5PM (4 page)

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Authors: Chris Heinicke

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The afternoon had been a busy one, and I think I might have nearly secured another property sale before it even has a chance to hit the market. The clients, Yvette and Robert, make such a nice young couple. One of those couples who always held hands and finished each other’s sentences and had a bright-eyed reaction to every part of the house I showed them.

They remind me of how Talissa and I were during our first few years together. Even in my late twenties and early thirties she made me feel like a boy happily suffering an intense form of puppy love. Yes, we still love each other deeply, but I miss those days when we could just do what we wanted, go out for dinner whenever we felt like it, and fuck each other’s brains out at a moment’s notice. Of course, I love my children and could never be without them, but sometimes I wish I could go back to being the solitary centre of her universe. I know it’s selfish to think like this, but at times, I feel growing older and responsible sucks.

“Enough,” I tell myself out loud. Anyone looking at my car just then would think I was crazy yelling out at myself. The road ahead is full of traffic and only travelling at the pace of a snail, and I soon see why. A little white hatchback has been t-boned by a red four-wheel drive, and the traffic has been restricted from four to two lanes for outgoing vehicles. I see a man talking to a blonde lady, his body language looking apologetic, and as the woman turns her head, I see the face of my new work colleague looking back at me. Her mouth opens, and at that point, I know she’s recognised me.

Shit! I can’t just drive past her now. It takes a few minutes for the traffic to move around the left-hand corner just past the collision site, and I find a spot to pull over legally. In my twenty-three years of driving, I haven’t once been hit with a traffic or parking offence, so I don’t see a reason to risk it today.

Emily runs over to me, and I push the button for the window to come down so she can speak through it. “Terry, you wouldn’t believe what happened. This idiot went through a red light and took me out at the T-junction back there. I think he’s been drinking.”

I know I shouldn’t do what I’m about to do, but I can’t leave her stranded if she needs to be somewhere. “Do you need a lift somewhere?”

“Really? You would do that for me? I need to grab my gym bag from my car though. I’m supposed to be teaching a class in twenty minutes.”

“You’ve just had a car accident, does the gym class matter?”

“Yes, people depend on me. I’m not hurt and I’ve already spoken to the police and tow truck driver, so I’m all cleared to leave.”

She runs off before I can say anything, and in my side mirror, I see a police officer walking towards me. It’s a female cop in a pale blue shirt with a bulletproof vest and dark blue trousers. They say a female’s uniform is loose fitting so as not to feminise them too greatly, but this one seems to have neglected the norm. Rapidly approaching my side of the vehicle, she has her police badge produced as she arrives at my door. “Excuse me, sir, do you know this lady?”

“Yes, we work together, as of today actually. Thought she could do with a ride.”

“That’s awfully generous of you.” She looks at my hands on the wheel, and I can almost feel a laser-like light on my wedding ring. “I trust she will get home safely?”

“You have my word officer.” I flash my million dollar property smile.

I can’t help but notice her good looks and blonde hair that looks like it’s been put in a bun under her hat. It makes me remember I still need to get Talissa a naughty police officer suit for our ‘private time.’ Just another sexual fantasy to tick off my bucket list.

“She has my card, so I better hear from her in the next couple hours, or you’ll be getting a visit from me.”

I could think of worse things. But I understand her point; the streets aren’t what they used to be and not everyone who appears as a Good Samaritan is necessarily just that. I know, when my daughter gets older, I’ll be the most paranoid father on the planet.

“I understand, and I’ll remind her to call you.”

Emily gets to the passenger door, gym bag slung over her shoulder. She pulls the door open and gets in and says bye to the lady cop.

We get waved off and I turn to Emily. “Please remember to call her when you get home.”

“She put the hard word on you to leave me alone?”

“Not quite, but it felt kind of insinuated. So how far away is this gym?”

“About fifteen minutes up this road. It’s gonna come down to the wire.” She smiles.

“I’ll do my best. Are you going to have time to get changed?”

“Of course, I will. Just try and watch the road though.” She starts unbuttoning her blouse.

Oh, no, I can’t believe this. I look straight ahead, but through my peripheral vision, I see her hands making her way down until she slips the garment off her shoulders. Her white lacy bra is in full view as I sneak a quick look while pretending to look for traffic to the left and right as we sail through a green light at a major intersection.

This is too much.

She opens her gym bag and pulls out a black crop top, pulling it over her head and over her bra. It sits a few inches above her navel and shows off her toned abs. Jutting her hands up the back of her top, she unhooks the bra underneath and carefully slips it out and places it in her bag.

“I’ve done this a few times, you can probably tell.”

“I’m trying not to look, but I’m only human.”

She giggles, and then it gets worse. She pulls out a pair of red shorts from her bag and puts her hands up her skirt and then pulls down a pair of white lacy panties to her feet. I keep my eyes to the road, and a couple of minutes later, she tells me it’s okay to look. Her skirt has also gone but the red shorts are on, and I wish I could be in her class—whatever class it might be she’s teaching.

She puts on a pair of ankle socks and white sneakers, and her transformation from business woman to a gym instructor is complete. “I really appreciate this, Terry.”

“I don’t know how you do it, work in the office all day, and then teach whatever class it is you teach at the gym.”

“I instruct what we call Weights and Beats. Basically using light dumbbell weights in many repetitions in tune to music. We get people of all ages coming in to do it. Maybe you should try it once.”

“So let me get this straight—you smoke but also instruct classes at the gym?”

“I’m trying to give them up, but it’s damn hard. I’ve cut down to ten smokes a day, which is great considering I used to smoke a pack a day from the age of sixteen.”

We drive a little further and she points to the sign to the big name fitness company where she needs to stop. There’s a huge car parking area out in front of the building, which has a lot of floor-to-ceiling windows. I bring the car to a complete stop and before she gets out, she leans over to my side of the car and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. “I owe you big time for this.”

“No, you don’t. Now get going so I can get home before the wife sends a search party for me.”

I stare at her arse as she runs to the front door of the gym; one could bounce coins on her tight round picture of perfection. I tell myself to push those thoughts away and concentrate on getting home to Talissa and my children. As much as I like to sneak in a perv look at a hot body, having a look at a work colleague could only lead to trouble.


* * * * * 


I walk through
the door and can smell dinner is all ready to be served. Talissa asks how my day was, and I tell her about Phelps hiring a temp to help with the workload, but I don’t mention the fact the temp is female and a hottie. Not that my sweet wife would get jealous—she never does, but sometimes less information is better.

“Daddy, you seem really awake tonight,” Isaac says.

“I had a good day at work, son, so I’m really happy.” I smile at him. “It makes all the difference.”

He smiles back. “Yes, it does. Mummy says you work too hard and that’s why you’re so tired lately.”

“Mummy’s right. I promise to try and work less on weekends though. We have a new worker who might be able to do some more of Daddy’s work.”

“Yay!” he says. Matilda echoes his cheer and we’re all sharing a smile at the dinner table.

I look at the time and realise it was seven hours ago when I took the pill and don’t even want to contemplate what will happen when it wears off. Surely, it couldn’t be something as drastic as falling asleep at the table.

There’s a knock at the door, and before I can even think about getting up from my chair, Talissa is up and greeting the person interrupting our meal. I hear a familiar woman’s voice introducing herself as a Constable Hannah Hall.

“Terry,” Talissa calls out, and when I turn the corner from the dining room to the hallway, I see the blonde lady cop from the car accident scene.

“Hi, officer, is everything okay?” I ask her.

“I haven’t received a call from that Emily lady who got in your car earlier this evening. Can you account for her whereabouts?”

“Terry?” Talissa’s furrows her eyebrows.

“I dropped her off at Heavenly Bodies and then continued my journey home.”

“Sounds like a strip joint,” the officer says. “Sure you didn’t stop in for a while?”

“It’s a fitness centre. She teaches classes there,” I tell her.

“So you just pick her up after a car accident, drop her off at the gym, and not wonder how she’s supposed to get home?”

“Have you tried to call her? You must have her details from the accident report,” Talissa asks.

The officer turns her attention to my dear wife. “As a matter of fact, I have tried several times, but her phone keeps ringing out. Is your beloved husband always in the habit of giving good looking women rides?”

“Well, he rides me at least twice a week,” Talissa winks at me.

“You think this is a joke?”

“Yes, I do. Terry did a favour for a work colleague and because she hasn’t called you, you drop around here and try to accuse him of something. Either make a charge or leave us to our kids.”

The cop stares back at her, and as she opens her mouth, I hear a mobile phone ringing. Staring back at me, she answers it, “Constable Hall.”

I watch as she nods with every ‘uh-huh’, and a minute later, she ends the call. “That was Emily. Her phone ran out of charge and she only just got home. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.”

“You should be sorry for the thinly veiled accusation. Good night, Officer,” Talissa closes the door, and as I’m just about to walk back to the dining room she grabs my arm. “You didn’t tell me about your taxi service this afternoon.”

“I didn’t think it mattered. Emily had a crash and I saw her and couldn’t just drive past. She just needed to be dropped off at the gym. That’s all.”

“Is she pretty?”

“Talissa, this isn’t like you to be jealous. Yes, she is pretty, but she’s blonde.”

She smiles. “And here I was getting all concerned about your late nights. Then when I hear you’re driving a female workmate around, I jumped to a scary conclusion, and my mind went to a dark place.”

I put my arms around her and look into those beautiful cat-like eyes. “It’s okay, baby.” I still haven’t booked a place for dinner for our anniversary. “We should go away this weekend, just you and me. Drop the kids of at my folks place and go to the lake. We can do what we want, a bit of late night skinny dipping, a few drinks, just like we used to.”

Her smile is wide. “You know I’d love to, but it’s getting a bit last minute to dump them at your parents place like this.”

“I’ll call them after we put the kids to bed. You know they’d love to have them stay at the farm again.”

“I love you, Terry.” She gives me a big kiss. “I’ll think about it.”


* * * * * 


The kids are
in bed and Talissa and I are in the lounge room, cuddled up on the couch. I run my hand through her hair and she turns to face me, meeting my hungry mouth with her own. The lust in our kiss builds, and I can feel it heading towards a bursting point. Her hands soon find themselves inside my shirt. She’s wearing a long dress made of a very light fabric, and I run a hand up to the zipper at the back of it, and as I begin its downward journey… Matilda walks in and vomits all over the carpet at the entrance of the room.

“Oh, great,” I say as our romantic plans are quashed for the night and a chunky pile of vomit is sitting on the carpet. Talissa comforts our little girl while I grab the carpet shampoo and paper towels and hold my breath. It takes a good fifteen minutes to clean the stain and the smell.

I then walk into our daughter’s bedroom and both of my princesses are fast asleep huddled up together in the single bed normally only used by our five-year-old girl.

I close the door and walk to the office to boot up the computer. I know I shouldn’t be logging onto the chat program, but I need to find something out. The chat program loads and I realise my avatar is naked with a big hard-on due to the activities he was engaged in last night. I dress him in a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans.

A chat request pops up immediately from none other than BluesGirl88. I accept, and I remember she had asked me to buy a scene to take her to.

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