Zoolarious Animal Jokes for Kids (6 page)

Read Zoolarious Animal Jokes for Kids Online

Authors: Rob Elliott

Tags: #JNF028020, #HUM009000

BOOK: Zoolarious Animal Jokes for Kids
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Q: Where did the fish go each morning?

A: To their school.

Q: What does a racehorse like to eat for lunch?

A: Fast food.

Q: What do you give a mouse on its birthday?

A: Cheese-cake.

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Iguana who?

Iguana come in, so please open up!

Emma: If Noah got milk from the cows, eggs from the chickens, and wool from the sheep on the ark, what did he get from the ducks?

Leah: I don't know, Emma, what?

Emma: Quackers!

Q: Which animal on the ark had the highest IQ?

A: The giraffe!

Q: What do you get when you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole?

A: Hot Cross Bunnies.

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Owl who?

I'm tired of knocking, so owl see you later.

Q: What do cobras put on their bathroom floor?

A: Rep-tiles.

Q: What's a cow's favorite painting?

A: The Moo-na Lisa.

Q: What is a bee's favorite toy?

A: A fris-bee!

Q: What is a dolphin's favorite game show?

A: Whale of Fortune.

Q: What does a goat use when it's camping?

A: A sheeping bag.

Q: What kind of dog is good at chemistry?

A: A Lab-rador retriever.

Q: What is a lightning bug's favorite game?

A: Hide and glow seek.

Q: Why did the cat go to the beauty salon?

A: It needed a pet-icure.

Q: How did the leopard lose its spots?

A: It took a bath and came out spotless.

Q: What did the firefly say before the big race?

A: “Ready, set, glow!”

Q: What did the firefly have for lunch?

A: A light meal.

Q: What did the wolf say when it met its new neighbors?

A: “Howl are you doing?”

Q: Why don't goats mind their own business?

A: Because they're always butting in.

Q: What did the mother possum say to her son?

A: “Quit hanging around all day and do something!”

Q: Why did the cat vanish into thin air?

A: Because it drank evaporated milk.

Q: Where do cows go to dance?

A: The meatball.

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Seal who?

My lips are sealed until you open the door!

Q: What lives in a hole, has horns, and runs really fast?

A: An ant-elope.

Q: What kind of tree has the most bark?

A: The dogwood tree.

Q: Why didn't the bug feel like doing anything?

A: Because it was a slug.

Q: What's a bird's favorite movie?

A: Batman and Robin.

Q: What happened to the worm when it didn't clean its room?

A: It was grounded.

Q: Why did the cat have trouble using its computer?

A: Because it kept eating the mouse.

Q: Why did the mosquito wake up in the middle of the night?

A: It was having a bite-mare.

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Goat who?

You're getting my goat—just let me in!

Q: What is a wolf's favorite treat?

A: Pigs in a blanket.

Q: What is a wolf's favorite book?

A: Little Howl on the Prairie.

Q: What did the bird wear to the ball?

A: A duck-sedo (tuxedo).

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

A: To eat the chickens on the other side.

Q: When can an elephant sit under an umbrella and not get wet?

A: When it's not raining.

Q: What is the sleepiest dinosaur?

A: The Bronto-snore-ous.

Q: What do you get when a rhinoceros goes running through your garden?

A: Squash.

Q: Why did the dog quit playing football?

A: The game got too ruff (rough).

Q: What do you get when you cross a pig and a cow?

A: A ham-burger.

Q: What do you do if a cow won't give milk?

A: You mooove on to the udder one.

Q: Why did the horse wake up in the middle of the night?

A: It was having a night-mare.

Q: What do you get when a pig does karate?

A: Pork chops!

Q: Where do cats shop for their toys?

A: From a toy cat-alog.

Q: How are A's just like flowers?

A: Bees follow them.

Q: Where do fish like to sleep?

A: On their water beds.

Q: What kind of birds like to stick together?

A: Vel-crows.

Q: What do you get when you cross a salmon and an elephant?

A: Swim trunks.

Q: What is a frog's favorite snack?

A: French flies.

Q: What is big, gray, and wears glass slippers?

A: Cinderelephant.

Q: Why do fish make good lawyers?

A. Because they like de-bait.

Q: What do you get when a barn full of cows won't give milk?

A: Udder chaos.

Q: What do you call it when one cow is spying on another cow?

A: A steak out.

Tim: My dog keeps chasing people on a bike!

Tom: Why don't you put him on a leash?

Tim: No, I think I'll just take his bike away.

Q: What's a cow's favorite game?

A: Moo-sical chairs.

Q: What kind of keys never unlock anything?

A: Monkeys, turkeys, and donkeys.

Jill: How do elephants smell?

Jane: Not very good!

Q: What has two heads, four eyes, six legs, and a tail?

A: A cowboy on a horse.

Q: Where do bears keep their clothes?

A: In a claw-set (closet).

Q: What kind of bugs wear sneakers?

A: Shoo flies (shoe flies).

Q: What game do leopards always lose?

A: Hide and seek—they always get spotted.

Q: Why are snails shy at parties?

A: They don't want to come out of their shell.

Q: Why did the bull owe so much money?

A: Because it always charged.

Q: What is a chicken's favorite game?

A: Duck, duck, goose.

Q: Did you hear about the dog that didn't have any teeth?

A: Its bark was worse than its bite.

Q: What do dogs have that no other animals have?

A: Puppies.

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Fur who?

I'm waiting fur you to open the door!

Q: What has a horn but does not honk?

A: A rhinoceros.

Q: Why do dragons sleep all day?

A: Because they like to hunt knights.

Q: What kind of bone is hard for a dog to eat?

A: A trombone.

Q: How did the gorilla fix its bike?

A: With a monkey wrench.

Q: What is a woodpecker's favorite kind of joke?

A: A knock-knock joke.

Q: What do you call a story about a giraffe?

A: A tall tale.

Q: What did the vet give to the sick parakeet?

A: A special tweetment.

Anna: Can a seagull eat fifty fish in an hour?

Leah: No, but a peli-can!

Q: What kind of bee is good for your health?

A: Vitamin B.

Q: What do you get when you put a pig in a blender?

A: Bacon bits.

Q: Why do elephants have trunks?

A: Because they would look silly with suitcases.

Q: What kind of dogs can tell time?

A: Watchdogs.

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