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Read 1912 Online

Authors: Chris Turney

BOOK: 1912
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is intended to be as readable as possible, so I decided against using footnotes or endnotes. Fuller text references, linked to the relevant sources, can be found on my website (

Below, I have split the sources used into Books, Journal Articles and Reports, Newspaper and Magazine Articles, Films and Recordings, Unpublished Sources, and Websites, listed under the appropriate chapter. Apart from unpublished material, almost all of these works can be found in bookshops or libraries, or online. Institutions have brought some of the more precious film and sound recordings into the public domain, but there remains a lot of footage that can still only be accessed in certain archives around the world.

For Unpublished Sources, BL refers to the British Library (London); CUL is the Cambridge University Library (UK); MAC is the Mawson Antarctic Collection (Adelaide, Australia); ML is the Mitchell Library (Sydney, Australia); NB is the
National Library (Oslo, Norway); NFSA is the National Film and Sound Archive (Canberra, Australia); NLA is the National Library of Australia (Canberra); RGS is the Royal Geographic Society (London); SAEMM is the Shirase Antarctic Expedition Memorial Museum (Nikaho, Japan); SLV is the La Trobe Collection, State Library of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia); SPRI is the Scott Polar Research Institute (Cambridge, UK); and URL is the University of Reading Library (UK).

Some unpublished material was very lightly edited—primarily in punctuation—to ensure clarity.

I have endeavoured to contact the copyright holders of all unpublished material cited in the text. I apologise in advance for any omissions and would be delighted to add missing acknowledgements in future editions.


Fogg, G. E. 1992.
A History of Antarctic Science
. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

McGonigal, D., Woodworth, L. 2001.
Antarctica: The Complete Story
. Frances Lincoln, London.

MacPhee, R. D. E. 2010.
Race to the End: Amundsen, Scott and the Attainment of the South Pole
. Sterling Innovation, New York.

Wheeler, S. 1997.
Terra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica
. Vintage, London.


Aughton, P. 2004.
Resolution: The Story of Captain Cook's Second Voyage of Discovery
. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London.

Armitage, A. B. 1905.
Two Years in the Antarctic: Being a Narrative of the British National Antarctic Expedition
. Edward Arnold, London.

Borchgrevink, C. E. 1901.
First on the Antarctic Continent: Being an Account of the British Antarctic Expedition 1898–1900
. George Newnes, London.

Carpenter, K. J. 1986.
The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C
. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Cook, F. A. 1900.
Through the First Antarctic Night 1898–1899: A Narrative of the Voyage of the ‘Belgica' Among Newly Discovered Lands and Over an Unknown Sea About the South Pole
. Doubleday & McClure, New York.

Galton, F. 1878.
Hints to Travellers
. Edward Stanton, London.

de Gerlache, A. 1998.
Voyage of the Belgica: Fifteen Months in the Antarctic
. Erskine Press and Bluntisham Books, Norwich.

Lloyd, C., Coulter, J. 1963.
Medicine and the Navy, 1200–1900. Vol. IV (1815–1900)
. Livingstone, Edinburgh.

Markham, C. R. 1921.
The Lands of Silence: A History of Arctic and Antarctic Exploration
. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Mawer, G. A. 2006.
South by Northwest: The Magnetic Crusade and the Contest for Antarctica
. Wakefield Press, Kent Town.

Murgatroyd, S. 2002.
The Dig Tree
. Text Publishing, Melbourne.

Murray, G. 1901.
The Antarctic Manual: For the Use of the Expedition of 1901
. Royal Geographic Society, London.

Scott, R. F. 1905.
The Voyage of the Discovery
. Smith, Elder & Co., London.

Speak, P. 2003.
William Speirs Bruce: Polar Explorer and Scottish Nationalist
. National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh.

Stafford, R. A. 2002.
Scientist of Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, Scientific Exploration and Victorian Imperialism
. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Wilson, E. 1966.
Diary of the Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic Regions 1901–1904
. Blandford Press, London.

Journal Articles and Reports

Anonymous. 1830. Prospectus of the Royal Geographical Society.
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society
1: vii–xii.

Bell, M., McEwan, C. 1996. The admission of women fellows to the Royal Geographical Society, 1892–1914: The controversy and the outcome.
Geographical Journal
162: 295-312.

Fogg, G. E. 2005. A century of Antarctic science: Planning and serendipity.
Archives of Natural History
32: 129–143.

Gregory, J. W. 1901. The work of the National Antarctic Expedition.
63: 609–612.

Hamilton, R. V. 1906. Review: Antarctic exploration.
Geographical Journal
27: 76–82.

Hinks, A. R. 1941. Antarctica discovered: A reply.
Geographical Review
31: 491-498.

Lee, I. 1913. The voyages of Captain William Smith and others to the South Shetlands.
Geographical Journal
42: 365–370.

McConnell, A. 2005. Surveying terrestrial magnetism in time and space.
Archives of Natural History
32: 346–360.

Murray, J. 1913. Notes on the Antarctic soundings of the ‘Aurora'.
Geographical Journal
42: 362–364.

Murray, J. 1898. The scientific advantages of an Antarctic expedition.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
62: 424–451.

Murray, J. 1894. The renewal of Antarctic exploration.
Geographical Journal
3: 1–27.

von Neumayer, G. 1906. Recent Antarctic expeditions: Their results.
Geographical Journal
27: 259–265.

Poulton, E. B. 1901. The National Antarctic Expedition.
64: 83–86.

Rice, A. L. 2005. Discovery at sea: A heady mix of scientists, ships and sailors.
Archives of Natural History
32: 177-191.

Richards, P. 2002. Inflation: The value of the pound 1750–2001. UK House of Commons Library, Research Paper 02/44, 22.

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Curzon, G. N. 1893. Ladies and the Royal Geographical Society.
The Times
31 May: 11.

Mullay, A. J. 2009. James Weddell and a debt of £245.
History Scotland
9: 35–38.

Unpublished Sources

Letter from C. Markham to Lord Curzon, 9 November 1911. BL MSS EUR/F112/51.


Branagan, D. 2005.
TW Edgeworth David: A Life.
National Library of Australia, Canberra.

Daly, R. W. 2009.
The Shackleton Letters: Behind the Scenes of the Nimrod Expedition
. Erskine Press, Norwich.

Darwin, C. 2006.
More Letters of Charles Darwin: Volume II
. Echo Library, Teddington.

Darwin, C. 1859.
The Origin of Species
. Penguin, London (republished 1985).

Drivenes, E.-A., Jølle, H. D. 2006.
Into the Ice: The History of Norway and the Polar Regions
. Glydendal Akademisk, Oslo.

Herbert, W. 1989.
The Noose of Laurels: The Discovery of the North Pole
. Hodder & Stoughton, London.

Hooker, J. D. 1844.
The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H. M. Discovery Ships Erebus and Terror in the Years 1839–1843: Flora Antarctica
. Reeve Brothers, London.

Huntford, R. 2009.
Nansen: The Explorer as Hero
. Abacus, London.

Huntford, R. 1996.
. Abacus, London.

Jackson, F. G. 1899.
A Thousand Days in the Arctic
. Harper & Brothers, London.

Mill, H. R. 1905.
The Siege of the South Pole
. F. A. Stokes Company, New York.

Mills, L. 2008.
Men of Ice: The Lives of Alister Forbes Mackay (1878–1914) and Cecil Henry Meares (1877–1937).
Caedmon of Whitby, Whitby.

Nansen, F. 1898.
Farthest North. Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram 1893–96 and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen. With an Appendix by O. Sverdrup, Captain of the Fram (In Two Volumes).
George Newnes, London.

Nield, T. 2007.
Supercontinent: Ten Billion Years in the Life of Our Planet
. Granta Books, London.

Ortmann, A. E. 1902.
Tertiary Invertebrates
. Princeton University, New York.

Riffenburgh, B. 2004.
Nimrod: Ernest Shackleton and the Extraordinary Story of the 1907–09 British Antarctic Expedition
. Bloomsbury, London.

Shackleton, E. H. 1909.
The Heart of the Antarctic: Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907–1909 (In Two Volumes)
. William Heinemann, London.

Suess, E. 1885.
Das Antlitz der Erde
. F Tempsky, Vienna.

Journal Articles and Reports

David, T. W. E., Priestley, R. E. 1914.
British Antarctic Expedition 1907 – Under the Command of Sir E. H. Shackleton, C. V. O. Reports of the Scientific Investigations: Geology
. William Heinemann, London.

David, E. 1913. Notes by Prof. Edgeworth David.
91: 651.

David, T. W. E. 1904. The aims and ideals of Australian science.
Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
(Dunedin, New Zealand): 1–43.

Ferrar, H. T. 1907.
Report on the Field Geology of the Region Explored During the ‘Discovery' Antarctic Expedition
. 1901–05 National Antarctic Expedition, London, 1 (Geology).

F. G. D. 1910. The proposed Scottish National Antarctic Expedition of 1911.
83: 101–102.

Read, W. J. 1856. On the applications of photography.
Sutton's Photographic Notes
6 March: 130.

Shackleton, E. 1907. A new British Antarctic expedition.
Geographical Journal
29: 329–332.

Shackleton, E. 1904. Life in the Antarctic.
Pearson's Magazine
XVII: 307–322.

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Anonymous. 1910. The dash for the South Pole.
Penny Illustrated Paper
30 April: 552.

Anonymous. 1910. South Pole rivals: Friendly messages across the Atlantic.
Manchester Guardian
12 February: 9.

Anonymous. 1909. Peary to seek South Pole? Mailboat from Labrador reports he and Bartlett are going.
New York Times
16 September: 1.

Anonymous. 1909. Commander Peary and the North Pole: Messages from the explorer.
The Times
7 September: 3.

Anonymous. 1909. The North Pole: Dr. Cook describes his journey.
Manchester Guardian
3 September: 7.

Anonymous. 1909. News from the Nimrod: Landing of Macquarie Island.
Sydney Morning Herald
10 July: 13.

Anonymous. 1909. Mr Shackleton on his expedition: Presentation of medals by the prince.
The Times
29 June: 10.

Anonymous. 1909. Mr Shackleton's Return.
The Times
16 June: 11.

Anonymous. 1909. Mr. Shackleton in London.
The Times
16 June: 10.

Anonymous. 1909. Nimrod's future work: Shackleton's scheme.
Sydney Morning Herald
24 April: 13.

Anonymous. 1909. The explorers: Mr. Mawson in Sydney.
Sydney Morning Herald
17 April: 13.

Anonymous. 1909. The Scottish Antarctic Expedition: Dr. Bruce's Plans.
The Times
2 April: 23.

Anonymous. 1909. South Pole discoveries. Lieut. Shackleton's achievement.
Daily Mail
25 March: 5.

Anonymous. 1909. Sir E. Shackleton on polar expeditions.
The Times
7 January: 6.

Anonymous. 1908. Along Antarctic ice: Leaders' reported dissension.
Sydney Morning Herald
13 April: 7.

Anonymous. 1907. New British expedition to the South Pole.
The Times
12 February: 12.

Bernacchi, L. C. 1909. To the editor of
The Times
The Times
6 September: 3.

Sprent, C. P. 1889. Antarctic Exploration. Mercury Office, Hobart.

Films and recordings

Shackleton, E. 1910. My South Polar Expedition. NFSA 562537.

Unpublished sources

Correspondence of Antarctic Committee, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, 1890s. ML MSS 7540/8.

Letter from T. W. E. David to A. Deakin (Australian Prime Minister), 10 December 1907. ML MSS. 3022/1 C73809.

Letter from T. W. E. David to E. Shackleton, 5 October 1909. ML MSS. 3022/1 C73809.

Letter from F. G. Jackson to A. Nansen, 8 April 1895. NB Brevs 36L.

Letter from F. G. Jackson to F. Nansen, 18 November 1892. NB Ms. fol. 1924: 2c3.

Letter from A. F. Mackay to Mr Mackay, 24 February 1909. ML DOC 3472.

C. Markham Journal, 15 November to 6 May 1913. RGS CRM/53.

Letter from D. Mawson to T. W. E. David, 28 September 1907. ML MSS. 3022/1 C73809.

Letter from R. Peary to Mr Reick, 27 November 1909. SPRI MS 761/11.

Letter from E. Shackleton to T. W. E. David, 8 February 1910. ML MSS. 3022/1 C73810.

Telegram from E. Shackleton to R. F. Scott, 4 March 1907. SPRI MS 25/2.

Letter from E. Shackleton to R. F. Scott, 18 February 1907. SPRI MS1537/2/14/8.

Letter from E. Shackleton to R. Skelton, 13 June 1907. SPRI MS 342/31.

Letter from R. Skelton to R. F. Scott, 8 October 1911. SPRI MS 342/14/9.

E. N. Webb. 1965. Magnetic Polar Journey 1912. ML MSS 6812.


Back, J. D. 1992.
The Quiet Land: The Diaries of Frank Debenham
. Bluntisham Books and Erskine Press, Bluntisham.

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