A Couple's Guide to Sexual Addiction (27 page)

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The Couple’s Guide to Intimacy: How Sexual Reintegration Therapy Can Help Your Relationship Heal
by Bill and Ginger Bercaw.
Mapping the Terrain of the Heart: Passion, Tenderness, and the Capacity to Love
by Stephen Goldbart and David Wallin.
Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships
by David Schnarch.
Undefended Love
by Jett Psaris and Marlena Lyons.
Other Helpful Reading
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self
by Alice Miller.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
by Brené Brown.
How We Decide
by Jonah Lehrer.
The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness
by Yongey Migyur Rinpoche.
Women & Shame: Reaching Out, Speaking Truths and Building Connection
by Brené Brown.
Abrahms Spring, Janis.
How Can I Forgive You? The Courage to Forgive, the Freedom Not To.
(New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2004).
Bader, Ellyn and Pearson, Peter
. In Quest of the Mythical Mate: A Developmental Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment in Couples Therapy.
(Florence, KY: Brunner/Mazel, 1998).
Beattie, Melody.
Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself
. (Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1992).
Bercaw, Bill and Ginger.
The Couple’s Guide to Intimacy: How Sexual Reintegration Therapy Can Help Your Relationship Heal.
(Pasadena, CA: California Center for Healing, Inc., 2010).
Brown, Brené.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are.
(Center City, MN: Hazelden, 2010).
Brown, Brené.
Women & Shame: Reaching Out, Speaking Truths and Building Connection
. (Austin, TX: 3C Press, 2004).
Carnes, Patrick.
In the Shadows of the Net.
(Center City, MN: Hazelden, 2007).
Carnes, Patrick.
Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction
. (Center City, MN: Hazelden, 2001).
Collins, George with Adleman, Andrew
. Breaking the Cycle: Free Yourself from Sex Addiction, Porn, and Shame.
(Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2011).
Crenshaw, Theresa L.
The Alchemy of Love and Lust: How Our Sex Hormones Influence Our Relationships.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Inc.—Pocket Books, 1997).
Goldbart, Stephen and Wallin, David.
Mapping the Terrain of the Heart: Passion, Tenderness, and the Capacity to Love.
(Northvale, NJ: Jason Arnson, Inc., 2001).
Goldberg, Carey. “Marshmallow Temptations, Brain Scans Could Yield Vital Lessons in Self-Control.” (
Boston Globe
, Boston, MA, October 22, 2008, Metro Section, A1).
Lehrer, Jonah.
How We Decide.
(Boston, MA, and New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009).
Levine, Amir and Heller, Rachel.
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep— Love.
(New York, NY: Penguin Group, 2010).
Magness, Milton S.
Thirty Days to Hope & Freedom from Sex Addiction.
(Carefree, AZ: Gentle Path Press, 2011).
Migyur Rinpoche, Yongey.
The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness.
(New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 2007).
Miller, Alice.
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self.
(New York, NY: Basic Books, 2007).
Pletcher, Claudine and Bartolameolli, Sally.
Relationships from Addiction to Authenticity: Understanding Co-Sex Addiction—A Spiritual Journey to Wholeness and Serenity
. (Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communication, 2008).
Psaris, Jett and Lyons, Marlena.
Undefended Love
. (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2000).
Schnarch, David.
Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships
. (New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co., Inc.—Owl Books, 1998).
Schneider, Jennifer P. and Burt.
Sex, Lies, and Forgiveness: Couples Speaking Out on Healing from Sex Addiction
. (Tucson, AZ: Recovery Resources Press, 2004).


Abandonment issues, 147–50, 171– 72, 175, 176

Affairs, 44, 45, 53. Real persons

Are You Comfortable Seeking Support? (exercise), 218

Barbara and Christopher (sexual and emotional cheating), 55–56

Biology and sex, 7–8

Blame, 76, 96, 97, 104–5, 119, 126, 128

case history, 112–16, 125
tricks of, 112
undefended honesty 150, 151

Blazing a Trail into the Past (exercise), 182–84


instinctive responses and, 128, 129
past experiences/influences and, 166
sex and, 7–8
(story), 98

Brown, Brene, 107

Case histories

Barbara and Christopher (sexual and emotional cheating), 55–56
Charlie (undefended honesty), 147–50
Clayton (letter about porn use), 32–33
Dan (admitting the problem), 15
Ellis and Serena (support group members), 214–15
Heather and Bryan (e-mail on porn use effects), 68–70
Heather and Bryan (instinctive responses), 123–26, 127–28, 129–30, 133, 138–40
Jason and Allison (counseling), 216–18
Jeannine and Jay (blame and shame), 112–16, 125
Jeannine and Jay (pornography use), 4
Jeff (sexualization and objectification), 16–17
Joe and Maggie (trust issues), 89–90
Josh and Lisa (intimacy), 197–99
Josh and Lisa (pornography use), 50–52
Julie and Kyle (healing), 28–30
Linda and Tom (loss of sexual connection), 48–49
Marie and Jim (compulsive behavior in relationship), 46–47
Megan and Steve (trust issues), 93–94
Steven and Emily (past influences), 170–72, 174–76, 181
Tanya and Brandon (sex with another person), 53–54
William and Betsy (undefended honesty), 156–58

Charlie (undefended honesty), 147–50

Chat rooms, 44, 50, 78

Child abuse, 47, 214

Childhood issues. Past Child molestation, 44

Child Protective Services, 214


exposure to pornography, 9, 89
parental sex addiction and, 32

Clayton (letter about porn use), 32–33

Commitment (exercises)

to each other, 159–60
to oneself, 35–36


exercise, 58–64
intimate, 194–96


forgiveness and, 201
intimacy and, 192, 196, 199
for oneself, 27, 108, 140
shame, 108–9, 110–11, 114, 116–17, 118–19
undefended honesty and, 146, 147, 155

Compassionate understanding, 196, 199


past influences/experiences and, 167, 173, 179
surrendering, 191–92

Co-Sex Addict Anonymous (COSA), 207

Co-sex addiction, 73, 206

Counseling, 57–58, 209–13

case history, 216–18
confidentiality of, 212
cost of, 212
what to expect during, 210–11
when to seek, 210
where to seek, 211–12

Dan (admitting the problem), 15

Dating sites, 44, 50

Delayed gratification, 126–27, 132, 155

Denial, 145–46

Disappointment, enduring, 192

Disclosure, 77–82, 94–95. Undefended honesty

Ellis and Serena (support group members), 214–15

Emotions, 22–23, 121–42. Instinctive responses

accepting (for her), 25–28, 73

avoidance of, 136

developing capacity for, 127–28

numbing, 107, 135–36

Empathy. Compassion


Are You Comfortable Seeking Support?, 218
Blazing a Trail into the Past, 182–84
Disclosure, 77–82
Experiencing Trust, 99–100
Finding a Way to Communicate, 58–64
Making a Commitment to Each Other, 159–60
Making a Commitment to Yourself, 35–36
Seeing Behind the Mask, 37–40
Shaping Clay, 141
Taking the Road Less Traveled, 117–19
Write a Love Letter, 202

Exhibitionism, 44

Experiencing Trust (exercise), 99–100

Fantasy, 14, 17, 36, 44, 49–50, 75

intimacy 34
releasing dependence on, 31–32

Feelings. Emotions

Finding a Way to Communicate (exercise), 58–64


of oneself, 27
trust and, 97, 201

Francis of Assisi, Saint, 201

Grief, 138

Guilt, 106, 107

Healing, 22, 27–30, 36–37, 179

Heather and Bryan

e-mail on porn use effects, 68–70
instinctive responses, 123–26, 127–28, 129–30, 133, 138–40

Honesty. Undefended honesty

magazine, 9

Identified patient (IP), 96

Illegal behavior, 44, 213–14

Imperfection, tolerating, 118, 157, 158–59. Perfectionism Incest, 44, 214

Independence, 191–93

Instinctive responses, 123–41

avoiding by indulging, 134–35
bridging with reason, 132–33
case history, 123–26, 127–28, 129– 30, 133, 138–40
experiencing, 132–38
good news within the bad, 130
recognizing, 129–31
value of, 131

Internet, 5, 170–71

chat rooms, 44, 50, 78
dating sites, 44, 50
pornography on ( Pornography, online)
wiping of history from, 14

Intimacy, 122–23, 189–203

case history, 197–99
collusion, collision, and collaboration in, 190–91
exercise, 202
fantasy 34
forgiveness and, 201
guidelines for healthy, positive, 57–58
merging and independence in, 191–93
reflecting and, 193–94, 195–96, 198–99
road to developing, 128–41
safety through communication, 194–96
undefended honesty and, 152

Intimate sex

emotional intimacy and, 194, 200–201
sex addiction 23–24, 72, 75, 200

Jason and Allison (counseling), 216–18

Jeannine and Jay

blame and shame, 112–16, 125
pornography use, 4

Jeff (sexualization and objectification), 16–17

Joe and Maggie (trust issues), 89–90

Josh and Lisa

intimacy, 197–99
pornography use, 50–52

Julie and Kyle (healing), 28–30

Labeling, 10–11

(story), 111

Level 1 sex addiction, 43–45, 64–65

Linda and Tom (loss of sexual connection), 48–49

Listening (to her), 33–34

Love, 71, 75

Lying, 144, 145, 150. Undefended honesty

effort required for, 154
trust broken by, 91–92, 93–94, 151

Making a Commitment to Each Other (exercise), 159–60

Making a Commitment to Yourself (exercise), 35–36

Marie and Jim (compulsive behavior in relationship), 46–47

(experiment), 126–27, 155

Massage parlors, 4–5, 45, 54, 216–17

Masturbation, 4, 11, 28, 30, 42, 47, 50, 147, 156

biological influence on desire for, 8
capacity for intimacy decreased by, 24
episodic chronic, 48
to fantasies, 14
Level 1 sex addiction and, 44
“normal” compulsive, 12–13
objectification and, 17
sex addict’s letter on, 32–33

Maternal role, casting partner in, 47–49, 55

Megan and Steve (trust issues), 93–94

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