Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] (16 page)

BOOK: Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]
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Sean flushed. “A little. But in a good way.”

“Well, there you go. My back hurts more, and I was just about to demand a massage,” she said cheerfully.

Sean smiled down at her. “I’ll make sure that gets worked into the scene, babe. Now, breakfast is served. We’re late, but you were tired so we let you sleep. The fun starts right after the food settles.”

Jillian’s pussy clenched and moistened.
Oh boy.

Sean and Peter took turns feeding her. It felt a little strange but really caring and sweet. Jillian was starved, though, and wanted to build up her strength and wondered how she could make them offer more food and do it more frequently. The slow process served to build her arousal, however, and by the look of the straining fabric over their crotches, Peter and Sean were feeling it, too. Finally, Jillian took a last sip of juice and held a hand up to signal she was full. She looked at them both expectantly.

Peter gave her a look that sent her pulse pounding. “Go to the bedroom. There are some things on the bed and a note explaining what you are to do. When you are ready, come back here.”

Jillian nearly skipped down the hall and into the bedroom. The bed was made with the red satin sheet, and the black velvet restraints trailed down from either end. She checked to see that the strap was there, too. Another rope hung from the ceiling hook. Jillian had seen the hook the first night she was there and thought it was a weird place to hang a lamp or a plant. The D rings were attached to the floor, and she shivered, her labia clenching and her moisture flowing. The wardrobe was locked, and she felt a frisson of erotic fear at what they were keeping from her. She absently touched her nipples then turned her attention to the bed.

Snatching up the note, she scowled at the first instruction. Not fucking likely. Then she took a deep breath and trudged into the bathroom to pick up the box containing the anal douche. Okay, then. She supposed it would make things better for all of them. Not something she was thrilled about, but she did it. Jeez.

The white garter belt and sheer, white hose seemed contradictory, but she hastily donned them. The lacey, white bustier or corset was more of a challenge. It was laced tightly, and even though it had a zipper at the front, concealed behind a panel of lace, Jillian had to fight hard to get it zipped up. She felt light-headed afterward and sat on the bed until the world quit spinning. She debated loosening the laces but thought either Peter or Sean had fit it to her size and was secretly thrilled that they thought she was so small.

Jillian stood before the mirror. Her breasts were plumped and full above the top of the bustier, her nipples a hair away from showing. Her waist looked impossibly thin, and her hips and bottom flared out seductively. The garter belt framed her pussy, and moisture sparkled there. Wow, she looked hot and virginal at the same time.

There was a pink lip gloss and dark mascara. Jillian carefully applied them both, and she was hard put to recognize the innocent that stared back at her. The short, narrow, white leather belt studded with tiny diamond-like gems would only fit her upper arms, or,
holy shit,
around her neck. She would look like Peter had the day before. Slowly, she fastened it and admired the effect. Finally, she took up the long, black cape and settled it around her shoulders, pulling up the hood to conceal her hair and features. Showtime.

Jillian advanced into the living room, where Sean and Peter had rearranged the furniture and placed a large, fluffy, black area rug in the middle of the room. She figured she looked like an angel from hell in the flowing, black cape. She stopped just short of them and stared. Both wore armbands that looked like gauntlets. Their chests were bare and glistening with oil. It was the leather pants that took Jillian’s breath. They fit Sean and Peter like second skin and looked as oiled as their chests.
Holy crap
. Peter held a riding crop,
riding crop. Sean had a flogger wrapped around his waist. She glimpsed a silver tray on the table just beyond Peter and saw a selection of toys and a tube of lube.

“So”—Sean’s deep voice cut into her speculation—“you deliver yourself to us of your own free will.”

Jillian managed not to giggle. “I guess so,” she managed to reply.

Peter stepped forward and drew back her hood, looking deeply into her eyes. Jillian caught her breath at what she saw there and would have stepped back, except he had taken hold of the cape and was unfastening the clasp at her neck. He pushed it off her shoulders, and it pooled around her feet. Sean and Peter stared at her, and she swore she heard leather creak as their cocks swelled.

“This day will be long and demand much of you,” Peter said stiffly, as though from a script, but more probably because he was so aroused.

“You will do everything we say without question, and immediately,” Sean added in a more polished manner, “or your village and your kin will perish. Do you understand?”

Jillian tried hard to get into the swing of things but could hardly think straight for the lust fogging her brain. The bulge in their leather pants, their flexing muscles and clenching hands just did it for her. Still, she tried.

“I understand,” she offered. “But must I be silent?”

Peter ad-libbed, “No, we want to hear everything. If you keep silent, you will be punished. But you may not refuse us. We demand everything.”

“Okay, then.”

* * * *

Peter choked back a laugh. So much for Jillian staying in character. “Stand in the middle of the rug and turn around slowly,” he commanded.

Jillian obeyed, standing straight and proud. She looked totally hot in her outfit.

“You are so proud now, wench,” Sean fairly snarled. “You will be begging and pleading with no thought to your pride when we are finished with you. You will be our slave forever.”

Jillian soaked her thighs at his statement, a fact not lost on Peter, whose gaze was on her pussy. He fought against touching her. He and Sean had worked hard on this scene the whole time they were out shopping for it and not spending time with Jilly.
Fuck lunch. And maybe dinner.
This would take hours.
Finding those low-heat, wax candles really appealed to him. Sean assured him he knew how to use wax to bring Jillian right up there and he trusted his buddy. Not to mention the new toy he bought. Jilly would be making its acquaintance shortly.

“Spread your legs, shoulder-width apart,” Peter ordered and nearly groaned when Jillian instantly complied. He stepped forward and slid his hand between her legs, holding it up for Sean to see how wet it was.

Wider,” he growled and returned his hand to cup her roughly and squeeze, sending her up on tiptoe. Sean grabbed her shoulders to help her keep her balance and ground his crotch against her backside. Peter felt her get even hotter and wetter and slid two fingers up inside her to press against her G-spot. He watched her mouth open to pant and her eyes close and increased the pressure until he felt her begin to clench. Then he pulled out and slapped upward, his palm squelching against her soaking pussy.

“Hey!” she exclaimed.

Sean pulled her tighter and against him and yanked her head back, his hands now fisting in her hair. “You take what we give you, when we give it to you, wench.”

Jillian pouted but subsided, and Sean released her to walk around and slide his hands across the tops of her breasts. Jillian shuddered, and he pulled them free to sit on the top of the corset, the nipples hard and pointing. Sean bent his head to take them into his mouth, one at a time, sucking and nipping the ends until she whimpered and moaned, swaying with the sensation.

“I am going to decorate you here,” he told her and held out his hand to Peter, who dropped a pair of nipple clamps into his outstretched palm. “Do not move.”

* * * *

Jillian watched, feeling mesmerized, as Sean rolled then stretched each tender bud and clamped it with a gold circlet. She breathed through the pinch of pain and felt it pulse to her pussy.

Sean and Peter then each took a nipple into their mouths, and she managed to stay upright, held by their touch, and resisted the impulse to hold their heads close to her. Peter’s blond, tousled hair begged for her to run her hands through it, and she really wanted to stroke Sean’s bare skin.
What the hell
Why not?
Her hands came up, and she pulled them against her. Instantly they withdrew and gave her similar looks.

Sean dragged her to the couch and bent her over the arm, kicking her ankles apart, gently, but with authority. He spoke above her.

“You are not to touch unless told to do so. You are to stand, sit, kneel, or lie flat and allow any touch we bestow on you. For your forward behavior, you will be punished.”

Her clamped nipples pushed against the leather of the couch, and it felt pretty amazing. The slap on her buttocks shocked her for a moment, and then the warmth spread and she pushed back for more. Sean obliged her, and then Peter knelt before her, pulling her head up by her hair, the sting of her scalp turning her on further. She opened at the tap of his cock on her lips and sucked him inside.

“No, innocent,” Peter bit out, “I will instruct you as to how I wish you to proceed.”

Jillian giggled against him, and his cock jerked. Sean slapped her ass hard, and she composed herself, nodding her head. Peter gave her explicit instructions, accompanied by earthy praise as she licked, sucked, and gently used her teeth on him. She willingly swallowed when he pushed hard against the back of her throat and ordered her to do so. She felt a moment’s panic when Peter stilled and held firm there, not able to get a breath, but she trusted him and sure enough he pulled back to give her chance to fill her lungs before thrusting hard twice more, his ejaculate scalding the inside of her mouth and throat. She swallowed frantically in order not to spill a drop. Her bottom was hot, and Sean had commenced rubbing it with something cool, dipping his fingers down to press against her anus as he did so. This was getting good.

“We are going to make your other entrances ready for us, virgin slave,” Sean announced. “Kneel on the rug.”

Jillian knelt as gracefully as possible and allowed Peter to push her head down to rest on her forehead, her arms extending alongside, her hands folding directly in front of her. She heard a click and thought someone had taken a digital picture.
Maybe she should start a home porn business, damn them.

Someone squeezed lube up her back entrance, and Jillian gasped at the sensation of the round objects being pushed into and past her anal muscle. She lost count at four, breathing through the slight bite of pain, sucking air into lungs being powered by the beating of her heart. They really felt different than a plug. Whatever they were, they jiggled a little or something and heated up some nerve endings in there. A tug right at her opening had the objects pressing harder inside, and she moaned in response. Someone patted her ass and chuckled. Sean.

“Come up on your knees, wench,” Sean commanded, now in front of her.

Jillian pushed up and sat back on her haunches, her eyes widening at the feeling of the objects reseating themselves in her ass. A blindfold was slipped over her head and tied off, but not before she saw Sean unsnap the front of his leathers and pull out his cock. She felt her hands being tied behind her and worried about her balance before she calmed and waited.

* * * *

Sean couldn’t believe the picture Jillian had made, her beautiful pale form in such contrast to the plush pile of the black rug, the white lingerie nearly invisible against her skin. Her Titian hair flowed around her bowed head. He had to take a picture with his cell phone so that he could look at it whenever she wasn’t around to look at or to touch. It felt sneaky, but he couldn’t resist being able to see her like this whenever he wanted. He knelt right in front of her, and Peter gathered her hair behind her head as Sean pulled her to lean forward, her balance sustained only by Peter’s grip on her hair. Sean poured oil onto his hands and massaged Jillian’s breasts until they glistened and slipped against his fingers. He lowered her until he could press her breasts around his cock, the position awkward but forcing Jillian to give up any control over falling and simply trust them. Between them, they slid her up and down the length of his cock, Sean holding her breasts together as Peter raised and lowered her head. It felt like magic to Sean, seeing her head bob up and down in a parody of fellatio, the soft mounds of her breasts caressing him from root to tip. The nipple clamps had to be making this harder for her, but she didn’t complain. He had to let her go before he blew, pushing up to his feet as Peter pulled her head upright, so that her mouth was level with his cock.

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