1- The Glass Room 2- The Spirit Stone -3-bear Hugs-4- Believe (20 page)

BOOK: 1- The Glass Room 2- The Spirit Stone -3-bear Hugs-4- Believe
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Some of you might wonder why you pray to God to grant you His healing powers and still do not feel He is answering your prayers. Do you understand that our Jehovah God is so Holy that if you have not received His Son as your Personal Savior, not confessed your sins to Him and been cleansed by His Blood He shed for you, that you are still full of sin. He can not look upon you. He cannot hear you. You are not yet His child. Repent and receive His forgiveness and He will be with you in your time of troubles.”

The whole time he was speaking, he saw the people walking by him, not paying him any attention; except he noticed a couple with a little girl about seven years old. The couple met some friends and stopped to talk to them, they had their back to him, but the child turned from them and was watching and listening to him.

He watched her and was amazed at how he felt he was getting thru to her. He was so glad.

He changed his message to something for the child to hear. ‘Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it,’ Luke 18:17.”

“Jesus said ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these,’ Luke 18:16”

“It is written that Jesus was sitting on the ground as He was teaching. The little children ran past the disciples, over to Jesus’ lap and snuggled up to Him while Jesus laid His Hands on them and prayed for them Soon all the children in the entire crown ran up to Jesus and were crowding around him, waiting for His touch and a prayer.”

“Children, Jesus loves you and so wants you to love Him. He gave His life for you and was resurrected from His grave so you can join Him in Heaven. Pray to Him. Reach out to Him. He wants you to confess your sins to Him and receive Him as your Lord and Savior.”

He was watching the child as he said these words. He saw when she left with her parents. He was hoping she understood what he was trying to say to her.


Chapter Twelve

Time passed. His weeks remained the same; with his church and working taking up his time. He decided to try something different this Sunday morning services. He asked Brother Martin if after he finished preaching if he could say a short sermon. Well Brother Martin was delighted and without telling the congregation until he finished preaching, he then made the announcement and asked them to please remain seated for this morning Bill Frey wanted to say a few words.

Billy stood behind the pulpit and first said a short prayer. Then he opened his sermon with, “We as Christians were put here on this earth to spread God’s plan of Salvation. As church going people we know how to reach out to people. We know that we should read our Bibles and how important it is to have family Bible reading times. We know we should always say a blessing each time we eat. But do we? Do we speak to family members that we are not sure are saved? Have you gone to your neighbors and friends and talked to them about how and why Jesus suffered on the Cross and rose from the dead to save us from our sins. Nothing holds a family together like praying together. Take your children with you when you go to witness for Christ. Let your influence teach them God’s way. You will be forever blessed for this action.

I have heard a faithful church going Christian say,’Well I didn’t speak to her about Jesus because I didn’t know what to say.’ Why is this? Why can’t you speak of the Savior that we confess to love. Study and learn. Don’t let opportunity slip by you knowing it might be the only time that person will hear the word of God. Tell them. Invite them to our church. That is what God wants us to do. That is our job as Born Again Christians.”

He looked out over the congregation and wondered if they were listening or if they were watching the hands of their watch move to leave to go eat. “That is what I wanted to say to all of you. Thank you.” He closed with a prayer.

He decided to go to his favorite place along the Mississippi River. He rode the Natchez Sternwheeler and got off at the pier at its usual place. When it was close to the time for it to return, he went and waited on the pier. There were a few people waiting also. He saw a man that to him looked like a hobo wearing old clothes. Then he heard a tiny voice telling him hello. He wondered who would know him or even want to speak to him. Then he saw the little girl that was listening to him preach at City Park. She was again with her parents. She said hello to him again and he answered her. She was turning around on the lower railing. Before he could caution her, she slipped and fell into the river. Immediately, Billy jumped in and tried to reach her. When he did he hoped it wasn’t too late. He grabbed her and reached her up to someone on the pier. He then got caught under the pier and could not get untangled from a rope someone left there for crabbing. The next thing he remembered was seeing his body lying on the pier. He also saw the little girl with people trying to revive her. When he looked, he saw that the hobo was now dressed in a long white robe. He had a glow about Him that was captivating. He saw the Man and the child meet him and all three of their Spirit’s drifted toward the sky. The Man had one of His hands holding on to each of them. He was leading them to Heaven.


Chapter Thirteen

Word got around the Insurance Company where Billy worked. A Mr. Bill Frey drowned in the Mississippi River trying to save a child’s life.

“He worked here. Did anyone know him?” The workers never heard of him. They were saying, I never knew him. No one knew him. Then two days later, the Office Manager went to speak to the file clerk.

“Miss Lindsy, You were named as sole beneficiary of Mr. William Frey’s life insurance policy.” She didn’t know what to make of it. They never spoke. She didn’t know him. “The policy is for fifty thousand dollars but because it was an accidental death, you will be rewarded one hundred thousand dollars.”

She couldn’t believe it at first. The only time they spoke is when she was telling him about her situation with her mother and her need to work to support her. She immediately felt ashamed for not even telling him good morning. But she knew why he made the policy out to her. It was to help her take care of her mother. She said a prayer thanking the Lord. “I promise if I can get someone to stay with her on Sunday mornings, Lord. I will attend church regularly.” She remembered him inviting her to his church. “Mr. Frey, if you can hear me, I will try my hardest to find a sitter for my mother and I will go to church. What a blessing from the Lord coming to me, through you.”


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