Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] (15 page)

BOOK: Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]
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!” The resounding dual response rocked her back against the cushions.

Peter nuzzled her breasts, his tongue sneaking out to lave one nipple. “We like you just the way you are.”

Sean warned, “Don’t make me convince you, Jillian.”

Jillian looked at them, feeling pretty anxious, then shrugged. “Okay. Just wondering.”

“I smell something pretty good, honey,” Peter said. “Did you make dinner?”

“I did,” she replied. “It’s nothing much, but I think it will be okay with a salad. I don’t like making salads, though, so that’s up to one of you.”

Peter rubbed her shoulder and said, “I’ll make a salad, Jilly. I had planned to order in, but this will be much better.”

Sean just sat and looked at her. It made her squirm a little.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

Peter chortled, and Sean slowly smiled.

“I am thinking about tomorrow and what we bought, babe. It’s going to be fun. In the meantime, though, maybe we can take the edge off and practice for tomorrow. Peter, go get the lube, man.”

Jillian found herself squirming a little more. “Practice?”

“Uh-huh,” Sean replied, as he picked up the remote and reversed to the beginning of the movie as Peter returned, lube in hand, his face taut with arousal.

“Stand up, honey, and face us.”

Jillian did as he asked and was surprised when Sean pulled her robe up and covered her, tying off the belt. The blonde began to beg for more time in the background, and Sean shook his head, reaching out and tearing the robe right down the front where it hung in strips over the belt. Peter yanked at the tie, and Jillian stood naked in front of them.

Sean picked her up and took the few strides to the dining room table and laid her down gently. Jillian could hear the blonde shrieking, and then Sean was spreading her legs.

“Pause it, Peter,” he said. The movie went silent.

Peter handed Sean the lube and produced a hand towel that he slipped under her buttocks. The table wasn’t very comfortable, but Jillian’s arousal began to make her forget the hard surface. Sean filled her vagina with lube until it ran down to drip on the towel. He bent her knees up to place her feet flat on the wood, pulling her so that she was nearly at the table edge. Peter stared at her pussy over his shoulder, and Jillian shivered at his look.

“Relax, babe,” Sean murmured. “Really concentrate and relax your cunt muscles.”

Jillian stiffened for a moment at the C-word, then focused on relaxing her whole body. She felt a number of slippery fingertips at her opening, pressing gently but with determination. The invasion felt huge, even compared to Sean’s cock, and that was wide and thick, just like Peter’s. Peter moved to stroke and pinch her nipples but kept watching Sean’s progress between her legs. Jillian realized Sean was emulating the porn scene and panicked a little.

“Shhh, babe,” Sean said quietly, looking up to give her an intense smile. “I won’t hurt you, and you’ll like this. Just be patient.”

Jillian closed her eyes and put her mind somewhere else until the stretching feeling at her apex increased.

“He’s nearly up to his wrist, honey,” Peter breathed. “Can you hang on?”

Jillian couldn’t reply. She couldn’t breathe deeply, but managed a jerky nod. She felt a finger curl on the rough spot high in her vagina, and a flood of her own natural lubricant flowed down over Sean’s fist. She actually felt it ease his way. The full, stretched feeling was even more intense than the double penetration from the night before. Her anus still burned some from that. What was her vagina going to feel like? She thought she would be okay with finding out.

Sean didn’t move for a moment then pushed higher until she felt him at her cervix. He seemed to twist his whole hand, and Jillian bucked, screaming. It felt totally out there, something she couldn’t begin to describe.

“Are you okay, babe?” Sean asked, sounding worried.

Jillian writhed, her head shunting from side to side, feeling her eyes begin to roll back.

“It feels, it feels…I can’t,” she choked out.

Peter grabbed her breasts with both hands and squeezed hard. Jillian took a breath at the steadying little pain and managed to tell Sean he wasn’t hurting her.

* * * *

His big hand had disappeared up Jilly’s cunt past his wrist. It was amazing. He carefully forced his fingers open from the wedge they had been in to penetrate her and marveled at how she could stretch and at how hot and wet she was.

Sean then began to twist a little and retreat, then push back in. Peter turned the movie back on, and Jillian’s cries contrasted with the actress’s.

“I want her to suck you off, Peter, but I don’t know if I can flip her over and push back inside without hurting her,” he advised his friend.

Peter grabbed a big pillow from the couch and shoved his boxers down. He clambered up on the table, straddling Jillian’s chest. He lifted her up by the shoulders and stuffed the pillow under her head. When her mouth opened on another cry, he slid his aching erection inside. She choked, then breathed through her nose and sucked him hard. Sean avoided the sight of his best friend’s ass not two feet from his face and turned his gaze to Jillian’s stretched folds, the bright red of her labia contrasting with his tanned, hairy arm. The movie wailed on in the background, but they were in the process of their own drama.

Sean fist fucked Jillian, gently at first, then with more authority as his friend thrust into her mouth. He timed his movements to mirror the thrusting of Peter’s thrusts. Jillian arched, and Sean saw Peter tighten his thighs around her rib cage, lest he be thrown off. Jillian probably could have climaxed from the stretching sensation alone, but when he put a little more pressure on her G-spot, he felt her shatter around his hand. Peter pulled out and came all over Jillian’s breasts, spattering his thighs in the process, as well as her neck and chin. Sean saw her tongue slip out to lap at a tiny drop caught on the corner of her mouth, and Peter leaned in to share the taste with her. This was his every darkest fantasy.

Sean carefully pulled his hand out of Jillian and licked and drank the wetness that covered it. It tasted like her, overwhelming an inkling of the lube. His fingers felt cramped from being in such tight quarters, as well as that final spasm she had gone into. He and Peter were both going to fit up that sweet cunt tomorrow. They would have to decide who would take the front and who would take the back. Either position would be fine with him. Sean mopped between his woman’s thighs with the towel. It was saturated with the lube and her efforts. He pressed a kiss on her opening and then released her legs to allow them to slide closed and downward over the edge of the table, rubbing the muscles with care.

He handed Peter the towel and motioned him toward the bathroom. Jillian lay boneless and sprawled on the table, and when Peter returned, he handed Sean a warm cloth, using a second one to clean his come from her body. Sean separated her legs enough to cleanse the residual moisture.

“One of you is going to have to wipe the table,” Jillian croaked out. “I’m not eating that casserole off this surface until you scrub it.”

Sean laughed and pulled her onto his lap. “Do you want a shower, babe, or do you want to eat first?”

“I’m really thirsty, and you’d better feed me,” Jillian answered. “Then I need a nap. My wazoo had better heal up before tomorrow, or you are both out of luck.”

“Did I hurt you?” Sean asked anxiously as Peter hurried to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

“There was no blood or anything, babe,” he assured her. “Jillian, did I hurt you?”

“I felt you in my throat, Sean,” she answered, “and in my hip bones, too. You aren’t doing that again. As much as I liked the orgasm, I feel pretty stretched.”

Sean kissed the top of her head and hugged her closer. “You’ll be back to normal in a couple of hours, if not sooner, honest.”

“And you would know that how?” she asked.

Sean hesitated.

“Sean? Do you do that to women a lot?” Jillian insisted.

Sean finally answered, “I looked it up on the Internet because I’ve seen it in porn, but I never wanted to try it until we came back from shopping and I saw you so interested in that movie. I tried to be careful and not hurt you, babe.”

Jillian sighed and patted his arm. “You didn’t hurt me, Sean. It was pretty amazing, but it’s not my fondest wish, okay?”

Sean relaxed and kissed her again. “Okay. Although it was something that—ouch!” She had pinched him!

“I said, not again,” Jillian said with finality, pushing up off of his lap and getting in his face. “Give it up.”

“Okay, okay!” Sean hurriedly agreed.

“And, Sean,” she added, once again going nose to nose, “use the C-word again and I will make your life interesting.”

Sean and Peter watched her stomp toward the bathroom, admiring her heart-shaped ass swaying below the shimmering length of her hair. They both sighed and then laughed as they heard the longing in the other.

“You make the salad. I’ll scrub the table,” Sean decreed.

* * * *

The casserole was devoured. The men sat in their boxers and Jillian wore yet another towel. Peter noticed that Sean didn’t challenge her on it. He was probably still a little concerned about her comments about being uncomfortably stretched. He also thought that Sean would really like to try it again some time, but wouldn’t dare unless she asked. They were still going to fuck her cunt, no, make that her pussy, together, and that would stretch her, but by the time they got to that stage Jillian would be begging for it. Tonight they would just hang out and build up strength. Jillian was going to need hers.

Peter offered to clean up, and Sean suggested a movie, not porn this time. Jillian decided to read instead and curled up all by herself in a wing chair, becoming immersed in one of Peter’s mysteries. Peter knew she was asking for a little space. Sean helped him with the cleanup and suggested they get lunch organized for the next day and maybe decide on what to order for dinner. Peter, being the planner, hid his amusement at Sean’s foresight, realizing that his friend didn’t want to have to do any mundane tasks the following day. His dick got hard just thinking about the games to come then softened as he remembered he hadn’t seen his planner since it was in Jillian’s wet hand, suspended over a tub full of water. If she had wrecked it on purpose, then one of the games tomorrow would be adapted to include an ass whupping, and maybe a pussy whupping, too.

Chapter Thirteen

Jillian slept in the following day. She wasn’t woken by any shenanigans in the night or when her guys woke. She stretched luxuriously under the soft sheet and contemplated life for a moment before heading to the bathroom to use the facilities and shower. She dried off and lathered herself with the remnants of some lotion she found in the back of Peter’s medicine cabinet, and popped a mild painkiller while she was at it. Her back ached, probably from the table games, and her pussy was a little bit tender, too, although her bottom was back to normal. She carefully spread her labia and touched her opening tentatively just as the door opened and Sean poked his head in to announce breakfast. His eyes widened and his face paled when he saw her touching herself in front of the mirror. He pushed inside and fell to his knees in front of her, opening her to his gaze and gently probing between her legs.

He looked up and her and pleaded, “Jillian, are you okay?”

Jillian rapped the top of his head with her knuckles. “Get up from there, Sean. Now.”

He pushed to his feet and towered over her, taking her face between his hands.

“Jillian, did I hurt you?” he asked again.

“I’m a little tender, Sean. What did you expect? It’s been a fuckathon! Isn’t your dick a little sore?”

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