5PM (6 page)

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Authors: Chris Heinicke

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“Maybe I could help you test it,” Emily stands up and slowly undoes her blouse. She’s wearing an identical blouse as yesterday, but with a dark grey skirt only covering her upper thighs.

What the hell is she doing? I should get the hell out of her office before I find myself unable to leave. I try to take a step backwards, but it’s too late. She pulls the shirt over her shoulders and takes a step my way.

“Hey, you saw me in a bra yesterday. Why so shy now?” She takes another step in my direction.

I have no response. She doesn’t seem to mind and places her hands behind her back and unclips her bra, then lets it fall to the ground. I can’t look away. Her breasts are magnificent. Not as big as my dear wife’s, but still a decent handful, and their owner is now only a metre away from me. No one can see into the office when the blinds are drawn thankfully.

“Is this a trap?” I ask.

“No, it’s not, Terry. I don’t know about you, but after my journey in your car yesterday, I was so turned on knowing you were watching me change my clothes. I went home from the gym and stripped off straight away. I then jumped in the shower and pretended you were with me.” She takes another step closer and makes a grab for the zipper of my trousers. Have I lost control of my actions, or do I really just want to have sex with her right now? I lift up her skirt and am shocked to find a lack of underwear, and I place my hands between her legs.

I’m at the point of no return now, so I unclasp my belt with my other hand, and before I know it, my trousers are down around my ankles. She puts a hand down the front of my own underwear and grips the part of me that’s standing firm like the handle of a baseball bat.

“Wow, the pill’s working already,” she says, and pulls herself close to me, “so you better put it to good use.”


* * * * * 


After the act
is done, the guilt smacks me in the head like a brick. Yes, it felt really nice screwing Emily on the edge of her desk, but I’m now one of those men who are official cheaters. She’s already put her clothes back on, including a pair of panties dug out from her handbag.

“Thanks, Terry, I needed this.” She smiles at me. “When I go without sex for too long, I start to get all crazy.”

What the hell do I say? Here she is, a hot thirty-year-old throwing herself at a man nearly ten years older than she is when she could have any gym junkie around her own age, probably even much younger.

“I need to get back to work,” I tell her.

“Yeah, I know. Have you ever been told you’re an awesome fuck?” she asks me.

“We shouldn’t have done this. I’m a married man and this is our workplace.”

“You haven’t done anything bad, Terry. You satisfied an itch for me you had put there yesterday. Men like you make us women battle each other. You’re good looking, confident and you know what you want and throw yourself at it. If you weren’t married, you’d be getting more action than most men my age.”

“Thanks, I think.” I look away from her and eye the door to her office.

“It’s okay to have secrets. Terry, I have no reason to tell your wife what we did. I wanted to feel you inside me. I don’t want to take you from your wife and kids, so what harm has been done?”

“I’ll always know what I did.”

I rush out her office and head to my own. Is she right? Am I really the kind of man women desire? I had been a much younger man when I was trying to nail anything or anyone who moved, and didn’t have the wrinkles in my forehead or the stray grey hair then.

I need to book somewhere for dinner. I have to carry on with my day as if nothing happened and try to give Talissa an anniversary to remember. There are a number of places we’ve been before, but I need somewhere special tonight, some place where they will cook the kind of food so good I don’t need to focus on making conversation or deal with my guilt.

I call Roger on the internal network. “Rog, I need to take Talissa somewhere really nice for our anniversary tonight.”

“I can recommend The Grand Resistance. They do a wonderful selection of French food, and by the time you get to dessert, Talissa will be ready to lose her panties.”

“Rog, all I needed was a name of a restaurant, not you thinking of MY wife and her underwear, or lack of. But thanks all the same.”

“Terry, what happened in Emily’s office before? She had the blinds closed while you were in there, and after you had left, I couldn’t help but notice your shirt was untucked.”

Oh, shit. For all his faults and everything, he is still my best friend, but there’s no way in hell I can tell him what happened. “She had some files she didn’t want anyone walking past to see.”

“Secret files? What is this, the CIA? I’m your best buddy, no matter what you did.”

“I didn’t do anything I shouldn’t have so get your mind out of the damn gutter.”

“I was just joking, Terry. Come on, lighten up. This isn’t like you, man.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m just under some pressure, you know. Phelps wants me gone so he can keep Em on after the busy period.”

“Fucking tight ass prick. It’s only our commissions putting food on our table. Not like the stupid grey haired wanker who sits at his desk all day and tells us to sell. We should take our network of contacts with us and start our own business. Are you up for it?”

Shit, I have plans, but not ones that include bringing him on board. “I don’t know, Rog. I have a mortgage and private school tuitions to pay and a private babysitter we’re hiring as of tonight for the kids. Then she’ll be watching Matilda while Talissa’s at work.”

“What happened to the day care you had her in?”

“Company’s gone under, so we’re going from forty dollars a day to a hundred for the babysitter. Talissa has done all the background checks, and she says it’s just for a few months before she starts school. I wish I could take the plunge into our own business, but it’s just not the right time for me.”

“Hey, no worries, buddy. Anyway, I better get back to work.”

We end the call, and I waste no time in finding the name and phone number or the restaurant Roger had recommended. There’s no trouble getting a table for two, and it overlooks the infamous lake where Talissa and I used to visit. The next call I make is to arrange a big bouquet of flowers to be sent to her, and I make it in time for her to get them at work.


* * * * * 


I manage to
avoid Emily for the rest of the day, and the pompous prick Phelps, as well. Today I made an epic mistake, and now all there is for me to do is to move on and let time pass by—pushing it slowly to forgotten history. Yes, it was an awesome experience, all things considered. However,it was morally wrong on all kinds of levels.

I’m dressed up for our evening and looking impressed with the way I look on the outside, and when Talissa walks out of the bathroom in her low cut black sleeveless dress, I’m reminded the pill I took at work is still working. As she stands to the side, I get an eyeful of breast and cleavage when I look at her front on. The dress ends a couple of inches above her knees, and I’m already thinking of what I want to do to her after dessert.

“You look...” I can’t find the words I need to fully emphasise how much the sight of her thrills me.

She steps right up to me and plants a big kiss on my mouth and then whispers in my ear, “No touching until I say so.” I see a devilish grin on her face. It makes me want to do things with her that would make a prostitute blush.

“I’ll keep my hands to myself, milady.” I grab her hand and kiss it.

The doorbell rings and my wife heads straight for the door and greets the newcomer. I hear her ask, “Do you always dress like this for work?”

“The kids never mind what I wear,” I hear a young sounding voice answer.

I walk towards the hallway and peek around the wall to see a tall blonde in a white tank top. Her top shows off her pierced navel. Her light denim shorts are the style with pockets hanging below the shorts themselves. Her legs have a light natural tan about them and go on forever. Oh, God. I shouldn’t be looking. I’m old enough to be her father.

“Terry, the babysitter’s here,” Talissa calls out, meaning we can get our date underway soon.

I round up our two children and lead them to the cute blonde. Isaac runs up to her and tells her she’s pretty.

“Hi, I’m Brittany.” She offers a hand to me which I shake lightly. She stands about an inch taller than I do, and she’s wearing sneakers, not high heels. She turns to my son. “And you’re a very handsome little man, Isaac. And who’s this pretty little princess?”

Matilda smiles at her. “I’m Matilda and I’m five.”

“Wow, so grown up already. Do you go to school next year, young lady?”

“Yes, I do, and as soon as I turn six, Mummy says I can go.”

“O-M-G, that’s so awesome!” Brittany’s eyes light up as she speaks to the kids and they return the smile and giggle with her.

I walk up next to Talissa and whisper in her ear, “I think she’ll be fine.”

“Okay, Isaac and Matilda, if you’re good for Miss Brittany here, she’ll be back again. Now come give us a kiss before we go.”

Children’s emotions are the most genuine of anyone’s, and they both squeeze us tight, telling us they love us before we get to say it first. It’s been a long time since Talissa and I have had a date night, so I know I intend to make it count.


* * * * * 


I couldn’t have
picked a more romantic setting if I had tried. We’re seated at a candlelit table by a window overlooking the lake. The moon reflects its light to the surface of the water, reminding us of times gone by when we wore the clothes of our much younger selves. And the times we didn’t wear them.

I need to get my mind elsewhere. The last few days, I can barely get sex out of my brain, and my work is suffering for it. Not to mention what it could do to my marriage. During the lavish three-course meal, we talk about work, and I mention Roger’s idea of going into a partnership.

“He’ll just be riding on your coattails, Terry. You could do it on your own. You could do anything if you put your mind to it. You are the most amazing man I have ever met.”

A tear comes to my eye. “I love you, Talissa.” I then lean over the table to kiss her, my tie nearly hitting the flame of the candle.

She laughs, and as the dessert is served up, she reaches under the table and grabs my hand. She slides forward in her seat and says, “I forgot something before we left,” and puts my hand between her legs.

No wonder she walked very carefully in her dress tonight. One long stride and anyone around would be seeing what’s normally reserved for my eyes only. “Everything’s working tonight,” I tell her.

And by the smile on her face, I’m certain she knows what I mean.


* * * * *  


I settle the
bill and we walk towards the car. There are only a few cars left in the rear car park of the restaurant, and looking over at the lake, we see no one nearby. I look at her and ask, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Talissa giggles and I let her take the lead as she turns away from me and takes off her high heels. Carrying them in her hand, she starts to run from the car park past the front of the restaurant and then to the downhill grassy mound that leads to the lake. Following behind her, I can see her bright white arse as it’s exposed when her dress rides up as she runs ahead. I stay on track as she takes a turn to the right and heads for an area out of sight of anyone still at the restaurant.

I stop running as she comes to a halt near the banks of the lake. I notice my dress shoes are covered in mud. I kick them off and remove my socks, which are also grubby from the run.

“You better not be stopping there,” Talissa tells me with her hands on her hips.

I wink at her before I remove my tie, and then followed by taking off my shirt and trousers. I am now standing there in just my underwear. “Your turn,” I say to her.

She pulls her dress up and over her head, throwing it to the ground. She stares at me, and I stare back at her now completely naked body. She giggles and runs to the edge of the water and takes a big dive. I have no choice but to follow her—which I do after removing my last item of clothing.

The water bites at me with its chilling particles, but I swim to where my wife is treading water a few metres away. She puts her arms around me, and I return the gesture, our legs kicking at the water to keep our buoyancy. We release each other and paddle around splashing each other for a few more minutes until she leads me on a race to the shore.

The moonlight illuminates her nice, large arse. A lot of men aren’t into big bums, but Talissa knows I’m not one of those, and she knows I’m watching it wiggle as she runs in front of me. She takes a leap forward and lands on the grass stomach first. I land just behind her and give her healthy rump a slap before planking my body on top of her. She pushes against the ground and lifts her chest off the surface of the recently mowed lawn as well as her arse. I cup my hands around her plump breasts, guiding my manhood towards her recently waxed area, and slowly enter her from behind. She lets out a satisfied groan as I fill her, and we fuck like a pair of wild wolves.

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