1- The Glass Room 2- The Spirit Stone -3-bear Hugs-4- Believe (19 page)

BOOK: 1- The Glass Room 2- The Spirit Stone -3-bear Hugs-4- Believe
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“I know that feeling. What I did was buy a Bible and study it. That’s when I started going to the church I invited you to. I am still learning. To think all this time in my life I was missing out on the most important thing in the world. I feel better now that I am learning about our God Almighty’s Son, Jesus. God sent Him to be born of the Virgin Mary and live on this earth to be Sacrificed on the Cross so we can join Him in Heaven when we leave this earth. Like I said I am still learning. Your boyfriend, by the way, what is his name?”

“Aaron,” she replied.

“Well, Aaron would love to share his beliefs with you. That is why he kept inviting you to learn. It seems to me, he didn’t care that you didn’t know the Bible. But he did care that you weren’t willing to learn it. He even offered to teach you. Why don’t you give him a chance? I bet you could win him back. Wanna try?”

“You are probably right. Let me think about this a while. Thank you for being here at this time. I really needed someone to talk to.”

“Have you noticed, that whenever we need help, God sends someone to us?” Maybe you haven’t noticed it yet, but you will see when you learn about Him. I’ll leave you now. Hope to see you at church, this next Sunday.”

Billy was waiting on the pier when the Natchez Sternwheeler docked. He had a good feeling that maybe he helped someone today. It was such a good feeling that it made him realize that, that is what he wanted to do. He wanted to preach the Word of God to the public; not behind a pulpit, but to the people that doesn’t go to church; the people that doesn’t know God. So many people living in this world, like he use to, that never read or owned a Bible.



Chapter Eight

He continued with his studies about navigation, but realized that, that was not for him. And before he spent any more of Aunt Lizzy’s money, he transferred to business education. This he felt more relaxed learning. He enjoyed his classes. He even enjoyed studying for his next classes. His time was filled with classes, studying, learning his Bible, attending Sunday school and church on Wednesday and Sundays. He didn’t feel so lonesome. He certainly didn’t miss living at home.

He would visit his aunt’s grave occasionally, bringing her fresh flowers. Always saying a special prayer for her and always thanking her for her help.

The next Sunday came and as he was walking up the steps to enter the church, he saw the young lady he was talking to on River Road. She looked so happy as she had her arm linked with a young man.

She spotted him and called out for him to wait. “I don’t remember your name, but I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Aaron”

“Nice to meet you, Aaron. I am Bill.”

“Laura told me all about what happened that day, and I want to thank you for being there.”

“You are welcomed, but it is God who sent me. Give thanks to Him.”

Aaron shook his head, agreeing with Billy. What a wonderful Lord we have, thought Billy.

As the months passed, he was so involved with his studying of his business classes and his Bible studying, he was learning a lot about both. He decided to walk across St. Charles Avenue, the street in front of the college. He saw people walking across the walkway, so he thought he would try his preaching technique out for the first time.

“People, I have good news for all of you,” he said in a loud voice. “The Lord loves all of you. He gave His life to save you and to take away your sins. Confess your sins to Him. Receive Him with Faith.” He repeated his message as new people passed, all ignoring him. He tried again.

“People, for all of us are filled with sin. God is so Holy that He can not look upon you. You must receive His Son, Jesus Christ who came to this earth to die on the Cross to save you from your sins that you were born with and the sins of your ways.”

He felt discouraged that he was not reaching the people. But I can’t give up. I have a duty to God to help these people learn about Him and receive Him as their Savior. He tried different locations in New Orleans and Metairie without leading anyone to the Lord. “I promise You Lord, I will keep trying.”



Chapter Nine

He finally finished his college and started job hunting. He put applications at several officers in and around both New Orleans and Metairie. An insurance company close to the Mississippi River was the first to contact him. But he was disappointed at the position they offered him. He put in for a claim adjustor, but because he had no experience, all they could offer him was a mail-clerk position.

They promised him that he could work his way up with the company so that helped him make his decision. He accepted the position they offered starting in one week. That worked out find because that gave him time to find an apartment. This was all new to him. He found a one bedroom efficiency apartment at a reasonable price. Still being careful with his Aunt Lizzy’s money, he bought second hand furniture. He painted and repaired what he could and before you knew it he had his small apartment looking neat. He was happy now with his new life. When the week was over, he walked in his new office wearing new slacks and a new dress shirts, he felt excited. This is the first day of my new life, he told himself. He learned his new job quickly. He picked up the mail at the post office, brought it back to his office, sorted it out, and as he delivered it to each desk, he was doing his best to be friendly to everyone. But everyone seemed to be occupied, on the phone or with their own work. As he smiled when he handed them their mail, they just motioned to the In-box not even looking up at him. The next day he tried something new. Each desk he reached, he waited to introduce himself, and he did, but it didn’t help. They just waved him off. Each day he did the same thing until the complains came to him thru the Office Manager.

“I am informed that you are interrupting the office workers. They all have their dead-lines to meet. From how on, just leave their mail in the In- box and move on. Either that or the company will have to let you go.”

“Yes Sir, I understand.”

There was a young woman that her desk was in the same office as his. She was the file clerk. She overhead the Office Manager scolding him and tried to turn away before Billy would see her, but not on time. He was surprised to see her watching and listening. He also noticed she never took a lunch break. Not even part of the hour they gave all the workers. One day when he passed her desk, he asked her.

“Aren’t you going to lunch break? I never see you in the lounge?”

She was surprised that he even said anything to her as he passed her desk. “I don’t take a lunch break. That is why I get off an hour before everyone else. You see, my mother is sick and I don’t have enough money to employ anyone to stay with her during the time I am at work. My neighbor looks in on her sometimes, but I don’t want to impose on her generosity. I rush home when I get off work to fix her, her dinner and to help her with her other needs.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I will say a special prayer for her and also for you being such a dedicated daughter. I wanted to invite you to my church. Could both of you come to learn about Jesus, our Savior?”

“My mother is bedridden. There is no way I can get her out of the house, but thank you anyhow. I better get back to work or I will have the Office Manager scolding me. I need this job. My mother’s check goes for her medical expenses and what I make goes for our living expenses. I’ve got to keep this job. Thank you anyhow.” And with that she turned in her chair and went back to her work.

Billy never stopped preaching in the park, at the corner of the street in the French Quarter of New Orleans, by bus stops, or wherever he saw a group of people. Everyone ignored him, but he couldn’t stop. Even if he reached only one person, he knew his Lord would be happy. He saw this homeless man sitting on the sidewalk, drinking whiskey that he thought he was hiding being in a bag wrapped around it. He was dressed in dirty ragged clothes. You could tell he was already drunk, but he kept drinking. Billy decided to try talking to him.

“That what you are drinking will not help you with any of your problems. Jesus said, ‘Whoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’ John, Chapter 4 13-15. Drink of the living waters of Christ and he will be with you and help you. For in Psalm 107:9 it is said, ‘For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.’”

The man was too drunk to hear Billy. He completely ignored him. Billy decided to walk off leaving the man that obviously needed Jesus, but did not realize it. “I will pray for you,” Billy said as he walked off disheartened.



Chapter Ten

Billy always ate his sandwich in the lunch room with his fellow-workers. There were several tables and chairs in this large room that was set aside for the employees. The company men and women had their spacious, elaborate, lunch room on the second floor.

Billy sat in silence, but listened as everyone was talking about what was going on in their life. Ellen, the clerk-typist, was talking about the problems she was having with her teenage daughter. The girl was hanging around with the wrong crowd, drinking, doing drugs, staying out late, all to the dismay of her mother, Ellen. Billy was listening. He was sitting next to her and felt the need to talk to her.

“Has your daughter always disobeyed you or is this something new? Is it only since she is a teenager that she has changed? I only want to tell you how to handle the problem. ‘Raise a child in the way he should go and he will never depart from the Lord.’ Do you ever take her to church? You are trying to raise her by yourself. Why don’t you let Jesus help you? Or I should ask you first if you are a Christian. Are you? Have you received Jesus as your Personal Savior? “

The woman quickly got out of her chair and threw her half-eaten sandwich in the trash. She then walked to her desk and started working. She was not going to sit there and listen to someone barely out of their teens tell how to live her life.

Maybe I didn’t word that right what I said to her. I’m trying Lord. You know I am trying, Billy thought.

Time had passed. His brother, James, joined the Navy so he was not home anymore. His sister graduated from high school and had just enrolled in Nursing School. She lived on campus, so she was not living at home either. His parents were now living alone, but both being in good health helped them. His dad had a few more years to work before he would retire. Billy decided to pay them a visit. He drove his car in the driveway and parked behind his father’s car. It seemed unusual to him to even have a car to visit his mother and dad. He knocked before entering which seemed out of place. He never knocked before. His dad came and opened the door.

“Well, it looks like we have company, Maggie.”

“Who is it, Philip?”

“Our son, Billy.”

“What does he want?” a small, but strong voice came from the back bedroom.

“I just came to check up on you all. I wanted to see if you all need anything now that you are living alone,” he said as he entered the house and sat at the kitchen table.

“No, we don’t need anything. We are doing good.” his dad said.

“Spent all your rich aunt’s money yet? You bought yourself a car with some of the money she left you! You finished your college yet?” Maggie said.

“Yes, Mother, I graduated a few years ago. I have a good job working at an insurance company. I’m doing good. I was hoping you and Dad would join me at church.”

“You still in that cult, huh? No, we won’t be going with you!” He could see that his visit wasn’t needed so he said his goodbyes and left. They haven’t changed, he thought. As he was driving down Metairie Road he passed by the cemetery. I will visit with Aunt Lizzy. Even thought she is dead and can’t answer me, it is better than listening to sarcasms from a live person.

“Hello, Aunt Lizzy. Oh, how I wish you were still here on this earth. I wonder a lot of times if you ever knew the Lord. I was just a boy and didn’t know all that went on in your life so maybe you and your friend, what was her name, Patsy, yes that’s it. Maybe you and Patsy went to church. I hope so. She died a year after you did. Maybe you both are together again. Anyhow, I hope you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I hope you asked him to forgive all your sins. I hope you were baptized. I am a born again Christian, Aunt Lizzy. I hope to see you when my earthly life ends and we can rejoice together in Heaven with God. What a wonderful day that will be.” He bowed his head and said a prayer.


Chapter Eleven

He still had a few hours before church started, so instead of wasting the time, he drove continuing driving down Metairie Road. When he drove over the Seventeen Street Canal Bridge he was now in New Orleans and also close by City Park so he decided he would try a different park. This one was as large as Audubon Park across from Tulane University. He parked his car close to the cantina. That is where a lot of people hung out getting refreshments. There was a large gazebo there where some weekends bands played and people brought their lawn chairs to relax while listening to the music. It was free entertainment. He decided not to stand in the gazebo but close by it.

He started his preaching with, “Do you know about God or do you know there is a God? Believing there is a God does not make you a child of God. If that is so, then believing there is a devil would that make you a child of the devil. It takes more than believing. It takes accepting Jehovah God as our Lord and Savior. He sent His Son to die on the Cross to save us from our sins, shed His blood to cleanse us from total damnation, was buried and was resurrected. He now sits on the right hand of God. He went thru all of this for you and me. But we need more than just believing that all of this happened. We need to confess our sins and let His Shed Blood wash away our sins. Then and only then can we receive the Holy Spirit thru baptism, submerged in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then you can pray to God and he will answer your prayers.

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