9781618857569GettingitAllStorm (18 page)

BOOK: 9781618857569GettingitAllStorm
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She hadn’t meant to hurt Lucy. Yes, she had. How could she not? She
hadn’t thought that far ahead. She had suddenly become frightened Lucy might
have landed Matt and she would never have taken her last chance at…at what?

What did she really want from Matt?

Okay, the quick fuck behind the vans had been great. He was hot and
eager and…she had coupled with him on her own terms. What now? Did she want


And Christy was all but handing Matt to her on a silver platter.
Except of course for Lucy’s total infatuation.
That might be
a little messy for a while, but Lucy was young. Like Dot had been. Lucy would
get over Matt. Like Dot had gotten over Matt.

Exactly like Dot had gotten over Matt.


There might be a not in there somewhere as far as Lucy was concerned
about giving up Matt too.

“Look, things always get a little messy when love rears its ugly
head.” Christy’s immaculate lip curled. “That’s not my problem. I need to get
out of your way so you two can figure the rest of this out.” She spread her
hands in an elegant magnanimous gesture.

“That’s very generous of you, ole buddy, but I don’t believe it for a
second,” Dorothy smiled. You and Matt have been screwing like bunny rabbits and
I don’t see you letting up on getting it from Matt in order to give your
darling friends—that’s us—a shot at the gold ring—that’s him. You’ve pretty
much emptied the gold ring box already, as far as our shot at
concerned,” she muttered obliquely.

“Well, speaking of boxes, that’s another reason I’m willing to back
off.” Christy suddenly pushed her chair back and hopped up from the table
excitedly. “And let you put in your two—how shall I put, it?—your two pussies
worth.” She guffawed, slapping the back of her chair. “A little crude, maybe,
but once you see what I’m talking about,” she winked, “you’ll see how accurate
that is. Follow me.” She headed for her bedroom.

Lucy was clear-eyed and attentive now. Looking like a dumb streaked
brunette, but at least attentive and not grousing over losing Matt. Good,
Dorothy thought, maybe we can move on.

“I’ve got a box of toys to help me get through the dry spells, and I
want to share my good fortune in order to remind you there are other
possibilities than the simple one we’ve been pursuing.” She crouched at the
side of her bed. “To be hit on by a couple of guys tonight did my fragile ego a
world of good. I’ve obviously still got it. To know I’ve got it and even if I
don’t get it as good as I was getting it with Matt, to know I’m prepared for
the hump nights—or rather, the off-hump nights—I think I can afford to be altruistic
for my beloved pals.”

Lucy was so far behind, Dorothy couldn’t decide whether to laugh or
cry over her friend’s totally lost look. “What’s she talking about?” Lucy
whispered, as Christy ducked under the bed. Then again, Dot thought she might
one day have to strangle Lucy if she couldn’t learn to damp down that damn
plaintive bleat.

“She probably means she’s got a vibrator that will take Matt’s place,”
Dorothy said loud enough for Christy to hear, “until the real thing or things
come along to get her over the ‘hump’. Although that sure as hell doesn’t seem
to be a problem if tonight at the wine bar is any indication.”

“Bingo!” Christy exclaimed
pulling out a
small suitcase-size decorated box.

“I don’t think some
plastic thing
could ever take Matt’s place,” Lucy grumped.

“True,” Christy agreed, lifting the box and sliding it onto the bed.
“But it can certainly distract one while you’re looking. Sit down, girls.” She
indicated the bed. “Let me show you my ‘distracting’ goodies.”

She whipped off the lid of the box. Lucy’s eyes popped and her mouth

Dorothy snickered. “I haven’t seen that much plastic and silicone

“The last time Marta
was in the
beauty shop,” Christy hooted, dumping the contents onto the bed. “Aren’t they
Big, bigger and biggest! Get it from the front, get
it from the back!
Your choice, not his.
And then
there’s,” her voice dropped to basso
, “‘get
it deep, deep, inside.’ No guy is built like this.” She stopped giggling for a
moment to inspect an intricately designed appliance. “I think this one is
scientifically designed,” she noted respectfully, “to hit everything there is
to hit down there at the same time. And I’m here to tell you girls, it works.”

She shook her head and sighed. “Can you imagine trying to explain to a
guy what that thing does to your insides without even having to wheedle him or
show him? All you have to do is just push a magic button.” She slid a switch
and an elongated section of silicone began to undulate. “And what guy can do
that? You wanna try it?”

Lucy recoiled, but not quite in horror as before.

Dorothy was intrigued. It was absolutely true no guy she knew could do
that belly dance thing with his dick. That might be a really interesting

was truly impressed with Christy's sense of
adventure. It way surpassed hers. Lucy, bless her unadventurous heart—at least
'til now—stared dumbfounded.

“What...what is all
that stuff for? I mean, I know what it's for...”

Christy was in her
Shocking, knowledgeable, and creating very big
She beamed and patted Lucy's hand.

“Well, most of it's
self-evident. The dildos range in size from...not to name names, but they do
represent the range of gentlemen who have bedded me.”

Lucy looked horrified.
“Are guys really this big?”

“Well, some of them,
yes.” Christy eyed her carefully. “Lucy, I thought you and Matt had...” her
upper teeth were on the inside of her lower lip ready to pronounce the word.
Admirably, Dorothy noted, she chose to finish the phrase with, “done it. He's
not exactly a 'little' guy. Not that there's anything wrong with a little dick.
Some of my best times have been with men who were trying to make up in quality
what they might lack in quantity. And they did a hell of a job. Right, Dot?”

Dorothy snickered,
picking up one of the larger silicone reproductions. “I'm here as an observer
and not a filler-out-of-what-I-did-in-the-sack-last-week.”
Or did behind the vans.
Christy is right. Man comes in many sizes.”

Refusing to deal with
the male anatomy for the moment, Lucy picked up another object.

“What's this for?” She

“You shove it up your
ass, not to be too crass,” Christy sing-
. “And
then you pop it out, one small ball at a time. It can be quite stimulating. You
can also shove it up your

“Good heavens, do you
really need to...?”

Strange word, Lucy.
I don't know. What do you think,
Dorothy? Do
single girls ‘
to do whatever it takes to get us to where we want to go?
Or do we just put up with how grossly unprepared most guys are at discovering
Or even, how grossly most of them couldn't give a shit
so long as they get their rocks off.”

“I think we do whatever
it takes,” Dorothy said matter-of-factly. “But,” she checked Lucy's bewildered
expression, “we all have our different needs, sweetie. Some of us can get on
very well without...aids.
Without guys, for that matter.”

“I can't.” Lucy was
almost in tears. “But...”

What are you saying, Lucy?” Christy cocked her head. Something was stirring in
that white-blond brain of hers. Dorothy knew the cock and the narrowed look.

“I always thought this
stuff was for girls who couldn't, you know, get a guy, but you, two...I mean,
if you...use it...”

Christy pulled herself
up, beautifully shaped breasts out, still-firm chin up. “I think
instruction time. Shall we all get naked
and have fun!” She pulled off her top in one
elegant balletic gesture. She had on a gorgeous filmy push-up that did
everything it was supposed to do to her already formidable assets.

Lucy’s eyes grew even larger, if that were possible. Dorothy couldn’t
believe the innocence. Okay, she thought, time to get rid of that, if this
fight over Matt was going to be even remotely balanced.

“C’mon, Lucy.”
She unbuttoned her blouse, thanking the
underwear gods she had put on her best for the evening. You might get hit by a
truck, her mother had said. That would be Christy, all right. Mom was dead on,
every time. “Think of it as Advanced Sex Ed or How to Scare the Shit
of Your Boyfriend.”

“I don’t wanna scare the—”


“Take off your clothes!”

Whooping lasciviously, Christy and Dorothy both grabbed for the
wide-eyed, not-to-be innocent for very long. Giggling relentlessly, the lovely
Lucy was soon naked, rose pink and, thankfully, embarrassed beyond giggling.
Dorothy wondered how she had ever even had sex with that incessant giggling.

Christy appraised her.

“Lucy, you’re a winner, I
Really nice rack.
Bet Matt was very impressed.”

“He,” the naked, blushing young woman said, arms closed in to do a
Venus rising from the half-shell concealment, “seemed okay with how I looked.”

“Oh, my darling innocent,” the older and far more experienced of the
trio cooed, “is that how you presented yourself? ‘Seemed okay’? You want them
to slather. Observe.”

Dorothy was impressed. Lucy was flabbergasted as Christy elegantly,
slowly removed her bra, cupping her released breasts in loving slow motion,
exposing them luxuriously, then tantalizingly slipped the thong down her thighs
and off her slim legs in sexy
of her hips.

She stood tall and proud, beautifully nude.

“Like so. Be proud of what you have to offer. And if, like Dorothy,
you have more to offer, be even more proud.

Dorothy took a deep breath. She knew she was as rose pink as Lucy, she
knew she was in good shape. She knew Matt wanted her. She knew she wanted her
friends to approve.

She did a remarkable copy of Christy’s movements, slowly and
pleasingly revealing her lovely, full breasts, nipples peaking, and of
uncovering her very natural assets, no wax or razors involved.

“Gee, Dorothy. You look great,” Lucy breathed.

“Babe, you’re another winner,” Christy smirked. “I’m smart to bow out
and let you two throw all that loveliness to the big, bad lion. I’ll bet he
just laps you two up like a bucketful of cream.”

“Well,” Dorothy returned her smirk. “There’s a bucketful involved, but
he’s not doing all the lapping.” Lucy shrieked
cheeks going from rose pink to deep red as Dorothy plucked a stainless steel
thingamajig from the toy case. “Now that we know Matt’s got a shot at the best
has to offer, shall Lucy and I try to
figure out why you would give up that for this, whatever it is?”

Broadly smiling, Christy took the gleaming toy. “That goes up your
ass. Don’t know if you’ve experienced the joys of anal, girls, but our big boy
can be a bit rough on the front, so it’s good to have the rear ready for action
if he’s so inclined to keep going.”

Lucy gulped, the beet red draining to a pale pink. “I’ve never…”

“Well, it’s been a while for me, too,” Dorothy announced, “so we may
as well prepare ourselves. We wouldn’t want to lose out on tips from an expert,
would we, Lucy? And, not that I don’t believe Christy’s fully made up her mind
to abdicate as of this moment, but I do know a woman can change her mind and if
Matt likes to keep plugging away, then I want my holes to be as pluggable as
the expert’s, in case she decides to jump back into the game. Even field, so to

“Would you, Christy? Would you really maybe change your mind?”

Christy gently pushed the concerned young woman onto her knees.
“Dorothy knows me pretty well. As of now, I think I’ve made the right decision.
Who knows how I’ll feel later? Okay, sweetie, this may fell a bit unusual, but
just relax and imagine you’re going for your M.A. in Matt-ness. Dot, feel the
kid up while I poke her sweet little ass. That’ll distract her for the time

Dorothy scooted around to be able to cup Lucy’s breasts in her hands
and gently massaged them as Christy lubed the slim probe and pressed it against
the young woman’s tight,

“Is it going to hurt?” Lucy asked, anxiously. “That feels nice,
Dorothy. Thank you.”

“My pleasure, sweetie.”
She kissed the young woman’s cheeks, gently.
“Just think how nice it’ll feel for Matt’s big, thick, anxious dick. You want
to make it feel as nice as he makes you feel, right?”

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