5PM (10 page)

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Authors: Chris Heinicke

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“I’m surprised you even came back for me, Terry. All those things we said to each other. One minute you want to have sex with me, and then the next, you go on threatening me.”

Hannah raised her eyebrows and looks at me. “Threatening her?”

“She goes all crazy after a while. She has like this split personality thing going,” I say back.

It’s time to lie to the psychotic bitch.
“There’s a part of me that needs you for some reason.”

“What? Your dick?”

Hannah bursts out laughing, and then types,
“I wan a c his dick.”

“Fucking whore!”
BluesGirl88 types and she goes over and punches Erika19 in the face.

“Hey, we’re at her place, be nice,”
I type.

“Well, stop typing and get naked. Sit by the edge of the pool, you dumb slut,”
BluesGirl88 types.

Erika19 suddenly appears onscreen naked and picks a spot on the edge of the pool where her legs open wide.

“Wow,” I say out loud. The details are amazing and I feel a stirring in my pants.

“Looks good enough to eat,”
BluesGirl88 types. Within a second she’s in the pool and the avatar has her face buried between Erika19’s thighs.

“Like most virtual girls, she swings both ways,” I say to Hannah.

I see an invite for a private chat box for BluesGirl88. I accept and we’re seated at a dining table facing each other. I click between this chat box and the one with Erika19, as well.

“That girl’s not real. Can’t you tell by the obviously oversized tits and eagerness to get naked?”
she types.

“You seem to know all about this sort of thing,”
I type back.

“Well, this is interesting,” Hannah says looking over my shoulder.

“Told you she was unstable.”

“I think you’ve been sucked in by another man pretending to be a girl. You’re pathetic, Terry,”
BluesGirl88 types.
“Or are you a homo and not ready to come out yet?”

“Hey, I’m a pussy fan only. I don’t have a problem with homosexuals…”

“…But you can’t see why they prefer hairy arse to wet pussy,”
she finishes my famous sentence for me.

Holy shit!

“You should take a peek at our group chat, Terry,” Hannah says out loud.

I hear footsteps behind us, and I realise Ed has come back from parking the car somewhere. He stands behind the two of us, and I can only assume he’s watching both laptop screens. I click back to the group chat and see BluesGirl88 punching Erika19 in the face while her own face was still between her legs.

“Stop hurting her,”
I type, and I make my avatar strip his shorts off. I click behind BluesGirl88 and my animated character starts pumping her from behind.

“Wow, a cartoon threesome. This is useful police work,” Ed says.

“Shut your stupid mouth, rookie. We’re trying to draw this user out to see if she or he is the real killer,” Hannah says.

“Do you really need me here then?” he asks.

“Not really, but you’re welcome to stay or leave.”

“Call me when you’re done, but make sure you watch the pervert scum next to you. If you feel any way in danger, shoot his brains out.”

“This is highly irregular, isn’t it, for police?”

Hannah swivels on her chair and faces me. “A lot of this is being done off the clock, so to speak. So I guess you could say this whole thing is irregular. No one at the station wanted to believe my theory of an online killer, so I had to go it alone. Eventually, I got Ed on board, even if he’s not completely convinced.” She comes in close and whispers in my ear, “But I think he’ll join me in anything if he thinks he has a chance to fuck me.”

“Okay,” I say, and try and focus back to the onscreen action.

“I think I’ll stay close actually, make sure this guy keeps his hands to himself.” Ed walks away to a far corner of the barn, grabbing a newspaper on his way from the desk Hannah and I are sharing.

“You’ve gone quiet, Terry. Are you playing with yourself?”
BluesGirl88 types. 

Hannah giggles when I respond.
“Well, this is a pretty hot threesome.”

“I wish you could see me right now, Terry. I’m at home with my legs spread, gently rubbing myself, and getting close to the edge. I want you, Terry, I want you inside me for real, your hot, sweating body pressed up against me while you bang me so hard it almost hurts.”

“Why don’t we do it? Why can’t we meet and do this properly? I want to feel your body with my real hands, my real mouth, and my hard cock. This animated porn is great, but I want to again experience the physical beauty of real life sex.”

“That’s impressive, Terry,” Hannah says to me.

“From what I’ve heard, you’ve been getting plenty of real life sex,”
BluesGirl88 types.

“I’m talking about having sex with you again.”

“What the hell do you mean? We haven’t even met.”

“Are you sure about that, Emily? Or Lauren? I know you’re one of them.”

“You really have no idea, Terry, and that’s what I like about you. It’s time for me to leave this party.”
Her avatar grabs Erika19 by the throat and holds her head underwater.
“But first I’ll make your little girlfriend here pay for your stupidity.”

Hannah exits the chat and shuts down the program.

“You think that little bitch can hide from me? I’m gonna find her and make her pay,”
BluesGirl88 types.

“You think you can hurt her, as in really hurt her?”
I type.

“She’s tracked this address,” Hannah looks at an app in the corner of the laptop’s screen. She yells to her partner, “Ed, call for backup, I need to get the witness to safety.”

“You were warned, Terry.”

Her last words stare back at me. Hannah clicks the exit icon on the chat program and tells me to get going. I can hear Ed making a call asking to get some more cops to this barn, saying he has a strong lead on the internet murders.

“Come with me, Terry. I’ll take you somewhere safe.” Hannah stands and reaches for my hand.


* * * * *  


“This is where
I live. You’ll be safe here.” She parks her own car out the front of a block of units.

We’re on a street full of apartments, condominiums, and townhouses. It’s not a low-income section of suburbia, but an area more common to the habitation of middle-income property renters. The owners of the properties in this area generally reside in the richer parts of the city, investing here to boost their wealth portfolio.

“Which one?” I ask, hoping it’s the ground floor unit just in case.

“Number 2. The one with the red door.”

She locks her car and walks to the front entry door, a colour similar to blood helping it to stand out against the rest. I follow her, and curious thoughts swim through my mind about what the inside of a female cop’s house looks.

“Please, close the door behind you,” she says. A few steps behind, I’m pointed to a lounge room containing little more than a couch and a TV sitting on a short wooden cabinet. There’s a pleasant smell in the air, almost like the carpets have been shampooed recently. Her footsteps fade away, and I hear a door open and close.

These clothes, which were lent to me, aren’t a great fit. The jeans are a little loose around my waist and the long-sleeved shirt strangles my arms and chest a little. Going commando in jeans is never a nice feeling. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve never liked denim directly on my men parts. My eyes do a quick tour of this room, looking for mementos or photo frames or any artefacts to shine light on the woman in the uniform. Next to the TV is a picture of her with an old couple, who I assume are her parents, in what looks like her police academy graduation photo.

In the corner of the room is a sealed cardboard box with a trophy sitting upon it and a digital clock on a small table to the right of the two-seater couch. Maybe life in the police force occupies so much of her life she has little opportunity to personify her surroundings.

“Would you like a drink, Terry?” she yells from the end of the hallway. “I’m officially off duty and am hanging for a beer.”

Off duty at one p.m.? She must have started work early today. I do feel for shift workers and the crappy hours they have to keep at times. “Beer sounds great,” I call back.

I hear the sound of bare feet connecting with creaky floorboards making their way to a room closer to where I’m seated. A refrigerator door opens, and I hear glass rattling and a few seconds later, Hannah is standing in the doorway of the lounge room, a beer bottle in each hand.

But it’s not the beers I notice. It’s her wearing a long T-shirt that comes halfway down to the knees of her bare legs. The top part has tank top like sleeves if you can even call them sleeves, and they hang half way down the sides of her athletically toned torso. There’s visible muscle definition in her biceps and triceps, and from the way her nipples poke through the material, I guess there’s no bra underneath.

Her blonde hair is soaking wet, and if there is a sexier sight on a female’s head than shower hair, my mortal body will not be able to cope. She takes a long sip from one of the bottles, giving me a generous view of side boob.

Noticing my glance, she takes the bottle from her mouth. “Well, I can’t be mad. I saw you totally naked today.” She takes slow steps to the couch and takes a seat next to me, passing me the other bottle.

“Thanks.” I immediately take a big swallow, the cool liquid wetting my desert like throat. “I’m so confused about today, how you set me up for exposing myself to a police officer and treating me rough right up to the point of showing the temporary setup you had in that old barn. You do realise I was scared the whole time?”

“Yes, we needed to convince your neighbours you had been arrested. The other part enabled me to make Ed believe you’re still a suspect and a perp in another crime. I am really sorry about it, Terry.” She leans against my shoulder.

Oh, shit. Is it about to happen again? I’m looking at her face from less than a metre away, wanting to comb her wet hair with my free hand. Out of the police uniform, Hannah seems to have lost her hard edge and the tough façade. If she wants to have sex…

“Terry, do you love your wife?”

Way to kill my erection, but she brings up a good question. “Of course, I do.”

“But you’re like every other man. You have needs, desires, and an unquenchable thirst for all the good things in life. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your wife. It just means you’re a normal male specimen who needs to spread his seed. It’s not your fault. It’s the way the male brain is wired.”

“But we aren’t just simple animals. We have the ability to say no.”

She backs away and leans toward the corner of her side of the couch, her shirt rising as she moves and exposing her black panties as she takes another long drink from her beer. Doing nothing to cover herself back up, I’m faced with the real possibility that I can’t say no.

“It’s hot in here, don’t you think?” she asks me.

“Um, yes, it’s a little warm.”

“Glad it’s not just me. Maybe you should take your shirt off.” She looks over at me, seeming to take me all in.

How the hell do I keep finding myself with women making the moves on me? To hell with it—if I get to have sex with a cop, that’ll be another thing off my bucket list. “Maybe you should take yours off, too.”

“Cheeky man, aren’t you?” She lifts it off over her head and throws it at me. Her breasts are small, but with her muscular build, it’s perfectly normal to expect that. I remove my shirt, and before I can comprehend my actions, we start kissing and our tongues dance the dance that our bodies soon follow.


* * * * * 


We cuddle naked
on the couch and kiss some more. After the way the morning started, I would have never thought we would end up like this.

“Thanks for that, Terry. Sometimes I just need a good fuck to bring me back to Earth. Most men can’t take my energy and demands, but you did. I might keep you.”

“We both know that can’t happen.”

She turns so her back is curled into my front and I gently stroke one of her breasts and put my hand between her legs and stroking her gently.

“I better get you home,” she says, even though I can tell she wants more. “I have an early start tomorrow.”

“I can’t believe we ended up like this, but if you ever need to arrest someone, look me up.” I grin at her.

“You’re a bad man,” she grabs my well-used appendage and massages it for a few seconds, “but that’s not a bad thing.”

We put our scattered clothes back on, and I follow her to her car. We share a quiet trip to my home. I can’t stop thinking about her naked, and I just want to do it with her again. And again…

She stops the car, and I lean over and start kissing her again and running a hand through her hair. Gently pushing me away, she says, “You have to go.”

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