Zoey (I Dare You Book 2) (2 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Labelle

BOOK: Zoey (I Dare You Book 2)
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Chapter One


“I can’t believe you’re both leaving me.” Zoey Appleby pouted as her two best friends bombarded her with the news they were moving. Good for them, but bad for her.

It had all started two months earlier when her closest friend Heidi had come up with the ridiculous notion to think outside of the box where their love lives were concerned.

A couple of months in, and the only one who’d actually completed said dare was Heidi herself. Now she and Nathan were crazy in love and about to move away to be closer to his new job. It was only Long Island, but still. “I’m happy for you both, I really am. It’s just…”

“Come on, Zoey. It’s only ninety miles away. It’s not like it’s across the country or anything, and I promise I’ll still make sure we see each other for our weekly outings as much as possible. Besides, it’s Meagan we should be lecturing here.” Heidi huffed. “Maryland, seriously?”

“Only for the next six months, guys, and it’s a good opportunity for me.” Meagan said. She’d graduated NYU two years before with a bachelor’s in teaching and had been working as an assistant to a Mr. David Foster at PJ high in the special ed department in the meantime. Mr. Foster also happened to be Meagan’s Mr. Dare. The one she’d been lusting after and had made the pact about. She’d been offered an opportunity to attend Coppin State to work towards her master’s in Special Education and had decided to pursue the opportunity. Hence leaving Zoey and Heidi.

“It is, but it still sucks you’ll be so far away.” Zoey’s sigh turned into a smirk as she continued to speak. “It also doesn’t hurt that Mr. Hot Stuff is being transferred to the very same city you’ll be attending school.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Meagan replied, and the other two snickered.

“So there’s still time. Do you think you’ll have the courage follow through?” Heidi asked. Both she and Zoey knew Meagan was limited in her experiences with men; they just weren’t totally sure
innocent she was, per se.

“You both have a one-track mind,” Meagan teased. “But I’ll definitely keep you posted.”

“Hey, I still haven’t fulfilled my end of the deal either, so you’re not alone,” Zoey remarked. “But I’m working on it.”

“Oh, really? Do tell!” Meagan said, obviously trying to take the topic of conversation off of herself and onto something else. “We want to hear all about it.”

“Yes, spill. What’s the plan?” Heidi giggled. “Nathan, stop.” There was a bit of static coming from her end, and it sounded as if she covered the phone for a second then said, “Sorry about that. Please continue.”

Meagan groaned, and although they couldn’t see it, Zoey smiled. “Well, I’ve got an in now, and I’m going to check out Lyrics and Lust.” L and L was a very exclusive swingers’ club right in the heart of New York City, and she was looking forward to the experience.

Meagan gasped, and Zoey couldn’t help but chuckle at Heidi’s, “No way! How?”

“Do you remember Rob and Ila from Zimmers? I ran into them the other day walking out of said place, and well, we got to talking…”

Zimmers was a restaurant Rob and Ila co-owned that the three girls used to frequent often until it was sold, and it just wasn’t the same afterwards.

“So you just happened to be walking by a swingers’ club the other day and…?” Heidi trailed off.

“I was curious,” Zoey explained. “I went to a late dinner with Shayla and Carla last Tuesday night. We worked late so we figured we could unwind, and L and L was close by. So after leaving, I decided ‘what the hell?’ and I walked by to see if I could get a quick glimpse, but the place is locked down like Fort Knox unless you’ve got a membership.” She sighed. “Anyway, I guess I got lucky, because just as I was approaching, Ila walked out hand in hand with Rob and some other dude. We got to talking, exchanged information, and badda-boom, badda-bing, I have an extended invitation to join them as a guest whenever I’d like.”

Heidi and Meagan squealed at the same time. “Oh my God, girl, that’s it! It’s your ticket to fantasyland,” Heidi exclaimed. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Way to go, Zo!” Meagan cheered. “You’ll have to fill us in on the details once this happens. I’ll only be a phone call away.”

“And now suddenly my good mood has turned somber. Promise you’ll keep in touch often, and I’ll lay off on the guilt trips,” Zoey said half-jokingly.

“Cross my heart,” Meagan said.

“And you know I will,” Heidi agreed. “The commute between Port Jervis and Long Island City isn’t very long between me and you, Zo, and Meagan wouldn’t let us down.”

“I know, I know,” Zoey said.

“Listen, I gotta go for now, but before I do, why don’t you come out with us tonight, Zoey? Nathan, Rafe, and I, we can have a few drinks.”

“Yeah, sounds good. I really need to finish packing anyway. Have fun, Heidi, and Zo, you should go. I’ll be in touch, babe. Ciao!”

By the time Zoey agreed and had said her own good-bye in return, they’d both already hung up. Times were certainly changing, and she hoped it was for the better. In the meantime, she had plans of her own to make.


“What’s your name again, sweetheart?”

Rafe was out with Nathan, Heidi, and her friend at Drink Nights
this time, and both he and Nathan couldn’t get the image of Heidi with another woman out of their minds. She’d painted the delicious picture of a foursome the very first time the three of them had become an item, and damn, he wanted it bad.

They’d been there a couple of hours now, and the stacked blonde sitting beside Heidi’s empty seat totally had his attention. Nathan smiled at him and shook his head as if in disbelief that Rafe had already forgotten it.

“It’s Zoey, remember?” She snickered. Heidi was still at the bar grabbing another round, and Nathan left them alone right then to join her.

“Mmm, beautiful name for such a delectable woman. I have a proposition for you.”
What’s the worst that could happen?
he thought, and felt confident enough in himself to successfully turn this fantasy into a reality. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time a woman had turned him down.
Either way, when I leave here tonight, I’m going to get some. Heidi and Nathan are a guarantee.

“Really?” She gave him a look from the tip of his toes to the top of his head and then smiled as she looked back into his eyes. “And that would be?”

Rafe put on the charm and raised her hand to his lips for a kiss. He smiled when he noticed her biting her bottom lip.
Oh yeah, baby. I know you want me.
“I’m not one to beat around the bush, so I’m just going to come out and say it. Heidi, Nathan, and I are looking for a woman to join us. Interested?”  

“Heidi know what you’re up to here?” Zoey turned to look in the direction of her friend, and her expression changed from shock to interest. Her eyes became hooded, and the corner of her mouth quirked up in a slight smile.

“Who do you think suggested it?” he challenged.

She blushed, and right then Heidi approached, and it gave her a minute to compose herself.

“Suggested what?” Heidi asked as Nathan pulled her chair out like a gentleman.

Zoey’s eyes were on Rafe when she answered. “Apparently, Rafe here would like me to fulfill that dare we were talking about earlier and has suggested that you might have brought it up.”

Heidi’s confusion turned into comprehension when Zoey finally looked at her, and she clapped her hands enthusiastically. “Well, we talked about it, but we never discussed with whom. Oh my God, Zo, it would be perfect. Dare complete for you and fun times for all of us.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Oh yeah, baby, of course she is,” Rafe said. When Zoey looked at her friend again, she was nodding her consent. “I wouldn’t have said so otherwise. Shall we have a few more drinks first? Or maybe you’d like to leave here and consider making some great memories for later on?” He leaned towards her to whisper in her ear. “Have you ever had two guys at once, baby? Or another woman to play with? How about all of the above? Think about it.”

He pulled back in time to gauge her expression as she absorbed what he’d just said. He could pinpoint the moment it clicked.

Oh, fuck yeah!

“Sounds pretty intriguing. Nathan, you’ve been pretty quiet.”

He shrugged. “I’m in if Heidi approves, and apparently she does. The thought of you with us is hot as hell. You in?”

“In.” Zoey nodded and chugged half of her drink. “Let’s go before I chicken out.”

Rafe chuckled and watched the sway of her curvaceous ass as she retreated before he followed his two—soon to be three—lovers as they headed to the door. All was right in the world. He had the two people he loved beside him, and some fun times in the next hour or two to look forward to. Life was good.


“Holy shit, would you look at that?” Nathan moaned and couldn’t contain himself anymore. His cock was so hard it felt like it was about to bust through his zipper. He tried adjusting himself, but it was no use. If he couldn’t spring his chubby soon, he’d have a permanent imprint of the metal enclosure on the head of his dick forever, or at least that was how it felt. It was a bittersweet pain but so totally worth the outcome.
Heidi, my sweet, beautiful Goddess…

“It’s fucking hot is what it is. I’ve never been so horny in my life.” Rafe growled, and Nathan couldn’t contain himself any longer. He reached down and unzipped his jeans to free his cock.

Heidi and Zoey were already completely naked and on the bed in front of them. Their hands groped, tweaked, and fondled each other, and their mouths were joined in a passionate kiss. It made a good show for Rafe and Nathan as they watched. This had been a fantasy of Heidi’s for quite some time, and Nathan and Rafe both knew she loved the power she had over them when they were turned on—she’d told them about it.

When they’d gotten back to the apartment, she had slowly undressed Zoey before getting naked herself, and it hadn’t taken Zoey very long to go along with it.

“Fuck, we have the most amazing woman in the world,”
Nathan blurted out, and decided it was time to ease their ache a little.

“Yeah, and thanks for sharing her with me,” Rafe said, and they both smiled at each other.

Nathan turned to close the distance between the two men. His hand slowly made its way down to Rafe’s pants and began to stroke him the moment his erection sprang free.

“Keep it up and I’m going to come.”

“Good,” Nathan said, but it came out a little strained as Rafe reached over to reciprocate. They began to pump their hips and fucked each other’s hands until Nathan grew impatient again. He placed his other hand on top of Rafe’s to stop the jack-off session and then fell to his knees in front of him.

“What are you doing? I thought we were going to watch.”

“We are, but I’m about to come all over my jeans if I keep watching right now. So I propose we take the edge off a little. What do you say? You watch them while I suck you, and once you come, you do the same to me and give me mine. If you’re as excited as I am right now, it shouldn’t take very long. Plus, it’ll give us a better chance to enjoy the women once they’re finished playing with each other.”

“Yeah, we won’t come so damn fast the next time.” Rafe thrust his hips forward so the tip of his cock brushed against Nathan’s lips, and he had his answer. “Suck my cock, Nathan, because you’re not coming until I do it first. Earn it, baby.”

Nathan chuckled.

Rafe’s fingers tangled in his lover’s hair, and Nathan groaned as he got down to business. Pre-cum dripped from the head of Rafe’s cock, and he decided to taste that first with a smooth lick to the tip. His tongue swirled around the head of Rafe’s fat penis a few times before Nathan finally wrapped his lips around it and took him fully. His head bobbed back and forth in motion with his hand as it stroked at the base. Rafe began to thrust his hips at a leisurely pace. “Fuck, I love the way your mouth feels.”

Nathan looked up to see the rise and fall of Rafe’s chest. His eyes were on the ladies in front of them, and his thrusts became deeper, fucking Nathan’s mouth. He could feel the tip of Rafe’s cock at the back of his throat, and Nathan knew he was close to officially tasting him fully.

He moaned, and Rafe gasped, finally looking at him. His hands tightened in Nathan’s hair. “Do that again. It feels good when you moan. I can feel the vibrations straight up my cock.”

Nathan pulled back with a pop, smiled, and began to lick him again. “You like that, huh?” He moaned as his tongue worked its way down the underside of Rafe’s shaft, from the base to the tip. “Come for me, Rafe. I’m aching over here.” His hands grasped Rafe’s hips as he placed his mouth back on him, deep-throating. He sucked harder, licked, and moaned for him again like requested, but instead of stroking him this time, he coaxed the other man’s hips to go faster.

“Yes,” Rafe hissed. “Here it comes, baby.” His cock jerked, and spurts of warm, salty cum hit the back of Nathan’s throat. His hips continued to pump until he was sucked clean, and he collapsed against the wall behind him to catch his breath.

“My turn.” Nathan stood with a spring in his step. “Now on your knees and worship me.”

“Now that’s the Nathan we know and love,” Rafe teased, and dropped in front of him. “But we all love your take-charge attitude. You’re a man who knows what he likes and how he likes it. Direct me anytime you like.” He sent him another smile and then winked.

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