Yours to Savor (13 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Edwards

Tags: #Contemporary Adult Romance

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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Cassie made a motion across her chest. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“And you’ll stop bugging me about it after?”

“You’ll never hear a peep out of me about the mystery man again.” Cassie’s eyes betrayed her words. “Unless things move forward with you, of course. What’s his name?”


“Brandon. Hmm. A good name, if a bit clunky.”

like it,” Sandra defended. “Not that it matters. Things aren’t going forward with us. Like I said, he hasn’t been in touch with me since that night.”

“Maybe he’s been busy. A man like that obviously has other things going on in his life.”

Sandra shook her head. “It’s been six days and I haven’t heard a word from him. Even if he was interested at first, I probably screwed it up, somehow.”

“Well, did he tell you why he’s in town? Or how long he’s here for?”

“No, he didn’t mention it.”

“What does he do? Where does he work?”

“He said he’s a businessman.”

“Figures. Where’s he from?”

“Um. I don’t know.”

“Well, darling, if you had an
with him, what is it exactly you did? Did you enjoy yourself, at least?”

“Actually,” Sandra said, forcing herself to think back to that night for the first time since Saturday morning. “Actually, I had a great time. A really great time. He took me on his yacht, and we sailed out to this spot just past the curve of the land. There’s a beautiful island there, completely uninhabited, totally pristine, and filled with huge evergreens. There were cliffs on the beach, and you could hear the waves crashing against them. And there were all these gulls, circling overhead, crying out.”

Cassie sighed. “Have I ever told you I love the sea? That’s why I live here. But I’ve never seen anything like that. It sounds romantic.”

“It was. And… in truth, he put a lot of effort into it. He timed the trip perfectly so that we would get there just as the sun was setting.”

“He didn’t!”

“Yes, he did. It was beautiful. Serene. I remember feeling so at peace with the world…” Sandra shivered. She also remembered
. His smell, his presence, the taste of his intoxicating lips on hers… the feel of his hard, tight body… that alluring, penetrating gaze… “It was magical.”

?” Cassie sung the word.

“And, we talked.
talked, I should say. He made me feel really comfortable, somehow. I felt like he was interested in me.”

“Of course he would be. Look at you!”

Sandra glanced at her pale reflection in the window, considering. “I don’t know why you keep saying that. But I don’t mean just physically, anyway. He seemed interested in who I am—as a person.”

Cassie sighed again. “Do you know how
it is to find a guy like that on a first date? One whose biggest interest isn’t how he’s going to get into your pants by the end of the night?”

Sandra narrowed her eyes. “How do you know? I thought you and Robbie were exclusive since high school?”

“Oh, there may have been a few other guys sprinkled here or there before we got hitched,” Cassie admitted slyly. “But that all stopped the minute we said our vows. He knows I love him. And he loves me. Still, though…”

“What was he like at first?”

“One of those guys who just wanted to get into my pants!” Cassie laughed, and Sandra couldn’t help but join in.

“Anyway,” Cassie pressed, “you talked, while you were all alone on this big yacht at twilight. Then what?”

“Well, he had a bottle of champagne. Not just any champagne, either. He brought Krug Clos d'Ambonnay.”

Cassie made a funny face. “What’s that?”

“It’s just a really expensive vintage. The only reason I know is because my dad used to collect bottles. Oh, I didn’t even tell you about the Rolex!”

“He had a Rolex? That’s a little gaudy.”

“I know,” Sandra agreed. “I felt the same way. It’s pompous. And that’s what he was like when I first met him, but on the boat… he was a man transformed. Anyway, so we had the drinks, and I said thank you, and then I looked into his eyes…”

Cassie nodded, hanging onto the edge of every word.

“…and I saw this
explode within him. He swept down and kissed me on the spot.”

“Kiss, like, a full kiss?”

“Everything. For a moment I thought I’d awakened something within him.”

“And? How was it?”

“Amazing. The best I’ve ever had.”

“No! You’re exaggerating.”

“I’m not.”

“Better than… what’s his name?”

“The guy you keep bugging me about from two years back? I told you, nothing happened with him.”

“No, no. Not him. Your ex.”

.” Cassie knew an abbreviated version of the story that Sandra had told Brandon about her past. Basically, she knew that Sandra had moved to Ocean Shores after dumping her fiancé in Dallas. She didn’t know any of the details, however, and Sandra let Cassie assume she was originally from Dallas. “There was no comparison. That’s like comparing my beat up Mazda to a Lamborghini.”

“When’re you going to get that car fixed up, anyway? It’s been sitting in that parking lot for months. I told you Robbie can fix it.”

“When I get the cash.” Robbie was Cassie’s husband. “I don’t need it now, anyway.”

“Oh, well—” Cassie stopped short with a startled look at the clock. “Jesus! Where has the time gone? I’ve got to get started putting this place together, Sandra. You’re welcome to stick around and chat. Maybe we can figure out some way for you to reel Brandon back in. You want me to make you your drink?”

“Yeah, thanks. Isn’t Josh usually the one who gets things running here in the mornings?”

“Yes, but he’s been busy. He asked for a few morning shifts off this week.”

?” Sandra blinked in surprise. “He needs that money for his mother.”

“I know. I was surprised.”

“He hasn’t taken time off since I’ve known him.”

“Kind of like you.”

Sandra gave her a level look.

“I don’t know, maybe he’s prepping for exams or something,” Cassie continued. “He’s graduating this year, you know.”

“I know.”

“Here—” Cassie handed Sandra her coffee. “On the house. No charge. As a way of saying thanks for finally sitting down and talking.” Cassie smiled.

“You know, I have to admit, it actually felt pretty
to talk to someone about it.”

“Of course it felt good!” Cassie looked scandalized. “That’s what women
. I swear, I don’t know why you have to be so secretive about your life.”

“Sometimes it’s better to have some privacy.”

“Not in a town this size! And I’ve been trying to get you to come out with us girls for our dinner-and-a-movie nights forever.”

“Work keeps me busy.”

“Work, work, work. You’re a receptionist for crying out loud! And Doctor Baker’s a sweetheart. He’d let you take a day off without a blink. Hell, he’d give you a week if you just ask.”

“I need the money. Student loans, remember?”

“Oh, that’s right. The bank’s still after you, is it?” She sighed. “That’s why I never went to one of those expensive schools.”

“That might have been the better bet,” Sandra muttered, and genuinely meant it.
“Actually, you know what…” she began, testing the waters. Maybe she
stand to let Cassie into her life a little more. Sandra didn’t know how much longer she’d stay in Ocean Shores, and didn’t want to hurt the woman when she left, but still… “Maybe I’ll come out to one of those movie nights this week.”

Cassie blinked, stopped, the surprise clear on her face. And then she radiated the most gratifying smile Sandra had ever seen. “I’d love that.”

Sandra returned the smile, said her goodbyes, and headed to the office. It was only a few blocks away.

When she got there, she was in for her second surprise of the day.

Standing beside the door, under the mail slot, was the largest bouquet of flowers she’d ever seen. There were literally dozens of different types: roses, lilies, carnations, irises, tulips, and half a dozen more she couldn’t name, much less recognize. Sandra picked it up and brought her face close, pulling in the sweet, gentle aroma with a deep breath. Then she noticed a small envelope, hidden amongst the stems, with her name handwritten on one side.

She opened it and pulled out the card.


I’ve been out of town but haven’t forgotten about you.
Didn’t know what flowers you liked best. Hope you find something in here that pleases you.
I should have asked.


A chuckle from the side of the street surprised her. She looked over, and saw Doctor Baker standing there, regarding her with a teasing smile. “Star-crossed lovers?” he mused.

“Hardly,” Sandra snorted, folding up the card.

“Well, in my opinion, a man who sends that many flowers to a woman has fallen pretty hard for her.”

“You know we only went on that one date.”

“Did you?” Doctor Baker winked. “I’m not so sure anymore.”

Sandra rolled her eyes and unlocked the door, letting both of them in. Then she went back out and picked up the bouquet of flowers. Who did Brandon think he was, casually dropping in and out of her life like that? She wasn’t some doll to be taken out and played with when he got bored! Despite that, she took extra care bringing the flowers inside and setting them on the counter for everyone to see.

The fresh flowers filled the office with scents of spring throughout the day. A number of patients—especially the older ladies—made glowing remarks about them.

The final surprise of the day came at noon, when Sandra was getting up to lock the front door for lunch.

A man walked in, dressed in a skinny black tuxedo, of all things. He was bald, maybe Doctor Baker’s age, and had an air of a butler about him.

“Can I help you?” Sandra asked.

“I’m looking for Miss Hawthorne,” he announced.

Sandra cleared her throat, not understanding. “That’s me,” she said, uncertainly. She could feel Doctor Baker’s eyes on her. He had rolled out of his office on his chair to see what was going on.

“Ah. Excellent.” He handed her a sealed envelope. “This is for you.”

“What is it?”

“I was told they were instructions, Miss.”

“Instructions?” Sandra slipped her finger under the flap and broke the seal. Inside the envelope was a card much like the one that had arrived with the bouquet.


Meet me at the Space Needle tonight.
Reservations are at eight.
Before then, allow my assistant to take you shopping.


Sandra frowned. Did Brandon really expect her to forget everything at the drop of a hat and come running whenever he summoned? That was ridiculous! And…
? Was she some sort of vagabond in need of charity?

She handed the envelope back to the man before her. “You can tell your
that I won’t be going.”

She heard a chuckle from the hallway, and Doctor Baker walked up behind her. “What did the card say, Sandra?”

wants me to meet him at the Space Needle.”

“Oh? That sounds nice.”

“Nice? It’s ridiculous! That’s in Seattle—at least a two-hour drive away! Besides, I have work, and you have appointments, and I have all these insurance papers to deal with, and…” she trailed off, glaring at Doctor Baker. His eyes all but
with mirth as she spoke! “You knew about this, didn’t you?”

“Somebody may have called to make me aware of your upcoming absence.”

“And you didn’t tell me?

“Sandra, relax. It’ll be good for you. You haven’t had a day off since I hired you.”

“I need the money, and—”

“It’s paid. You’re overdue for a vacation. You have the rest of the week off.”

“But… what are you going to do?”

“I managed in here just fine before you came along.” He smiled. “I’m not completely helpless.”

“Well, I’m not helpless, either. And I’m not about to be whisked away to some faraway city at the whims of a

Doctor Baker didn’t even acknowledge what she said. He just laughed, his great belly shaking. He addressed the man in the tuxedo, “She can be headstrong, this one. She’ll go.”

Sandra looked at the doctor incredulously. Had he not heard a single word she said? Maybe he could pretend to ignore her, but she knew he couldn’t argue with logistics.

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