your death, all the bullshit that was going on inside my head seemed null and void and vanished. You know what I mean?” he asks quietly as I trace the outline of his tattoo on his chest.

“I know what you mean. I just wish you could’ve come to that conclusion on your own.”

“I know, me too and I’m sorry I rejected you before and made you feel like you had to leave. I never wanted that.”

“It wasn’t just you, it was Cassie who really drove it home. She’s the reason I left,” I mumble.

He huffs and I see his chest rise and fall. “Don’t listen to her. She
say anything to get to you. Why were you talking to her anyway?”

I look up at him. “She rang your phone looking for you. I was going to let it ring out, but then I got all jealous and answered. I know I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t help it. We had a small fight and I hung up on her.”

“Ah, so that’s why my phone was on the sofa instead of the table, right?”

“Yeah, I might’ve thrown it after our conversation.”

“I would’ve loved to have heard
conversation. I bet my little firecracker came out firing, hey?” he asks with a smirk and a slight chuckle. I bite my bottom lip and shrug. He laughs and pulls me into him further.

“She wants you back you know?” I say quietly, almost a whisper as I trace his tattoo outline again.

“I know, but Cassie and I just don’t work. She’s too… demanding. I can’t handle her for longer than an hour, any longer and she starts to drive me nuts. Plus, she calls me H, my name is Hudson not a letter of the alphabet.”

I chuckle and snuggle into him further. “Do you think we could really stay in each other’s lives after this?” I ask turning the conversation from silly to serious.

He exhales softly and strokes my hair. “I sure hope so.”

I bite my bottom lip in uncertainty. “What about when you find yourself a new girlfriend? She isn’t going to want me around.”

“I don’t plan on having another girlfriend for a long time, Vee. I won’t be able to get over you that quickly.”

“But it will happen one day, and I don’t know that I can stick around to watch you live a happy life with someone else.”

“Well, I don’t think I could watch you with anyone else either,” he replies and I scoff a small laugh. “What?” he asks looking down at me.

“Hudson, there’s no one for me after you. I won’t be allowing myself another relationship. We both know that.”

“Don’t say that, there’s plenty of guys who will love you and love to be with you.”

“Not the way you do. Plus, we both know that when I get out of here I won’t be alive for very long. The Dogs will ultimately see to that.”

He grips me tightly. “Don’t even talk like that. They aren’t going to get you, I
make sure of it. They
never hurt you, Vee. I won’t let them.”

I decide not to argue with him, we both know that he’s wrong and they
find a way to me. Even if I went into witness protection, they wouldn't stop until I’m found… and then dead.

“Tell me about what it was like growing up with Holden, Flynn and then Brige? Make me laugh,” I whisper and he kisses the top of my head and starts a story about when he and his dad were teaching his brothers to ride their bicycles.




I wake up to Hudson gently caressing my hair as I rest my head in the nook of his shoulder. Last night was a whirlwind of emotions, tremendous and terrible lows followed by unimaginable and unforeseeable highs. I never thought Hudson would ever make love to me again, but I’m so glad that he did. I’m comfortable here in his arms, of course, it’d be better if we were both naked, but I’ll take what I can get.

I bring my hand up and start to trace his tattoo again and he leans into the top of my head and kisses my hair.

“Morning little firecracker,” he whispers. I look up and smile brightly when I see him looking down at me.

“Morning my rock,” I whisper back. He leans down and his lips gently caress mine.

“It’s so nice waking up to you in my arms again. I’m going to miss this,” he says against my lips and I pull back and frown.

“Does it have to end though? I mean really? We both want to be together and surely the force can’t sack you for who you date?”

He exhales and closes his eyes. He swallows hard and then shakes his head. “No, they can’t sack me for who I’m dating. But Vee, there’s a code of ethics a cop must stand by. It would be bad for my career if we stayed together. People wouldn’t respect me because it’d be seen that I don’t respect the law. Surely you can understand that?” he asks opening his eyes and looking at me.

“Yeah, I understand. Doesn’t mean I have to like it though.”

“I’m sorry, Vee. I wish with everything I had that it could be different. You know I love you and you know I will protect you with my life – you know that, right?”

“I know,” I exhale and close my eyes just living in the moment and taking in his scent. Who knows how long he will let me stay cuddled up to him? We stay in bed for another hour, not talking just holding each other and kissing occasionally, until his mobile rings.

“Don’t answer it,” I murmur. I’m totally relaxed in his arms.

“I have to, Vee. It’s the work phone,” he replies moving me off him and getting up to answer his damn phone. I decide to stay in bed. It was such an emotionally draining night and a really late one too. I just want to relax today, nothing too strenuous is in order for me.

Hudson answers his mobile and comes back over to sit on the edge of the bed near me. I smile at him as he smiles back.

“Stone,” he answers.

“Yeah sure. What’s their ETA?” he asks making me furrow my brows.

“Right, I’ll make sure we’re ready to receive. Thanks, Chief.”

I nod my head knowing he’s talking to Chief Thomas, but I still have no idea who’s arriving where.

“Yeah. Things were a little hectic, but it’s all sorted now, boss. I promise she won’t run again,” he says with a stern look.

I wince and nod so he knows I don’t plan on disappearing again. Thinking the Dogs had me, scared the living shit out of me last night and I don’t want to go through that again.

“I know I let my guard down, but don’t worry I’m on it Chief,” he says and I rest my hand on his knee. He’s probably getting an ear full from Denzel and that’s all because I had another tantrum and ran off.

“Yeah, thanks for the heads up. I’ll report in tomorrow.”

“Yep, okay… bye,” he says and hangs up the phone. He looks at me raising an eyebrow and smirking.


He chuckles and shakes his head. “I’m in a little bit of trouble, thanks to you missy,” he says and then leans over pinning my back to the bed as he hovers over the top of me.

“Oh, really?” I ask as he rests his forehead on mine.

“Yes. Now how are you going to make it up to me?”

I smile brightly and lean up kissing him vigorously. He lowers onto me fully and I wrap my hands around his back and hold him to me as I open my mouth for him to gain access. His tongue dances with mine and he starts to laugh. I pull back and he looks down at me raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“Why the hell are you laughing while kissing me?” I ask trying to sound hurt, which I’m not.

“Because you, little firecracker, have a very good way of convincing me not to be angry with you,” he says leaning back down and kissing me again, but with more softness this time. He grinds his body into mine making me pant slightly and then as quickly as he started he jumps up off the bed and walks over to his suitcase and pulls on a tank top while I sit and watch him kinda stunned.

“Umm, excuse me?”

He looks at me and smirks. “Did you fart, little firecracker?” he asks and I scrunch my face up and throw my pillow at him.

“No! Why the hell would you say that?” I demand while he fends off the flying pillow and laughs at me.

“Then what’s with the ‘excuse me’?” he asks the last two words emphasizing them with his fingers.

“Well, it’s rude to be kissing a woman and then randomly get up and go, leaving said woman unsatisfied.”

He scoffs and shakes his head. “Didn’t you get enough of me last night?” he asks pulling out some jeans from his suitcase and pulling them up over his boxers.

“I can never get enough of you Hudson.”

He smiles and walks over buttoning up his jeans. “Well, if we didn’t have two officers about to show up on our doorstep, I would show you just how much I can’t get enough of you either, but for now you’ll have to wait.”

“Two officers?”

He nods. “Yeah, another food delivery. Remember I told you yesterday or was it this morning. I don’t know, but I did tell you.”

I nod remembering, but for some reason my days are all melding into one and I don't remember when he told me either.

“Do I have to get dressed? Or even get up for that matter? I kinda want to stay in bed and rest. I’m exhausted and my head is hurting a little,” I say and he sits on the edge of the bed and runs his fingers over the two cuts on my forehead.

“Do you have a headache? What about the rest of you are you sore?”

“My pussy is sore, does that count?” I ask and he laughs and shakes his head. “Sorry. Yeah, I have a headache, but it’s only minor. I’ll be fine,” I say and he caresses my cheek.

“I’ll get you some painkillers anyway and a big glass of water. You need to keep hydrated,” he says leaning in and kissing just above my eyebrow, then walking into the kitchen. “And you can stay in bed. You don’t need to get up. They’re only dropping off groceries and making sure we’re still alive,” he jokes and I roll my eyes.

“They’ll have to keep checking that I don’t murder you in your sleep for cracking bad jokes.”

“Or me murdering you in your sleep for running away, or for your snoring - either one,” he teases and I scoff and sink back down into the bed pulling his pillow over, seeing as mine is on the floor near the sofa.

“See, bad jokes,” I call out and he laughs again.

“Vee, you know you snore. Deal with it.”

I shake my head. “Do not,” I mumble under my breath.

“Do too,” he retorts walking back over and handing me a glass of water and some painkillers. “Now sit up and drink these down like a good girl.”

“I thought you said I was all woman and not a girl?”

“Touché my love.” He leans in kissing my forehead again and then walks off while I swallow the pills and half a glass of water. I lay back down and get comfortable as he potters around the kitchen.

“When are the cops coming?”

“Probably in about half an hour,” he calls out and I nod with my eyes closed. It’s not long before I feel the pull of unconsciousness calling me.

I wake to a knock at the cabin door and I sit bolt upright as it startles me. My heart starts to race and I look over at Hudson, who’s walking to the door.

“It’s okay, Vee. It’s just the guys from work with the groceries,” Hudson says looking across at me while I try to catch my breath.

“Thank God,” I murmur and he blows me a kiss before he opens the door to two plain clothed cops carrying groceries.

“Glad you’re still alive, bro,” one of them says to Hudson as he walks inside.

“Shut up, Macca. You know I can never die,” Hudson jokes and they all laugh. I’m not sure why because it wasn’t that funny. Must be an insider joke or something.

“So, how’s custody life? Got cabin fever yet?” the other guy asks and Hudson looks over at me while I sit on the bed watching Hudson and his two mates chatting.

“Nah, it’s all good. When she doesn’t run away that is,” he says winking at me and I fold my arms over my chest feeling a tiny bit awkward. The two cops look over at me and raise their eyebrows in unison.

What the fuck is that about?

“Well, we have to brief you about the current investigation. Can we do that outside?” Macca asks and Hudson looks back at me.

“I’ll be fine,” I say and he smiles and nods.

The cops put the groceries down on the kitchen table and walk outside with Hudson. I stay in bed until they all disappear out the door and then I get up and walk to the window of the kitchen. They’re standing by the unmarked cop car and chatting. I can’t hear them, but there both laughing at Hudson and slapping him on the arms. He seems to think whatever they’re saying is funny. I sneak closer to the door, it’s open so I stand behind it and listen.

“She’s so fucking hot dude. You lucked out,” one of them says making me smile.

“Yeah, shame they messed up her face like that. She’s a real looker,” the other one says.

“She’s beautiful, even with the cuts and bruises that’s for sure,” Hudson says and my heart flutters and I can’t contain my smile.

“So enough about, Vee—”

“You call her, Vee? What are you dating her now or something?” one of the guys jokes and I huff.

“Shut up, Macca. It’s her name and you’d be jealous if I was,” he says making me smile again.

“So true,” Macca replies.

“So tell me what’s happening with Mad Dog?” he says and I instantly tense up.

I bite my bottom lip and quickly walk away from the door. If I don’t know what’s happening then, I won’t have to worry. I make my way to the lounge room and pick up my pillow and take it back to the bed. I climb in and keep one pillow under my head and then I snuggle into the other for comfort. The mere mention of Mad Dog has unsettled me.

But one thing for sure it was nice to see that Hudson has some people around him for support. Even though Macca’s a bit of a douche, he seems like he’s a good mate, and it’s nice to know that Hudson will have people around him when this is all over and I’m not around anymore. He’ll have his family, Macca, and even Cassie to support him when I’m inevitably murdered, or taken by the Dogs. And the thought that he will be okay makes me feel a little better about this whole ridiculous situation.

I can’t help but wonder what they’re talking about outside, but I think I’d rather not know. I cuddle into the pillow further and almost curl up in a ball. My head’s really starting to hurt and so I decide to stop worrying and just to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

I wake up to the bed dipping behind me and an arm wrapping around my waist. He pulls my back to his front and I smile and turn my head to see him.

“Sorry, I was trying not to wake you,” he says leaning in and kissing my cheek.

“It’s okay you can wake me up anytime you like.”

“Do you want to know what’s happening with Mad Dog?” he asks and I shake my head and roll over facing him. I notice his shirt is off, so I run my hand up his chest and then rest it on his cheek.

“No thanks, for once I’d like to be kept in the dark.”


I nod.

“Okay then,” he says smiling at me. “Are you all sleeped out or are you willing to rest a bit more?”

“What’s the other option?” I say sultrily.

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Well, we can get to that later, but right now I need some sleep. Wanna cuddle?”

“Hell yeah, I wanna cuddle,” I reply and he rolls onto his back and I move into my usual position and I rest my hand on his pec. He brings his hand up and intertwines our fingers and I snuggle into his side just a little more.

“Macca seems nice.”

Hudson laughs and kisses my head. “Macca’s an idiot, but he makes me laugh so I guess that makes up for it,” he says and he nuzzles his nose into my hair. “Sleep well my little firecracker.”

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