A Beautiful Forever (20 page)

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Authors: Lilliana Anderson

BOOK: A Beautiful Forever
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We sit and study each other for a moment as he pulls the car
into a parking space outside a restaurant that’s overlooking the water. I can
see the questions running through his mind and hold my breath while I wait to
see what he says next, I think I just shared a bit too much information.

“I’m glad you gave us a chance then,” he says finally,
surprising me by not pushing for more answers. “Come on, let’s go eat,” he
suggests, inclining his head towards the restaurant as he opens his door,
unfolding his long lean body before walking around to my door to help me out.

“Thank you,” I say taking his hand. I can see a small
sparkle in his eyes as he smiles down at me, and I’m reminded of the plane when
he held his hand out to steady me, but I refused to take it.

Slipping my arms around his neck I rise on my tip toes and
press my lips against his, breathing him in deeply as his mouth responds to
mine, kissing me fervently, his arms wrapping tightly around me as he pulls me
against him.

Humming as I pull away, I run my fingers through his growing
hair as I gaze into his eyes. “Thank you for not giving up on me,” I murmur

“You’re worth it,” he tells me smiling as he pulls me close
to him and guides me into the restaurant. The moment the doors open the smell
of cooked fish, and vegetables collide with my nose, and I'm suddenly starving.

We both select the catch of the day, served on a bed of
steamed vegetables, drizzled with a lemon and dill sauce. Each mouthful is
amazing as we talk easily with each other about anything and everything, being
careful to avoid any more relationship talk, both knowing that we were straying
a little too close to talking about his leaving. We can’t let his imminent departure
ruin what little time we have left.

After dinner, we take a walk along The Cobb, this big brick
ocean wall that stretches out into the sea like a pier. Huddling together, as
the cold wind comes off the water and whips my hair about so it attacks us both
in the face.

Laughing I twist it with my hand and try to hold it to one
side. “Don’t look in my eyes! I think I just became Medusa!” I joke as whisps
break free and blow straight back into Elliot’s face.

He takes hold of my shoulders and guides me, so I’m standing
with the wind blowing towards me. “Then I’ll be turned to stone,” he says
seriously as he pulls me toward him and captures my mouth in his, sliding his
tongue against my own as my toes curl from the electricity that courses through
my body each time we connect. “We need photos,” he tells me, pulling his phone
from his pocket and readying the camera.

We lean into each other, smiling as he holds the phone out,
snapping picture after picture as we smile, kiss and laugh. As he scrolls
through the photos, and we admire his handiwork, it’s hard to ignore that voice
inside that’s telling me these photos are to remember our last weekend
together. This is it – there are no more.


Returning to the B&B the car trip is virtually silent,
as we both become lost in our own thoughts. Gone is the playfulness we started
with before dinner, instead there’s this elephant hanging around, refusing to
be spoken about.

As soon as we shut the door to the room, Paige flings
herself against me and wraps her arms tightly around me as she buries her face
in my chest, her breath shaky as she sighs against me. I wrap my arms around
her body and plant a soft kiss on the top of her head, letting out a long sigh

“What are we going to do Paige?” I venture.

Lifting her head, we make eye contact before she speaks, her
eyes swimming with tears and worry that she’s refusing to let go of. “Make
love,” she answers, stepping away from me and slowly undoing the buttons of her
shirt while at the same time kicking off her shoes.

“Sit down,” she says, indicating the bed with a nod of her
head. I do as I’m told and sit there watching as she shimmies out of her
three-quarter pants and steps out of them, moving toward me, still wearing her
unbuttoned shirt but giving me glimpses of a matching set of purple lingerie.

“Is this new?” I ask as she lets her shirt drop down her
arms, stepping within my grasp. Reaching out, I hook my finger in the middle of
her bra, pulling her towards me and sliding my hands over the purple, lace edged,
silk that’s cupping her breasts.

“You like it?” she counters, resting her hands on my
shoulders as I bury my face in the soft flesh of her chest.

“I do,” I tell her reaching my hands behind her back to
unhook her bra. “Now take them off.”


A bolt of arousal shoots down my body and straight between
my legs at his gruff tone as I comply. His eyes dark, like a turbulent sea, as
he watches me slowly peel the lace edged silk away from my body, leaving them
by my feet on the floor.

Catching me by the hand, he pulls me swiftly toward him,
flipping me on the bed and holding himself over me, trailing his fingers along
my curves as he brushes his lips against mine, his tongue embarking on a slow
languid exploration of my mouth.

When his hand reaches my hip, he pulls my body closer to
his, fitting me up against him as his fingers continue to trail down the length
of my leg, resting behind my knee and guiding me, so I’m wrapped around him.

“God, I’m going to miss touching you,” he breathes as his
kisses stray along my jaw and down the curve of my neck.

“Don’t talk about it
,” I stress on a gasp as
his hand finds my breasts, kneading at my tender flesh as his mouth closes over
the nipple of the other, sucking it to a point as I moan, pulling at his shirt,
desperate for the feel of his skin against my own. “Take it all off,” I whisper
urgently, undoing the button on his fly as he sits back to remove his shirt.

Dropping his clothes at the foot of the bed he reaches out
and grabs my legs, dragging my body down the bed until I’m open and exposed,
quivering as I wait for his touch as he settles himself between my legs.

His breath is warm and feathery as his mouth nears my most
sensitive spot, I whimper in anticipation rolling my hips up towards him; he's
teasing me.

“Please,” I beg, aching for his touch.

“Give me your hand,” he says, sliding his fingers around my
opening as he distributes my wetness around me, dancing around my clit with his
fingertips, causing it to throb even more.

I give him my hand, and he guides me between my legs.
“Together,” he says, inserting his fingers between my folds as I start to
circle my own clit, moaning and rocking my hips upward as we work. He plants
soft kisses on my inner thighs as he watches humming his pleasure as his fingers
curl inside me, massaging my core and bringing me ever closer to bursting

“You want more?” he asks, gently easing a third finger into
my opening.

“Oh yes!” I cry, rocking my hips harder against his hand.
The sensation is too much for me to bear, and I cry out trying to keep my own
hand moving as I spasm around his hand, bursting into a million tiny orgasmic
pieces. Nudging my hand out of the way he takes my clit into his mouth, sucking
at it and swirling his tongue as I writhe underneath him, screaming out and
pulling on his hair.

Suddenly, it all becomes too much, and I lock my foot
against his shoulder pushing him hard as I scoot up the bed and away from his
grasp. He’s back up on the bed in seconds, holding himself above and grinning
as he looks down at me, nudging between my legs with his erection.

“Had enough?” he says, his eyes dark and playful.

“Never,” I pant out as he crashes his mouth into mine and
reaches his hand out for a condom from the bedside drawer. Separating briefly
to apply it, he returns immediately, reconnecting our mouths before slamming
into me, filling me with his intensity as we beat our hips together, kissing
and moaning, pulling at each other’s bodies in a sweaty dance filled with all
the feelings unspoken between us. We pound into each other again and again
until we’re both calling out, shuddering together, before collapsing in each
other’s arms, gasping for breath but refusing to let go.

Chapter 24

“Did you see the size of that bath in there?” I say to Paige
the next morning.

She raises her eyebrows, “I did, do you think you’ll fit?”

“I think we’ll both fit.”

A smile creeps over Paige’s face. “Well, what are you
waiting for? – go and turn it on.”

I get up and stride over to the en-suite and turn on the
massive bath, waiting for the water to get nice and warm before I return to
Paige. She’s lying on the bed, smiling to herself while she’s looking at her
phone. I flop down beside her. “What are you grinning about?” I ask.

“Us,” she says, showing me one of the photos of us on the
Cobb last night. “Although, I do need one more very important one to make my
collection complete.”

I fold my arms up behind my head as she climbs on top of me.
My arousal starts to stir because she’s straddling me, and we’re both naked.
She grins and wriggles her hips making me harder. “You’re not taking a photo of
that are you?” I ask, unsure of where this is going.

“No,” she says, leaning down to kiss me before sitting back
and aiming her phone at me. “I want a photo of you lying there, naked beneath

I’m grinning as she taps her screen, and it makes a clicking
sound. She turns her phone around for me to see, and it is just me, waist up.

“See, you can’t see anything, but I’ll always know what was
going on.” She moves her hips over my shaft again, and I pull her face towards
me to kiss her, sliding my tongue in her mouth as we take turns tasting each

She reaches over to the night stand and picks up a condom
and then breaks away from me, “Wha-!” I start as she slides off me, but I
quickly jump up and follow her as she heads to the en-suite and beckons for me
to follow her.


Tearing the foil off the packet with my teeth, I take the
condom out and roll it down the length of his shaft as I plant feather light
kisses over his chest and neck, taking my time, sliding my hand up and down his
rock-hard shaft as I finish.

He moans as he leans down to kiss me, pulling me towards
him, so we’re pressing firmly against each other, he’s all hard muscle and
smooth skin to my soft tissue and curves - we press together like our bodies
were made to absorb each other, it’s amazing.

 “Get in,” I say as I push him back a touch and lean over to
shut off the tap.

He does as he’s told, and I climb in on top of him, taking
him inside me before the water has a chance to wash away my natural

Moaning slightly as I connect us to the base of his shaft he
says, “I told you it was a big tub,” in this low sensual voice that never fails
to set my body on fire.

Rocking my hips slowly, I lean in, gently brushing my lips
over the stubble on his chin before grazing his lips with mine, leisurely
sliding my tongue along with his, so I can savour every piece of him, I want to
remember his mouth, his tongue, his teeth. I want to make love to him every
possible moment I can until he goes, I need enough of these moments to last me
my life time, because when he goes – there will never be another man for me.
Not as long as I live.


The water sloshes slightly as she slides up and down my shaft,
my hands roam over every part of her body, touching and squeezing as my mouth
connects with hers in a kiss that I never want to end.

As I feel my own orgasm building, I reach down in between us
and start to circle her clit, she moans in my mouth, and I almost explode right
then and there. She feels so amazing as she clenches herself around me and
whimpers in my mouth, grinding on top of me, moving closer and closer to her

A fresh bout of arousal washes over me as her hips spasm,
but she refuses to break our kiss, moaning her orgasm into me as she struggles
to keep her mouth moving. Shuddering along with her, unable to hold on any
longer, I continue to kiss her, refusing to let her go even for a second. We
don’t stop touching and kissing until the water turns cold, and we start to
shiver, deciding that then would be a great time to get some breakfast.


“Here, put this on,” Elliot offers as he holds out a white
fluffy robe for me to wear, I’m still shivering after our extended bath and the
thickness of the robe is welcome against my skin. He hugs me to him, rubbing my
back and arms to create some friction until finally I start to heat up again.

Looking over the menu, we call down to reception and ask if
we can have our breakfast brought up to us. We don’t want to waste time getting
dressed and eating in the dining room. We’re perfectly happy right here.

No more than twenty minutes later there is a knock on the
door and a tray is brought in sporting coffee, orange juice, warm croissants,
scrambled eggs, bacon and a selection of fruits. It smells devine, and my
stomach grumbles loudly in reaction.

“Hungry?” Elliot asks grinning as he thanks the staff member
and turns the lock on the door.

“Famished!” I say, sitting down at the small table and
pouring us both a coffee from the pewter pot. I feel a little goofy with the
grin that’s plastered across my face, but we can’t stop smiling and touching
each other while we eat, you’d think we were school kids!

Elliot has become snap happy and keeps taking photos of me
with food in my mouth. I'm laughing because my face looks funny when I’m
chewing, but then he just takes a photo of me laughing with food showing in my
mouth, and that makes me laugh more because it’s gross.

“Delete it!” I say to him, grabbing for his phone.

“No, it’s mine,” he teases as he holds his phone away from
me. He looks at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “You know; I don’t think
it’s fair that you have a topless photo of me, but I don’t have one of you.”

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