A Bride for Lord Esher (13 page)

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Authors: P J Perryman

Tags: #Historical Romance, #cane, #marriage, #spanking

BOOK: A Bride for Lord Esher
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“Bad news from Lord Warren?” she asked.

“No, not at all. He’s in the south, taking the sea air for his health. He wrote to ask how I was doing, it’s of little consequence.”

Lady Ashworth did not look convinced, but sat down and poured them both a cup of tea. “I think we should drink this before it gets too cold. I confess your kitchens make wonderful tea, possibly the best I’ve ever tasted.”

“Yes, Lord Warren knows what he likes and he likes the best in everything.”

“I dined with my brother last night.”

“Oh, how is he?”

“I’m sorry to report his spirits are very low. There’s still no word on Lady Esher.”

Lady Warren looked down at the table to disguise her delight. “Oh really, and why would that matter? She was no better than she should be. Your brother struck me as an intelligent man, why would her disappearance cause him this much anguish? Does he not know how foolish this makes him look? What of the approbation of his friends? Does it count for naught? I wouldn’t care to be ridiculed in society as he is. I would spare a thought for my friends and family.”

As Lady Warren thoughtfully sipped her tea, Lady Ashworth sat stiff within her chair. She replaced her cup on its saucer with an audible

“Really, Lady Warren, I think you’ll find my brother is respected for his sincerity as much as his rank. Love doesn’t conveniently strike from one pocket book to the next. Of course I know it’s preferable to fall for someone in your own social sphere, and generally we all do, but really my brother is not to be scorned for his affections to any woman, regardless of her position in life. Quite the opposite, I commend him for it. As for you, what business is it of yours where he places his affections? If you think you are immune and never spoken of in society you are quite mistaken. It’s an open secret that Tom Warren is as hot for a stallion as a mare. Not to mention your marriage a contract of convenience. If it gives you pleasure, cling to your baubles and mothers of pearls, though I tell you now, Caroline, you’ll find cold comfort in them. But leave my brother alone, he has suffered enough.”

Caroline stared, with her mouth open. “I can’t believe you would champion that gutter whore over a woman of rank. A
, and the Good Lord knows what else into the bargain!”

“It may yet be proven she is neither. But I’m sorry that you wish for it to be true. And I shouldn’t have to remind you that Lady Esher
family.” With that, Lady Ashworth rose from her seat and stepped over to the wall where she rang the bell. “Perhaps it’s the warm weather but I find I’m not hungry after all. Perhaps we should skip our luncheon today.”

“If you think that would be best.”

“Yes, I do.”

The two ladies shook hands, but the exchange was cold and without affection. As soon as a footman arrived, Lady Ashworth left the room, and Lady Warren returned to her writing desk. She recovered the two letters, securing one in a lockable drawer, and sealing the other immediately. Her blood boiled hotter than the red wax on the paper, and she rang the bell again to send the note.





Lord Warren read his wife’s reply with amusement. He had not been wrong in her and she was a vicious little meddler, that much was certain. He raised the parchment to his lips and pondered the matter. It was a hot afternoon and overwhelmed by the heat, Zachariah had just pulled away from his chest and spread his legs wide open on the bed. Tom looked down to admire the view. His little cherub lover had thick thighs, covered in soft, curling hair that rose to his naval and spread out almost in an hour glass shape on his chest. Also dazed by the heat, Tom idly played with his sleeping valet’s nipple while he considered the matter.

Lady Esher’s virtue ruined, how delightful. There was no end to his wife’s depravity, and he would make her suffer for it when he got home. In a little while he would write his reply, but not now. For now, he had to think – and the more he thought about it the more pleasure he felt. Nothing would give him greater satisfaction than taking the wife of his old friend. Perhaps he would get a sense of what Lord Esher felt for the woman. And how hard could it be? She was alone, protected only by a handful of servants, minions he could dismiss with a simple wave of his hand.

Hell, he only had to be alone with the woman to soil her reputation and he didn’t even have to do the deed! But then again Tom wanted more than just to violate her. To have complete satisfaction over his friend, he would have to debase her fully. As his imagination took hold, he felt himself grow hard, and he idly played with the shaft of his manhood and closed his eyes. He pictured her, on her knees, those infamous full breasts dangling like udders in front of her as he slammed his cock into her center and her ass intermittently. And that sluttish mouth, he would have her around his balls and would fuck her mouth till the woman choked. Only when he’s pumped his seed into every orifice would he be satisfied, and he would throw the whore naked and degraded at the very feet of her husband. As his imagination wandered he lapsed deeper within himself. He felt only the pleasure of his hand as he grew closer and closer to orgasm. He was too far gone to notice Zachariah had woken and rose with interest to plant two cherubic lips around his engorged manhood. He groaned out loud as the young man sucked like only one man could suck another. As his seed pumped along the shaft, Zachariah clamped hard and swallowed every last drop given to him, and then the grateful boy kissed the helmet before nestling down beside him to sleep some more. Tom stroked the hair of the young man, his heart bursting with a strange mix of true affection and a deep resentment that this love could never be expressed openly or shared. But the heat won over them both, and they were soon lost in a gentle sleep that enveloped them both.





Lady Ashworth had long had her suspicions about the affair of the cameo brooch. Instinctively, she felt Lady Warren had something to do with the business, but without proof she had kept her doubts to herself and wisely watched from the shadows. Paramount in her heart was her brother’s health. His searches for Chastity proved fruitless, and his refusal to eat anything for days at a time had weakened him. She feared without some kind of change his life would slip away in despair.

One thing was for sure, Lady Warren knew something about Lady Esher’s disappearance, and there was more than a weather report in the letter from Lord Warren. The question was how to prove it. In all decency she couldn’t just barge in and read the thing. But with every day that passed, her brother’s situation grew more delicate, and something had to be done. Although it displeased her immensely, she went to her own writing desk and requested an audience with Lady Warren the following day.

Although Lady Warren greeted her civilly, there was none of the warmth of prior occasions.

“I received your note, and I must say it took me a little by surprise. I was not expecting company this evening, so the fare at my table will be light, please be considerate of any shortfalls you find there.”

“Lady Warren, I’m sure your table will be as delightful as ever. Please, let me refresh a little before we dine. The nights grow so hot and my powder suffers for it. A moment in your toilette would do me much good.”

“As you wish.”

“And my wig is a little disheveled, would you send your maid in to tend to me?”

“I will send Betty up to you in my chamber. I believe you know the way.”

“Thank you.”

Lady Ashworth left as quickly as she could and dashed up the main staircase to Lady Warren’s chamber. She removed the cameo brooch and hid it in her bosom. A moment later Betty entered the room, and she hopped from one foot to another behind the lady, as she closely examined the wig.

“Forgive me, your Ladyship, but I see nothing wrong with the way you are dressed. Your lady has done a wonderful job and I doubt very much I could do better. Are you quite sure there’s something amiss?”

“Perhaps I was mistaken,” said Lady Ashworth. “I shall pass your comments onto my own maid, I’m sure she will be delighted to hear a compliment on her work.”

Betty smiled a weak smile, and Lady Ashworth guessed correctly that the poor child was not used to compliments. “How do you like it here, child? Are you treated well?”

“My lady is a great lady, ma’am, I’m sure you all have your little ways.”

, thought Lady Ashworth.
. “Have you ever worked in any other household before this one?”

“Yes, your ladyship. I’ve been in service since I was thirteen. My last lady was a dowager duchess but she died of smallpox and, well, there aren’t many other great houses looking for lady’s maids around here.”

“So, if another opportunity could be found you’d be interested?”


“It just so happens that my own maid is looking to live out her graying hairs in the south. She is an excellent woman, but she is slowing down and would like to spend her remaining days with those she loves. I’m sure we can both understand that.”

Betty nodded quietly.

“If you tell me how much you are paid, I will double it. Forgive me for approaching you in this underhand manner but believe me, this is how it’s always done. If I ask, will you come?”

A broad grin spread across the girl’s youthful cheeks, and though clearly afraid to say yes out loud, she nodded into the looking glass.

“Excellent. You will come with me tonight. There is no need to address your mistress. I will take care of that. Once I leave, gather your things and make yourself known to my coachman. He is expecting you.

“Yes, your Ladyship.”

“Oh, and Betty, your mistress has taken something that is mine, my cameo brooch. I saw her hide it in the morning room last time she was here. I will not ask you to steal for me, for I see you are an honest woman. But if you could secure the key and give it to my coachman, he will do what needs to be done. Can you do that for me, Betty?”

The girl looked confused, but she had no wish to upset her new employer so nodded meekly. “Yes your Ladyship, I think I can do it.”

“Excellent. Leave everything else to me, dear child, and all will be well. Just tell the coachman where I should return the key, and I will slip it back as soon I’ve found what I’m looking for.”

Throughout the supper, Lady Ashworth could hardly keep her countenance. For while Lady Warren went on about trivialities, she had one eye on the dining room door, fearing the maid’s discovery at any moment, and another on the window, waiting for a signal from her coachman. But though her heart pounded in her chest, Lady Warren appeared to notice nothing, intent only on the excellence of the veal and the superiority of her cook compared to others.

“You know I’m so glad you came to apologize for the other night. I value your friendship and would hate to lose such an esteemed acquaintance. I fear Lord Warren would be most upset if I allowed that to happen.”

Lady Ashworth had not come to apologize, but now was not the time to debate the matter. “No doubt,” she said. She fidgeted with the silverware and hardly touched her food, each tiny piece of meat had no flavor, and what should have been a delightful meal was a chore to chew.

Just as the footmen served dessert, she saw a shadow cross the window, and she looked up to see the hooded figure of her man waving a few feet away from the glass.

“I’m told my rich cake is the best in the county, though I confess I’m no judge myself. What do you think?”

Somewhat fortuitously, a small piece of the moist sponge was wedged in her throat, and Lady Ashworth could hardly breathe for coughing. At a nod from his mistress, the footman stepped forward and tapped her lightly on her back, but her ladyship brushed him gently away.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” said Lady Ashworth. “Might I sit down for a moment, somewhere cooler? Your morning room is such a place and it has a verandah. I may need some fresh air.”

Lady Warren rose slowly from her seat and though her words were cordial, her tone remained cold. “Of course, my servant will show you the way. I’ll join you momentarily. I wish to have a moment with my cook.”

The Lady continued to splutter as she was taken out of the dining room and led across the hall to the morning room. “Thank you, thank you. I think I can look after myself now.”

The footman stood attentively by her side, and Lady Ashworth thought quickly for a way to be rid of him. “A glass of water would be the very thing,” she said. “I’m told a sprig of mint helps tremendously. Take your time now, for I’d rather have it with the mint than without.”

The footman bowed low and disappeared. The second he was gone Lady Ashworth sprang to her feet and opened the verandah door.

“Thank heavens this is open. Do you have the key?”

The coachman slipped the key into her hand. “Where do I need to return the key?”

“In the draw with the quills.”

“Good. Tell the girl to join me in the coach ready for when we leave.”

Without another word Lady Ashworth dashed over to the desk. Her hand was shaking so violently she could hardly turn the key in the lock. The first drawer she opened contained little more than a few quills and the lady’s seal. In the second draw were papers of business. “Oh come on, come on,” she hissed. Though there were no footsteps in the corridor, the doors to the hall were so thick she would not hear someone till it was too late. The heart pounded against her chest as she opened the third drawer. She looked over her shoulder and prayed for the time to read some of the contents. The first letter she opened was in Lord Warren’s stylish and distinguished hand. It read:


My dear Caroline,

The climate here in Hastings is very agreeable, and my valet and I will remain here a few more weeks. I thank you for your advice, fortune has indeed smiled on me for I’ve been furnished with all the things I need to bring about her total ruin. My valet’s mother is the owner of this hotel, and just one word from him will see the tavern slut thrown out onto the street. As for your other suggestion, I have given it much thought and I agree. Planting the brooch on her may not have been enough. Lord Esher is a noble fool, and might easily be persuaded to let his heart win over his head. You are right. I will spare you the details of my plan, but suffice it to say no decent man will ever look favorably on the whore again.

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