A Bride for Lord Esher (11 page)

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Authors: P J Perryman

Tags: #Historical Romance, #cane, #marriage, #spanking

BOOK: A Bride for Lord Esher
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“Visiting family?”

“No, looking for work.”

“Oh.” The young man looked her over curiously. His eye rested on her hand, and then he examined the rest of her. His gaze was curious, if a little impertinent.

“You are not married?”

“I am married.”

“But you wear no ring on your wedding finger.”

“That is no concern of yours,” she answered.

The man smiled, and once again turned to look out of the window. She thought that might be the end of the conversation but after a few moments, he looked back in and carried on as before.

“Forgive me, I’m afraid I can be a bit of a booby at times, but I meant well. My name is
William Speares, and I’m off to Hastings to visit my mother and to get a bit of sea air. She owns a boarding house there, down near the beaches. It’s a lovely place! I grew up there, but had to leave to find work as soon as I came of age.”

William’s ease and natural manner got the better of Chastity, and when he finished speaking she smiled. Evidently encouraged by this shift in her attitude toward him, William pressed on with his story. “My mother had a fall, so she wrote to me and asked if I could help her with the management of the place. I’ve taken a leave of absence, but I don’t know how long I can stay without risking my position.”

“What do you do?” said Chastity.

“I’m a clerk for a law firm. It’s a wonderful situation and I’m lucky to have it. But there’s only me, my younger brother is in service and cannot get away. I plan to do what I can and then will engage someone to help her on a more permanent basis. If you’ll need a place to stay, I can highly recommend it.”

Chastity blushed. “It is expensive to stay there?”

“I don’t think so. Perhaps, if you like, you could stay a night as my guest. If you don’t like it, you could leave the next day and be none the worse off.”

Chastity shifted a little in her seat and stared directly out of the window. “Do you always help young women you find alone on a coach?”

“Oh no, please forgive me, I meant no offense. Really, the place gets so dreary with just my mother there, I was simply hoping for some company my own age.”

Chastity looked down into her lap and gave the matter some thought. It was certainly a generous offer. She had to be careful with the little money she had. Moreover, like he said, if she hated it, she could leave the next day. On the other hand, she knew nothing about this young man, what if he was a rogue set upon abusing her defenseless situation? She had heard of such men, and if he were such, this could turn out very bad for her indeed. She must guard herself against dishonor at all times. She had all but made up her mind to say no when she looked up and stared into his innocent young eyes. As he rocked with the motion of the coach, Chastity saw no lie or cunning in his face, just simple, youthful friendliness. She exhaled a long, submissive sigh and bowed low to destiny.

“Very well,” Chastity said. “I will promise to stay for one night, after which, if I’m not satisfied, I’ll be on my way.”

“Excellent.” William relaxed after that, and they spent the remainder of their journey in idle banter. Chastity listened with interest, anything was better than dwelling on her feelings for Lord Esher. The miles rolled away more pleasantly than she had ever imagined they could.






Smallpox had been rife throughout the region, but just as the outbreak seemed to abate, Lord Warren’s valet fell sick with the disease. Tom stood in front of the mirror adjusting his wig. While a replacement was being sought his butler was standing in, but he had a heavy hand and the results never seemed to satisfy. It would not do for long.

Though most household appointments were undertaken by the butler, Tom took an active interest in this selection as the man chosen would spend so much time on his person and toilette. He would not accept just anyone. He insisted that as well as being a competent valet, the man selected must be well-formed physically with agreeable features so as not to embarrass him when traveling abroad. Thus far the men interviewed were well suited to the post in all regards but the latter, and Tom was beginning to despair of ever finding a suitable candidate.

The servant’s quarters were below stairs, and he found his butler seated behind a small desk in the pantry. Standing with his back to him was a short man, around the same height as Tom himself, his sandy blonde hair tied back in a tidy bow. He had a stocky figure, but he carried himself well, and his clothes were better cut than a man of his standing could generally afford.

The moment his Lordship entered the room, the man turned and bowed respectfully. Tom was instantly struck by the cherubic beauty of the young face before him. The candidate’s eyes were a soft blue, at once both gentle and inviting. He had a round face, with flawless skin, and if he wasn’t mistaken the man was blushing. Before he even opened his rose-bud lips Tom had hired him in his heart, and the interview became an instant formality.

“Your Lordship, may I present to you
Mr. Zachariah Moore. He has worked as a second footman to Lord Ashworth but is eager for promotion to valet. I told him you were only interested in men with proven experience.”

Tom could not take his eyes off the young man in front of him. “All men need to start somewhere. I believe we can overlook the lack of experience if that is the only impediment.”

“Having only had the one situation before this, he comes to us with only one reference. I told him your Lordship requires two.”

“One reference from Lord Ashworth’s household is as good as two elsewhere.”

The Butler lowered his eyes and said nothing more. Tom walked a full circle around the young man. “Are you married?” he asked.

Two gentle eyes looked up for a brief second to answer, but were quickly lowered again. “No, my Lord.”

“Any family, children perhaps?”

“A mother at the coast sir, but she’s all I have. There are no children.”

“Very good. Once you’ve been given your instructions come to me immediately. The sooner you begin your training the better.” Tom turned to address the butler. “Have him made ready at once. I’ll leave the particulars to you, but the sooner he settles in the happier I will be.”

“Very good, my Lord.”

With one last look over the young man’s figure, Lord Warren left the servant’s quarters and retired to the main part of the house. He found his wife in the parlor where she was embroidering on a large canvass. She did not smile as he entered. He knew Lady Caroline Warren found his attentions distasteful and kept herself clear of her husband’s notice as much as possible. A servant stood quietly in the corner, ready to do her mistress’s bidding.

“Leave us,” Tom said to the maid.

The girl nodded and left discretely. Lady Warren sighed, but did not look up from her needlework. Tom strolled behind her and looked over at her handiwork. “You’re very adept at that,” he remarked.

“Thank you, I’ve been sewing since I was a little girl. I find it relaxes me.”

Lady Warren continued to sew, which vexed Tom. He hated to be ignored. “I have just engaged a new valet. He seems a pleasant enough boy. I think he will do very well.”

“No doubt he is young and handsome.”

“Yes, yes he is.” Tom felt his blood stir as he recalled the young man downstairs. Those ruby lips popped once more to his mind, and he grew hard imagining how he would look in his new livery. He put his hand on his wife’s shoulder and kissed her neck. Lady Warren, absorbed in her task, brushed him away.

Lady Warren did not see the shadow pass over her husband’s face. He circled her once more, like a lion assessing a cornered doe as he pondered his point of attack. Ignorant of his mood, or perhaps feigning to be so, Lady Warren remained focused on her work, her fingers pinning the canvas and pulling the thread in a rhythmic dance. All at once, Tom kicked over the tapestry frame, and the needle and thread were jerked out of her Ladyship’s hands and were sent flying across the room. Startled, she turned, but just in time for Tom to grab her chin and force her down to her knees. Winded by the suddenness of the attack, Lady Warren remained on the floor on her hands and knees, her wig dislodged and fallen to the rug beneath her. Her husband kicked it aside, and then swooped down behind his wife and pressed his entire body weight on top of her.

Lady Warren gasped. “What are you doing,” she cried.

“I will teach you the price of ignoring me,” he hissed.

He watched her eyes widen. “Please, my Lord, let me turn and pleasure you!”

He held her in place. “But I would have you this way. You like it when I am rough, admit it.”

“God help me, I do,” she answered.

Without preamble or tenderness he thrust himself into Lady Warren’s backside. He heard her yelp. She always did. With thoughts of his new valet in his mind, he was more affectionate than he usually was.

His climax was quick and powerful, and in that moment he forgot everything. “Oh, Zachariah,” he sighed. The words escaped before he realized what he said.

He felt his Lady stiffen beneath him. Her voice was cold when she asked, “Who is Zachariah.”

Tom jerked back to the present, only then understanding what had happened. He withdrew from the embrace with his wife. “It is of no consequence.”

Caroline shifted to cover herself. “Are you in love with someone else?” she whispered.

He did not answer. Instead, he felt disgusted with himself, and with her. He rose and covered himself quickly.

Lady Warren didn’t rise. She stared down at the rug, trying to conceal her tears.

Tom did not miss them but even if she cried for eternity, her tears would not mark his heart. He had thought they would reach a point of mutual respect, even if it were only concerning their joint hatred of the world. But in her company he felt nothing.

Jealousy ignited in his veins. His former friend, Esher, had found love in the most unlikely of sources. Though Esher denied it, Tom had seen it in the man’s eyes. He desired only the same. No, the same would never be enough, he realized. He wanted
than anything Esher had. Casting a glance back at his wife, he knew he would never feel anything for her. Walking to the window he resolved to get an heir or two off her, and the sooner the better. Once her duty was fulfilled he could abandon her bed forever, and nothing would suit him more.

He left without a word, leaving Caroline to wallow in her tears and misery alone.




Wisteria House was aptly named for its lavender vines hugging the stone walls to the very rooftop, as if coveting the warmth in the great chimney. The house overlooked the stony bay and presented a wonderful, homey prospect. Chastity had been here for almost two months now and had not regretted her decision to stay, not for a single moment. As she pulled at the weeds in the garden, she sat back and looked across to the roaring sea. She breathed the air in deeply, and smiled as a lone seagull cried its melancholy call overhead.

Chastity wiped the small bead of sweat from her forehead. To help ease the cost of her keep, William Speares had suggested she help him with the management of the place. She got on so well with his mother that by the end of two weeks he had offered her a permanent position there, and confident in her abilities, had returned home just a few weeks after that.

William’s mother’s health was stable, but her injury kept the lady mostly to her bed so Chastity had the full management of the house and grounds. She loved it. Though her despair never left her heart, the work occupied most of her time so prevented her anguish from consuming her completely. The hotel was fairly small with six guest rooms and a small staff. The occupants left no time for Chastity to dwell on her altered situation. Apart from occasional moments of solitude like this, the days passed quickly enough in cooking and overseeing the accounts. She had several women who tended to laundry and the kitchen, and though they employed a gardener, Chastity sometimes helped with the weeding, just to get out and enjoy the fresh air.

But by night Lord Esher entered her thoughts, robbing her of tranquility. His handsome face was her last thought as she closed her eyes, his image the first thing in her mind each morning when she woke. She was thinking of him now, but her thoughts were disturbed by the young gardener who came dashing round the corner.

“Our guests are arriving Miss Howard, a fancy carriage just rolled up on the street in front. Looks like gentry to me, very finely dressed they were, very fine indeed.”

Chastity had reverted to her maiden name and no longer started at the sound of it. She liked this young man, who worked long hours for the House to earn some extra money. His goal was a place in the militia, and he worked hard to perfect his aim with his flintlock, the only thing of value he owned.

“Very well, I shall come in at once. Just tell them I’ll be a moment while I wash my hands.”

“Yes ma’am.”

With that, the young boy scurried back around the corner and out of sight.

Chastity pushed herself up from her knees and brushed the sandy dirt from her pale blue gown. During the season they had many rich guests come into Hastings from town, many traveled to take in the fresh sea air, so the place was a mecca for the sick and elderly. The rates were reasonable, but higher than some, which meant her clientele were mostly gentry. Chastity figured this must be a very fine customer indeed to excite the gardener as he had done.

She quickly dried her hands on a towel, adjusted her simple straw bonnet and stepped quickly forward to greet the new guests. The luggage was still being removed from the carriage, and a stout young man with sandy blond hair stepped forward to greet her. He was dressed in navy livery and was one of the most handsome young men she had ever seen.

The servant bowed respectfully, and spoke with a merry, sing-song tone. “Good day to you mistress. My master is fatigued from our journey and has taken a walk along the hill top but will return shortly. He has requested I see to his room and have everything in order before he returns.”

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