9781618857569GettingitAllStorm (21 page)

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“Stop watching. You’re embarrassing me.”

Suddenly they all erupted in laughter at the absurdity of the
situation as the naked Lucy settled onto the sofa.

“Okay, Dot, up and off,” Matt commanded. “Nobody gets a free ride
here. We’re in this thing together, and unfortunately I haven’t figured out how
to do you both at the same time.

Glumly, she crawled off him and plopped herself on one side with Lucy
on the other.

“Oh, my.”
Lucy smiled broadly at the rampant upright revealed erection.

“Yeah, oh…yours.”
Dorothy was near tears again. She grabbed his
bobbing manhood as Lucy instinctively reached out also.

Matt grabbed the women and pulled them close. “No. No more
yours…mine…hers…his. I want this to be…us, from now on. Okay? Do you think we
can pull it off? Do you think…? What do you think?”

All the arguments and propositions, suggestions and wheedling, all went
out of his head. He had two of the most beautiful and beloved creatures in the
world on either side of him, both holding possessively onto his dick. What more
could a man ask?

He had just asked it.

“You mean like…the three of us?” Lucy asked.

“That’s what you were asking me?” Dorothy added.

“He asked you first?”

“No! No more of that. No first, second, third, any of that crap. We’re
in this together. Uh…I mean, that’s what I want…would like. I could never
choose between you. You’re both…perfect. Nobody’s second best. I want to keep
you both. We’re all right…for each other.”

Lucy began to sniffle. Dorothy took a deep breath, quivering.

Around Matt’s dick, their fingers intertwined.

Matt beamed. “Then we’ll give it a try?”

Dorothy eyed Lucy.
“One for all and all for one.
Right, Lucy?”

Lucy squealed. They both crawled onto Matt.

“You want his dick?” Dorothy magnanimously offered. “I’ve had it all

Squealing with delight, a wet and ready Lucy clambered onto Matt,
tantalizingly rubbing her primed pussy over his upright organ as she straddled
his hips.

“Okay, Matt,” Dorothy announced, joining them on the sofa. “I’m gonna
sit on your face. And you know what to do with that. While Lucy sits on your
dick and we lip lock.”

Matt slid prone under their weight. He felt Lucy’s tight sheath slide
over him settling her pubis against his, accompanied by a fulfilling squeak of
delight. Dorothy’s inner thigh arced across his vision as her crotch nestled
against his mouth and nose. He could feel the women’s upper bodies adjusting
for the lip lock.

His mouth opened to encompass the moist velvet lips as the velvet lips
around his dick tightened. He was a very happy man.





Chapter Nine


“Matt, get in here!”

Leo swung the door of his barbershop wide
and reached out to grab Bartholomew as he approached. Pulling the startled man
inside, where waiting customers were watching with interest, the proprietor
hustled him toward one of the barber chairs, already occupied by a patron with
a hot towel over his face. Unwinding the damp terry cloth, Leo yanked the young
man out of the chair.

“Jerry, I’ll get to you later. Now
skedaddle, go
self a couple of coffees at
Mable’s up the street and come back in about half hour. Matt, get in the

As the other men watched the annoyed
Jerry launch himself out the front door, Leo swirled the damp towel over the
seated Matt’s face. “Don’t you say a word
listen. This is a good one.” He chuckled, beside himself, containing his glee.
“An’ the rest of you keep quiet.”

His sight suddenly cut off under the
steaming towel, Matt wondered what the hell was going on. Leo had called him at
the auto shop and told him to hustle his ass over.

“There’s plenty coming down about you and
the way you’re carrying on”, he had urgently whispered over the phone, “and I
want you to hear it from one of the horse’s ass’s mouths.”

“Hey, there, Marcus,” Matt heard Leo
speak up loudly. “
think about what my young colleague has got going back there?”

Marcus Danbury must have come out of Clay’s
massage room in back. “Thanks for taking a look, Mr. Danbury,” the young
masseur said. “Would any of you other gentlemen like the ten-cent tour? I’ll
pay you the ten cents, that is,” he chuckled, obligingly.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Matt heard a deep
male voice say. It could have been Sullivan or
he hadn’t had a
good look at the other guys before Leo slapped the towel over his face.
“Heard you’ve got a right nice business going on back there, young
Nice to get a chance to see what all the fuss is
It was
. The door to the back
room closed.

He heard the snickering proprietor of the
barbershop take up the leather strap hanging nearby and begin to strop a
straightedge razor.

“Have a seat, Marcus, now that you’ve had
the tour. I need to give this beard here a few more minutes to soften. What was
that you were saying about Matt Bartholomew and his women? I appreciate your
keeping your mouth shut about him when Clay popped out and offered you to come
in and take a look around.”

“Yeah, I heard they’re pretty close.
Thick as thieves.
Which seems a little strange too, Matt
being older and all. But he seems like an okay kid, and he sure looks like he
can take care of himself, so I guess that’s just rumors, too.”

“About them other rumors,” Leo prompted,
stropping away, “you were telling us…?”

“Don’t put a lot of store in
the man never struck me as much of a ladies’ man. But,
hell, you never can tell who does what with what’s in his pants.
Right, boys?”

The two other customers in the shop
answered with noncommittal grunts.

“I hear he’s only seeing half-a-dozen
women and he’s probably not bedding them all,” Leo offered nonchalantly, the
slap of a razor honing its edge ever more sharply growing louder to the toweled
Matt. “A man can only do so much to keep his ha-

“The word is he’s got a few other gals in
the next town over, maybe even farther away.
Seems to meet up
with them at that fancy wine bar place.
Ever been there?
arty, I hear, and since some of them arty types have
been known to treat our women like…like…what’s the word, Leo?”

“Well, the word is crap, Marcus. He
treats our women liked crap.”

Matt felt a hand tightly grip his left
arm. What the hell was that? Sweat from the steaming towel ran into his eyes.
He began to shift uneasily in the barber chair.

Another tight grip locked his right arm
down. What? Who was that? Leo?

“Tell me, now…”
It wasn’t Leo. Leo was across the room. “How’d you hear about all this?” Matt
began to struggle. Two hands grabbed his feet. How many of them were there? He
was shoved firmly back into place in the barber chair.

And the kids, of course.
I never was much into that social
meeting-up computer stuff, anyhow. Word of mouth is good enough for me.”

Somebody else was stropping another razor
in Matt’s other ear.

“So you don’t think a man’s got a right
to put his mark on as many womenfolk as he can?”

Was that Leo or Marcus? Matt wasn’t even
sure who was talking anymore. He began to shake his head, but other hands held
the blinding damp cloth firmly in place.

“’Pears he’s not

with marrieds and no kids, either. Which is a good thing, or there’d be a bunch
of us ready to step in. Step in with those straight razors you’re stropping and
do a little excising, if you know what I mean?”

Under the hot, sweat-drenched towel,
Matt’s jaw dropped in utter shock. He gasped, feeling sharpened steel laid
firmly on his forearm and more sharpened steel on his other arm.

“Don’t know what the board of
folk might be thinking. He
ought to be cut out of that job. Cut right out. Think of him being a sex-crazed
role model to all them innocent high school kids and them with no sex education
Ought to be cut right out of that.”

Some one grabbed his crotch. Matt’s dick
and balls shrank from the clutch. This couldn’t be happening!

“Cut them balls of his right off and
then, by golly, he’d be a better man for it.” The shouts and threats were
coming from all sides.

“He can fuck his head clean off, but
come of it if he’s got no balls. He can still get
it up, but nothing will come of it. That’ll fix him.”

“They got the word at the beauty parlor.
Seems he’s even on to Amelia and Dorothy—”

Matt exploded. Arms and legs flailed,
fighting off the men holding him down. He ripped off the hated towel.

For God’s
sake, Marcus.
You and I have known Amelia since…she’s like our sister!”
Matt roared out of the chair, flinging the grappling men aside. “You sons of
bitches are sick in the head! Get those goddamned razors out of my face! Who
the hell grabbed my crotch? Clay!
Not you too!”

Leo, slapping the worn leather arm of the
barber chair, doubled over in guffaws, joined by the whoops of the other two
customers who had been roped into holding Matt down.

Marcus, snickering and snorting
hysterically, cowered behind the old-fashioned coat rack near the door.

Clay ducked an angry swat as his head,
his broad shoulders giving a deprecating shrug. “I was the only one Leo figured
had the guts to grab your nuts.” Grinning, he stumbled back out of reach, big
hands up in protection from the swinging Matt.

“And Dorothy.
Not one word
about Dorothy.” Matt’s spun on the group of men. “I don’t give a shit what
you’ve heard. That woman’s reputation is impeccable. And whether I date her or
not, she will always do the right thing! God! What must it be like for her
working in that rat’s nest of petty
any of you people have lives?”

“Damn you, why’d you let me carry on like
that?” Red-faced and totally in a
as to how
to react, Marcus bent over clinch-fisted and stuttering, throttling the coat

Matt shoved his face into the face of the
older man. “Marcus, we’ve known each other since your family dragged you down
river from upstate to get away from those
winters. That’s what?
Twenty, thirty years?
How can
you be a part of something stupid like this? It’s me, for God’s sake. I kept
that old rusted out truck of yours going until you totaled her last winter.”

“Aw, come on, Matt.” Leo grabbed the
bellowing man’s arms, just in case the excitement of the moment might lead
inadvertently to blows. “Everybody knows it’s just talk. We got nothing else to
keep us occupied. You’re a good-looking man, and finally available, why
wouldn’t you be taking advantage of the situation. We just want to be sure the
situation isn’t taking advantage of you.”

“I’m not taking advantage of anybody.” That
doesn’t want to be taken advantage of, he added to himself, simmering down.
“You’re just
’ jealous, is what you all are.
My ha-
seems very happy with the way I handle
them. And we’re talking two very beautiful and willing women, not twenty.”

“Two? You’re bedding down two?
Which two?”
Marcus was a determined cuss.

“I didn’t say a word about bedding down.”
Matt looked as shocked as he could manage, though the absurdity of the grisly
joke the guys had pulled was swamping his anger. “That certainly is a thought.
Thank you, Marcus. I just might suggest that to them. Don’t
I’d be man enough, but it sure sounds like it might be worth the effort.”

“Wait a minute,” Marcus hooted, sending
the coat rack spinning away. “I didn’t suggest any such sort of a thing.” He
looked around at the snickering men. “Damn, don’t let that word get spread
around. Things just take off before you ever get a chance to do anything about
them. Marcus is pimping one of
Matt, I didn’t suggest a thing you hadn’t already thought of. Did I, men? Leo?”

“Well…it sure sounded to me like—”

“No! No. Dammit. No. I just repeated what
my missus…uh, well, that is…
maybe I
misconstrued…some things.” He sat down, clutching his head in fake bereavement,
his shoulders shaking with dry sobs—or repressed amusement. “No offence,

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