1- The Glass Room 2- The Spirit Stone -3-bear Hugs-4- Believe (9 page)

BOOK: 1- The Glass Room 2- The Spirit Stone -3-bear Hugs-4- Believe
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Lilly stayed with her day and night. She waited on her as if she was her child. This was her best friend. She couldn’t lose her. She knew how deeply she cared for Jimmy. How could he leave her never to return? After another week, Anna had the strength to walk around, but still under stress. She was not just having a stressful heart, she had a broken heart.

Her life was now hopeless. She had no desire to walk or exercise. Lilly kept after her to join her and all her friends on the walking trail, but she was not up to it. “Let’s go to a movie or shopping. I have to get you out of this house.

Wanta go on another trip?” This time Anna looked at her and smiled but said, no.

“Well at least I got a smile out of you. It will get better. Time will heal a broken heart.”


Chapter Eleven

Jimmy was still no better off than he was the night before. He was still trembling. It didn’t help any to hear JD and Susan talking about their kids.

“What do you expect me to do with those kids? They don’t listen to me anymore. Here it is two am and where are they. I’m tired of going to the police station to bail them out. This time he is going to stay in. We don’t have any money now.”

Jimmy was lying in bed listening to this. It was beginning to be a ritual with this family. If it wasn’t his grandkids, then it was his son and his wife. And the money they are complaining about is his money. All my adult life, I never had to worry about money. Now here I am in my sixties and all that I worked for is taken from me. Sure I have my home in Picayune, but with Bill and Gail living there I don’t feel like it is mine anymore. Emily and I never had any trouble raising our boys. They were good kids. In high school they always had jobs that helped pay for their dating or hanging out with their friends. They know the money they are spending is my money and oh how kind of my son to give me an allowance.

Jimmy heard when Jennie came home finally; doped up as usual. Where is she getting the money to buy her drugs?

The arguments started again only now they were aimed at Jennie.

“Don’t you dare and start in on me, neither of you. What right do either of you have to tell me anything. The hell with both of you!” Stomping off to her room, she was still howling, “Leave me alone! Get out of my face!”

They heard a car drive up and let Jack off. Well, he’s not in jail tonight. He breathed a sign of relief. But it might have been better if he was. He was so ‘out of it’ and raving mad at everyone that there was no controlling him.

Jimmy was tired of his life now. His trembling has gotten so bad that he could not even feed himself for his hands shaking. Someone had to feed him. They put his drink in a baby cup to keep him from spilling it. It was only JD that fed him.

“I made an appointment for you to see a doctor whether you want to go are not. You are going. Something is wrong with you. Maybe some medicine they can give you will stop you from shaking.” When it was time for him to eat, JD asked Jack to feed his grandfather.

“You mean it has come down to me feeding the human vibrator. I’m out of here. You feed him,” slamming the door as he left.

The doctor checked Jimmy out and waited for JD to come in his office to tell them what his diagnostic was. “Your father has Parkinson Disease. There is some medicine I can give him, but it doesn’t help everyone. In fact, it doesn’t help many people at all. This is something he has to live with I am sorry to say.” Jimmy looked discouraged. Certainly there must be a cure of this. Now what?

Maybe it is a good thing Anna found a healthy man that can take care of her. I am in no shape to help anyone. He was already saddened, but now it was worse knowing what was wrong with him.

He reached for his baby cup that had kool-aid in it. He felt ridiculous drinking from that cup, but he had to admit, it did keep him from spilling the contents all over himself.

“I am sorry to hear that there is nothing that they can count on to help you. He did give me two prescriptions that he said might help you. Let’s keep our hopes up that they do. Okay Dad?”

When they got home only Susan was there.” Who knows where those kids are at? I never thought in all my life that I would be afraid of my own kids, but I am; especially Jack. He acts like he is crazy and capable of anything. What do you think about Jack’s actions, Dad?”

“I am also afraid of him, but don’t over-look Jennie. The way she throws those fits she is capable of anything, too, and they are getting worse as time passes.”

Days passed; weeks passed; several times JD had to go to the Police Station. He was tired of bailing them out. This time he went at visiting hours and told Jack he would be there until his trial. He was not getting him out. The police had to come and get Jack out of the visitor’s room. He was uncontrollable.

“You did the right thing. He needs to learn a lesson. He needs to be punished for his breaking the law for shoplifting.”

When they arrived home without Jack, Susan thru her usual fit. They were use to that.

“Did you hear from any of your job applications yet?”

“They told me when I went, not to expect to hear from them for a couple of weeks. So maybe something will come thru.”

I’ll continue to feed you, Dad. I won’t ask the kids to do that for you anymore. Did you ever feed me when I was a baby or was that just Mama’s job?”

“No, it wasn’t just your mother’s job. I helped her all I could with both of you boys. Now I’m getting it back. Thanks a lot, son.”

The prescriptions from the doctor was helping him some. He still had his trembles, but not as bad. He mostly stayed in his room or in the living room. At six most evenings, he would look at his cell phone remembering it was the high light of his day; the time to call Anna and hear her sweet voice. It’s then that he seemed to tremble more. Not just his hands, but his body also. I’ve got to forget her. She belongs to another man now. I hope she is happy. That is what I want most in my life; for her to be well and happy.

Anna was watching the clock, six pm, the time Jimmy would call me. I hope he is happy with the new woman in his life. I wonder if she cooks for him and takes good care of him, but mostly I hope she loves him as I do.

A knock was heard on their door. JD went to see who it was.

“You must be Jimmy’s son. I see you around, but never officially met you. Is Jimmy home?”

“I’m here, Sam.”

“Well we have been wondering about you. You never join us in the park anymore. Is anything wrong?”

“I’ve been sick with the shakes. The doctor gave me medicine that is helping me a little. How are you all doing?”

“I wanted to tell you the good news. I got a job. You know I told you I owned a restaurant. Well, I am now the head cook in town at the Fill-Up Cafe”

“Wonderful, wonderful news. We will have to go and eat there sometimes.”

“We all want to invite you to our card games we started. We just play for matches, but it is still something to pass the time.”

“I don’t know if I can hold the cards with my hands shaking.”

“We will work something out. Plan on coming tomorrow about six pm.”

“Six pm, um. Yes, I’ll be there even if it is just to watch.”

Jimmy did go and he decided to just watch, not trusting himself to hold or play the right cards. The next Thursday, he was in for a surprise. Vincent, who made his living as a carpenter, built a stand that would hold his cards for him. It worked perfectly and he was able to play. He needed something to get him out of the house and something to take his mind off of Anna, besides it was enjoyable.

Anna started feeling a little better and with Lilly’s urging, she started back to walking the trail. It felt good to be out with her friends. “I’m so happy you are here with us. You know we all missed you. The new medicine is helping you. That’s good.”

JD was waiting for his dad to return home from his card game. He had good news. When Jimmy walked in he went up to tell him. “Dad, I received a call from the Newspaper Company where I put in my application when I went on that trip to Canada. It is only one hour from here. I have never worked for a newspaper business before, but I know I can do it. I am so relieved to know I will be back at work again. Aren’t you happy for me? I start in two weeks. The person I am replacing gave his two week notice because of his health.”

“Yes, that is wonderful news, son. Maybe this will be the start of things getting back to normal.”

JD called his brother to tell him the good news about his new job. He also told Bill about their dad having Parkinson Disease. “Bill, you and Gail are going to have to drive up here and get him. I have to feed him. He can’t even hold a fork enough to feed himself. I need to keep his car to go to work. So you are going to have to take care of him. Gail can feed him when you are at work.”

“To start off with, Gail is pregnant. She is having a rough time since it is her first pregnancy at forty years old. She is in her last trimester. There is no way I am going to make a trip up there with or without her.”

“Well, what am I suppose to do with him. I can’t go. Jack is in jail and his trial is soon. I don’t know yet when that will be. I have to be there whenever it is.”

“Alright, let’s do it this way. I will get on the internet and make a plane reservation. I will pay extra to get him a wheelchair where someone will push him to the plane and any transfers he has to make. Then I will pick him up at the Gulfport/Biloxi Airport. I will have one of Gail’s friends stay with her while I am gone. Gail won’t be much help, though. She is bed-ridden most of the time. You don’t think he could stay there and Susan take care of him and feed him?”

“Are you kidding? I’m lucky she feeds herself.”

“Okay, I will do as I said. I’ll call you with the flight number. Happy to hear about your new job. It’s about time.”

Now he had to tell his dad he was going home on a plane alone. For one thing he will be happy to know he is going home. He went to his room and sat on his bed. “Dad, since I am going back to work, how do you feel about going back to Mississippi?”

“That’s the news I have been waiting to hear. I’ll leave you with some cash in the bank to tide you over until you get your first pay check. How am I going to get home? Bill is coming to get me?”

“No, Dad. You are going to fly home by yourself.”

“Now tell me how am I going to manage flying home by myself?”

JD explained about the wheelchair and that someone will push him around. “It will be okay.”

“Okay, if you think so.”

“Thanks, Dad. I appreciate everything you have done for me. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you some more good news. Gail is pregnant. You are going to have another grandchild.”

“Wonderful, she will be a good mother. She is a very special person. I’m happy for her.”

JD didn’t mention about her having a hard time with her pregnancy. He didn’t want to worry him. He’ll find out soon enough.

When he got the flight number from Bill, he gave it to his dad. Jimmy put it in his wallet so he wouldn’t forget it.


Chapter Twelve

Jack’s trial was the next morning. Jimmy, Susan and JD were there in the courtroom. When it was time for his hearing, all papers were read by the judge; and because the value of what he shoplifted was under $100.00 dollars it was classified as a misdemeanor. Also, because the jails were over-crowded, he put him under house arrest for six weeks.

JD looked over at his dad with a look of discuss. When they left the courtroom JD said, “Now how am I suppose to keep him at home?”

“It’s a mistake. It won’t work,” Jimmy said.

They waited for him to be released and to ride home with them. Jack looked at them and said, “They thought they was doing me a favor, but to stay locked in the house with you people is worse than being in jail.”

So be it, thought Jimmy. That night was Thursday, the evening to be with his friends and play cards. He was looking forward to getting out of the house now that Jack was there. Jennie was also running her mouth about everything.

When Jack started to walk out the door, JD called him back. ”Where do you think you are going? That ankle bracelet will let the cops know exactly where you are and not at home where you were assigned to be.”

“What ankle bracelet?” He had put foil over it to break the signal it would have been putting out.

“JD pulled him back into the trailer. I said you are not going to leave here, do you hear me?”

“You think you can stop me, old man. Let’s see you try to stop me.” JD started punching him while howling at him.

“Okay, that’s the way you want it. I’m sick of this place. I’m sick of you and I am sick of my life. Do you hear me? He ran in his room and reached under his mattress and pulled out a 38 revolver and went running down the hall. Jennie had an idea of what he was doing and tried to stop him. “You are the first to go, little sister.” He pulled the trigger and she dropped dead on the spot. He opened fire on his dad and mother killing both of them before turning the gun on himself. All dead. The neighbors heard the howling, the screaming and then the gunshots and called the police. News was spreading fast around the trailer park. When Jimmy looked out down the road with his friends, flashing red and blue lights were lighting up the whole area. Three police cars were there and ambulances were inside checking to see if anyone of them were alive. Not one was.

“Jimmy, it is at your place.” As shaking and trembling as he was, he tried to run, but fell on the blacktop road. Someone helped him up. He didn’t know who. He couldn’t make it home. He was having a seizure. Someone helped him into their place and reached into his top pocket and put a pill into his mouth. She rubbed his throat to make him swallow. It finally went down.

He was at Henry’s trailer. Henry was telling him he couldn’t go home yet. He told him that the police wanted to do their investigation first before anyone came in. “Sleep here, Jimmy. You can sleep on the sofa for a few nights. You shouldn’t be alone now. All of your family is gone, I hate to tell you.

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